
Deep Breathing Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Deep breathing is associated with increased levels of mindfulness and improved moods, as well as lower levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure."
"Deep breathing increases intrathecal pressure forces fluid in the discs, the discs are 70% fluid you're gonna get the curve back in the neck, I mean brilliant this is how you actually adjust."
"Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, and breathe out."
"He squeezed his eyes closed, forced himself to take a deep calming breath, and let it out slowly."
"Deep breathing exercises cause your arteries to dilate, decreases your blood pressure, slows your heart rate down."
"Feel yourself beginning to open, breathe deeply."
"Breathe deep here. We're going to stay here for ten, nine, let's go a little further, eight, seven..."
"Big deep breath in. Beautiful. You're going to benefit greatly from this stretch."
"This is breathing low or breathing deep in the true sense of the word."
"Deep breathing, check in with your breath, check in with your body, all is good."
"Every single deep breath that we take takes us deeper into the heart of Peace, deeper into the heart of life, and certainly deeper into the heart of Stillness."
"Take a deep inhale through your nose, gently exhale."
"Deep inhale through the nose, just let it go through the mouth."
"Continue to breathe deeply in and out through the nose."
"With every breath out, we're going to go deeper into the stretch."
"Feel that your body just naturally wants to give you a big deep breath now."
"Shake your hips from left to right, inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale deeply through your mouth."
"Breathing deeply all the way down the spine."
"Take a nice deep inhale and then exhale and release all that tension."
"Keep breathing deeply; with each exhale, imagine that your hip is releasing out even further."
"Whenever you are going through any emotional problems, just breathe deeply and you are free."
"Allow the waves of relaxation to wash over you as you naturally and effortlessly begin to imagine yourself relaxing deeper and deeper with each and every breath."
"Take some nice deep breaths, breathe, relax."
"Take one more breath, really enjoy it, breathe air into all those muscles that have been doing all that work."
"Take a slow breath in to fill up the lungs and let it out."
"Begin to lengthen and deepen your breath, taking a long slow inhale, and a longer slower exhale."
"So when you find yourself being stressed out, take two minutes, do some deep breathing."
"Your deep relaxed breath helps your body to relax and release tension."
"Breathe longer, breathe deeper, breathe more fully."
"Take a deep breath, deeply to your nose, and exhale deeply through your mouth."
"Invite a nice deep breath through the nose, feel the rib cage expanding, and as you softly exhale through the lips, rib cage gently releasing down."
"Starting to deepen into the breathing, so slow down the inhale, slow down the exhale."
"Deep breathing has had hundreds and hundreds of studies in terms of how beneficial it can be for our wellness and for our health."
"Next time you inhale, can you pull that inhale a little bit deeper, a little bit more expansive?"
"Take a nice deep breath in, and a slow breath out."
"Breathe deeper, relax your thoughts."
"We are breathing better, deeper, which allows our body not to age as fast."
"Continue to expand your belly as you breathe in, bringing the breath nice deep down toward your tailbone."
"The more you're able to breathe deeply, the easier it will be to find some comfort in these poses."
"Take the deepest breath you've taken all year."
"Can you take the full length of your breath to fill up your belly, up into your ribs, up into your lungs?"
"Take a full deep breath in through your nose, and then open your mouth, breathe out."
"When you take a deep breath, it lowers down and gives more space on your lungs to expand."
"Really fill not only the entire lungs but think of filling the entire body with every breath."
"Deep breathing exercises allow us to age better because it relaxes us, it really brings us down and grounds us."
"Take a deep breath in, and an audible exhale out."
"Inhale deeply, pause at the top, and then exhale completely."
"Deep breaths are like love notes to your body."
"Breathe deeply and stretch all parts of your neck."
"Take a deep breath, inhale all the way up, and exhale."
"Breathe fully, breathe deeply, keep your mind calm; when thoughts come to you, just let them go."
"Put your hands above your head, take deep breaths."
"We're still breathing full, deep, complete breaths."
"Just inhaling and exhaling deeply."
"We're going to take five deep breaths to calm the nervous system down together."
"Deep breathing is a more healthy breathing."
"Start to breathe deeper, feel your stomach rise and fall."
"Close your eyes, breathe deeply in and out."
"Breathing deep, entering into life, exchange of life bringing energies."
"Absolutely, there are other ways to get there. Deep breathing, meditation, all kinds of things when practiced regularly, consistently, can also get you to that point."