
Stem Cells Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"Fasting is one of the most powerful forms of hormesis, increasing your endogenous stem cell production."
"By changing your diet, you can activate your stem cells."
"The fasting mimicking diet is designed to push the body to start breaking components down and turn on the stem cells."
"If stem cells, fetal stem cells, ever become widely used, it will change the entire profit picture of the pharmaceutical industry. They don't make their money on well people; they make their money on sick people."
"The fact that fetal stem cells have only nine months to create an entire human being should help illustrate the power of these cells."
"Stem cells are like biological plastics, offering raw material for biological and medical advancements."
"I'm a regenerative medicine doctor. What I do is I treat people using stem cells and plasma technology. Instead of trying to get people better through drugs and surgery, we try to repair their tissue back to a natural state or previous state before the injury."
"Now we can do what are called intravenous stem cells. They go IV and they go through the whole body and they help to replenish those stem cell stores."
"It's pretty cool. There's actually life extension that's happening because of stem cell research."
"Regenerative medicine is all about harnessing that potential to make new cells and to treat and cure diseases."
"So you can imagine a time when you might go to your doctor and she would say, well, your liver is looking a little tired or your muscles are not repairing well or your bone isn’t as strong as it could be, but don’t worry, we have some stem cells that we’ve taken from you when you were a bit younger. We’re going to put those in, top you up and you’re going to be good as new."
"With stem cells, maybe you could even grow someone a new kidney."
"In the future, if you suffer from heart failure, a new organ could be grown on a cadaver heart scaffold using your own stem cells."
"Stem cells form what are called daughter cells, so each time that we fast we develop stem cells that heal the body."
"Bulge cells in the hair follicle are stem cells, and transplanting them into a nude mouse can result in hair growth."
"And it shows you that these bulge cells are stem cells."
"Stem cells are specialized cells with the ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cells."
"Stem cells work by enhancing the body's natural process of regeneration."
"Stem cells are kind of on the forefront of the research and are still being incorporated in the most progressive trials that are happening right now."
"Stem cells are fantastic things because they are things that have the potential to turn into any other type of cell."
"We can prop up, enhance, and make our stem cells healthier..."
"The first woman cured of HIV thanks to stem cells from newborns."
"Many people with incurable illness look forward to the promise of stem cells."
"Induced pluripotent stem cells reset the epigenome."
"Imagine you had a big chunk taken out of your arm. You inject stem cells in that area and they will create new and healthy tissue."
"Fat grafting transfers stem cells to the face."
"It's demonstrated that one can make fully functional insulin producing cells from stem cells."
"What I think is that we definitely need to identify and better characterize adult stem cells."
"The lycopene in tomatoes... actually tames the stem cells."
"Olive oil... contains lots of bioactives... which also makes it into the oil a little bit, actually will tame your stem cells in body fat."
"At first, he seems like a celebrity hired to help promote the use and understanding of stem cells. But the more he’s seen, the more monstrous he becomes, flat out feeding on unborn children to make himself stronger."
"We need to find a better solution for aging stem cells to repair our wounds when needed."
"Can we slow aging? Can we reverse it? We have a system in hand that can control all of our stem cells."
"Stem cells are an undifferentiated cell and they've got two main functions: differentiation to produce different cell types and the second function is that it is capable of giving rise to many other stem cells, ie it can regenerate new stem cells."
"More stem cells, more regeneration, more repair of the heart, longer survival. Less stem cells, you're in trouble."
"Do foods stimulate stem cells? And the answer is yes."
"If you have more stem cells in circulation these circulating stem cells will replenish the tissue that have been exhausted by the use or the overuse of these stem cells"
"Stem cell depletion from the bone marrow is not a phenomenon that we know so so it does not happen"
"Stem cells are your cornerstone of health. How healthy you are today and how healthy you will remain as you age, or any so-called age-related diseases that you may develop, they all tie to stem cells."
"You can activate your own stem cells. You can do this at any age by taking away some of these injurious things and adding in the things that help activate."
"These intestinal stem cells have two key properties: they're multipotent and they can renew themselves."
"Adult stem cells, like intestinal stem cells, are associated with a specific organ and give rise to cell types present in that organ."
"Embryonic stem cells have more possibilities, they can give rise to pretty much any cell type in an entire organism."
"Stem cell biology will revolutionize the practice of medicine."
"What makes these cells unique is not that they undergo mitosis, but rather that when they do so, their progeny is at least one stem cell again, and there has to be a mechanism in place for making that happen. That's very unique."
"The mammary stem cell can give rise to all of the cell types."
"The word that describes the stem cell, like mammary stem cell, indicates the tissue of its origin. So that means that within the breast, they found the stem cell. There's epidermal stem cells found in the skin, there's kidney stem cells, etc."
"The big question is, if we knew the cocktail of growth factors that maintains stem cells, and presumably we could add that cocktail to cells, and we could, theoretically, expand what would be a limited number of cells, stem cells, into many more stem cells."
"Stem cells allow your body to heal like it did when you were a little kid."
"You're trying to give them a bone stem cell that literally will actually take over and help them to produce functional white blood cells, red blood cells, all the other cell lines."
"Stem cell is the best thing God has ever created ni God is a chemist."
"Do you know there's plants on this planet that release stem cells from your bone marrow to heal your body? I mean, it's not meat. It's plant-based stem cells."
"It's not true stem cells, what they're really, the proper term now is called signaling cells, so you're sort of turning on the stem cell, as opposed to this being a true stem cell."
"Thanks to the enormous potential of stem cells, the embryo is able to rebuild entire extremities."
"Stem cells are one of the most remarkable advances in medicine in our lifetime."
"And finally the use of stem cells to turn them into optic nerve cells for transplantation and vision restoration."
"Fasting diets have been criticized by nutrition for being unhealthy but new research suggests starving the body kick starts stem cells into producing new white blood cells which fight off infection."
"Stem cells offer the greatest potential we've ever known to cure disease."
"Stem cells: the superheroes of the body."
"Stem cells are windows into disease."
"We have generated IPS cells from many, many individuals. To our surprise, the efficiency of IPS generation is comparable regardless of the ages of donors."
"To realize therapeutic applications of IPS cells in cell therapy, we have to make sure that IPS cells are as safe as, at least as safe as, human ES cells."
"It largely obviated the ethical debate around human embryonic stem cells that you all will recall."
"We see stem cells as a way to address many of these issues."
"Stem cells are uniquely powerful."
"I think one what I interested in the most is right now is cancer immunotherapy using ips cells."
"Stem cells are paving the way for developing new treatments and cures."
"All tissue repair in the body is initiated by stem cells."
"The next great advance in medical care will not be a magic pill; it will be a miraculous cell called the MSC."
"They managed to use mouse stem cells to develop sensory hair cells which could combat human hearing loss."
"It's not as if stem cells exist briefly during our early development and then disappear."
"One can devise search strategies to identify compounds that selectively and specifically kill the cancer stem cells."
"From non-stem cells, you can make new stem cells."
"Unfortunately, an unintended consequence of this anti-tumor mechanism is that stem cell populations or in highly proliferative organs diminish their function, giving rise to premature aging phenotypes."
"The challenge is to selectively target telomere therapy to good stem cells without triggering cancer onset."
"Short telomeres accelerate telomere shortening, leading to dysfunctional telomeres and either stem cell exhaustion or cancer."
"Stem cells do not have a conscience."
"There is a very complex signaling between the cells that arise from mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells."
"Our body fat actually contains a lot of stem cells which is fascinating."
"With this, I would like now to take you to a little bit of the history of the stem cells."
"The remarkable finding that came out of it is that many of these patients' lives were saved."
"That means that all the 220 plus organs that we have, they are all created by these cells."
"Stem cells are here to stay and the facts speak for themselves. This is no fantasy anymore, this is the real thing."
"The magic thing about what we do in the stem cell area is the fact that we are learning how to educate them and how to give them commands."
"We understand today that in order to create a three-dimensional tissue, we need to teach those stem cells how to climb up on a scaffold and begin to build a three-dimensional configuration type of a structure."
"When scientists find a cure for breast cancer, then, uh, let's see here, when they find a cure for breast cancer, what is going to, uh, fill our bones? Can stem cells repair our bones? What a great question."
"Stem cells are amazing, the regenerative medicine available to us is pretty amazing."
"They lose differentiation remember they could become a skin cell and then they can switch back to become anything they want they look more like a stem cell."
"Scientists cure a female HIV patient for the first time using stem cell technology."
"Let's hope that by expanding the knowledge of plenaria stem cells, scientists will achieve much greater results."
"When we talked about development, we talked about this directional pathway where uncommitted cells became committed, became differentiated. It was really thought that that was a one-way pathway. But what IPS cell technology has shown is that you can reverse differentiation."
"Stem cells are how our body heals, and nitric oxide is essential for viability, differentiation, proliferation, migration."
"A lot of these stem cell clinics like in Panama and other places, they've kind of just been doing the same [__] for like 10 years."
"Imagine that you have the power to change your genetic expression as you pull up that potent stem-cell energy from deep inside the earth into your body."
"The side population technique... identifies stem cells and early progenitor cells in heterogeneous tissues."
"The shoot apical meristem is the collection of stem cells that forms in the embryo and produces the stem, leaves, and flowers of the plant."
"Organoids tend to be generated from cells that have stem cell properties."
"Plants do have stem cells that last throughout their lifetimes, and these lifetimes can be hundreds or thousands of years."
"Plants are continuously making stem cells and they're continuously renewing them and they're out there for us to see."
"Meristems are like stem cell populations... they're pluripotent, they're actually able to generate lots of different types of tissues."
"Stem cells at the meristems are very powerful, they're very long-lived, they make lots of different cell types."
"We will have reservoirs of stem cells... perhaps in pharmacies... ready to be used whenever needed."
"The treated cells behaved like, if not better than, the young stem cells."
"Stem-cell research represents a new and exciting frontier of medicine that holds great promise for curing diseases and repairing our organs."
"Embryonic stem cells can give rise to all types of cells in our bodies, such as pancreatic cells, bone, and neurons."
"By 2006, the first induced pluripotent stem cell technology was developed in Japan by Shinya Yamanaka."
"Stem cell research really is a rising field and this rising field still has much to be worked on, but it holds great promise and potential to benefit humankind."
"The potential uses of stem cells are in both research and medicine."
"Stem cells are cells that can divide continuously but also differentiate into different cells."
"The idea behind FMD is that it's acting as a rejuvenation process, whereby you end up with true reversal and reactivation of these potentially dormant stem cells."
"Labile tissues contain stem cells... can proliferate rapidly and replace the damaged tissue."
"The body raises up stem cells to recreate new cells more naive, not overreacted."
"I've never seen anything change people's lives like stem cells."
"Stem cell transplantation offers a multi-modal strategy."
"The cells are very clever; they pick up cues from the environment that determine where they should go to repair the tissue."
"These changes induced by the stem cells repair the vessels that correlate with a functional recovery."
"The scientists actually wanted to find out whether chimeric stem cells could be used to treat diseases such as Parkinson's."
"Based on the data provided, the data is leaning towards fasting or fast mimicking dieting having an impact on stem cell regeneration."
"Nitric oxide is the requisite signal that tells our own stem cells to mobilize and differentiate to repair damaged cells."
"Neural stem cells give rise to all the different types of neurons and other brain cells."
"Stem cell therapy and gene therapy trials are going on."
"Cacao studies have shown that you could double the amount of circulating stem cells in your circulation."
"Those stem cells are in Emily's body now, and finding their new happy home."
"Certain foods can actually help our stem cells come out or it can protect our stem cells."
"Your cup of coffee in the morning can actually help specifically check this out stem cells that will boost the immune system and stem cells that will slow down aging."
"Brain-derived neurotrophic factor... allows the brain the chance to make new neural stem cells."
"It's important not only to kill off the leukemic cells but also to target leukemia stem cells."
"...if we can understand how the stem cells respond to injury and inflammation, can we then harness some of this regenerative ability to think about treating disease?"
"...something either made by the worm or made by the immune cells, or perhaps based on disruption of the mesenchyme was causing hyper activation of a stem cell program leading to hyperproliferation."
"...there is evidence for regional population of the stem cells..."
"This is really the gold standard way to identify a stem cell in vivo, is to label a single time and see if it can produce progeny for the lifetime of the animal."
"A revolution in medicine is taking place right now, and key to this revolution are stem cells."
"Islet cell transplantation... allows us to generate pancreatic precursor cells from these pluripotent cells in the culture dish."
"What was the common precursor cell from which everything in the bone marrow is arising? Correct, it is a hematopoietic stem cell."
"The gut should harbor the champion of all stem cells."
"We could turn those cells into blood stem cells and then transplant them into the patient. This would be curative."
"Stem cells are not about the cells themselves; it's the signals they send to your body's stem cells to start the regenerative process."
"Stem cells can produce different cell types through the process of differentiation."
"Stem cells are definitely the future."
"Here we have in hand something that kills cancer stem cells."
"Stem cells are totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, or unipotent."
"Stem cells of the patient themselves can be used to create healthy lungs that are not rejected."
"Some people disagree with the use of stem cells because of the risk of cancer."
"Stem cells are an exciting new treatment in healthcare... I believe that stem cell and regenerative medicine in general is going to be more and more effective for more things as time goes on."
"Our bodies regenerate... we have stem cells that actually live in our bone marrow."
"It's like genomic origami; the stem cell can make anything, like a paper airplane, or it can make one of these cranes."
"With stem cell science, we can look at our genes as never before to find cures and to understand how our genes make us human."
"Stem cells, they replace essentially every nearly every tissue in our body."
"There's a cool sci-fi future where you can use stem cells to regenerate all sorts of body parts."
"Stem cells are the most flexible kind of cells in your body."
"They're kind of like an Eevee; they'll turn into something different based on the environment they're subjected to."
"The stem cells are genetically identical to you, so no chance of rejection."
"So the potential for these embryonic stem cells is that let's say someone needs a replacement of neurons because of some neurodegenerative disorder."
"All of the blood cells that come from red bone marrow are derived from one type of stem cell called the hemocytoblast."
"I'm very much interested in stem cell research and support it 100 percent."
"New research has shown that we do have stem cells inside of our ovaries which are capable of producing more eggs."
"As we get older, the stem cells just become dormant and they have to be mobilized and stimulated."
"These cells are now considered to be the definitive hematopoietic stem cells and the cells that will sustain lifelong adult hematopoiesis."
"They'll give you cord stem cells four days old, force of life."
"Malignant transformation occurs in hemopoietic stem cells which are called blasts or in their early progenitor cells."
"Curcumin kills cancer stem cells and chemotherapy doesn't."
"In order to make a clone of a human, you need stem cells."
"Seamoss... gives you stem cells, a cell with no identity, it can become any cell it wants to be."
"Stem cells are unspecialized cells that still have the ability to differentiate into specialized cells of any type."
"One of the hardest things that one could think about accomplishing with stem cells is to actually put them in the brain and have them integrate correctly."
"Stem cells are cells that are able to divide an unlimited number of times and can differentiate into different types of specialized cells."
"Instead of wasting all those stem cells, I'll just donate it in the hopes that it'll help somebody."
"Stem cells are cells that are undifferentiated, meaning they do not have a specific job or function."
"Using stem cells to replace damaged bodily tissue is called regenerative medicine."
"So in fact, you could make embryonic stem cells to understand the mechanisms of disease from every individual with every disease that exists."
"One of my favorite areas of investigation for the utilization of human embryonic stem cells is very futuristic but one that I think is the way we have to begin thinking about things."
"We take stem cells from all parts of our body... and we regenerate the organs with the stem cells."