
Desperation Quotes

There are 2500 quotes

"You've got to be desperate. You've got to tell yourself, 'I've got to get out of this. I've got to change my life.'"
"My inspiration really was my desperation. You could say my mess became my message."
"What I don't want Arsenal to do is get desperate and think, 'Oh, we have to win.' We do have to win, but don't lose the game."
"Desperation moves man to all manner of sins and it also invites our sympathy and even our empathy."
"The betrayal was not so much that it had happened, but that he had waited until he had no other choice."
"That’s not the behavior of someone who's confident; it's the behavior of someone who's desperate."
"Highlight the nature of humanity, demonstrating the extreme lengths that people will go in the face of desperation."
"You are a God who hears my cries, a deliverer, and regardless of how desperate my circumstances may be, you always come through for me."
"All dark, no light, just your voice. Please help."
"The vast majority of women who find themselves in that situation are desperate, threatened, or victimized."
"He wanted to look at her like he wanted to breathe, like she was breath and he was drowning, and every moment of his not looking was a struggle towards the thing he most needed."
"The moment you get desperate, that's when you get stupid."
"In a moment of desperation, the new Captain Commander Kyoraku Shinsui proposes a dramatic plan of his own to the Central 46."
"Beware the man who has nothing left to lose because he will fight with little restraint and regard for his safety."
"Let me tell you this, do you know why God seems to show up for people at their last point? That's when they've given up on all the options."
"Right about the time you get desperate is when you get stupid."
"I'm running out of food and water, and have no way of making it to the city with what I have left. Sitting here and waiting isn't helping me anymore."
"When people lose everything, and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it."
"You either do things out of inspiration or desperation."
"No one with future prospects, no one with adequate living conditions, no one who's making ends meet is gonna be like, 'Let me go steal a thousand dollars worth of shit.'"
"Desperation, as they all say, is the mother of invention."
"I just step on them to get out. Please, please, just let me go back in. Let me go back in. I have to save my girlfriend, she's still in there."
"Why are you stealing it? If I don't, they'll kill my son."
"I'm pretty much fucked. That's my considered opinion. Fucked."
"Income inequality...leads to levels of desperation."
"When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it."
"When there's no food, when there's no medicine, the nicest person in the world can commit crime."
"Any parent will do anything to put food in the belly of their kids."
"Let your desires outweigh your fears. Let that desire drive you towards healing and achieving what you really want."
"I was just at a place of such desperation as a mother; it was just the most challenging thing to have your child so sick and to be so hopeless."
"God will often use desperation to push you into your destiny."
"You join MLMS usually because you're desperate, and then you leave in such a worse position."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation."
"War is often associated with desperation when there's nothing more to lose, roll the dice in the chance of some incredibly lucky break."
"Squid Game is about a bunch of desperate people in debt being rounded up to play an illicit game show style competition, in which they're pitted against deadly challenges, and the winner makes a lot of money."
"It's the desperation of the poor that really plays into the intrigue and fascination in these shows because so often in the real world, we don't think of the empirical risks associated with a lot of the stuff people will do to escape poverty."
"We know that if Squid Game was a real goddamn thing and somehow this was legal and licensed, that there would be people signing up for it, and we would watch it."
"A very hard thing for a parent to do is to call the county morgue... I would ask the morgue for any new John Does that fit Stephen's height, weight, and physical characteristics."
"Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures, not excusing it; it's just very hard to wrap my mind around...you're murdering for money."
"So many of these people, they don't want to die. That's not what they want, but they feel completely trapped where they're at."
"Desperation and neediness will make you unhappy."
"The sages, desperate to execute Ganondorf, faced their own failure and banished him into the Twilight realm."
"Most people are leading lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."
"We all have a unique song and I think most people are leading lives of quiet desperation."
"In the face of such a terrifying enemy, the foe breaks, clawing over each other in desperation."
"Please let them see me. Please, but the plane just carried on."
"I needed to hit rock bottom in order to put in the work, in order to be so desperate that I had to let go of my old way of thinking about myself."
"Just send out the checks... people are desperate."
"When people get desperate, they do really desperate things."
"The Molotov cocktail, of course, is also a very famous desperate measure."
"Many of them make their money appealing to desperate people who'd give anything to reconnect with a lost loved one."
"You have regular people who really feel pushed up against the wall that they would take actions that in normal circumstances would be unthinkable."
"If it came down to it and I was going to have to spend a significant amount of time in prison that I'd rather die."
"People are becoming more desperate, more restless."
"We are desperate for spreading awareness." - Greta Thunberg
"In such dire situations, it is not hard to understand that an estimated two million people committed suicide."
"It's like a hail mary pass you hope that somewhere somehow it ends up but it is the very process of this kind of desperation that gives away just how serious the crisis is."
"There's guys jumping off of fucking wheelwells on a C-130 as it's flying out of Kabul and you're wondering about what it's going to do to a gerrymandered district in Illinois."
"You cannot put it in a situation where it's desperate. You cannot threaten its survival because in those circumstances, there is a reasonable chance they will use nuclear weapons."
"And again, you do not want to underestimate what great powers will do when they're desperate."
"In desperate times morality and ethics become very ambiguous and any individual is capable of rationalizing doing things that they otherwise might view as very repulsive."
"Trump's efforts to label what is happening in major cities as riots speaks at least somewhat to his desperation politically speaking."
"Crack won't even work anymore, I need tranq."
"Jedi Survivor will be a narratively driven game that picks up five years after the events in Fallen order and you'll be following Cal's increasingly desperate fight..."
"Say it louder! Say it louder! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!"
"You're thirsty like the rich man wanted a drop of water."
"I just want to fix my daughter, her power is awesome."
"People when they're desperate or when they don't have much going for them they're looking for some kind of direct meaningful movement that they think will radically change everything they don't like about the world."
"Nothing else is working... might as well try that."
"People are still desperate to come here, you know what, I can empathize with that."
"Parenting a lot of times is just desperation and survival."
"Trust me, Mr. Spade. Oh, I... I'm so alone. Afraid. I've got nobody to help me if you won't help me."
"Terrified and desperate, Tarrare returned to the military hospital and begged Doctor Percy to cure his hunger by any means possible."
"They were riding rusty leaking sinking boats, they would do anything because finally there was a place in the whole world that was their land."
"Everything they do right now just reeks of utter desperation."
"This is how desperate they are. This is how much they'll lie."
"The banzai charge became a weapon of last resort."
"If trapping my own family in a block of concrete is what it's gonna take to keep us together then that's exactly what i'm going to do."
"There's nothing worse than making an individual feel he has nothing to lose."
"He is swirling the drain... dripping desperation... weak."
"When the people have no bread, they eat the rich."
"People are desperate to believe in something."
"Desperate situations require desperate measures."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What's called resignation is confirmed desperation follows people."
"When governments are desperate they do desperate things."
"He's a drowning man reaching up to pull woke down with him."
"Howard Stern is the kind of guy that would immediately fall to his knees and offer anything to whoever."
"He promised he was going to kill himself if I didn't go back to him."
"We desperately it depend on your word we have no other resource but left to ourselves with your word."
"I just want him back, I don't care what I have to do."
"Nothing I can tell you can help you. Nothing anyone can tell you can help you." - SCP-4730-3
"He thought it was the only way for him to save his family and return home."
"Mekhane's Kiss isn't a superweapon, it's a Hail Mary."
"He's almost reached the point that he's beyond hope."
"Big pharma is playing into people's desperation with recent additions to the type 2 diabetes treatment space."
"He said I made a deal with God. If you don't show up or show me, I'm gonna kill myself."
"He broke the emergency glass and said, they're not working for you."
"This would be a fight if I lose that star I lose all hope and Humanity."
"This is again a show of desperation by the CCP."
"Their first kiss came in a moment of desperation where they just couldn't hold in their feelings anymore: 'You dove through a hole in the universe for me.'"
"The crime and murder rates would go down substantially if people just had health care. Yes, if people weren't desperate all the time, crime would go down."
"People are just so desperate right now and it's sad because they're just holding people over a barrel."
"Just release me from this, anything, anything. I'll take anything."
"To whom shall we go? Meaning that I can't go there. It's nothing, it can't be recovered."
"Why can't I demand that this country include me?"
"The Republican Party has crumbled and is so desperate to be loved by that minority of the population that is all in on MAGA."
"Americans should wake up - the most desperate people in the world refuse to eat our food."
"Miracles come out of a moment of desperation, out of a strong need."
"They know they don't have anything to charge these people with conspiracy with, and so they're begging for it, they're jumping into their chats."
"From the front, you could see, you know, you were trying to hold his hair on and his skull on."
"Do not become so desperate that you sacrifice your peace of mind."
"Tomorrow would be Christmas day, and she had only $1.87 cents with which to buy Jim a present."
"A miracle took place right at the most desperate moment."
"She begged for her life, and for the life of the baby inside of her."
"I think people are so desperate to grow their families that some people will go to the ends of the earth to make that happen."
"Desperate situations call for desperate measures, and desperate measures require men with courage, luck, and a moustache so stiff it can deflect shrapnel."
"Jeremiah Sand, you have seriously [expletive] up. You leave a guy with nothing left to live for, and that just means he's got nothing left to lose."
"The desperation I heard from some people... I can't separate that from a context in which you have the world's largest superpower making it really difficult if not impossible for their country to survive."
"Steve's sad, desperate attempt to shift suspicion has failed."
"Please I'm sorry I'll never come back... please just let me go."
"Stole money to keep his kids from the education system."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I was at rock bottom."
"Help me," she mouthed, tears streaming down her face.
"We are literally in the worst place ever. If there is any chance of getting out, I would take it," they'll said.
"The Democratic Party has become increasingly desperate to hold their party together."
"Bert explains their shitty situation: they've got no guns and their combined body heat will make this outhouse glow like a furnace."
"Creatures don't fight to the death unless they, unless you back them into a corner."
"People were literally just eating wood out of the walls of their homes in desperation."
"Lydia knows that people are so desperate and so in need."
"The homeless man is like asking and begging for food."
"Tell me something that'll save me, tell me something that'll change me."
"Violence is an act of desperation by desperate men and women."
"I could not believe that she was so desperate to recruit that she recruited herself a second time with my name and address."
"She was so desperate to live that perfect life she was promised when she was recruited that she was willing to recruit me and pay for it herself just to appear successful and to fake a downline."
"I have no choice because Pureology hasn't emailed me back in over a year, and I'm getting desperate."
"The only one that we save from it is the one that makes the dua of a drowning man." - Unknown speaker
"They were so desperate wanting Trump to win."
"I realized that if I really can't make it, I'll just sell the house."
"That's the only thing that's going to save us."
"The only chance the Democrats have in the midterms is a hail mary of executive orders."
"They'll kill babies, they'll execute women, they take passports and tear them."
"Sometimes a cornered animal is the most dangerous."
"The situation in Ukraine is becoming desperate..."
"Mothers wept and wailed as they cradled the bodies of their starving children, begging for a few coins to afford a coffin."
"He's basically saying like somebody out there who has less to lose than I do better go out and put an end to this."
"I'm a man of science, damn it! That's all I know. You have to believe me, please!"
"Desperate times are for desperate measures, desperate measures for desperate expenses."
"We have run out of Road, we're off the cliff."
"Don't let us become so comfortable in our lives that we miss being desperate for a touch from you."
"It's just the ugliest thing, ugliest feeling, like knowing that people are trying to hold on to her for their own lives."
"There's one hope left for this increasingly shaky miracle."
"Jimmy was struggling financially when he purchased the Mega Millions ticket with the last dollar in his pocket."
"When you feel helpless, you have just become eligible for the assistance of God."
"We've saved everyone we could from the places we knew were still sheltering survivors, God help the rest."
"The tragedy of today is that the situation is desperate, but the saints are not desperate."
"If it weren't for my children I’d have thrown myself from highest window of the Red Keep. They’re the reason I’m alive."
"Desperation drives us to do stuff out of the ordinary."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
"People are desperate. Anything promising a way out of a no-hope situation looks good to a lot of people."
"When someone can't buy gas when there is no gas when there is no food they are going to vote for anything other than Democrats."
"Why are you constantly beating me? Please stop, you're hurting me, I can't breathe."
"This is hell. You cannot die. You might want to get off Mr. Bones' wild ride but the ride never ends."
"Desperate to save his marriage, Dan pleaded with her saying they could solve their problems."
"A chilling True Crime tale unfolds in the murky depths of family Dynamics where love and Desperation Collide."
"The left is just simply pounding the table. They've got nothing left."
"I'm gonna do it because it's the best shot I've got and traditional medicine has literally nothing left for me to try."
"I'm begging you by the grace of God please get our people out."
"God don't let me die. Just help me bring me through this."
"Spare my family, they did nothing. Take me as your servant so that I may pay my debt to the gods."
"Desperate to keep their season alive and force a game seven."
"Even that was still not enough. I was tired of paying for goods so I stabbed a merchant with a love injector and robbed them blind."
"I really need this one, like really, really, really need this one."
"Hope can be one hell of a drug. It makes you do whatever you need to do in order to flip that coin just one more time."
"There is nothing we have that can stop them at this point."
"You need that deeply, desperately need that."
"When you come to the end of yourself you have no other option than God, that's why I say when you run out of rope it's time to grab onto faith."
"Make us desperate, so desperate that we don't care about shame, so desperate that we don't care about what other people think."
"A starving man in a desert will eat [__] anything."
"I intend to live. I must survive no matter what it takes. If I must debase myself, so be it. I would drink filth and eat carrion to survive. I will do anything, anything to survive."
"Just tell me, honey, don't push me too far. Desperately, I gotta know, my name is Kelly. Mark, call me if you love me so."
"Perhaps it feels too degrading, maybe it's a job that doesn't really need doing at all. Well, good news, I happen to know five people who will do anything for a handful of rice and the chance to win a trophy."
"The ship is sinking, people are jumping ship left and right."
"Steve literally said 'help me, help me from hurting myself' and he said they just left me, they just left me with nothing."
"This was a mother trying to protect her child and made some very bad decisions in order to try to protect her child."
"I have to look elsewhere, it really wants that pancreas though."
"For [__] sake, these people are fighting over $500 to help their students and their classrooms."
"I was very desperate to keep my hair, and I was willing to pay any amount of money."
"I just want to meet my daughter. Can't you understand that?"
"In times of desperation, people will believe what they want to believe."
"Okay, I'm hitting you with a 16/16, I don't care if you have direct damage to kill me, I need him to go face, I kinda want to just lose to it, you know, just lose to it, give me this please."
"We were that desperate and that ill-prepared that you know these poor contract officers were just saying you know you get a contract you get a contract whatever let's see what comes back."
"The pain was so intense that I begged a nurse for morphine, heroin, ketamine, an induced coma if they had to."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, literally."
"Cheers Friday night, la chayama salud nostrovia strava! Every time you say it's Friday night, I think of Wayne's World."
"Desperation is probably just as potent [as charisma and manipulation]..."
"Desperate for relevance... just to make money, be financially free."
"Heavenly lunar, please come and save me!" cried Sue.
"An empty stomach can make a human being do just about anything. It can destroy people, families, cities, and entire civilizations."
"Are the controllers desperate enough to orchestrate a limited nuclear exchange as a last-ditch effort?"
"Using the anomalous object for her own purposes... she found a way to save her daughter."