
Quantum Computing Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"If quantum search algorithms exist and are efficiently implementable on a large-scale quantum computer, it could potentially render many current encryption schemes vulnerable."
"Despite this, quantum entanglement is still amazing and incredibly useful, forming the foundation behind quantum cryptography and quantum computing."
"Training these models is incredibly intensive...Quantum plus AI takes everything we're talking about and thousand X's it."
"A quantum computer can pursue all possible computations at the same time simultaneously."
"Quantum computers are more different from your high-end laptop, then that laptop is from the ancient Abacus."
"Quantum Computing has the ability to render all encryption obsolete the moment it comes online."
"If quantum computers live up to their promise of revolutionizing cryptography, then they will also revolutionize quantum gravity."
"Quantum parallelism gives quantum computers their power."
"The three frontiers of information technology for the future—quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain—especially the possible symbiosis among these three major trends."
"Quantum computers, if they work, will definitely bring something new to the table but so far, Turing's simple model, which he dreamed up at age 22, kind of as a by-product to answer a totally different question, is still the most widespread model of computation to date."
"Quantum computing is a little bit like cryptocurrency or deep learning, where there is a core of something that is genuinely revolutionary and exciting, and because of that core, it attracts a vast penumbra of... utterly ridiculous claims."
"Designing quantum software is exciting; it merges two great revolutions, namely that of quantum and of computer science."
"You're made of classical bits... but you're made out of a quantum computer."
"Quantum computing is cool, but you know what would be extra awesome - a quantum internet."
"Quantum Computing, I think that's going to be the next big race in the next 10 years."
"Quantum computers are different; you can't take a program that runs on a quantum computer and translate it to run on a regular computer."
"If you encode this gigantic database in about 60 quantum bits, you couldn't store all the information in this database and then process it to reveal information."
"Privacy is when you combine relatively small quantum computers with techniques borrowed from quantum cryptography."
"The most beautiful outcome of this program of building quantum computers would be a spectacular failure for a good reason, a fundamental reason that there is something that we discover about the nature."
"We don't have a full understanding of all the different types of entanglement, but if you had one of these hoped-for big full-scale quantum computers, they might be able to handle it."
"Quantum gates modify a qubit's probability magnitude and its phase component, not any direct values."
"The quantum information age is around the corner."
"As David Deutsch says, if a quantum computer can, in principle, simulate any process in physics, then all of physics can be expressed in terms of the theory of quantum computation."
"Unlocking an ability to augment human intellect with quantum mechanical computers seemed to me like a fundamental capability for civilization."
"Quantum computers with just a few dozen entangled quantum bits have been shown to do calculations in seconds that would take conventional supercomputer centuries."
"Quantum supremacy means we have a real problem running on a real quantum computer which in real-time, runs faster than the same problem on a classical computer."
"We're gonna learn a very important operation, very fundamental to reversible computing and quantum computing, called CNOT or conditional not."
"I always hate to say Quantum Computing is overhyped because it genuinely is groundbreaking technology with revolutionary uses, but at the same time it’s a topic cluttered with bad and superficial explanations."
"Quantum computers can explore multiple options at once, unlike classical computers."
"Quantum computing: reaching quantum supremacy would be a huge game-changer."
"Once the ultimate quantum computer is born, No One Is Safe."
"Quantum computing is going to be used to accelerate the kinds of things that are really hard for classical machines."
"This is such an exciting time in the history of quantum computing."
"Quantum Supremacy is a very huge milestone for Quantum Computing."
"If you want to learn more about quantum computing... Qiskit is the best resource."
"Quantum computers approach solving problems in a fundamentally new way."
"Quantum computing could solve the most pressing issue of our time: climate change."
"Quantum computers are complex, weird and mighty systems that might give us a better shot at mitigating the effects of climate change."
"Physicist Michio Kaku recently revealed during an interview that the world isn't prepared for what might happen if Ai and Quantum Computing are integrated."
"Quantum computers will change everything: the economy, how we solve problems, the way we interact with the universe. You name it, quantum computers will be there."
"Quantum computers aren't just tools, they're cosmic enablers, opening New Horizons in space exploration, security, and technological advancement."
"So even some amazing quantum computer that can hack any code, which gets rather exaggerated, can’t get someone into something if it also requires a possession like a thumb drive with a long encryption key on it that has to be plugged in."
"New hope... quantum computer science brings new approaches to solving old problems."
"With just 300 qubits, you could code for more information than atoms in the universe."
"They claim that they have quantum supremacy."
"The magic of the quantum computer... with cubits."
"The problem with quantum hard drives is they can't contain data for more than about 15 seconds."
"Quantum computing will break encryption as we know it today."
"Quantum computers are wild. They're on track to change what we can build and how we understand the world."
"They're kept at temperatures colder than space... but if you think you really understand how they work... you're probably wrong."
"Quantum computers calculate things very differently than classical computers do and that makes them good at different things."
"If quantum computing was a spear, then modern encryption, the same unbreakable system that's protected us for decades, it would be like a shield made of tissue paper."
"Quantum computers, they use a totally different type of programming... they do that at such a fast speed that they're able to solve things far far faster than anything else can."
"If the computers are larger than us and can outsmart our very every move that we do that's what scares me and that's what scares people about these quantum computers."
"Human beings are building concepts like artificial intelligence and quantum computing that are way smarter, way more proficient."
"Quantum supremacy implies the functionality actually proving that in one specific circumstance, yes, the quantum computer is superior to the traditional computer."
"Quantum computer: twice the speed of the classical computer."
"A quantum computer could be a thousand times faster than a conventional computer."
"Quantum computers could answer computational questions conventional computers cannot."
"Quantum technologies are a fundamental area which will change the world, it is a disruptor of disruptors."
"Google's quantum computer called sycamore in late 2019 achieved what is known as quantum supremacy... in 200 seconds a task that the world's fastest supercomputer would need 10,000 years to complete."
"Quantum computers: revolutionizing everything."
"Quantum computers: revolutionizing space exploration."
"Quantum computers: implications for the military."
"Encryption faces a threat from quantum computers."
"The potential threat of quantum computers to the internet."
"Microsoft's approach to quantum computing saw a key milestone this year with the general availability of Azure Quantum."
"Blockchain security algorithms need to be resistant to potential threats from quantum computing."
"Quantum Computing can address some of these limitations quantum computers use qubits that can represent multiple States simultaneously enabling parallel processing and surpassing traditional computers capability."
"Quantum computers exponential speed could expedite machine learning model training and improve natural language processing."
"The integration of quantum Computing into AI could bring transformative implications."
"Quantum computers offer Superior processing speed efficiency and accurate information verification."
"Quantum computers could also revolutionize the field of quantum chemistry enabling the accurate modeling of chemical reactions and the discovery of new catalysts for sustainable chemistry."
"Quantum computers have the potential to solve complex optimization problems, factor large numbers efficiently, simulate Quantum systems, and perform Advanced machine learning tasks."
"Quantum computing: several orders of magnitude in computing power."
"New AMD patent proposes teleportation to make quantum computing more efficient."
"IBM's resurgence in research: Quantum computing and patents."
"IBM's bet on the future: Quantum computing and AI."
"Humans as you point out are Universal quantum computers."
"Science has reached the point now where we can build machines that exploit those other worlds and quantum computers are perhaps the most exciting of all of these."
"So, some experts told Decrypt that it's already too late for Bitcoin. Quantum computers developed in secrecy by governments could corrupt the blockchain in just a few years' time."
"David Schwartz, over the course of the last couple of years, just keeps popping up around this whole discussion of quantum computing."
"What are Bitcoin's biggest threats and risks? Number one: quantum computing."
"Our Consciousness is more like a quantum computer... it's multi-dimensional."
"Quantum Computing suggests that we can achieve something that nature hasn't done."
"Quantum error correction in quantum computing can benefit from the ability to predict and prevent quantum jumps."
"In quantum computing, you're going to a superposition of all these states... then using interference to eventually arrive at the solution."
"Quantum is still extremely far away to crack this you need about 10 million physical qubits to break Bitcoin."
"The quantum revolution that's about to happen is going to totally remake almost all computing prediction systems."
"Computing technology is going to improve, and if quantum computing comes along, it'll be incorporated into the defense of the network."
"Quantum computers have the power to revolutionize the AI landscape."
"They have shown impressive performance in many areas where classical computers struggle."
"Quantum computers could totally revolutionize how we discover and design new materials."
"Blockchain is the new economy... web 3 Revolution... crazy stuff with Quantum Computing."
"Quantum computing is supposed to be the next big thing in power and in speed."
"2018 is for quantum computing like 1968 was for our current classical computers."
"Quantum supremacy is the point at which quantum computers will become more powerful than classical computers, this milestone is set at 50 qubits."
"You can access it every new Cubit that you hear gets added is a morees law doubling of the capability of that Quant computer."
"It's hard to imagine applications for something that doesn't exist... The main role of near-term quantum computers is to give us a playground."
"The density of information contained in a set of N quantum bits is 2 to the power n versus n in a classical computing."
"We've broken the a hundred-qubit barrier, which puts us into uncharted territory."
"Quantum computers may be able to help right and if you have the right system around then the hope is also to predict materials which can solve those fundamental questions."
"Post-quantum cryptography is the development of cryptographic approaches resistant to attacks from tomorrow's quantum computers."
"Quantum computers rely on entanglement and it's not that hard and enormous fun to teach people the basics of quantum information and quantum computing."
"We're not just in an AI arms race, we're also in a Quantum Computing arms race."
"Coding a quantum computer starts off very similar to coding a classical computer."
"Usually, entanglement is generated inside the function 'f' so we won't explicitly see it, but you can get entangled states."
"A classical computer just goes through a sequence of states—one sequence of states. It's kind of like somebody singing plain songs. But a quantum computer is like a symphony. There are many, many different waves going on at once."
"Quantum computing especially in the 90s was a field that was just full of low-hanging fruit and you know and I think really fundamental questions."
"Quantum computers enlarge what is computable in polynomial time."
"P is contained in BQP, meaning everything a classical computer can do, so can a quantum computer."
"Quantum computers are not going to solve NP-complete problems exactly."
"My favorite book is 'The Fabric of Reality' by David Deutsch who is this amazing Oxford Professor who invented quantum Computing."
"Quantum Computing is also in the ascendency... Quantum Computing is likely to be something that really helps with several things like AI, blockchain, cryptography."
"Silicon is a really good material to build a quantum computer in."
"There are over 50 different quantum algorithms."
"Quantum computing is now part of contemporary culture, and the quantum chandelier is now a science fiction character."
"Quantum System Two is designed to tackle complex problems that lie far beyond the reach of today's classical supercomputers."
"So, that's why I'm going into quantum computing because I see no other way out. Like, I believe that this is the future of seeing the world, but computationally, like, we can't just do this on classical computers. There's no way we're ever going to do this well."
"This circuit with a capacitor in a Josephson junction in parallel is called a transmon qubit, and that's what a lot of people in the field of superconducting quantum computing are using these days as their qubits."
"The fact that in principle quantum error correction is possible is to me much more profound and amazing than the fact that you can do quantum computation in principle with a perfect device."
"The qubit has more computational versatility than a regular bit."
"We have to think about how we're going to change the world of encryption when quantum computing becomes much more mainstream and easier to manage."
"Quantum Computing can do both of those things at once predict different probabilities at the same time."
"There's a lot to talk about as we get into the quantum information era."
"If you're a quantum computer... you're able potentially to search these exponentially large spaces quickly."
"Quantum computers potentially allow you to search exponentially large spaces in polynomial or linear time frames."
"Quantum Computing suggests that we can go below this level of the particle universe and tap directly into the CPU of the universe, and that the CPU of the universe is running much, much faster than the particle dynamics that we are seeing and that we are made of."
"Quantum information processing operates fundamentally differently from conventional computing, utilizing qubits with superposition and entanglement."
"The fundamental unit of information in Quantum Computing is called a qubit it is made of Trapped subatomic particles and also has two possible States an electron for example can be spin up or spin down and photons of light can be polarized horizontally or vertically."
"A quantum computer tries to exploit superposition, amplitudes, and interference to solve certain problems faster."
"You can design your neural network in such a way that classically actually it will be very hard to simulate it but then on a quantum computer you could potentially simulate it very efficiently."
"Professor Deutsch is one of the pioneers of quantum computing."
"Quantum computers are becoming more and more popular and appear in the masses."
"The vision is people will experience the benefit of quantum computers, and they will be used in a cloud fashion."
"As soon as you measure a qubit then you force it to make up its mind about what it wants to be right and then you know with some probability it will collapse to zero and with some probability it will collapse to one."
"It's as if you know Nature has just provided this absolutely bizarre New Hammer you know like the one that no one asked for or imagined would be possible right and and then the job of the quantum algorithm designer is to figure out which Nails can that hammer hit."
"In some sense BQP is the much more robust and natural competitive, and it can be proven to be insensitive to those choices of like exactly which set of gates."
"So, that brings us to this Milestone of quantum Supremacy. Not everyone likes the name."
"The key realization that we had was about what would be the most straightforward demonstration that you could do that a quantum computer is doing something that is hard to simulate classically."
"It actually becomes much much easier to see the advantages of a quantum computer if you're willing to broaden your notion of what a computational problem is."
"Even that sampling problem should already be exponentially hard for a classical computer."
"The circuit model actually not only is it simpler to think about it corresponds more directly to what the experimentalists were sure which is you know use a classical computer for everything that you can use it for and use the qubits only where they're actually going to help."
"In essence, this ushers in a new era of quantum computing."
"Quantum computers today could be a tool to access observables, perform computations reliably at a scale that's beyond direct classical simulation methods."
"And this can be done with quantum computers today, in the absence of error correction already and hence the before fault tolerance."
"We had a quantum computer which did quantum phase estimation with the kind of gates that allowed us to do this function f of a n of x."
"So you supplemented ordinary computer language with just one additional quantum instruction and you're good to go."
"Some will and some important ones will and who knows as we go forward people may become better adept at using the quantum environment to speed up calculations that today we don't know how to speed up. So all hugely exciting, all definitely very exciting, ok."
"These results herald the advent of early error-corrected Quantum computation and chart a path toward large-scale logical processors."
"A Qiskit pattern forms an entire quantum program."
"Qiskit has been the de facto standard for creating, optimizing and executing quantum circuits and operators."
"Quantum computing derives its power from the fact that qubits can represent numerous possible combinations of 1 and 0 at the same time."
"So a big message of the talk is that besides the application of molecules, my lab is very interested now in this quantum computer application, quantum computer-assisted design, and I argue it's going to be more and more important in the next few years."
"Quantum Computing... that I think that's going to be the next big race in the next 10 years like whoever gets that down and is able to do Quantum Computing at scale for Enterprise and users will be a game changer."
"It might be possible with quantum computing in ten or 20 years from now?"
"There's plenty to be done taking those laws of physics and applying them to things like quantum computing, chemistry, sociology, or economics."
"Quantum Computing can set the bar high by rapidly delivering accurate data."
"We're not really trying to make smaller computers. So what are we trying to do with quantum computers? So understand that let's go back to beginnings."
"What we're really trying to do is build quantum computers that can solve a class of mathematical problems that we couldn't solve with traditional computers or that we could only solve with way big amounts of memory and would take a long long long long time."
"So here is the fundamental thing that we're trying to do with quantum computers we're not trying to build smaller computers we're trying to build computers that can solve a specific class of problems much much much faster than traditional computers."
"So one of the things that you could do with quantum computers is that you could train so-called deep learning networks much faster."
"Quantum Supremacy is the time when a quantum computer can beat an ordinary computer, supercomputer, in any task."
"Quantum computers compute in an infinite number of universes simultaneously, infinitely more powerful."
"Quantum Supremacy... is the idea that basically a quantum computer can do something... that a classical computer would take longer than the age of the universe."
"I think the right way to think about it is that with every algorithm for a quantum computer, we are trying to choreograph a pattern of interference."
"Simulating quantum chemistry on quantum computers sits at the intersection of interesting features."
"Superconducting qubits are some of the leading solid state qubits."
"It's a wonderful platform to build qubits."
"If we can get the coherence times up, this could be actually a winning implementation for a quantum computer."
"You have to be above this line to do quantum algorithms."
"The key thing is that if we want to operate a quantum computer, if we want to protect quantum information, we have to prevent any information that's being processed from leaking to the outside world."
"With entangled qubits, they could play a better quantum strategy."
"This is Shor's algorithm in a nutshell: turning a problem of factoring into a problem of period finding."
"So now that I've shown you that I can turn the factoring problem into a period-finding problem, it shouldn't be surprising that the next step is probably going to involve the quantum Fourier transform."
"This is why we need all of you to start thinking about quantum algorithms and to maybe even come up with the next big Shor's algorithm type of contribution to the field."
"There is an initiative to create new encryption standards in a world after quantum computers become a thing: Post-Quantum Cryptography."
"Quantom computing is a solution to that, energy usage or clock tick."
"Biology may have tricks to teach people working in quantum computing."
"Now there is no hiding from a quantum computer behind a proxy or VPN."
"The idea of quantum computing is in some sense that the particle universe is inefficiently implemented on the quantum universe."
"If quantum computers are able to perform things that are in a different computational class than what classical computers can do, it just means that there is a substrate universe that runs more than polynomially faster than the particle universe."
"It just means the particles are inefficiently implemented on the substrate, and quantum computers, the idea is that somehow we can bypass the particle universe to directly access the substrate."
"We believe that small practical quantum computers are going to be possible, and we're building them now."
"A quantum computer is not just about building a faster computer. It is building something that is fundamentally different than a classical computer."
"AI quantum computing begins to make new discoveries."
"Quantum Computing will do differently from regular old computing."
"Computing on atoms, and that's what the quantum computer is all about."
"They are millions of times more powerful than our most powerful digital computer on certain tasks."
"That's why they are infinitely more powerful than a traditional digital computer."
"Quantum Supremacy is the point at which a quantum computer can beat a digital computer on certain tasks."
"Europe plans to build a 100 Cubit quantum computer by 2026."
"Even though I'm pretty familiar with computers, I'm also pretty confident with programming... when it comes to quantum computing, I'm still only scratching the surface."
"What we understand as quantum computing is actually extremely different from classical computing."
"Quantum computing on the other hand is pretty much only able to solve a single problem and usually a problem that's not really that useful at least just yet."
"It's currently kind of misleading to call quantum computers 'computers'."
"This problem is known as Gaussian boson sampling and it essentially was, in a sense, invented specifically to test quantum computing."
"By solving this problem, this computer doesn't magically become the most powerful supercomputer; it only demonstrates that quantum computing of that particular problem is definitely possible."
"This is an extremely important next step in quantum computing."
"The whole of physics, the behavior of all physical systems, is just the study of the programs of a universal quantum computer."