
Goodness Quotes

There are 4982 quotes

"You can't be a happy person if you aren't grateful, and you can't be a good person if you aren't grateful."
"Love is not something you do; love is something you are. Goodness is not something you do through good deeds... Goodness is what you are."
"Each of us can also go about doing good, knowing God is with us."
"People have the capacity to be good; it's miraculous, and I love that."
"No matter how much suffering comes my way, no matter how much undeserved suffering comes my way, I will not lose faith and I will do good."
"He is good and He does good, and ultimately everything will work out for our good and His glory."
"You renew people's faith in goodness. Your challenges have made you more compassionate."
"Every single thing in the universe is screaming out for goodness and happiness and light."
"A good man is a good man, and he's a great example for being a family man."
"I fundamentally believe in the goodness of people. We are all one people."
"Despite the wide variety of intellectual and spiritual philosophies floating about around the turn of the Common Era, there was pretty broad agreement among them that the gods, or God if you are a monotheist, were fundamentally good."
"What made them good was their goodness and, by extension, the relative beneficence of the cosmos."
"Mercedes was down to her core a good person."
"How respectful I am of the American people and their goodness."
"Islam is built upon the principle of doing good, the principle of reciprocity, not just having good but doing good."
"The world is a good place, there are a lot of good people in the world, and evil is a minor thing in the structure of things."
"It's like when there's a lot of bad things happening, there's still a little bit of good in everyone."
"We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called to live his purpose for us."
"Good is so rare. So I want to know why some people turn out good. That's a real interesting puzzle."
"Kids are innately good; it is good for people to have kids."
"If you want everything to be good, be good yourselves."
"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
"The desire to do good is really God's voice within you."
"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control."
"I love the idea of a character that was unknowable in her goodness or her badness."
"You keep it, you hold it, and you use it to do as much good as you can."
"Principles always are more powerful than force, and good always supersedes evil."
"Whatever we're doing in life, let's project goodness."
"If you confront the potential of the world with good in mind using truthful communication, then the order that you extract is good."
"What is good about freedom? Well, that gets into a deep question of what do we consider goodness."
"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
"God saw the goodness in every step of the progression."
"What makes a man good is what makes a man unique."
"Things are interconnected, that things are fundamentally good, that love and truth can actually prevail."
"Good and light and love will win in the end."
"Let a man overcome anger by love, let him overcome evil by good; let him overcome the greedy by liberality, the liar by truth."
"Commit your souls to him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator."
"You need not be blindly faithful to believe that there is goodness in the world; you can see it, it's here."
"Thank goodness there is a lot of goodness in this world, and more goodness every day."
"Good and evil are never equal. Repel evil with good."
"We will repel evil with goodness and stand courageously alongside you against intolerance."
"Every human being has the potential to be good."
"You don't need to be perfect to be a good person. The you that you are right now is good enough."
"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good."
"He showed me that no matter how dark things get, there's still good people in this world."
"We really are a precious species. We want so badly to be good."
"Embody the highest goodness and absolute love."
"It's good to see a good person do good and be in a good place."
"Until you understand that you're a monster, you don't have the moral force to do good."
"No goodness is worthless, no good effort is worthless, no human being is worthless."
"Goodness is uneventful; it does not flash, it glows."
"Recognizing the capacity for evil is perhaps the first step in becoming good."
"Karma is real, and it's good to do good for people."
"Mellowed by affection, we almost reach the stage of loving goodness itself."
"I always told Nancy that she was one of the few people that were good, that were left on this Earth, and I meant that."
"The capacity in each of us to love more than we hate, do more good than we do ill, help more than we harm, is such understanding really divine, or is it simply human?"
"Every single religion in the world basically says the same things: be a good person, help out others, do the right thing."
"What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it."
"It's God's goodness that leads a man to repentance."
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
"He who does good, whether he is male or female, and he has Iman, then of a certainty, we are going to give him Hayatun Tayyiba, a sweet life, a beautiful life, a tranquil life."
"I will strive for greatness, and if I fall short, I will have goodness at least."
"When you are busy with good, Shaitan cannot busy you with evil."
"You find [God] in your noble acts... in small actions, good deeds."
"Christopher Hitchens did it best in saying, 'We don't need Divine permission to be good.'"
"Everybody is attracted to good people because ultimately, everybody is attracted to God, and God is good."
"God is good, basic, right? But this is so very important because I know we say it all the time: God is good all the time, and all the time God is good."
"Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up."
"If you want Allah and the messenger and the Hereafter, then Allah has prepared for those of you who are good doers a great reward."
"The best you can do is to be as good as you can in your time and place."
"The good that unites all those goods is the same good that's reflected in the image of Christ."
"I love my daughter deeply. I honor her. She is such a good human being. She only wants to do good in the world."
"You're absolutely one of the best humans I know, good inside and out."
"The idea of virtue ethics is that human beings have the potential to do good, not the inevitability of doing good."
"You want to be a benevolent force in the world... a force of good."
"He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man as the good old city knew."
"Lovingkindness will surround you. Everywhere you turn, you will see the evidence of God's goodness and kindness."
"It makes you think that way, and I was actually honestly able to answer that question, yes. I believe I was a good person. I've done good things, and I've helped a lot of people."
"The human heart wants both; it wants to love and be loved; it wants to be good and experience good."
"Whatever you do in your life, double down on your goodness."
"All humans are born good, although your experiences might differ, your nature is good."
"Maybe part of what makes us human is this capacity for faith in peace, in goodness, and something beyond ourselves."
"It's very important, I think, to always strive to be good, no matter what."
"I believe if you go through life and you're genuinely a good person, you try your best to be good to people, you'll have a massive influence."
"Many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness, but who can find a faithful and trustworthy man?"
"Virtue is the only good; virtue needs nothing else."
"You have shown that goodness doesn't depend on a marketing budget or whether it's trendy for the year. That just being a good person is important regardless of what's going on."
"I did something I really felt like I've done something good. Like, I was a good person."
"If God is good, then by nature, He will make sure that justice is served."
"Nature is a force of good. Good is not only a concept; it is a spirit."
"You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person. You just have to make up your own definition of good."
"You don't have to be religious to be a good person."
"You can do anything you want in life, just do it with goodness in your heart."
"Don't be tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, you will reap a harvest of blessing if you don't give up."
"Don't forget goodness is contagious; we love you."
"We have some divine calling. That divine calling is to establish what's good in the midst of what isn't."
"You can't go wrong if you just roam around on planet Earth and you believe that what Jesus did for us was good through and through, and all you need to do is do good instead of evil."
"God saw everything that he made, and behold, it was very good."
"The world is full of good. Take it and forget all else."
"Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life."
"He showed love to everybody, everywhere. And when something like this happens to good people, it hurts."
"You don't have to chase it; your goodness and mercy will follow you back."
"I want to benefit people like that. I want to be a guide for people towards good."
"We have friends and allies because America is a force for good in the world."
"The desire to do what is right, the innate desire in us to be good, does not exist in simple matter."
"I just want to be good. I think being evil is so easy and it's so common... I want to be good. I want my soul to be good."
"Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone."
"If God is good, then by definition, it's good."
"At the end of the day, you're a good person. I know that you've got a good heart."
"The nature of a human being is righteousness, to be good, to do good."
"He knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel when the day comes those two pull together he will be an Unstoppable Force for good."
"Good really can triumph if enough of us stand behind it."
"Take care of your animals, take care of the earth, be an agent of good."
"There is good in this world, and it is worth fighting for."
"They're just good humans who happen to be wildly talented, but they're just good humans."
"There is a countervailing force at work always. There's a counterbalance to the badness. It's called goodness."
"We are a great nation because we're basically a good people."
"Everybody's got goodness in them, no matter what."
"What does it mean to be a force for good giving all my crackness?"
"Goodness and kindness... is to speed up his coming... enough of us feel that way we make a difference today."
"God will do not only what glorifies him but what is fully good for us."
"Hold on to that which is good, examine everything."
"Everybody, they love Amanda and Andre. They're such good people."
"No matter how evil somebody is, there's some good in all the evil people."
"There's good inside everybody; you just have to listen to your heart and do what's right." - El Gablino
"God is in our hearts, and if we turn to our hearts, there's so much good that we can do."
"You almost get sick of just being good and doing the right thing every day."
"There's a countervailing force at work, always. It's called goodness."
"You're a net force for good if you want to be. Do you believe you're not full of good? Yes, in all the details probably not. You know, no one's perfect."
"Lord, you are a good God, and you have always been good to me. Even though my life can be a mess, you still love me and are willing to help me get back on track with you."
"Every single day, the actions of the good outweigh the wicked."
"It's all about being a good person, doing good deeds."
"We testify that you are good and those who trust in you lack no good thing."
"Sora is intrinsically good. New forms of medieval obscurantism are imaginary."
"Do it because you know you have good in your heart."
"Your goodness can turn ordinary into extraordinary."
"Truth will actually produce a tree of fruit of goodness."
"People have a deep need to believe that goodness exists out there."
"You are a good man. You are doing a lot of good. I thank God he made you."
"There's so much power in being able to genuinely desire to be a good person regardless of any existential consequences."
"So many people in our lives who are Christian, who are Muslim, who are whatever faith, are really, really good people."
"You know, all he's saying is you get up in the morning and you go around wherever you're going and you do good for crying out loud. How hard could it be?"
"Humans are inherently good and creators of our environment."
"The man of vision sees goodness everywhere, even in the face of evil."
"I look for the good in people. I tend to believe most people are good or have the capacity to be good and desire to be good."
"Faith is the belief that the good draws to it the good."
"It's nice to know that there is also some goodness, even if it's just helping to clean up your neighbor's rubbish."
"Pray to be entered into goodness and truth, wherever you go."
"Morality should be seen, and I think in a broader sense, as how it is good to be and also what it is good to love."
"People believe things because there is like some shred of goodness there that they're trying to scrape at."
"There's always been good people of all shades of color."
"You can be good, Loki, you can be a good person."
"Good is God; we wouldn't have good without God."
"I have faith that right shall triumph in my thinking, that good shall dominate my being."
"We are going to continue to emulate goodness and charity and love, regardless of what has been wrought upon us."
"The best way to respond to evil is to overcome it with good."
"Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
"Don't have to be religious to be a very good person."
"All major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings."
"You're a good person because you have a good moral compass."
"Every person has flaws, weaknesses, things they've done wrong. But there's much goodness in him as well."
"There is only one thing on this earth more powerful than evil, and that's us."
"He's like a character, like a Disney character. But when you break all that down, man, he's actually a good guy."
"You genuinely, in my heart of hearts, I believe you are a genuinely good person. You're just genuinely trying hard to make the world a better place."
"I know something about the grace of God and something about the goodness of God."
"I'm praising God because He's been good to me."
"There's nothing more wholesome and good in this world than healing other human beings."
"It's about tasting and seeing that He is good."
"The blessing coming for you is all the good you've done for others coming back to you."
"It gives me hope that there's still a little bit of good in this world."
"People are beautiful by and large; goodness will prevail."
"God created man in his own image... and god saw that it was good."
"It's better to go through life believing in the goodness of people."
"God is good, that's all we know, is God is good."
"I think there's good in everybody, maybe sometimes it's deep, deep, deep. But I do think that at their core everybody's a good person."
"Like do good and people might want to do good too."
"People that do stuff out of the goodness of the heart don't kill people."
"Sometimes people can make a mistake and they're still a good person crazy I know."
"Being a good person is more often about caring for someone rather than about kicking the bad guys."
"Being an affectionate man is being a good man. Yes, being a real man."
"Man is not bad, man is good in his heart. There is no evil in man."
"We are beautiful people. We are doing good to the world."
"Innocence deserves to be protected, goodness deserves to be defended."
"It is actually the good... that are actually going to last."
"People are gonna start to realize that's good to do good."
"America is a great country because we're a good country."
"Abhor evil, love good, and establish justice."
"Beloved, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God."
"I see the truth, a fundamental goodness in the world."
"Absolutely nothing is impossible, and God is so good. God is so faithful."
"A good girl needs to remember that not all people are as good as her."
"Do you think somebody that embodies all aspects of goodness and kindness and is truly a lawful good person will have a happy ending in this world?"
"Most people are just trying to be good people to the best of their ability and knowledge."
"We need to love without hypocrisy, hate what is evil, and cling to that which is good."
"God's determination to do good is undeterred by accusations of doing harm."
"He is the temple, the priest, the sacrifice, and this God is good."
"Only God is good, and He's good all the time."
"His will is rarely easy, but it's always good."
"Whatever you see that is good is from the Lord."