
Rationalism Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"We are all better off with democracy, rationalism, secularism, science, and the Enlightenment."
"We should all be both (rationalists and empiricists)."
"Voltaire wrote a famous poem in response to the earthquake that included the memorable lines 'As the dying voices call out, will you dare respond to this appalling spectacle of smoking ashes with, "This is the necessary effect of the eternal laws Freely chosen by God?"'"
"The bright light of reason needed to shine on tradition."
"To me, that there's a creator is purely rational... It didn't come out by itself; this world, this universe, you mean just didn't happen by chance."
"If we apply the tools of science, reason, and rationalism, we can become more enlightened beings."
"We need to reaffirm kind of core liberal, rational, civil values and fight for those in our workplaces against the corroding effects of post-modernism."
"I don't need any kind of magical thinking to enjoy it, even if I didn't understand it."
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"What I'm interested in most of all is how hysteria poses as rationalism these days."
"I did not feel obliged to believe that the same God who is endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use." - Galileo
"The Emperor's vision was to return mankind to its place of power, its zenith of understanding and rationalism."
"Being able to truly make reason and logic the defining factor of your belief set is probably the primary advantage of being an atheist."
"Society wants religion, and if we don't actually embark upon the creation of religion in a reasonable way, we're going to end up with complete batshit madness."
"Reason poses no threat to religion when both are authentically understood."
"There's no reason to appeal to anything beyond the laws of physics or chemistry."
"In science we don't follow people, we follow evidence."
"You're going to want to finish rationalism in the games you're playing."
"That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"I have an issue with the concept of faith in general. I think faith is like a cop-out to ignore common sense, reason, logic, being questioned, all while believing in fairy tales without having proof or evidence to validate their claims and beliefs."
"Science has developed methods of avoiding fooling yourself... Scientists don't appeal to Authority."
"The only thing I worship is evidence. You know, I need data to believe what I believe. Show me the data. Show me good data."
"These exaggerated hopes are liable to be disappointed and to leads to pessimism and perhaps equally unwarranted rejection of the idea that reason can you know make our thoughts clearer and that it can improve our social conditions."
"Maimonides provides for the possibility of prophetic clarity through contact with the hyper-rational divine mind of the active intelligence."
"I am NOT a conservative. I am a philosopher which means the only things I want to conserve are reason and evidence."
"Reason has liberated us from superstition and given us centuries of progress."
"Science bases itself on evidence as well as reason."
"Thank you for continuing to be a rationalist and a skeptic and a humanist."
"Religion as an idea is certainly under attack, especially by people like me who think that reason is not just a luxury that gives us a better world to live in, but a moral obligation."
"Christianity is dead if it refuses to accept logic and knowledge and information and data."
"There are moral facts those moral facts are rationally drivable."
"Reason can prevail over ideology, consistency over hypocrisy, common sense over academic quackery."
"I refuse to believe that a good god would give me a mind and intend for me to forego its use."
"Facts are a lot more compelling than emotionalism."
"Evidence-based belief systems are the best way to go about it."
"We choose hope over fear. We choose science over fiction. We choose unity over division. And, yes, we choose truth over lies!"
"Plurality should never be posited without necessity."
"The world would be a better place when we can trust math rather than man."
"Facts over feelings. If you've ever watched my show, you know I give people a chance to hang themselves."
"Which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"Everything we know to be true we learned by way of reason, and this is why I say that science doesn't know everything, but religion doesn't know anything."
"It was religion for the masses, but reason for the founders."
"This is a type of cult. It's just the cult that's so sort of mundane and banal and called such boring things and is based on materialism and rationalism so you don't notice that you're in a cult already."
"Atheism is just one conclusion of rational thinking."
"Rational humanists can change the world, one mind at a time."
"Plato's philosophy: a rational force that permeates the entire universe."
"Reason is no final test. There are some theoretical conclusions against which our whole being rebels."
"It's science, it's not Voodoo, there's no magic, it's just experience and science."
"You are not alone. The tide for reason is rising."
"Not everything happens for a reason, we discover those reasons through science."
"Facts and logic is way better than faith in my opinion."
"I consider myself a rationalist and always try to look for a rational and logical explanation to things."
"Join the tribe of thinkers, reasoners, and empiricists."
"We're stuck here on this planet with a brain and we have what we know to be good tools to understand reality: the critical examination of evidence, the scientific process, the application of reason."
"It's the truth she believes, but we have a way of determining the truth: reason, evidence, logic."
"We have just completely secular and rational basis for the kinds of things that we do and the reasons that we do them that don't require any sort of biblical ideas or material."
"Reason, science, and humanism are responsible for most human progress."
"Facts and logic as the way to decide what's true, what's not."
"Welcome to the age of enlightenment! Huzzah rationalism!"
"There's only one path to reaching it: scientific method, rationality, and the discipline of mind, especially mathematics."
"A rejection of the notion that there is a god is not only the most reasonable position but is in fact incredibly liberating."
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use."
"Something that is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"Evidence, logic, reason—you know, all those things we don't hear enough about in a world where headlines are what do the talking, not the facts."
"If there's no such thing as magic, there's no miracles, none of that is real."
"We need a rational and critical view of reality."
"The maesters hate magic, they wanted to build a world based on pure reason and learning, not dragons and magic."
"We need to offer a way in order for people to have an alternative to this rationalism or being narcoticized by social media."
"Freedom of speech is the best guard against irrationalism, hysteria, and the manias that have afflicted our societies."
"Plato knew that the form of the human being required a standard of excellence in mind and character and body and these were the very qualities he required for the guardian class."
"The Republic of Plato stands forth for all time as the source of the rationalist tradition, the tradition of reason in Western civilization."
"Everybody who believes in reason, rationalism, and much more has to defend not just the tradition of that that we have inherited, but build on it and protect it now because it is under assault in the name of anti-racism."
"Hume really articulates the conflicting ideas of rationalism and skepticism."
"God is stripping away pure rationalism, forcing us to reach higher for holier ways of coming to know him."
"Rationalism amounts to the viewpoint that ideas are detached from reality, unrelated to daily events, and without significance for man's actual life."
"A rationalist would rather not get his way than to get his way by force."
"Men became dissatisfied with rationalism and realized the necessity of divine revelation and an experimental religion."
"Hegel's philosophy challenged Enlightenment rationalism."
"...a kind of paradoxical event horizon where rationalism pushed to its most radical extremes disappears into the dark matter of faith."
"This uncompromising, rational, and idealistic naturalism is what we call classicism."
"The population uh, stops dying and can start increasing and this is exactly what happens as all this rational attitude toward death and toward disease starts taking hold."
"Reason versus mysticism: reason according to objectivism is man's only means of knowledge."
"Anyone that uses Common Sense knows that this Earth is much older than 6,000 years."
"More radical reformers like Rabbis Abraham Geiger and Samuel Holdheim believed that all ritual was an irrational superstition that should be eliminated."
"He was a rationalist, pacifist, you know, and I think there's a lot of that is there still to be mined from his fiction."
"Physics is real, on the scale of things religion is down here and physics is here, and anytime you can go in that direction it's a good thing."
"British culture has been better than American culture at producing rationalist heroes."
"A rationalist is someone who would rather not get his way because he has failed to convince you than to get his way by force."
"In epistemology, Kant, like Aristotle, repudiated both simple rationalism and simple empiricism."
"I think rationalism and empiricism are both equally valid. I think we all use both to acquire knowledge."
"I don't want to stoke fear. I want to stoke questioning and inquiry and rationalism and awakeness, awareness."
"Don't multiply entities needlessly."
"If the world wasn't rational, then science can't operate in this world."
"The urge to remake the markers of time really came from two main currents: the first, enlightenment science and its desperate obsession with rationalizing everything."
"The Enlightenment was about you follow reason, data, contrary fact, and you reach conclusions based on reality."
"Abulafia's system is just stunning; he manages to bridge the gulf between the rational and the mystical."
"Whenever religion picks a fight with science, science wins."
"A thing that you can examine and observe as a cause that you know exists and is confirmed to exist is always going to be the default."
"The Enlightenment is applying logic, reasoning, skepticism to all human institutions."
"Behind the foundations of modern science and philosophical rationalism are a series of three dreams that Descartes had."
"The foundations for modernity may be rationalism, but the foundations for rationalism appear to be mysticism."
"The Enlightenment applies scientific rationalism to society."
"Idealism is an ology, compared to physicalism or materialism, while it's rationalism that is the epistemology."
"It is far better that we premise human rights on the simple fact of being human than to put them in the hands of one person claiming to speak for a supernatural being that may or may not exist."
"Science and art were the operations of the rational."
"Houdini says no, and proves it. He was such a killjoy."
"I believe in the religion of reason, the gospel of this world, in the development of the mind, in the accumulation of intellectual wealth."
"The positive stage sees individuals turning towards science and rational thought rather than supernatural explanations."
"As our ability to record things improved, the incident rate of unexplained things dropped."
"He's lucky in the sense that he's a rationalist and he tries to take things and give them shape, give them order, and make them solid just like concrete."
"The fact that science can be done is itself evidence against the supernatural."
"The enlightenment is a force of disenchantment, it is a force of getting rid of medieval superstition."
"I respond to various theological and ideological questions and claims from a rationalistic and naturalistic approach."
"We respond to various theological and ideological questions from a rationalistic and naturalistic approach, in an effort to balance the conversation."