
Encryption Quotes

There are 709 quotes

"If quantum search algorithms exist and are efficiently implementable on a large-scale quantum computer, it could potentially render many current encryption schemes vulnerable."
"If I want to send something to you that only you can read, I would encrypt it with your public key... If you wanna send something to me that only I can read, you would encrypt it with my public key."
"HTTP/3 is always encrypted, is that right? - Yes, absolutely."
"Quantum Computing has the ability to render all encryption obsolete the moment it comes online."
"There are many people for whom true end-to-end encryption is vital for personal safety and peace of mind."
"It would take a hacker with a supercomputer over a billion years to get past ExpressVPN's encryption."
"Quantum computers, quantum encryption, they depend on entanglement being a fact."
"Cybersecurity is paramount. We have a well-designed and tested cybersecurity program. Data is encrypted at every stage."
"There are two levels of snooping that encryption should prevent: simple eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks."
"Encryption should be banned, but cyber security experts quickly spoke out that banning encryption would pretty much stop e-commerce and financial transactions."
"Quantum entangled photons sent along optical fibers or by satellite signals are now being used to encrypt sensitive messages."
"The one-time pad is one of the most secure ways to encrypt a message because mathematically the one-time pad is impossible to break."
"The first thing you need to get started with a one-time pad message is a friend."
"Never use it more than once. It's called a one-time pad for a reason."
"XMPP stands out as the best way for communicating with people you don't know. It's basically like email except that it offers full encryption, so you never have to worry about your messages being read."
"Out of all of this comes a thing you'll hear about called pgp it facetiously talks about pretty good privacy it's actually very good privacy."
"Encryption turns plain text into gibberish unless you have the key."
"HTTPS means that they have a private key, so it means you can be sure that when you access this website, it's the real website."
"That's the shape of it, is the motion of it, so they're using that for encryption tactics."
"By having your settings in a separate settings file, you can actually encrypt that setting."
"Encryption provides enormous benefits to society by enabling secure communications, data storage, and online transactions."
"As we use encryption to improve cybersecurity, we must also ensure that we retain society's ability to gain lawful access to data and communications when needed to respond to criminal activity."
"Encryption was something on which privacy advocates and the hacker community and even intelligence agencies were focused as this solution, a technological solution to prevent governments or non-state actors from invading people's privacy."
"Quantum computing will break encryption as we know it today."
"Taking away their security, taking away their privacy, taking away their encryption could potentially put their lives and the truth at risk and that's not okay."
"If quantum computing was a spear, then modern encryption, the same unbreakable system that's protected us for decades, it would be like a shield made of tissue paper."
"Our messenger generates a new encryption key every call. No, yes, incredible."
"With NordVPN's Next Generation Encryption, This can all be prevented by the simple click of just one button and up to six devices for less than three dollars a month."
"But this is an example of a substitution cipher, or a rotational cipher where everything's kind of rotating-- A's becoming B, B's becoming C. Or you can kind of rotate it even further than that."
"Encryption means that they can't arrest you, they can't blackmail you, people can't do any of the things governments might do to make sure that public information is what they wanted."
"Whether or not to encrypt your home folder... it's very nice to have."
"Encryption faces a threat from quantum computers."
"You may wish to enable encryption based on the criticality of that data."
"Even security stuff, yeah, no open source encryption is better encryption, it's generally agreed upon that it's the most audited, it's the most battle tested."
"Every email is encrypted and even if the recipients don't use encryption which means bigtech can't read scan analyze or sell your personal information ever."
"Quicks gives users the ability to watch, produce, sell, and advertise content, as well as privately communicate and make encrypted purchases."
"Bitcoin is money wrapped in military-grade encryption designed to be unstoppable."
"Bitcoin is like a technology for securitizing your time and energy behind an impenetrable wall of encrypted energy."
"I'm stepping up my game this time, heavier encryption, more security."
"ExpressVPN utilizes the best-in-class encryption standard whenever you're connected to it. Every piece of data going in and out of your devices goes through a secure encrypted tunnel and cannot be seen."
"A VPN such as Noor VPN... keeps your connection entirely secure by channeling you through an encrypted tunnel."
"Encrypt or hash that communication together."
"Encryption everywhere will defeat the surveillance state."
"Everything is going to run encrypted and on non-standard ports."
"Encrypting your files is super simple and easy."
"TORN networks the information is packaged and protected by several layers of encryption."
"URL encryption may deter some attackers, but server-side authorization is crucial to thwarting exploitation attempts."
"iCloud encrypts your data to keep it secure."
"Snapchat's private, right? If you scour their privacy policy, you won't see end-to-end encryption mentioned once."
"Data could be secured in a way that was physically impossible for others to access, no matter what."
"Your internet data stays safe behind this like wall of next generation encryption."
"Encrypting your data at all times, both as it sits in your database and as it travels over the network, minimizes the opportunity for an attacker to access your data in plain text."
"It just means that it is an encrypted connection."
"We need real alternatives with end-to-end encryption level privacy baked into the code itself."
"Think text-based walkie-talkies enabling you to send encrypted messages over long-range radio."
"With NordVPN, your internet use is encrypted and secured, acting like a tank that draws all the aggro from you."
"Post-quantum cryptography is the development of cryptographic approaches resistant to attacks from tomorrow's quantum computers."
"Confidentiality is often protected through encryption."
"Nord protects you and your data on the internet by keeping it safe behind a wall of next generation encryption."
"I use zigbee because it's a low power, local, and encrypted smart home mesh protocol that supports a huge variety of devices."
"Make sure you're using some kind of full disk encryption."
"Perfect forward secrecy assures session keys will not be compromised if long-term secrets used in session key exchange are compromised later."
"Homomorphic encryption allows users to run calculation on data while it is still encrypted."
"Tokenization is deemed more secure than encryption because unlike encryption it cannot be reversed."
"Digital signatures provide more security benefits; it's an encrypted hash of a message encrypted with the sender's private key."
"Tokenization is interesting because it's stateless; it's stronger than encryption."
"How long would it take you to try all possible combinations of a 77 digit number? Forever."
"It's encrypted at the client side. It's using a deterministic encryption."
"The best and the secure method is to use certificates."
"This technique of encryption was actually considered to be unbreakable for over 1,000 years."
"We need machines to do encryption."
"It was done for practical reasons."
"This pairing between the intercepted message and the guest message is also called as a crib."
"WPA2 uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for encryption and provides robust security features."
"Disk encryption is a crucial security measure to protect sensitive information for workstations used in point of sale transactions."
"By exporting the user's certificate, you are also exporting the private key necessary for decrypting the files, ensuring successful data transfer with EFS enabled."
"Protecting data at rest and in transit: essential for maintaining data security."
"What we were hoping to find though is a technique called tokenization."
"Cryptography is used by security professionals to scramble data into non-readable format."
"Ciphertext refers to the text which is encrypted and totally undecided. The message received after decryption is known as clear text."
"Through this tunnel encrypted data is transmitted."
"It is very difficult to decrypt this or hack through this encrypted tunnel."
"You should always be using encryption both in transit and at rest."
"Full disk encryption will be pretty useful in case your device gets stolen."
"I think another consideration or improvement for this system is encryption."
"ProtonMail's privacy is pretty good. They really don't collect too much information."
"Total Eevee elite antivirus protection can be used on all of your devices, including your cell phone, to encrypt your browsing data and keep you safe from phony phishing sites or viruses that try to steal your information."
"NordVPN really is the best way to protect your internet browsing. I've personally gone through a few VPN services before Nord came to me and I can say without even a shred of bias that Nord is the best VPN provider that I have used."
"Mesh tastic also allows for encryption, meaning that you can send passwords, challenge codes, one-time pads, and other sensitive information securely over the network."
"Surf shark VPN encrypts all of your information sent between your device and the internet so your online identity is safe and your personal data is protected."
"Cryptus is a sculpture erected on the CIA grounds in 1991. It bears four encrypted codes consisting of 865 letters and four question marks punched into a curved wall of copper."
"This command really help you to encrypt your file."
"We've solved an incredibly hard problem, recognizing which application is sending what type of traffic, even without decrypting those packets."
"The AI knows about them, it has the tools to crack them."
"Every key you create has a matching key pair, a public and a private key."
"Apply flexible protection actions: Encryption, access restrictions, and visual markings."
"Encryption should be implemented for exchange of any sensitive data."
"Larger keys are generally stronger and thus more difficult to break."
"More secure the encryption used and the higher the key length, the more processing power and memory the server will need."
"SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, an encryption technology used by secured websites that start with HTTPS."
"Confidentiality is often protected through encryption both at rest and in transport."
"Digital signatures provide authentication, non-repudiation, and integrity. They positively identify the sender of the email and ensure the message has not been modified or corrupted."
"In this case, we're using the most secure encryption algorithm practical to prevent the encryption key from being cracked by attackers."
"When you digitally sign an email with your private key, you cannot deny that it was you."
"All passwords are basically hashed. Remember what hashing is, it's basically a one-way encryption."
"I can't tell you how happy I am guys because I have not played very well on like an 18 hole round in a long time."
"A virtual private network is designed to encrypt all the data sent via the Internet."
"What secrets are locked inside this mysterious code?"
"Encryption is the process of encoding information using a key and cipher to protect sensitive data."
"A VPN is a connection between a VPN server and a VPN client, creating an encrypted channel."
"So if you make a mistake on the ACL then obviously the ping is not going to work because your encryption is not going to match."
"For some reason, the universe smiles on encryption."
"Cryptocurrency private keys are generated by elaborate mathematical algorithms where data is encrypted many, many times using a huge amount of computing power."
"...Azure database for MySQL offers a secure environment in fact data is secure at rest and in motion that means that data sitting in your database is secure but also data that traveling over networks to and from the database is secure."
"This is one heck encryption minecraft server of a twist ending."
"Symmetric encryption is when you can do both encryption as well as decryption with the exact same key."
"AES is an excellent algorithm in today's world."
"Keys should be stored in a tool that implements encryption and requires a strong passphrase or MFA to access, in the cloud that is typically a key vault."
"Salting effectively renders pre-computed rainbow tables useless, making these tables impractical for attackers to use."
"Onion networks provide confidentiality and anonymity by encrypting data multiple times."
"The Trusted Platform Module stores and manages encryption keys."
"...I'm definitely a fan I'm a fan of Bitcoin I'm just looking forward to the day when they can get all of the miners and everyone to agree to move to a Quantum secure standard for encryption but I think Bitcoin is by far you know the best decentralized platform..."
"Password should never be encrypted, password should always be hashed with a salt at a bare minimum."
"What a VPN does is that it encrypts and secures your personal information before it goes over the Internet."
"Hidden in the twists and the knots of these qos were encoded information every knot had a different meaning where the knots were located and the strings had a different meaning the twists of the strings the color the texture all of it meant something."
"Become anonymous, become private and encrypted, and enjoy content from all over the world."
"WPA3 personal SAE, not possible to brute force the encryption key."
"Transport Layer Security, the protocol that encrypts HTTPS traffic, is one of the most basic ways to ensure that API requests and responses are protected when being passed across a network."
"If you're looking for an alternative to Gmail that is more privacy-conscious that has end-to-end encryption features when used properly and you kind of like sexy design, I would say go for ProtonMail."
"Using code words and brevity helps to prevent an adversary from figuring out what you are saying especially if you're using an unencrypted radio."
"It has built-in military-grade encryption... we not only get the speed, the redundancy, but we also get the security with a built-in VPN."
"Because encrypted data is infinitely harder for anyone scooping your info up to actually use."
"When we're running IP ii we do a packet capture the only thing that we're going to see is going to be ESP the encapsulated security payload which is going to be the post encrypted packet over the GRE tunnel."
"there's no denying that Cipher is the key to success"
"And once I've done that, it's in the device. This seed will remain in the device until I power it down."
"The next big pro I want to talk about is Yui has end-to-end encryption so when you open up the app when you connect to your camera to get a live feed it actually creates an encrypted feed between you and the camera system."
"Surfshark keeps your online identity safe by encrypting all the data sent between your device and the internet."
"Kerberos provides stronger encryption and mutual authentication."
"Certificates are not whole without the private key."
"The beauty of a hash is cryptographically you create the hash; it's a one-way trip to create this hash, and once you have the hash, there's no way to undo the hash and somehow regain the original piece of information."
"Whenever we go to a website and use our credit card, it's encrypted. Whenever we connect through a VPN, it's encrypted. Whenever we use almost anything that we want to protect on our network, it's encrypted."
"That's really what hashing is in layman's terms. It's transforming sensitive data such as a password into letters, numbers, and/or symbols via a mathematical process."
"If you're someone who's trying to prevent the transfer of non-encrypted credit card numbers, the device that will be able to identify that as a credit card number and then block it or alert on that particular traffic flow is indeed a data loss prevention solution."
"VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, and Surfshark VPN can help keep your online identity safe by encrypting all the information sent between your device and the internet."
"If you want to keep what's written in a letter secret, you can write it with a special liquid called invisible ink or security ink."
"Secret engines are nothing but, you can consider them as different types of secrets that you create in HashiCorp Vault."
"Vault is very popular because it does the encryption."
"An encryption by default... there's no possibility for user error. This is extremely important and it's a very underrated thing about end-to-end encryption."
"End-to-end encryption means that only you and the recipient can decrypt that message."
"Expressvpn puts a stop to all of this by creating a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet so that your online activity can't be seen by anyone."
"Proton Mail is a great way to protect your privacy with end-to-end encryption so no one, not even Proton themselves, can read your messages."
"Apple's got to do it if they get a a fisa court subpoena said you must put this back door in and you must give us this 256 byte code so that we can at some point use this."
"They will mark all HTTP sites as not secure."
"Now that Signal has led the pack of messaging apps by introducing Quantum-safe messaging, the rest of the pack, who may have been caught by surprise, will have no choice but to figure out how to do the same."
"I think everything should be HTTPS."
"The information is encoded... along the DNA."
"It's secured by digital energy or encrypted energy, and the efficiency with which that encryption is taking place is improving somewhere in the range of 36 to 40% a year."
"The best way to do this is to use something known as passphrases."
"The best way to prevent storing a password in plain text is to Hash it."
"End-to-end encryption is a cryptographically guaranteed version of messaging."
"An additional layer of security which is where we encrypt our wallets with an access code by creating our unique series of numbers or letters."
"...let's turn to you next as you know I feel strongly about privacy and believe that one of the best protections for an individual's privacy online involves end-to-end encryption."
"Their conversations became encrypted, and if someone heard them, he wouldn't understand that they are talking about tunnels."
"Encryption enables data-at-rest security by encrypting your data volumes, boot volumes, and snapshots."
"If the CA's private key is compromised, you can't trust any digital certificate the CA has ever issued."
"Encrypting all your data and hiding all your activities, keeping you safe from the dangers of the internet."
"So you have to keep up with the attackers in some sense. You have to use larger keys with RSA."
"We’re gonna take a quick break here, but stay with us because there’s more to these encrypted phones that I think you’d be interested in hearing about."
"The nice way to put it would be being sort of pro social to the encrypted yet a system where like you are bailing out. Your positive facing platform right."
"But we can also have difficulties in using this approach if the device use an encrypted protocol like HTTPS, in this case we can get the fully qualified server name with Wireshark, but not the complete URL or the file content."
"The answer is B said or SED that stands for self encrypting drive one of the things you'll notice in my practice exams is I try to take every abbreviation and spell it out for you."
"We have to think about how we're going to change the world of encryption when quantum computing becomes much more mainstream and easier to manage."
"Email encryption is used to protect email and attachments from unauthorized users."
"Hardware based encryption devices prevent storage mapping from drive to file system."
"Handwriting is the ultimate encryption device."
"A hash has no method of non-repudiation; there's no way to tell on the hash who sent this."
"Now you don't need to fear any key."
"I actually trust Apple to like, you know, it's on-device encrypted."
"How it works is when Laravel encrypts data, it will always use the master application key."
"...and the data was actually saved back to the database using the new encryption key, so now it's been updated to our rotated key gracefully and automatically with no errors for our users."
"ExpressVPN encrypts your data while you're browsing online."
"...just because you store something in the keychain, SQL databases, cookies, SD cards, on the cloud, or really anywhere else, you can't assume that it's being encrypted."
"Always use PGP to encrypt the mails that you send."
"Thus the miracle of public key exchange."
"SSL encryption ensures data privacy and protects online transactions from external attacks."
"Just like before, we're gonna do decrypt and re-sign."
"Nebula supports multiple certificate authorities, useful for key exchanges during re-keying."
"The only way to really prevent a man-in-the-middle attack is to do some form of endpoint verification and the best way to do endpoint verification is by using some form of encryption."
"But I also do live in the real world where, well, some things and some traffic that passes across each little grouping of subnets, it's just going to be unencrypted. And that's life."
"SSH keys actually make the connection much more secure."
"SSH keys actually make the connection much more secure. SSH by default is relatively secure, but if your password to your server is very easy, then it's only a matter of time before somebody breaks in. A key makes it harder for someone to break in."
"ChatGPT can assist in creating strong and unique passwords, stored securely in an encrypted format."
"This process that I've done by importing it, converting it, it just means all I need to do is maintain one public key on all of my servers."
"There's this interesting way of binding public keys to a set of social identities such that you can retrieve a public key once you trust some number of social identities corresponding to your friend."
"Symmetric key cryptosystems have a key generation function, encrypt, and decrypt."
"Given the ciphertext you can't figure out the plaintext without the key."
"That's kind of the point of this thing like if I didn't need my key to decrypt then this wouldn't be a very good crypto system."
"So for example if you're using signal your public key is on the signal servers and then when someone wants to contact you their phone can look up your public key retrieve it and once it's retrieve your public key they can encrypt information for you."
"It's a virtual private Network or a surfsharkvpn does is that it encrypts and secures your personal information before it goes over the Internet."
"OpenVPN has pretty much been the gold standard for a very long time. It's incredibly mature, stable, and proven to be very secure."