
Health Optimization Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"If you want to optimize for your health, you have to optimize your mindset. If you want to optimize for your mindset, you have to take care of your health."
"Life is really about optimizing chances, and various plant-dominant diets and various behaviors can do it."
"In functional medicine, we're looking at optimal, not average."
"We believe in health optimization. We believe in doing things that are going to improve your immune system, things like sleep, rest, sunshine, living a healthy lifestyle, but also taking advantage of medical technology when it's available."
"Lifestyle things right first. That includes not overtraining, overtraining can be frequency and or duration of workouts... getting sleep right, etc., nutrition being sufficiently nourished is important."
"Improving your sleep and optimizing your vitamin D levels help reduce oxidative stress."
"If they actually were able to test themselves...and look at what's called their methylation, how their body refines raw materials, and they were able to replace the deficiency that is holding their body back...then they would begin to thrive in a way that they just never thought possible."
"Start eating more whole plant foods and start moving towards a whole food, plant-based diet."
"Whole foods not only contain intact fibers and a higher water content than processed foods, but they are also less calorie dense."
"We now have the science and technology and medicine to upgrade your biological software and reverse chronic disease."
"Breakfast myth debunked: rethinking meal frequency for better health."
"The body's intelligence: balancing feast and famine for optimal wellness."
"The foundation of brain optimization is Health optimization."
"It's not just about avoiding disease, it's about optimization."
"Optimizing your sleep can literally help you gain pounds of muscle."
"If what you'd like to focus on is optimizing your own good health then sugars and grains and vegetable seed oils play no meaningful part in that whatsoever."
"It's important to maximize fat utilization and minimize protein utilization during water only fasting."
"Optimizing your hormonal makeup can lead to increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, and much more energy."
"If you look at longevity and things like that, we need again this first principles thinking to both make us healthy and live longer and be happier."
"One way to boost your NAD is through exercise, fasting, sauna, or taking NMN."
"Please, please, please, please, you are always healing. Your body always wants to heal."
"If you want to understand how to cut down on Ultra processed foods and support your brain with the best foods for your health then you may want to try Zoe's personalized nutrition program."
"It's not about weight loss, it's about optimizing your health and life quality."
"it's very important always turn it over and look always always always it's very important if you were in this for health optimization it does matter"
"Your body was designed to do this if you feed it the proper Foods."
"Keto is not a weight loss diet, it's a weight optimization way of eating."
"Obstructive sleep apnea: a very low hanging fruit for those that want to optimize their health."
"Ketogenic diets are actually the best diet for most people to kick-start body fat loss."
"It's difficult to be healthier than the foods that we are supposed to be eating right, which is natural foods."
"This is a lifestyle that is designed to help me live as long as possible, maximize my cognition, lower my inflammation, and make sure that I can enjoy my day-to-day life to the max."
"It's gonna be a lot easier to lose fat and build muscle if your body is functioning optimally."
"Empowers you with real data in real time to adjust your behavior to optimize your health."
"My calories remain the same, the macronutrients just changed."
"Functional medicine is we have a methodology right an operating system to navigate to the root cause."
"The low-carb, healthy fat ketogenic way of eating is the way that human beings are supposed to eat and optimize their health."
"You might need more testosterone than the next guy to achieve the same functions."
"With proper diet and workout, it's possible to boost all these attributes to their maximum values."
"Correcting micronutrient deficiencies is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to trigger healthy levels of natural testosterone production in your body."
"If you want to optimize your body's ability to function properly, it needs the right nutrition."
"Optimize testosterone levels for a healthier, longer life."
"The diet that we appear to function the best on in my opinion is a whole plant food diet."
"Creating and tailoring workouts relative to an individual."
"If you're already eating a primarily Whole Foods diet and exercising, why not tinker with these smaller interventions to see if they have an effect?"
"Make sure you're in the optimal range which I think is probably about 50 to 75 and then you adjust accordingly if you love that last video."
"Early time-restricted feeding may optimize physiological function."
"We're not trying to be immortal or stop the aging process, just trying to optimize Health span."
"Consider to use Lifelines with your meals, it would behoove you to do that."
"Having perfect sleep hygiene is the core to making the most out of those seven to eight hours of sleep."
"The whole theme of these talks is optimizing health and happiness."
"Titrating up GH is some of the best results that I've seen with guys."
"I think every individual has to find the dietary transition that's gonna be doable for them in the long term and be gonna maximize their long-term health."
"You can really optimize your sleep and therefore optimize your lifestyle using the sleep tracking."
"This singular pursuit will keep the human body at optimal health. No other reference point will. It will keep you cancer free with no autoimmune diseases, no gut problems, no reproductive problems, and incredible brain health."
"If you need nine hours but you find seven, you're just fine and you're crushing it."
"You get enough to survive from your diet but if you want to thrive and optimize your health right you ain't getting this in a diet."
"About eighty-five percent of your growth hormone is released during your sleep cycle."
"Realistically the fastest way you can increase it is by giving them vitamins."
"While there are several nitric oxide pathways, the best will always be the proper combination of L-arginine with L-citrulline."
"Change the genetic expression... so that we generate new results unconsciously without effort."
"Are there some forms of exercise and principles that should be non-negotiable or absolute Staples in your exercise routine? Well, if you're not only trying to optimize your Fitness but also your overall Health and Longevity, then the answer is yes."
"Optimizing our nutrition, that's really what a true ketogenic diet is."
"Teaching your body how to take up glucose improves performance."
"Limit carbohydrates... could never get my HDL up until I cut out carbohydrate."
"So obviously higher protein low carb and resistance exercise is the combination that's going to be most beneficial."
"Take your D, take your K2, take your magnesium, and you're going to live longer and you're going to function better now."
"Optimizing metabolic health is a great place to start."
"Your body would prefer... to compress your eating window and give it longer periods of fasting... that's how it's been designed."
"Athletic Greens AG1, I think you're missing a trick. Hence, I'm doing my best to try and have a positive impact. I'm always looking for ways to feel and perform my best and AG-1, no doubt, is the best bang for buck."
"Let's use the machine that we have been given, which is our human body, but we must be deferential to its physiology and the science that goes into getting adaptations."
"What I think matters here is there are going to be certain times of the day where your body's in a heightened state of readiness."
"I think it's about getting the circadian rhythm and component as optimized as possible."
"Average person is far from optimal, but biomarkers can help measure progress."
"There is no diet that's right for everybody. It's really about looking at your outcomes, your lifestyle, your genetics, your epigenetics, and going, 'Alright, what outcome do I want right now?'" - JJ Virgin
"For older people I think we're still wrestling with the issue of protein and what will be optimal to try and take the curve to this as opposed to this sort of decline."
"This is about to be max HP, this mon kills every mon on their team."
"By optimizing health, we can actually slow and even start to reverse the disease."
"Prioritize the maintenance of and preservation of lean skeletal muscle while also activating your brown adipose tissue."
"Focusing on improving health as opposed to just my epically honing in on weight loss."
"When you take a drug for an extended period of time it burns through your 90 essential nutrients... when they nutrify their body, the drugs that they're taking work way better."
"Regarding cycling, 'time on, time off' pretty much debunked. We go by health parameters and the more intelligent cycle design."
"Once you get all the stuff right, if you're getting the right ratios of fats that your body's expecting and not eating industrially processed vegetable oils, humans will thrive."
"Functional medicine is all about increasing organ reserve, increasing metabolic resiliency, and optimizing your biological systems to create health."
"Let's build the best humans. Let's look at how we can take a human being and make them the healthiest biological version of themselves possible."
"If what you're looking for is to optimize your health at your current age, then you've found the right place."
"And I want to encourage each of you to first and foremost focus on optimizing your health to decrease your reliance and dependency on medication."
"So what is the first thing that we should be looking at when we're looking at how do we keep these nasty insects from getting on our pets and causing a problem? We have to go back to how do we optimize our pets' health."
"Functional medicine is about getting rid of the things that impair health and putting in the things that help the body thrive."
"Optimizing the body with just a little bit of input."
"One of the best approaches to health problems is to say how can I optimize my overall health?"
"If you do most of the right things most of the time, you're going to do far better on sleep, wakefulness, mood, immune system, metabolism, blood sugar regulation, focus."
"Optimizing your health, optimizing your sleep, reducing stress, meditating, chilling out, doing things that relax you and you find enjoyable, all of these things play a role in your body and your health."
"Let's optimize it, let's really help you get from the start to finish down the right pathway and get it out of your body in a safe way."
"I really do think that getting rid of the carbohydrates is really important."
"We're getting closer and closer to being able to titrate the dosage to optimize it for one's health."
"We really are trying to create a community of people that like the data, they like following the numbers, they like hacking their health."
"We can learn to optimize our health and the health of the communities we live in."
"We want to optimize your hormones to effect, to address the symptoms, and let you get the most out of your life."
"There is no 'I'm doing everything right'; it's only 'are you doing everything right for you?'"
"Red light therapy plus sleep optimization is like the most dangerous combo when it comes to optimizing your energy."
"Optimize your health, always be thinking optimally."
"Optimizing one's pre-existing medical conditions is extremely important."
"If you feel like everything else is going right in your fitness journey... but there's just something not quite right, it could just be that you're missing out on some sleep."
"Maximize your results with minimalist fitness strategies."
"The even better way that's associated with lower risk of chronic disease and maximizing your insulin sensitivity is a low-fat, plant-based whole food diet."
"Remember, not everyone is the same, so you want to make sure that you're structuring your eating pattern in a way that works optimally for you as well as your body."
"If you can get the same substance from a whole food and get your protein and get diversity, that's great because you're stretching your body's repertoire of responding to the things we're putting into it."
"Optimal hydration maximizes your blood volume."
"The best diet to do that was a carnivore diet and the best exercise was sprinting and weightlifting."
"You need this body to be in high functioning, highly optimized so that you can accomplish the mission that you were sent here to do."
"We want to do everything we can to nurture our mitochondria."
"If you optimize your body and your brain chemistry and your blood work, that can always help to make things less anxious."
"We like to optimize health to put it in the short and sweet version."
"I'm not trying to become a millionaire; I'm just trying to help a million people optimize their health."