
Self-development Quotes

There are 1546 quotes

"The only belief that matters is that if you put time and energy into getting better at something, you'll actually get better at it."
"You and only you are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are."
"No one ever arrives at their authentic self; there's never a point at which we are done growing and this is a good thing."
"Try hard in school, do a little bit of self-development."
"In all of this technological and biological medical advancement, it feels like as a society, people have totally missed the self-development thing."
"Life becomes really shitty when you don't develop mastery of the game."
"A positive mental attitude is a state of mind which the individual must create and maintain by methods of his own choice through the operations of his own willpower based on motives of his own adoption."
"Allow yourself to grow, allow yourself to blossom, allow yourself to be at peace."
"Develop your mind because you don't get in life what you want; you get in life what you are."
"Learn to accept what you cannot change and work endlessly to improve what you can."
"I'm in beta. That's not an excuse for me not to grow. It's the reason why I have to."
"Don't focus on finding yourself, get to work on creating yourself."
"Stop trying to find yourself and start creating yourself."
"Since you can't predict what fortune will hand you, you must develop yourself internally to handle the external circumstances."
"I had to invent a guy that didn't exist... I had to build this callous mind."
"You can't put a time limit on what you're going to do with yourself."
"Just like clay, you must shape it, you must mold it and you must make it a masterpiece."
"Desires don't determine who you become, disciplines determine who you become."
"You need to develop a very high sense of self-confidence and figure out what really makes you happy."
"Trust in the universe is something you can experience and develop yourself."
"The truth is, these things take a lot of work and a lot of discipline in many different areas of self-development."
"In the end, the point is to enjoy the process of building yourself up to who you want to be in life. That should be an enjoyable process for the most part."
"People spend more time updating their phones than updating their minds."
"You have to build yourself from the ground up. And that's scary for a lot of people, but it's also a massive opportunity."
"The purpose of life is not to get your goals, the purpose of life is who you become to achieve your goals."
"There's going to be a lot of self-development and growth in the relationship with your soulmate."
"The world of self-development had changed many things for me, but there was some glaring issues."
"Self-development has a nice lure to it, doesn't it? A world of people trying to be better versions of themselves."
"On this channel, we talk about spirituality, the law of attraction, self-development, thought forms, aliens, K-drama, and so much more."
"Practical approach for developing your shadow is radical honesty."
"We have constructive criticism, and however they saying it, take heed to it just a little bit so we can perfect what we doing."
"These next 12 months highlight her crown chakra, which is about a person's faith, self-respect, and spirituality, especially their senses of oneness."
"Focus on who you need to become to attract that perfect or ideal partner into your life."
"You're going to outgrow where you're at right now."
"The greatest discovery of all of human life is that you become what you think about most of the time."
"Success is discovering the purpose for which you were created, developing yourself to fulfill that purpose, and then deploying yourself out into the world to fulfill that purpose by serving other people."
"Welcome to the Baby Elephant community where we talk about the law of attraction, spirituality, self-development, how to be our happiest best selves, and so much more."
"The thing that they have in common, spoiler alert, is that they all learned to set boundaries."
"Be okay with allowing the process to transform who you are so you can become more attractive for who you want."
"Keep moving forward because every day that you do something, you're moving towards that goal and you're becoming a little bit more of that person that you want to be someday."
"Enhancing psychic abilities is akin to embarking on a transcendent journey, one that goes beyond mere sensory experiences."
"Everybody does have gifts that they were born with and that they've developed over time."
"It's who you become in the process of chasing what you want to acquire."
"Listening to criticism is never fun, but it's the only way we can improve."
"I took a little bit of everybody and put it together into what makes us."
"Your life is often defined by the number of uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have."
"You are here because you already have an empowerment mindset."
"The aim of life is self-development, to realize one's nature perfectly."
"The longer that you simply tolerate what you have and what you think rather than taking a step to actively create your thoughts the further you're going to be pushed away from achieving all of your desires."
"You don't have to sacrifice so early, you have a right to show up in this world full-grown."
"Read books, go take some courses, go do some stuff, go learn some stuff!"
"Keep trying to improve, keep practicing, keep studying."
"You need to always be working on yourself every single day, baby stepping it up and up and up and up."
"A heroine who can motivate, inspire, and build up others while simultaneously learning how to become whole herself."
"Each one of us has a vast amount of potential."
"The focus is on individualism and free thought, the development of one's own abilities rejecting religious authority and social taboos."
"Wealth is about well-being in every area of your life."
"I love vlogging. It's a great way to not forget your past but also build on yourself." - Atlas Leas
"You're already building that which you seek."
"You can grow yourself so much more than you currently have grown."
"There's something in you that could develop into something great."
"It's earned, you know? You get that through years of me meditating, seeking, literally putting my own consciousness, my own development, my own truth, my own inner voice before anything else."
"Commit yourself 100% to your personal fulfillment, your expectations, your desires."
"Create the best version of yourself that you can."
"Healthy transcendence: 'An emergent phenomenon resulting from the harmonious integration of one's whole self.'"
"Judgments aren't a big part of the gig if you've had good training and spent time doing the internal work on yourself."
"What are you willing to become at the risk of being seen?"
"Disconnect from noise to focus on your own path."
"It's not so much about the small victories themselves but who you become along the way."
"You are the architect of your own life. It is yours to make or to mar by the power of thought."
"I can't offer a prefabricated moral philosophy for you. You need to construct it yourself."
"It's a mistake to think that school is going to make you what you want to be. You gotta make yourself what you want to be."
"You'll be fine. It takes time to grow into the person that you can be."
"Get out right now and build the person you want to be so you can have the life you want to have."
"My definition of greatness is deciding what kind of life I want to leap and then creating it unapologetically even if it means making different choices than other people."
"For a while, you've been cultivating a frequency within yourself. Now you're in a mode of revealing that frequency to the world."
"Become who you always needed; become that person."
"The perception of others plays an important role in self-development." - A class divided
"My body, intellect, it takes you further than, you know, the women that is just the body."
"A highly sensitive person could emote more empathy."
"If it's used in the pursuit of self-development and self-understanding and it's more just a way of how we learn to socialize with one another, then I think that it can be very helpful."
"You need to do things to be able to make yourself more valuable to others so that you can help others more effectively."
"Level up is... raising your game to the next level... rising to the occasion... being the best version of yourself."
"Success is climbing up the mountain and looking for other mountains to climb."
"My whole life is under construction. I am a work in progress."
"Make decisions from the perspective of who you want to become."
"Having some personal belief outside of yourself is deeply important."
"For years I walked through depression, church hurt, feeling so alone trying to create a self that wouldn't be rejected."
"Dog, you surpassed all expectations... you become such an amazing person out of yourself."
"Your pursuit is making you gain wisdom, get knowledge. You're done with working for people who don't respect you."
"You have to make yourself into something before you can make bolder decisions in the right direction."
"You made yourself into the man that you want to go forward with in life."
"Stay positive, stay motivated, stay focused, stay educated, and keep smiling."
"I'm always saying how can we improve in everything we do because guess what there are a lot of things we need to be a lot better at."
"The major question is not what am I getting paid here the big question is what am I becoming here."
"I know that when I grow into the best version of myself, I will always remember the woman that supported me."
"Do you want to go deep or do you want to be more well-rounded in multiple topics?"
"It's not what we get that makes us happy. It's who we become, how we live our life, who we are as a person."
"Your uncomfortability, what you're going through, is necessary for your growth."
"Your job right now in writing is to turn yourself into a person who can write great novels."
"Focus on who you're becoming rather than just what you're doing."
"You are becoming the architect that will write the blueprint to your family's name."
"Developing your own individuality... purging out things that no longer serve you."
"I'm not a product of my circumstances. I'm a product of my own decisions."
"I had to be mentally ready before I could do the work."
"Options are going to come to you when you work on yourself."
"Focus on your future dreams, nurture and manifest them."
"You're developing yourselves into somewhat of a Powerhouse."
"A good middle ground would be like, 'Hey, I'm going to teach you self-development.'"
"Lean more into your femininity and practice more feminine traits."
"Your higher self is always guiding you forward."
"You don't attract what you want, you attract who you are."
"I've set myself up with so much different stuff that I didn't even know I had the possibility of getting."
"Each behavior casts a vote for the type of person that you want to become."
"The unplugged alpha has full control of their life."
"They are very much motivated to develop themselves, become a better person because of you."
"I want to get settled into my skin first before I have someone throwing strong opinions my way."
"Become a complete package, guys. Don't rely on one thing about yourself."
"Always work hard on yourself than you do on your job."
"Success is discovering the will of God for my life, developing myself for that purpose, and then deploying myself to fulfill that purpose."
"I haven't got there yet but it's... I don't know, there's something in me that's just obsessed with improving and productivity all the time."
"Your focus should be more on what you are becoming than what you are doing."
"Education can help us to understand the Arts and educating ourselves can increase our ability to connect with the art."
"Your personal brand is an extension of your character."
"We're doing a disservice to the whole country and world if we're not able to work with people and figure out how to bring the best in ourselves."
"Surround yourself with positive, uplifting, driven, strategic people."
"You've got to get outside of your comfort zone because in order to do something you've never done, you've got to become someone you've never been."
"It's a journey of constant growth and development."
"When you change your inner landscape, you become that magnet which draws things to you."
"Empower yourself to be who you are and become the person that you actually are."
"It's not just the end that's the important part, it's also the journey, it's how we get there, it's who we are becoming along the way."
"Instead, be aggressive. Take action now. It wasn't until I changed that mentality that I became somebody."
"I think there's this idea that if you become famous, you'll become the person you're supposed to be."
"Ascension is not a game, it's deep soul level work."
"When you develop self-leadership, and you are congruent to the person that you expect them to be, then they develop a sense of respect for you and want to run through walls for you."
"You're either building or you're decaying. Every second counts."
"What better way to spend an hour a day or if you're VIP, two hours a day for five days than making sure you're able to unleash your calling?"
"All the failures have taught me, and I've become who I am because of all my mistakes and all my failures."
"Create a vision of who you want to be and then live into that picture as if it were already true."
"Just be a sponge, develop critical thinking skills."
"Embed the traits that you want to embrace in your life by creating a list of questions."
"Listen man in 2021, [ __ ] got to stop being followers and start developing their inner leader, yeah definitely."
"You're meant to become that version of yourself that is able to receive the blessings."
"We are in a process of releasing a habit of being ourselves."
"It's competition all the time and the best man will win. So my thing is that you preach as well, become the best version of yourself."
"We all became who we needed to while still keeping our inner child alive and that's important as we grow up, you know?"
"Moving into this higher realm, we get to a place where we are just open, infinitely able to access whatever it is that we need without attachment."
"You are the greatest project you will ever get to work on. Keep learning and keep being limitless."
"We are products of our past but we do not have to be prisoners of it."
"This ability to rethink ourselves and to integrate new information as it challenges our current processes and beliefs is something that I strive for every single day."
"Better yourself, and the future only better things can come."
"You are the five people you're surrounded yourself with."
"It's not about speed but about growth. It's a journey, not a race."
"Healing your inner child will help you make money."
"First think about what you want in the future and who you have to become in order to get there."
"You're either being programmed or you're the programmer of your own life."
"Last year I really wanted to get better at working out, which I actually have got better at."
"If you want to develop yourself, it has to come from a genuine place."
"Always have a personal project that you are working on for yourself." - Sean Andrew Murray
"You can't control who's gonna show up at a show, you can't control how many people are gonna be there, but you can control your own development."
"I love this literal self-development reinforcing your will knowing that this is correct feeling the flow of patience and peace."
"The only way that you're going to be the best opportunity is if you continue to work on yourself."
"We're the sum of all our choices and experiences."
"The more you focus on your clairsentience and growing it... the more balanced and stable and secure you're going to feel in yourself."
"I want to grow as a person and become a better person."
"Figure it out early, stick to it, invest in yourself."
"It's important to not limit yourself to one specific thing. Generalize yourself and be able to."
"You've got greatness within you... talents and skills... you haven't even began to reach for yet."
"You're creating a new vision for what your destiny is."
"You have to become to get to make that money."
"I am becoming the best version of myself. I am the greatest of all time within my paradigm as are you."
"Focus on your Harmony, your peace, perfecting your skills."
"Wherever you give your consent to, whoever you give your power to, that is exactly what you become."
"Grow a level of some self-awareness of confidence."
"Use those principles to become yourself authentically, fully yourself."
"Be better than you are now a week from now a month from now six months from now."
"I cannot be a person that is not growing, I cannot be a person that is not evolving."
"The future belongs to those who can learn more skills."
"College will teach you to think for yourself."
"We had to reinvent ourselves, always self-inventing."
"Realizing that you want... to grow, and that's what you want."
"I want to be able to cultivate those feelings within myself."
"Speak the language of the person you seek to become."
"Being deserving is not to want, it's to create."
"We don't have to let that stop us from becoming who we want to be."
"You are the greatest project you will ever get to work on."
"Willpower is something you can build up over time."
"We don't plan to fail, we merely fail to plan."
"Be patient with yourself as you move forward. Confidence is your key to success."
"What you think you want in a partner isn't necessarily the things that you actually need."
"The desire to develop yourself and an interest in self-help is a hallmark of maturity."
"It's about the evolution, the continuation of yourself."
"This is a time where we should definitely take in focus on development of self and being able to find a focus so that we can... guard our family, our communities, and eventually to be able to guard this nation."
"We all have gifts and talents that we were given and that we developed."
"I was set on being a better person period - professionally, artistically, as a husband, as a dad, all this kind of stuff, as a friend."
"What you put in your brain is what you're going to get out of it."
"Who you're becoming...someone who's empowered."
"The content that you consume is the content you will become."
"As good as you are right now there's still a ton of room for growth."
"Honestly just going on dates and having conversations... it'll build itself if the guy is worthwhile."