
Self-service Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"You're going to have to work really hard to gain a set of skills that you care about for your own intrinsic reasons that allow you to serve yourself and others."
"The more we serve the soul that lies within, which is the God within us, the more we will come into the peace and happiness of realization."
"Each one can serve himself, and help the others too!"
"I love how they have to get their own order, how cool is that?"
"Be aware that if you wait for everything to line up perfectly, you may as well wait for the second coming."
"Serving other people and serving yourself turn out to be exactly the same thing."
"For me, the secret of a great brunch is... everyone helping themselves."
"Most of tech support is you Google the issue and then you just do what they say."
"Our true destiny is not to be ministered unto, but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men."
"You just redeemed your code to yourself. You just redeemed it for yourself."
"You deserve peace and harmony in your life. Serve spiritual law and trust in the divine power within you."
"Put them all in there...super super simple...offered to us to do for ourselves oddly enough."
"Human nature is always going to try to serve oneself first, even no matter how much they want to serve others."
"Keep raising the vibration, keep being positive, keep being service to others as well as service itself."
"I don't have it pulled up here but you can easily find it if you google."
"Cloud computing offers on-demand self-service."
"What makes you happy, what serves you, what fills you up."
"Your mind is meant to serve your heart, not the other way around."
"The laundromat industry is a self-service business people pay you to do their own work that's genius."
"I hate a self-service gas station don't you hate a self-service gas station you know what I hate myself when I go on a self-service gas station I'd give myself the worst service in the world."
"Literally just walked into somebody's house, and it's a self-service, buy some cheese, some milk, some eggs, everything from the animals just around us."
"It's a vibe, you basically order up there and then just seat yourself."
"You can truly solve for self-serve."
"Any Man Who Would censure you for speaking your mind would only do himself a disservice."
"Power BI aims to provide self-service, data lake, and AI integration."
"What makes OpenStack a cloud computing platform is that developers can actually say, 'Hey, I want 10 machines that now network together in this way with this amount of storage,' and never have to talk to an operator."
"The employment of women and the extended use of self-service provided a partial solution to the shortage of manpower."
"This was my first time ever doing it and it was obviously totally worth doing it myself."
"If you put yourself in a position where you're working to just Serve Yourself... you're essentially like doing more harm to yourself than good."
"Have a drink dispenser table with cool beverages that guests can serve themselves."
"...the bike is easy to maintain...engineered really well, easy maintenance, you probably never have to go to a dealer if you're somewhat capable with just regular tools."
"I will not do a single thing that didn't serve me. If I made a sacrifice, it would be because that sacrifice would make me happy."
"No, it's very easy to do because we're busy, we're focused on everyone else, we're focused on a lot of things. But you've got to be able to serve in your life after you give to yourself."
"Candid Co. helps people gain confidence through accessible and affordable orthodontic care. Candid makes the process of straightening your teeth convenient and easy by having the customer take the process into their own hands."
"We go to university and learn how to be of service to employers but never of how to be of service to ourselves."
"If you check yourself out, you should immediately get a 5% discount on everything."
"Most beer in Belgium is traditionally bottle conditioned and you will be served an open bottle with an empty glass, and you pour the beer yourself when you order a beer."
"Salad bar is included for every meal, it looks beautiful and you help yourself."
"If you have a very simple tax return, you probably don't need expert help."
"All you need is a toolkit and a service manual, so why not try these things yourself?"
"At the end of the day, it's about what you want and if you aren't doing what you want then you're doing a disservice to yourself and to them."
"Chase offers self-directed trading, which means that instead of relying on a broker to choose your investments, you just do it yourself."
"The party was a great success; the guests helped themselves to food from the buffet."
"Having clean rugs is just so nice, we don't have to hire anybody."
"Even in organizations that set it up to be as self-service as possible, you still need some people driving the ship and figuring out the strategy."
"If you like to know exactly what's going on with your bike and especially if you want to do your own servicing, it's well worth the investment."
"The internet is a self-service environment; it's an environment where you are in control as customers."
"I resist the implication that bravery is Noble. I must face the things that scare me in order to survive and survival is not Noble, it is not a sacrifice of self but in service to the self."
"Power BI datamarts is really about self-service data analytics."
"I'll show you how you can use Turbo Tax as a tax planning tool for yourself, instead of just using it simply to file your tax return."
"With this website, your customers will be able to log into your website and submit properties on their own."
"We want to keep it simple so it's something that you can do yourself."
"It's a buffet, so serve yourself, but you can also get some special drinks."
"Self-service healthcare could truly extend our ability to serve what is an ever burgeoning need, and questions about personal healthcare."
"Enjoy making and serving yourself these wonderful and distinctive teas."
"Hey, the bacon was self-serve this morning. You know it's rare to find self-serve bacon that's not being watched by the bacon police on a ship."
"That's a really good idea, that way everybody likes their salad because they made it themselves."
"You've got to scratch your own itch... we built tools that we needed."
"We'd like to make service launches as automated and self-serve as possible."
"What are the things that serve you, what are the things that move you, motivate you, inspire you? Those are the things that you focus on."
"The better bet is to invest a bit in the approach and infrastructure to enable others to self-serve."
"There is a very valuable, very important little girl right here for you to serve, and it's you."
"Service to others is service to oneself; there is no similarity between others and ourselves, there is identity, there is completion and unity."
"Items in your home are there to serve you, and you shouldn't be there to serve them."
"The self-checking kiosks, I mean this was ridiculously advanced."
"Feel free to help yourself. Enjoy, happy Halloween."
"Take that work ethic and put it somewhere else that serves you."
"We'll give people the tools to build the apps themselves rather than to hire us to build it for them."
"I do what serves me absolutely and not what people think I should be."
"Creating sharing quality data is not just a service to the community; it's principally a service to yourself."
"If only a single entity exists, then the only concept of service is to service to self."
"You can go to Amazon and get them yourself, that's pretty cool, yeah, cheers!"
"Pick it up yourself if you want it, and it's not that expensive. I think it's a great option, so highly recommend."
"You're onboarding yourself and approving yourself; that's how it should be."
"Things you do for yourself are better than things done for you."
"The more documentation you have for your product, the more you can encourage self-serve."
"87% of the companies are providing service self-service portal."
"I saved a ton of money without going to Harley Davidson or a shop to have this done, and I did this all by myself."
"We're big believers in self-service and collaboration."
"I wanted to get back to my roots, start serving my people, not get into this fancy thing of climbing up the hierarchy."
"Don't ask someone else to do something for you that you're not willing to do yourself."
"It is within you that those changes are happening, and they're doing so in the way that serves you in your highest."
"The self-service options allow for password resets and other profile maintenance to be done without IT resources."
"If you have this interactive content that helps your customer understand how to fix things, they end up doing their own technical support."
"Who cares if it's inefficient? This is all in service to you; it's your room, it's your stuff, it's your craft."
"CloudFront is fully self-service, and like many of our AWS services, you're in control."
"If I need to collaborate, if I need a site, I don't need to call IT, I just can go here and create a site by myself."
"Implementing a new system where we offer a self-service kiosk could streamline the process."
"Self-service is the way of the future, if not the way of the last decade."
"It's so important for developers to be surrounded by platform experts... they can get things through self-service platforms whether it's monitoring, deployment, environment creation, security scans, and so forth."
"You're putting down a lot of situations in your life that don't serve you."
"If anything changes, you can just change it yourself."
"Sometimes we gotta serve our own heart."
"Making a choice is about what is going to serve us for our highest good."
"What is going to serve you for your highest good?"