
Fame Quotes

There are 9879 quotes

"Fame, a primal allure of many men, the pursuit of which has led to a myriad of both great and despicable deeds."
"To chase this dragon almost always results in either your ascension to a select few whose names will be invoked long after your passing or, usually, your downfall into the long night of mediocrity with the rest of us."
"Humans weren't built for fame... we weren't built to be famous; we were built to reflect His glory."
"Fame doesn't change you; it just changes everybody around you."
"I'm glad I found fame later on, but still, you know, they say be careful what you wish for."
"The more you blow up, the more opinions people have about you. And that's fine."
"I don't want to be famous; I want to be known for the right reasons."
"I love to be on TV shows. I think, like, back in my day, to get famous, you had to be on TV; now you can just be on the internet."
"This heartbreak is actually going to trigger some sort of creative inspiration in you that is going to lead you to fame and recognition."
"The reason why you are going to be granted fame and a lot of material stability in this life is because you are extraordinarily gifted."
"She may be a name that we're going to watch for years to come."
"A lot of people's ideal subscriber number is between 100k and a million because when you surpass a million subscribers you become a little bit more distant, a little bit too famous, and people start seeing you as a celebrity, not really a human."
"Wealth and fame are things we understand in America, we don't really understand power."
"I think everyone should get rich and famous and do everything they've ever dreamed of so they can see it's not the answer."
"Our relationships with fame, money, things of that nature, and kind of taking a lighter approach to the kind of stuff that we deal with day to day that people wouldn't believe."
"At one point, there were more photos of me on Frankie's X Factor page than there were of Frankie."
"You don't have to die to be famous. You don't have to get hurt or get hurt because that's what a lot of people are doing now, too."
"Becomes the most famous person in the spirit sector."
"Get so famous and not change at all, please don't change bro. I love you, thanks for everything."
"There will be a rise in income, resources gained to your name and fame, and possible friends provide you benefits."
"You'll gain name, fame in acquiring a lot of wealth with your creativity, with your dynamic spirit."
"I'm worried about you, Edgar. I've seen far too many players who couldn't handle the lifestyle, the fame, the pressure."
"It's not just about making myself famous; it's about what happens when you inevitably lose it."
"This artist's rise to fame is a mix of viral marketing genius and undeniable talent."
"I guess I can just talk to people right now. I'm on stage; it's like I'm famous."
"Prior seemed like he struggled to understand his fame and fortune and perhaps he even suffered from impostor syndrome."
"Gaining fame is amazing, being famous is a mixed bag, and losing fame is terrible."
"I would rather just be mentally well. No amount of money or fame is worth your mental health."
"Neil deGrasse Tyson is perhaps the most famous spokesman for science in the world today."
"I can't even believe it till this day like right now where like people want to take a picture with me."
"The special thing about this tiger, Tiger 131, is that this is the most famous tank in the world."
"I feel like Fame stripped me from myself, and now I'm like being back to myself."
"I at least want 1 million fans to satisfy my desperate need for approval."
"Doing something extreme in pursuit of fame and fortune is nothing new. It's as old as humanity."
"I think a lot of people fantasize about being spotted by a famous casting director when they're going about their day, that their lives be transformed from average into superstardom."
"She's very famous, but she doesn't let it get to her head."
"Money doesn't bring peace, and fame doesn't bring peace."
"Take that from me, somebody who used to be [famous] until they lost it all."
"But if I leave the game, they still going to love me, man."
"For those who work hard and keep their heads together, real fame and wealth await, with cash prizes going into the millions."
"I wish to acquire that beautiful, benign, gentle, satisfying thing: Fame. I want it; oh, I want it."
"Jon Jones is one of those fighters who fell victim to their own invulnerability."
"People think that I'm not a human and that none of those things being famous, having money mean anything, and that the only thing that matters is like friends, human connection, how you feel, your mental health."
"Check on your strong friends. You'll look at [someone famous] and say he's on the biggest show, super famous, but then when we saw him in that vulnerable state, it's like, damn, like we got to care about our people a little bit more."
"Well, we're pretty much a day into this now and, uh, so far we've gained no fame, but I'm pretty optimistic."
"Finding fame and money doesn't bring happiness at all."
"There's a lot of famous people who are just famous just to be famous, and that's kind of unfulfilling in my opinion because it doesn't really mean you're going to be remembered."
"What's been one of the toughest things about getting more popular?"
"The entrepreneurs and the investors are going to be the new superstars, they're going to be the new rock stars."
"Your goal is to develop and evolve your culture through the ages and leave an unforgettable mark on the world with your fame."
"It's a lot of bad people in the world, and some of them happen to be your favorite artists."
"John Nash is a famous American mathematician who became famous for his work around game theory."
"I'm not addicted to fame. I'm just trying to inspire."
"It's got to be crazy to blow up from nothing and end up with 28 million followers."
"Fame can be an addiction more than money, more than material possessions."
"Houdini was one of America's first celebrities, rising from abject poverty to extreme wealth and from obscurity to international fame."
"You never stop feeling like you might lose it, you never stop feeling like you're going to be forgotten."
"Taylor Swift of course one of the most famous people in the world."
"I finally got the fame and fortune that I pray for, who would have thought I would emerged from all that gun smoke."
"Perhaps our lack of empathy comes from the circumstance that we generally cannot relate to their obstacles such as the drawbacks of fame or issues concerning millions of dollars."
"If your intentions are to gain fame, then I would say to renew your intentions because fame is something a lot of people want but believe me, it's something that you really don't want to."
"Whenever you have fans, you're also going to have haters. It's just the way it is."
"Pimps are shamed, pimps are put in prison, but in our society, pimps receive millions and are applauded."
"Success is achievement, not the illusion of fame."
"Being in front of so many people that love you and that you're connecting with through music and then just going back to have absolutely no one, there's not a single thing that could explain how empty and lonely that feels."
"Maintaining their privacy while reaping the benefits of fame."
"Corpse himself has said he will never live up to the expectations his fans have set for him."
"Fanfics kind of exist in their own little bubble online unless they somehow breach that bubble and gain fame for whatever reason."
"Jim Carrey has this great quote, 'I wish everyone could experience being rich and famous, to realize that's not where peace of mind and a joyful heart and true wealth really is.'"
"YouTubers are just regular people catapulted into fame and fortune by their fans who appreciate their personalities."
"You have to be patient because if you're loved today, take your time; someone's gonna hate you in about a couple of months. And if they hate you today, be patient, trust me, there's love around the corner."
"Fame and fortune can be as fleeting as they are rewarding."
"You just people immediately tell you how amazing you are and that's so poisonous to someone's mind."
"But there's so many people who are just willing to kiss our asses for doing nothing."
"For a superstar to be that chill and accessible, it almost never happens."
"McDonald's started earning its fame, and more and more people were hearing about this exciting business opportunity."
"I don't think fame is something that he necessarily enjoys or was going after."
"A pioneer of commercial fiction and magazines, he was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity and to make a large fortune from writing."
"I'd rather be dead and infamous than alive and anonymous."
"The experience of being a bit well-known doesn't really matter because the things we search for happiness in, like fame and money, don't provide it."
"I'm tired of people saying I'm a victim of my fame. I hate that."
"Art is attention. 'In the future, we’ll all be famous for 15 minutes,' Warhol said that."
"Houdini is perhaps the most famous illusionist and stunt performer in history, with his name being basically synonymous with magic."
"People accept it now... it's fame at all costs."
"My heart breaks that everybody now is famous."
"I wanted the glory, I wanted the fame, I wanted the pretty girls to come up and say, 'Hi, I see that you're good at Centipede.'"
"The idea that this guy is even here, thriving now, is one of the most famous athletes in the world, is unfathomable."
"Instagram made it a hundred times worse; you could see everyday people suddenly becoming rich and famous."
"People who get a taste of fame or get a little bit of attention start craving it. It's almost like a drug."
"This is actually probably one of the most famous places we've ever been to."
"I'm happier with less, I'm happier without all the fame."
"I wasn't going for it to become famous; I just did it because I was truly passionate about it."
"Hillary Clinton has been the most famous woman in the world for a long time now."
"I don't let fans dictate where I can and can't go or what I can and can't do. I was this guy way before I was a famous guy."
"He might be the most famous person in the entire world. Can't even wave."
"Being rude to fans and paparazzi will decrease your fame, so play nice."
"He's one of the defining artists of his generation, with 24 Grammys and more than 160 million records sold."
"Don't ever confuse being great with being famous."
"Most people said other people want to be famous. They said what do you value? Family."
"I hope everybody can get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of so they will know that it's not the answer."
"Boston is by all accounts a pretty small city but is much more famous and influential than its size should allow, basically being America's brain."
"You ain't got to leave your hometown to be famous."
"No one ever became famous being just like someone else."
"Well, can I start by saying because I knew who she was because she's more famous than me. I knew who she was before she knew who I was."
"In the glitzy world of Hollywood, the path of fame is sometimes marked with ambiguity, mystery, and intrigue."
"It's all too easy to imagine that celebrities live a life of constant fame and money."
"Traveling gave me insight... but even with fame, some things you can't get away from."
"And I think the great problem of growing up at the moment, particularly for young people, is that you're told that if you're not rich and famous, your life is not really worthwhile. And that is such pernicious crap."
"If you play the quarterback position in Dallas, you're a hero forever."
"When I was chasing the numbers, chasing the fame, I did some shit that literally sold my dignity for views and money."
"Behind the veneer of fame, Tom has masterfully crafted a distinctly private personal life, carving out a space of solitude away from the relentless glare of Hollywood spotlight."
"It's different when you're famous and broke. That's a weird feeling."
"Michael Jordan returned from injury and literally became the most famous person in the world."
"Men line up for women, but women line up for famous guys."
"What you’re looking at is arguably, the most famous photograph in history."
"Maybe 95%, I know it's subjective measurement of Nash's fame is due to game theory and his work on the so-called Nash equilibria."
"I'm not seeking sympathy from it. I'm just sort of remarking, Bill, that when I hear my life described, it sounds so cool, and indeed was everything I aspired to as a young man."
"Wagner's silence and the speculation surrounding Wood's death is a complex tapestry of grief, mystery, and the burdens of fame."
"The real drug here is fame, and when Ben got a taste of fame with an addict mentality, that's really where stuff started to go downhill."
"The key is to hide behind the cross; that's how to be famous. Don't stand in front of the cross; you didn't die on it."
"The story of Amanda Bynes examines the true reality of young fame and stardom, which is a nightmare that I don't wish upon anyone."
"It's much easier to make friends before you're famous."
"It shows how unintentional the fame she's receiving was because at the heart of her videos lies passion and creativity."
"Is the contemporary form of celebrity making us all fame-crazed monsters, or is the democratization of fame actually empowering?"
"Celebrities are materials to be branded and sold. Fame is a manufactured product, manufactured in and by a mass media for public consumption."
"Celebrities like Selena Gomez have sounded off on what it's really like to be famous and how no one should seek it."
"It's amazing how lonely you can feel because of this, being famous can actually be really isolating."
"For one, I'm not famous. For two, I don't want to be famous."
"The era of young players' mixtapes has brought us to a point where kids as young as 10 can reach worldwide fame."
"When you're on top of the world, you're everybody's friend, you're in the limelight, everyone loves you... But then when you lose, mate, nobody wants to know you."
"It's hard to get stuck at the age at which you got really famous."
"The sinister twist of the story is that Venus got her fame by playing a doll when in reality behind the scenes she was an actual doll to her mother."
"The people called me a witch; I was famous not only for my abilities but also for my age."
"The Internet is a place where anyone can become famous. Let's try to keep it that way."
"I'm okay with never getting more famous if I could just keep it at hate being 10% of my life."
"Thanks to his hard work, El City was able to achieve world fame."
"The biggest drug in the world is not cocaine, heroin, or Molly; it's success, it's fame."
"If my son or daughter wants to be famous, I'd be heartbroken."
"Respect is the new fame. No one wants to be famous anymore, they just want to have respect."
"Veronica Lake: a reluctant star who drank deep from the cup of Fame."
"Win and I will use all of a dark power to make you absolutely famous."
"You can't make it here in New York, you're too high-profile a figure."
"Events, thanks to her trademarked name and being an heiress to the Jenner Scott assets, this kid already has a net worth of over 720 million dollars. Daddy's girl."
"Arcenio Hall swiftly gained Fame for revolutionizing late night television."
"I honestly just want to stay level-headed and just keep getting bigger."
"You don't need that money, especially when you're famous."
"DMA was using their newfound fame to score a contract with one of the biggest game companies in the world."
"You got popularity and fame which equals leverage."
"Ninja was the biggest like ninja even now is the most famous gamer by a mile like if you don't consider like pewdiepie or mr beast you just look at the numbers."
"Converting struggle into success, prosperity rising, giving you name, fame, and establishment. No doubt about it."
"She left the biggest audience she ever had to say 'nah,' one season, one legal bag, maybe one and a half."
"He's going to exit that octagon either a star and a legend or as a meme."
"I'm going to blow up, get big famous or die trying."
"Pain and suffering is every day and we are both still a trained killer except I'm not the one that's on the cover of a magazine. I'm not the killer that little girls call their hero."
"Lifestyles of the Rich and the famous always come and go but true Legends stick around for the Long Haul."
"It feels like you either have to achieve celebrity status or if you're not a celebrity you have to have a high number of subscribers while retaining a good subscriber to views ratio."
"The world's gonna regret giving me this much attention, man."
"The most famous track on here is the eponymous 'Heroes,' and for good reason."
"A businessman and producer, a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and a Commander of the Order of the British Empire, a singer, and, of course, an actor - all this is a small part of the titles and professions of our today's hero."
"Kris' newfound fortune truly showcases the power of TikTok."
"A new legend born right before your eyes: your champion, Zee dog."
"Do the you want to do because if you get famous off things you don't like doing, you're going to have to do that for the rest of your life."
"He was regarded as the most famous American in the world."
"I hope everyone becomes rich and famous... so they can realize that's not the answer to life."
"You know, haters are just fans who don't know it yet."
"Money should make you adapt, fame should make you adapt to your environment and to want to sustain it."
"Everybody just sounding like they running after the want to be famous or whatever ain't nobody dealing with the craft for what this [ __ ] is about."
"That guy clearly just has no soul right like it's just like there's nothing there's nothing there in him you know he's just he's he's a vessel for just like for for fame and money and and nothing will ever fill that hole inside of him."
"Fame at such a young age can completely destroy a human being."
"I worry about me when I'm not in the spotlight anymore because I think I might be more needy than I thought."
"Make me something really unique. I'll make it famous and then we'll auction it for charity."
"You know what they need to put in the grifter Hall of Fame? Hotep Jesus, number one, right there."
"Homer signs on to be her manager/agent, making her famous overnight."
"You're going to be famous dude, legend. Hey, you're making me love Stanford, you and Mimi, yeah, you guys are dope."
"Patience is a virtue, right? Let's go for that extra fame."
"If you come into success and fame without a grounded, centered self, you will be controlled by the outside instead of the inside."
"It's way easier to get famous on TikTok than it is on anything else."
"Kanye West is famous, dangerously famous, you know, John Lennon level of famous." - Commentator
"It is the most famous and most sought-after cryptid."
"Once you get a little bit of taste of that real class A fame and all the attention that comes with it, you thirst for it more."
"Does overnight fame transform your life for the better or for the worse?"
"Crawford got bounc that's the dude who dunked on LeBron and he got wiped off the internet okay you can't play"
"The more money you make, the more profile that you have, that should be the more responsibility. And the number one way you show that you accept that responsibility for me is loyalty."
"If you don't have an issue, I'm not here to give you your 15 minutes of fame."
"There's a lot of people who get into it wanting to be famous, which I think is the worst reason to start doing political commentary."
"I got to thank the stars that made a bunch of geeky rocket scientists rock stars."
"The Hectics has become quite famous in Panchgani."
"But fame was starting to burden the musician more and more."
"I don't care how much fame or status you have, there's nothing wrong with working an honest job."
"Success is all those things but you can lose yourself in the limelight and the riches and you become very alone."
"I want to be the most famous fat girl in South Carolina."
"You're excited about the money, excited about the fame, yeah, you're excited about the subscribers."
"A lot of us were maybe the bullied kids in school, maybe the less popular kids, and then later in life we get this Fame and this money and this attention, and a lot of them are just kind of swinging their power around and it's just really weird."
"We're gonna become the most famous YouTubers ever."
"People got clicks and that was really it people started to realize that if you want to be famous if you want to get traffic you want to make money you gotta hate Bud Light."
"Not everyone gets to choose whether or not they become a public figure or, if you like, famous, even in the decidedly fleeting and immaterial sense that is internet fame or e-celebrity."
"Purple Rain sent Prince from respected musician to stratospheric superstar."
"Just imagine being catapulted into stardom at 14 years old and becoming what many consider to be the modern-day Beatles."
"They hit like beatles level you know kind of fame suddenly from the first and second season there was a you know there was a we'd have to have security there to keep the fans away while we're shooting."
"Fame and you get the fortune, your life becomes rather empty, and then you have to start blaming other people for why your life is empty."