
Skills Quotes

There are 5353 quotes

"You're going to have to work really hard to gain a set of skills that you care about for your own intrinsic reasons that allow you to serve yourself and others."
"Skills matter. Skills mean you can do something other people can't do."
"The perception skill is a very popular and potent skill in D&D, predominantly used to notice hidden things in the environment or detect threats such as traps and ambushes before they're sprung upon your party."
"Mindset, skill set, habits. If you can master those, you're done."
"It's better to be good at one thing than to be meh at everything."
"Be a good programmer who knows lots of frameworks, who knows lots of languages, who understands computer science intimately."
"Understanding how to read your body may be even more important than understanding what you're good at."
"I stayed confident because I'm really handsome and I'm pretty good at chess."
"If you are good at something, never do it for free."
"Speaking of tomorrow, it's tomorrow, and it's time to whip out my stellar bartering skills."
"Trust your abilities, your skill, your education, the time, the effort, and the experience that you've gained."
"Problem-solving is one of the most important skills that you can have, especially as a programmer."
"If you get good at something that the world values, that other people can't do, and you love it, you're optimizing for a life that fills you with joy."
"It's about getting a skill that lets you live a fulfilling life with a meaningful career."
"Serving others and helping others with your skills and strengths is the greatest thing you can do."
"Technology is an asset when it works, it is dead weight when you don't have batteries, it is a liability when you don't understand the fundamentals of what you're doing and you rely on the technology to do the things."
"If you need a translator, that sounds like a skill issue."
"It isn't the grand success, the accolades, money, or fame; it is truly working really hard to gain a set of skills that you care about that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people towards an end that excites you."
"Everybody has specific skill sets that they are great at."
"Invest in your own ability to make money and invest in your own skills."
"Skills are going to stay with you for the rest of your life."
"School is extremely outdated though... every single person coming out of a boot camp is immediately useful."
"Learn a new skill whether it's riding a horse, learning how to do your edges, editing videos."
"The best thing that we can do for them is give them the skills they need to manage risk on their own."
"Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and achieve the desired outcome."
"Speaking a foreign language is a little bit like juggling. There are a lot of moving pieces you have to keep in place, whether it's pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary."
"Invest in your skills because that's going to determine the value of your time."
"You have to identify what you're great at doing and stop trying to play life at the things that you're mediocre at doing."
"Skills have utility. They allow you to do things in the world. Whether your mom believes in you or not, if you get good enough, you will win."
"Yara is surprisingly skilled with these sort of negotiations."
"You learn communication, teamwork, improvisation, trust, and sort of a sense of how to play, which are all very, very vital in interpersonal relationships."
"He's the guy that's got a 1260; he can do 900s on a whim."
"Skills can be acquired, and that fills me with optimism about so many things in our world."
"Coding, that's a high level skill that will get you a high-paying job right now."
"Everyone is valuable in life, but some skills are more valuable than others based on how easy they are, what they take to learn, how much effort is required to get good at it, and so on."
"You want to build a portfolio of skills and assets that will convince your employer to take you on rather than someone else."
"Being able to speak, being able to communicate that idea, expressing it, and more so being able to do so on camera, and then be entertaining, these are all extra skill sets to have."
"Finding the right problem is such a key skill; if you can come up with a nice problem that is close to solving, then you're in a beautiful situation."
"Welding aluminum requires precision and understanding of its unique properties."
"If you can have both of these skills in one, you're pretty much never going to be looking for a job; they're going to be looking for you."
"Having a typical 9-5 job is a great way to really form, build, and develop foundational skills."
"If you're good at something, never do it for free."
"If you know networking, that's gonna make you better. It's gonna make you awesome. So don't skip this, honestly, it's kind of a superpower."
"Most people worth hiring are people who have proven with a portfolio of their work and have already found ways of monetizing it."
"Machine learning topped the list of the most desirable skills in all of IT and information technology."
"The second most powerful thing we can do is learn how to master the art of communication."
"They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and a natural aptitude that lets them do almost anything well."
"Content creation, I think, is probably one of the most valuable skills to learn in this era that we're in. It's extremely important not only for yourself and your own personal brand but to work with other corporations, other businesses."
"What you need to do is chase people. Who are you? What skills do you have? What problem do you solve? And if you can solve that problem, the more people you solve that problem for, the more money you will make."
"If you want to be paid a lot, you really need to be good at something that's both in demand and hard."
"Having a mix/synthesis of both skills and traits would be interesting, for example, having a few scales for universal aspects of personality... then a few more choices from a bank of traits possibly themselves having adjustable intensity."
"The triangle to trading success is mastering these three skills: the strategy that provides an edge over the market, risk management, and discipline."
"I'm going to try to give you some timeless, proven techniques so that you can become a better negotiator."
"Negotiation is a constant thing... you might as well be good at it."
"Some believe that even today, we do not have the skills to match the quality of the work carried out by the ancient Greeks."
"Legal matter will go in new ways, and your ability and knowledge and skill set will be recognized and duly appreciated."
"We like to start with the nine negotiation skills; there are two that everybody likes."
"No offense Natasha, but he won't just be some guy who's really good at kicking and punching."
"You must become more effective communicators. This is something you can control."
"I hope that your skills and communities and yourselves are able to do that for you and for each other."
"The purpose of education is to open the mind, to bring a mind into its capacity, to treat a mind to learn from itself, and it is always to be fundamentally the inculcation of the absolute necessary skills for a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, to function in society."
"Learning how to take good pictures is a really important skill."
"Allah has chosen you... because you have demonstrated certain skills and manners which Allah will use to put you in all kinds of situations."
"Everybody has cool skills, and we all are cool, and we should celebrate that."
"When there's some sort of a dilemma or predicament, it doesn't throw you off, but you have this gift of working through crisis management."
"To master the art of social media is extremely important."
"The only thing that stands between you and your dreams is a set of skills."
"I wouldn't be relying just on the master's degree to get you a job; you have to have the other skills."
"The kids can do the chores. 'I'm a great seamstress,' you know?"
"A machine learning engineer has to be a good software engineer first."
"Just because you might be good at something or you might like things doesn't mean you know where you're going to go or what life will bring."
"There's more to a person than just doing one thing. If you can do more than one thing, why wouldn't you?"
"Fundamentals matter. Playing meta champions matter. And improvement matters."
"The differences between boys and girls aren't set in stone; they're there because their experiences have taught them different skills and mental attitudes."
"Reading nonverbal cues is about as close to a superpower as you're gonna get."
"Every single thing that I know how to do, I found on the Internet for free."
"Skill stacking is greater than being a specialist, which is greater than doing nothing at all because you're afraid of saturation, automation, or any other excuse that leads to distraction."
"We are in a digital Renaissance, and skill stacking... allows you to build a creative solution to almost any burning problem on the market."
"There are more highly skilled shot makers in the league than there've ever been."
"Having a strong portfolio is crucial; it's your visual resume and speaks volumes about your skills and potential."
"First thing I always say is you got to take yourself back to any time in your past career...and remind yourself of all the things you're good at."
"Physics just gives you a way of thinking that makes you valuable in a lot of fields."
"Learning new skills, being together with friends, and creating are the things that make me happy."
"The Magician reminds you that you have all the tools and skills you need to make this happen now."
"Community is probably the single most important thing...because you need all those different skill sets."
"And now that you know these techniques, you too can use them for taking outstanding photos with your iPhone."
"Appreciate yourself; you have so many skills and talents."
"The mindset and the skill sets are with you forever. It doesn't matter what you lose."
"I'm very good at observing things, and I will continue to be very good at observing things into the near future."
"It's okay for people to be good at things and other people to not be good at things."
"I believe in timing more these days, and I believe that we increasingly undervalue genuine relationship skills."
"I've gained a lot of insights and skills over the years through practice."
"Economic development is usually just the development of skills across a large population."
"Skills are one of the easiest things to customize... reorder the skills on your resume based on what the Job Description wants."
"The best managers are the best man-managers."
"Girls are every bit as good at driving cars as boys are."
"We're looking for the bright people that we need to retain."
"You can literally train yourself to do anything."
"How can the skills you've gathered contribute to the greater good?"
"Typing... is actually the skill that I use every single day."
"Your ability to learn advanced skills is directly proportional to how good you are at fundamental skills."
"Why should WoW's addictiveness be a bad thing if it leads to learning real-life applicable skills and forming meaningful relationships?"
"The superpowers are...the ability to be useful to other people in a way that's really good."
"Comedy you have to have chops, which is like, everybody can write a joke and tell a joke, but you got to be able to be quick on your feet."
"I've been doing video game commentary for something like a decade now. It's a skill and a craft like anything else."
"By far and away the most important thing that happened, at least to me, was Boruto once again using a move that we didn't know he had access to."
"The single most life-changing skill I have taught myself is how to teach myself."
"Everyone has something that they're good at, and there are other people who would like to learn how to do what you do too."
"New skills don’t just offer new hobbies or professional development, but they can often give a great feeling of confidence, purpose, and security."
"How do you learn how to read them in the right way?"
"Skills win fights, and he seems to have a lot of those."
"You can make your own fizzy juice, kombucha, and Seltzer."
"I love baby boomers who say kids don't even know how to write cursive... cursive doesn't really have a place in the modern world anymore."
"If you're going to play out from the back... you gotta have players who can play it."
"Wisdom is animal handling, insight, medicine, perception, survival, and whatever else the DM allows you to add your proficiency bonus to."
"Her articulate and persuasive skills were already evident."
"Cold weather environments put a premium on skill, discipline, and leadership."
"Trade management is far more important than knowing when you are going to close a trade for a profit."
"Learn to swim so you always have options, you always have options. Learn to swim."
"Profit is like a god, he can play everything."
"I just mash my fingers into the keyboard and I can play sick."
"The ability to produce writing that was not only legible but also beautiful was a sought after and highly vaunted skill."
"There's definitely still a place for focusing on penmanship today."
"She's an archaeologist and confident in her assassination abilities."
"True Prosperity is what you know and what you can do."
"There will be huge demand for people who've got any kind of skills in cyber technology world."
"His talent was in manipulation, not technology."
"Learning new skill helps you a lot in your professional life."
"Fire is your number one asset in any survival situation."
"I can imagine Bart's troublemaking nature helped him bolster his lockpicking skills which could lead him to becoming a locksmith."
"I've always been good with cameras and I've always been good at editing, like why not utilize my skills?"
"Downstriking is an extremely useful skill to learn."
"You're good at fixing things, learning on the fly."
"Kudos to you for knowing more than one language."
"One thing we must remember the ability to find sites archaeologically and the ability to interpret them are two totally different skills."
"You have more skill than you think, you're doing a good job."
"Skill sets are the most important today, and so is creativity."
"There are other skills that make you more valuable on the market."
"What sort of skills do we want them to have? Communication, collaboration, curiosity, critical thinking, questioning, adaptability."
"A good concept artist is one that is able to do a lot of solid painting, has good illustration skills, but at the same time has a very vivid imagination."
"Communication is a basic tactical skill in crisis intervention."
"There are great jobs out there... high-paying jobs that don't require college degree but they do require some skills."
"Analysis is one of the most important skills to master in art."
"By the time I get out of here, I will be the most sophisticated ramen technician in the solar system."
"Hacking is a culmination of all those admin engineer skills."
"People say you're multi-talented, and sometimes being a jack of all trades is a talent in itself."
"Muscle memory is the main thing that separates a star player like KennyS or s1mple from you and I."
"Every attribute has skills, perks, and over 240 perks in the game."
"Language is the second most fundamental skill that we develop after our ability to functionally manipulate our body."
"Focusing on improving what I'm decent at to much better at."
"Intuition and discernment will become a strong asset."
"The traits that make a good dancer make a good fighter."
"Learn a new skill around something that will always be useful to you."
"For big tech companies, knowing a specific language isn't crucial. It's about your ability to learn and adapt."
"Unlike most immersive sims, Prey doesn't lock you out of areas based on skills."
"Can we make it again in America? Do we still have the knowledge and the skills?"
"Getting better at something is one of the most rewarding things a human can do."
"Competitive play: It's time to prove your mettle."
"Never to underestimate the skills of Jebediah Kerman."
"Better than being prepared with food on hand is being prepared with skill sets that enable you to survive through whatever."
"You have to prove that you can do the job or 80 of the job."
"Dragon Knights make the best tanks in the game, mostly because of the large amounts of crowd control and damage mitigation skills they have access to."
"The number one thing that you should do and get good at is become an influencer."
"If you have the administrative skills and the people skills to have that leadership position along with a racing background, that is the perfect combination."
"He can do anything, go to the mat, stand, anything."
"By the end of this course, you'll have so many graphic design techniques under your belt."
"Now you've still got the skills you developed... you know exactly why it's not for you now."
"We need to get back to... where our trade was cool and respected."
"I've got three skills, it's kind of like a roguelite mechanic."
"I'm not always the smartest dog out here but I got a couple of tricks."
"It's going to take the people like you with your skills to come up with solutions because that's the only way we're going to."
"Human trafficking is not politics, people, that's a human issue."
"Playing handyman... it's manly, sweet, and super sexy."
"Success isn't just about being good at what you're doing, you have to be good at selling it as well."
"Welcome back for more Summoner Showdown where summoners get to showcase their skills for the world to see."
"And you're [__], you're like a Swiss army knife at the highest level in all of these avenues."
"Have that childlike wonder about yourself and really embrace your past talents or skills."
"To win within the Midnight Brawl, one must be skilled in one of the following categories, hand-to-hand combat, stealth, or intelligence."
"Flight is probably the single most useful skill we unlock in the entire game."
"My gift my super gift is Administration I have the gift of administration I fully have tapped into it accepted it and completely embraced it which is why I'm experiencing the benefits of abundance 24 7 in the financial Matrix."
"You lack the heart of a true duelist and until you obtain it, you'll never defeat me."
"Scrapper happens to be one of the two classes out of the current 24 classes in the game that has access to two counter-attack skills."
"More just more tools in your kit and that means more room for the skilled players to shine."
"I've always believed that to be a good YouTuber, you have to be a good something else."
"If you can't shoot the ball, you cannot play basketball."
"That's what happens when you make fun of someone with a very particular set of skills."
"Everybody has a skill, everybody's good at something. Right? I figured out my skill was fighting."
"Better fire control, target acquisition marksman than most soldiers. True that."
"Life takes different turns based on the skills and abilities you're given."
"It's a good thing to lean on those great diplomatic skills that many of you have."
"You have to understand markets. I think it's an important skillset, but shouldn't be too sympathetic to the market." - Raghuram Rajan
"He's been a corporate animal... he has a skill set that Bob Chapek does not possess."
"Game is everything. You need game because the sexual marketplace will chew you up and spit you out."
"Talent and technique are two totally different things."
"Knowledge, skills, they are designed to have real-world impact. They are designed to give you the ability to do something that influences this world."
"Leadership is a learned skill. Anybody that tells you that there's just only natural leaders in my opinion is off the mark."
"You can't be a con man if you don't know how to trick people."
"The best way to ensure that you're that hiring manager's number one pick is to do everything you can to be building skills and experience that set you apart from the competition."
"I believe that he has skills and has the knowledge and skill set to actually bring us ahead."
"We have to understand propaganda and learn how to combat it."