
Gratification Quotes

There are 446 quotes

"If you can delay immediate gratification, you're going to reap the rewards because that's how the human brain is structured."
"Reducing instant gratification and increasing delayed gratification is an investment in your future mental health and success."
"Start viewing shallow tasks as instant gratification. Deep work is the delayed gratification that's really rewarding."
"It's been at least gratifying to know that you can directly help some people."
"Gratification requires some work that you do; it's actually been proven that doing things that give you gratification help combat things like depression and anxiety."
"Addiction is based on instant reward, instant high, instant gratification."
"I get gratification from supporting you or taking care of you."
"That's why when people tell us they fall asleep listening to the show, it doesn't bother us at all; it's actually extremely gratifying."
"Success is really about delaying gratification."
"They all say he is like a child. And what they mean by that is, he has a need for immediate gratification. It's all about him."
"To take responsibility means to forego immediate gratification in the service of something longer term and higher."
"Sometimes a no is a not yet, and it's a delayed gratification that we have to have."
"There are lots of things in life that give us instant gratification... But then there's also things in life that give us delayed gratification."
"Challenge makes a boss fight memorable because the gratification you get from overcoming that adversity is unlike any other experience you can have in a video game."
"It is better to have something than nothing."
"Humans' ability to delay gratification is what makes us so unique, incredible even."
"Instant gratification is feel good now but feel terrible later. Delay of gratification is feel terrible now but feel amazing later."
"It's a double-edged sword basically. It's very gratifying but at the same time, it's also like taking."
"It's like validation in a way, a completely gratifying experience."
"I've been told from friends and stuff and those kind of things like what people think about it and it's been really amazing. It's been we couldn't have possibly imagined it coming this way. It's really, really pretty." - Tyler
"It's really gratifying, a satisfying experience."
"Fantasy is acting upon internal objects in order to generate essentially gratification, happiness, joy, cheer."
"There is nothing wrong with viewing sexual gratification and sexual pleasure from the lens of how it enriches you."
"Sometimes you do have to defer gratification."
"Short-term gratification is in most cases inferior to long-term gratification."
"Puzzle solving is insanely gratifying. Nothing else compares to thinking through a problem, being stuck for so long and suddenly going, 'I got it, I think I know the answer,' and immediately being rewarded. Ah, I'm a genius!"
"Most of us humans we're not wired that way. We want instant gratification, right?"
"Focus more on the long term than short term immediate gratification."
"Great success comes after a longer period of work, and gratification doesn't come every day."
"Never go for the instant gratification if you can make something happen and a little bit longer term than what you essentially would want fight that instant gratification. I think you'll always come out better that way."
"We love doing it, you know? It gives us that gratification that we're able to help somebody."
"Bioluminescent Waters, Maldives: Glowing beach created by bioluminescent plankton, a magical sight to behold."
"Everybody walks away with a little something, a little sweet treat."
"Wow, look at that, everyone! They gave me an extra chip."
"I'm still flabbergasted that that a twelve hundred and seventy people showed up to my sales pitch that makes you feel good I got to be honest yeah real talk."
"Life is about to be sweet, but discern momentary gratification from true fulfillment."
"I had no idea that it was gonna come this far. I had no idea that I was going to gain such a beautiful community at the end of the day."
"Don't let instant gratification hinder your progress."
"Esau sells his birthright for immediate gratification, despising its spiritual significance."
"People still like my content? That makes me so happy."
"Making lists just really motivates me. It not only keeps me on task but also gives me that instant gratification."
"When you come from skateboarding, the amount of gratification that you get from landing a trick is this."
"Your lizard brain just wants to do the easiest, simplest thing that's most gratifying in the moment."
"You finally get that reward, that delayed gratification for the work you've been putting in."
"It's not about instant gratification, it's about long-term success that offers a life of freedom from strongholds that have gripped us for years."
"It's not about the immediate gratification, it's about the longer term."
"There's no better feeling than getting that notification for a sale and not having to do any extra work to earn that money."
"It's just so satisfying the way that this shifts."
"There are these two kinds of pleasure: one kind is immediately pleasurable but degrades you over time; the other kind is not pleasurable right away, but it nourishes you and elevates you."
"But it's super uh gratifying being able to come home to a family."
"A grim fate awaits those who choose instant gratification and fun over doing good and having patience and consideration."
"The excitement for... there's nothing more gratifying when you're working on a product to know that people appreciate the work that you do."
"I absolutely love this boat. I mean, there's been nothing more gratifying than fishing off of it after all the work that I did on it."
"There's a difference between short-term pleasure and long-term joy."
"I'm really surprised and pretty gratifying to save this thing from the scrap Heap."
"But uh yeah, it's pretty rewarding work, it's great for the soul."
"You want what you want and you want it now."
"I just love it. I love like that instant gratification and like cleaning something real good."
"They may have been gratified by that and that may be their karma."
"Nothing compares to that first laugh from my audience, that first big laugh you get."
"If you're contributing to society, the immense gratification it gives you wipes the tears of even one person, and that gives such a cool breeze to your heart."
"Because the alternative to valued responsibility is impulsive low-class pleasure."
"Be patient with it; skincare is not about instant gratification."
"To remain present with day gratification, focusing on the present also allows us to tune out distractions that might take us off course."
"Wish granted, instant gratification."
"An important principle is to validate without gratifying."
"There is something very satisfying about it."
"If you start seeking out immediate gratification that just says this is good, then you're basically only eating your dessert. You're getting dessert first critique, even if it's [__] great."
"You guys having windows or some kind of a view is going to be important and is going to be gratifying for you guys."
"Assuming that you're still in the good part of being out is that you get to decide what is true and false. It may seem foreign but it is so much more gratifying."
"You can watch it for the intellectual subtext or the titties and decapitation, and both satisfy very nicely."
"Short-term gratification often overrides long-term well-being."
"I think the sport of combat is like the greatest for instant gratification and also like humbling you."
"It's gratifying to be noticed by other men, it's exhilarating to imagine that another man desires me in that way."
"Penny grinned, Brett was going to eat that compliment up."
"It's just so freaking satisfying."
"Stand-up is an immediate gratification."
"There's something so gratifying watching a machine do the work it was designed to do."
"You said if I guess the word, I could get whatever I want from Gucci, and now I got whatever I want from Gucci."
"...the stuff actually holds us back. We buy the stuff because it brings us happiness but we think it's gonna bring us happiness, what I found out is just like heroin, anybody might believe me on this all right, it's short-term gratification, it's not long-term."
"Being consistent is hard. Delayed gratification is hard. Being persistent is hard."
"Delayed gratification means that for 30 days you are deliberately separating your wants from your needs."
"It was fun, it was instant gratification."
"When you get a check at the end of the quarter for like $300, you're like oh thank you shopping paid off."
"Acrylic painting I find often isn't a medium of instant gratification, it's more so gratification that's very much earned through a lot of layering and decision making."
"To have people singing the lyrics back to you in countries where they don't even really speak English, it's like, is so gratifying."
"I absolutely astounded to find that there's so many people who are enjoying what I'm doing here."
"Going into debt is like the ultimate form of instant gratification."
"Being at this point of our careers and having our own brands and being able to help a kid who's dreaming it was the same dream we had helped them get to a point of their dream coming true and being a part of that is so gratifying."
"We are deeply wired to respond in pro-social ways to those circumstances, and we are deeply wired to find that intensely gratifying and fulfilling."
"If all it is is short term gratification that is at the expense of your long-term health right which is what we're talking about here then yes that's a problem."
"The reason we choose shopping, food, drugs, alcohol, sex, video games, is to get that little quick dopamine hit."
"Patience is important, delayed gratification is really important."
"When I see little girls come up to the house on Halloween and they're dressed like Harley Quinn, it's so gratifying."
"Framing goes quick and I love the gratification that you get at the end of the day and it goes a lot faster than when you guys used to only use hammers"
"Pleasure is instant gratification. Happiness takes time and you have to work at it."
"To see what he's doing now, it's a lot of fun. It's very gratifying."
"There we go, win-win, I love being the chosen one."
"I remember very little like gratification, right? You know, that's it, yeah."
"It's such a cool thing to be able to part of and it's so cool and gratifying to see us we as as of this moment we are funded so the comic is happening."
"When you take possession of something for the first time, it's really gratifying."
"It's just so gratifying for me personally."
"If you're in it quote unquote for the right reasons, there's a lot of pleasure, there's a lot of gratification, a lot of it instant, you know, which works with human brains to get that instant feedback that feels so good."
"Looks are a form of instant gratification."
"The kids were work and then um we have with flower pot garden with different herbs strawberries some annuals we try not to grow annuals but the kids like the instant gratification."
"Value delayed gratification. Rewards are sweeter when earned over time."
"Beware of instant gratification: it leads to unhappiness and less success."
"Seeing it all come together, that's the most gratifying thing to me."
"It was probably the most gratifying moment of my my whole career."
"...having someone that is able to... be independent and let me... have my independence... and do their own thing, find their own passions, and... not require our attention all the time... It's the most gratifying thing..."
"You know that just made it all the stress worth it at that point, you know, to have somebody who was dancing around in the hall who was the right age for the audience who was just in love with it, you know, that was a great moment."
"The problem is, a lot of people give up before they get to that point. They want instant gratification."
"Ooh, that is the most satisfying thing ever!"
"Bad habits are really about that quick gratification."
"It's like, 'Well, I mean 20 years, that's going to pay off, you know what I mean? But when you spend money, I mean, unless you're paying bills or whatever, you spend money in that moment, it just feels good to buy something, I guess. I don't know."
"Overcoming those fears, overcoming that anxiety, uh, that's really where the gratification lies."
"Parenting may not offer instant gratification, but the payoff is long-term."
"It's extremely important to be able to subsist on delayed gratification."
"Ideally if you're going to have a gratifying life you're going to have some good connections that you can draw upon."
"...whatever is going to kind of give me that instant gratification it's going to be easy to clean and it's going to look good once I'm done that is what gets me going."
"There's something so unique about this task with this level of instant gratification that you like can see this dirt being blasted away and you can visualize the end product in real time."
"Being able to reflect that to people is just so gratifying and fulfilling."
"The idea is to delay gratification for as long as possible and get comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"When we do challenging things, it has the opposite effect that instant gratification has on our brains."
"...to see it all come to fruition is incredibly gratifying."
"I think it's going to be very gratifying at the beginning."
"There's boys that can, like, there's Mickey that lives in Derry, but he needs that, like, instant gratification, I think, at least once a week to keep them going to the next one."
"If you seek your own immediate gratification, ignoring, neglecting, or worse, exploiting others, you will not find joy."
"If even one person buys it, that's like sick as hell."
"There's nothing like a free meal after a long hard day."
"Nothing beat doing something yourself; the gratification was well worth it."
"Oh my God, that was so satisfying."
"I love the rush of having a hit record."
"Here's why I'm deeply gratified by those testimonies: because what they're saying is you're a God-besotted preacher, you elevate God's Majesty a lot."
"When they're shooting [mess] Hitler in the face with the machine gun, it's so satisfying."
"Strong people have the strength to put long-term success above instant gratification."
"If you listen to a record from a band that you're familiar with and you think wow that sounds sounds convincingly like that band and then you look in the credits and it's me that did the recording that's very gratifying for me."
"We can hold an ideal in higher regard than gratification of our senses."
"Tell me that's not stupid satisfying."
"After all the code we've written, it's rewarding to finally see a block rendered on the screen."
"There's no gratification if you delay it to the extreme."
"There's something just so fulfilling about being able to learn something new, put it into practice immediately, and then just see the results right in front of you."
"Entertaining millions while remaining anonymous has been entirely gratifying."
"Your services are pleasurable for the people that you serve."
"Planting is like social media. You work hard, post a video, start getting likes—delayed gratification, but so fun."
"Delayed gratification can be a predictor of future life success."
"You planted the seeds and you get to see them come to harvest. It's an amazing moment of gratification and fulfillment for you guys."
"The life of the meaning of life in the aim of life is gratification of all senses and that people suffer from a lot from inhibitions of that."
"I'm not chasing more money. I'm chasing the consistency of gratification."
"It just feels so incredible to start such massive projects."
"There's something to be said for the immediacy, the joy of just playing, experimenting with music. You know, we all spend a lot of time on computers, especially during our jobs, so the fact that you can come home and just lose yourself in a device is hugely gratifying."
"Instant gratification steals happiness from your future self. Delayed gratification is a gift to your future self."
"It just is the most gratifying thing I really do love it."
"The worst thing that happens are people go for instant gratification. But if you can deal with boredom, you understand that greater things will happen if you postpone your need for immediate gratification."
"The field of love is innately gratifying."
"The work is not something that happens overnight and that's why most people give up because they do want that instant gratification."
"The love of pleasure leads to poverty; prioritize discipline over instant gratification."
"It's gratifying to see, it's a little cheaply contrived, but come on man if you're going to give me fan service just do it give it to me."
"There's just something so satisfying about it."
"Connect your desired behavior or connect your desired vision to instant gratification."
"It was literally one of the coolest moments of my entire career."
"That felt so good, I honestly needed that."
"Short-term dissatisfaction leads to long-term satisfaction."
"Don't ever delay gratification; instead, find a way to receive instant gratification from the thing that you want to do."
"I am so happy that this has worked out."
"For just a minute, I got to feel what it was like to see it all pay off."
"The ultimate goal for most people in life is Comfort instant gratification."
"It's really gratifying when you realize at the end of the day that people probably would have been killed if we weren't there."
"It's just an incredibly gratifying thing, so the fact that it then catches on is this other life entirely."
"No matter what your goal is, focus on the long run rather than instant gratification."
"Delaying gratification is easier said than done."
"Perhaps delaying gratification is just the first step to self-actualization, realizing that the pleasures of the world are simply that, just pleasures."
"Seeing a smile on someone else's face is the biggest reward for him."
"It's a lovely gift, you know, and it's particularly gratifying to see these songs have this other life."
"Reading big books is a great way to help you temper that drive for instant gratification and to have greater goals."
"It's been the most gratifying creative professional experience of my career."
"That's so satisfying, I don't even know why."
"Spotted, another thing that I want and suddenly I am getting it, amazing."
"It's really knowing that I'm like impacting someone's life in a positive way is is really probably the most where I get the most gratification."
"It can also be extremely gratifying to be a mentor."
"When you have people show up and talk about the roles that you've done, it's so cool."
"you're trying to get a rise out of your friends it's almost like just looking for that next endorphin hit"
"It's very gratifying every time I hear that somebody says they watched a video and then they went out did a walk or they're inspired to walk where they are after watching one of my videos."
"Something we realized about being an adult is that there is something just like so rewarding and great about like gift giving and not gift giving in the sense of oh I'm buying you something super expensive but like gifts in the little forms."
"Instant gratification is the best kind of gratification."
"I think we expect the same immediate gratification from quitting our smartphones as we do from technology."
"When I can have a true heart connection with a partner I'm physically intimate with, when I can feel their heart, that is the most gratifying physical intimacy."
"Helping investors realize that instant gratification is not healthy."
"It's kind of nice gratifying to be able to weld that aluminum together both machines out of the box work pretty well."
"Gratification is immediate and short-lived...satisfaction...is a better long-term payoff."
"...enjoy that moment when you've got... more pressure on you. Just take that moment and because when you succeed in those moments it is so gratifying..."
"When you start getting them views, that dopamine's hitting you, bro. It's a drug."
"We are running the 21st century equivalent of the Matrix, giving everybody everything they want all the time without telling them that it is killing them."
"Activism is a form of social gratification for a lot of these people right now."
"There's nothing like that immediate gratification."
"Quality over quantity. I much rather provide a plant and get my instant gratification from continuously seeing new leaves pop up everywhere."
"Oh my god, I just had one! Talk about instant gratification."
"Over these last years helping the other riders and doing this side of it, I get far more gratification and sense of reward now helping the other riders than I ever did succeeding in my own career."
"Instant gratification is a shortcut to suffering."
"Fat activated and lit up the portion of the brain that is associated with sensation, texture, gratification."