
Economy Quotes

There are 10807 quotes

"Gratitude is the universal currency that holds its value regardless of the economy's state."
"Financial experts thought we were in the clear... then the inflation data came out higher than expected."
"The economy is doing better; things are positive."
"The less the left and the right like a Federal Reserve chair, the better for the economy."
"You can, with very little difficulty, create your own economy."
"Our world runs on money, the exchange and store of value, and cryptocurrency seeks to build the next chapter of how money works and what it can do."
"This Market's just been on this sugar high and 2020 was the biggest sugar high and 2021 is the sugar crash."
"Now we have to face the reality that this inflation is becoming stagnation and soon enough it will become a recession."
"The closest way for you to get actual exposure to the American economy is to invest in the broader stock market as a whole."
"The economy is socially constructed. Yes, but ultimately you're going to have to think about how are things produced, how are they distributed."
"Abundance is a kind of liberation. The more efficient your economy, the more it can produce, the more the average person has access to."
"Higher productivity growth also means that the economy can maintain stable prices even in the face of higher wages."
"China is pumping credit, has been doing that for already three months under the radar."
"Immigrants contribute significantly to the economy as workers, entrepreneurs, taxpayers, and consumers."
"Money is created as a result of providing value."
"America is easily the strongest economy in the world, easily the strongest military in the world, easily has the most soft power in the world, easily has the greatest institutions of higher learning, easily has the greatest medical doctors and healthcare professionals in the world."
"If your job has an appreciation week, you don't get paid enough."
"This Empire prides itself on its intense loyalty, beautiful aesthetics, and thriving economy."
"In today's economy, most people cannot survive on just one income."
"America's economy is tied directly to Europe's economy. Our grocery prices responded to the disruption of Ukrainian grain; gas prices are affected by energy disruption."
"Throughout the 21st century, Russia and China’s economic ties have only deepened."
"Wall Street didn't build America. The middle class built the country and unions built the middle class."
"They see how much they're paying at the grocery store, they see how much they're paying at the gas pump, they see the results of inflation, they see their 401(k)s."
"Less is good for the economy because folks are now able to buy a home, start a business, start a family."
"We're exporting American products and creating American jobs."
"America is on the rise, and we have the best economy in the world."
"At the bottom of the market, there's never enough money, and at the top, there's always way too much."
"Small businesses are the backbone of the economy."
"The story of America isn't just the story of the patriots that helped build the democracy. The reason the United States is the leading economy in the world is because of the work of entrepreneurs."
"We think the stance of monetary policy remains appropriate. Our guidance on the federal funds rate and on asset purchases is providing strong support for the economy."
"Everything is reaching frothy levels again, it reminds me of 2012, which was the last time the fear and greed index hit extreme greed."
"First of all, the stock market is at record highs, Bitcoin is at near record highs, gold is at record highs, everything is up."
"The virus gives us a 'great opportunity,' and the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies."
"The economy is horrible, and Millennials are definitely feeling the pressure."
"Inflation has increased notably in recent months. The 12-month change in PCE prices was 3.6 percent in April and will likely remain elevated in coming months before moderating."
"Every exchange of goods and services, whether it's taking place at the real economy or at the service economy, ultimately needed to be measured in the same way that the farmer's activity is measured."
"I'm a real estate millionaire and things are really changing in the economy."
"The largest wealth transfer is really just starting."
"Being the best economy in the world and having that supported by objective data sure sounds like a good thing to me."
"We've had record decreases in deficit, the fastest gas price decline in eight years."
"Poll after poll says the American people believe we should raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"Millions of job losses in the United States and an absolutely robust, ever-climbing stock market. What does this mean? It means one of the greatest wealth transfers in history is underway."
"The factual argument for immigration helping the wages of the American people, in addition to helping our economy, are settled. It is a done deal. No economists argue this."
"The pie is growing...there is some sense that we are we have something in common then things get much calmer."
"The environment and the economy need to go together."
"The US is $34 trillion in the hole, stressful, and yet we keep printing money."
"As you know, inflation is hitting everyone, but it's really hitting the young people."
"Saudi Arabia, the leading oil exporter of the world, wields what is by far the largest economy in the Arab world."
"Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago?"
"It also looks like our max rent on a bunch of these has gone up massively."
"The penthouse is now 2,800; the rent went up."
"We have to ensure that we can continue to remain economically viable, bringing our supply chains home, making sure that we produce what we need."
"Infinite money, infinite industry, nothing is more balanced."
"Inflation down to 2.97%, unemployment down to 3.6%, U.S. manufacturing is now number one globally."
"A resource-based economy wants to create a sustainable culture... to support public health directly, not through the movement of money."
"Public health and ecological sustainability are the true economic factors in our world."
"Studies have shown that gender parity is fundamental to whether and how societies and economies thrive."
"We understand that this is an incredibly difficult time right now with unemployment at record highs and financial insecurity making everyone nervous about a potential depression."
"It's a quiet exodus of capital leaving New York."
"Let's focus on our energy independence, decouple our economy from things we can't produce."
"You can't fix the economy and repair the damage that this virus has done to the economy until you deal with the virus."
"The economy is coming back and is coming back strongly."
"Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals."
"We need things consumed, burned up, replaced, and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate."
"The thai economy was struggling during World War II, and the government encouraged rice noodles to be eaten instead of rice."
"Every fiber of our Union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers."
"Corruption is not some byproduct of monetarism; it is the very foundation."
"The market system can theoretically give us everything we want and still leave us unsatisfied."
"I created the greatest and fairest economy in history. The biggest gains went to lower-income Americans."
"China's potential is enormous; it is the biggest economy in the world today in terms of purchasing power parity."
"The youth unemployment rate in China remains high."
"I really believe this is a pent-up demand. I think that as soon as we say let's go, it's gonna be sooner than people would think."
"If we hadn't been driving our economy with easy money, we wouldn't be having these problems now."
"The economy itself, its core system processes, internal logic, incentives, and so on, has become the greatest public health threat humanity has ever known."
"Extending democracy into the economic sphere...is really the method to do that in this system."
"The best thing we can do for those issues is to provide an economy where we have stable prices and maximum employment."
"We can fight inflation and protect worker gains by investing in growth right here at home and building a more inclusive economy."
"Billions of dollars worth of US trade secrets are stolen every year."
"Monetary policy must take a broad and forward-looking view, keeping pace with an ever-evolving economy."
"Wages increasing, especially for people in lower wage jobs, is a benefit to them."
"We need to get inflation back down to two percent over time again, there are factors that we don't control, but those factors do tend to wash out over time."
"We're looking for compelling evidence that inflation is coming down, and we don't have that."
"Immigrants are an overall net positive to the economy."
"In communism, under capitalism, there is literally an abundance of food supply. There's a surplus of food, so we throw it out."
"Competition and profit are the worst way to organize an economy, except for all the others that have been tried."
"High inflation imposes significant hardship as it reduces purchasing power, especially for those living paycheck to paycheck."
"Inflation can make a really big difference in people's lives, and monetary policy is worth studying and understanding."
"The president stated that to remain the strongest economy in the world, we need the best education system in the world."
"Not everything can or should be run for profit; not everything can be put up for sale."
"You see, we had fifty gold; we now have 25 gold, and we now have zero gold."
"By democratizing the enterprises at the core of the economy, it democratizes the economy."
"Even on the low end, there are lots of jobs offering $74,000 to $94,000, so basically, less than 20% of people make less than six figures."
"In California, economists have worked alongside us over this past year to come up with potential estimates for what reparations in the form of compensation or cash payments can look like for African-Americans."
"Economies are just like one big... economy is all just what we agree on. If every single human being on the planet agreed that all currency is worthless, then it's worthless."
"Worker wages continue to improve... a very good thing, no matter what your party registration is."
"Switzerland has a higher standard of income than the United States and it's a far smaller country."
"The economic impact from 5G is massive. This is a game-changer."
"An efficient economy means we have more resource wealth to spread around and make everyone happy."
"78% of people today are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Financial education is the most important thing you can focus on today, given this world and this economy."
"It amazes me that we spend money on sugary beverages when you could have water for free."
"De-growth means restructuring the economy to minimize exploitation and adjusting consumption to be more sustainable."
"We live in a time of dwindling pensions, insufficient social security, and rising costs of living."
"It's not just a game, it's an economy, an ecosystem, a virtual life with real-world implications."
"Private payroll growth surged by 235,000 in December, well above estimate."
"The current setup sees an enormous flow of wealth and assets from ordinary families to the rich."
"Sitting there wondering if your US dollar is going to be able to provide for your family the way that it used to a couple of years ago... this would be devastating."
"We could really be in for one of the worst recessions we've seen in decades."
"Little comforts cost money, but they can also make you feel okay for a moment when the rest of the world seems to be falling apart around you."
"63% of people in the United States live paycheck to paycheck. So one paycheck could easily change their fucking lives."
"I want my economy back. I want our national security back. I want our tax money to stay here."
"Money as we know it is fake. Our paper dollars are just pieces of paper."
"Rental prices are unaffordable for a record number of Americans, with half of all renters paying more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities."
"Women have always been working outside of the household, women have played important roles in society and the economy."
"Vision Pro is creating an entirely new economy."
"It's folly to create an economy that makes dignified work and a decent life dependent on the attainment of a university degree."
"It will take substantially more evidence to give comfort that inflation is actually declining. And by any standard, inflation remains far too high."
"The best thing we can do to support a strong labor market is to promote a long expansion, and that is only possible in an environment of price stability."
"Inflation is eroding and degrading the spending power of everyday Americans."
"More market competition is generally good for the economy and for consumers."
"We're talking in general terms about inflation and if we don't get a handle on housing inflation, the American people will still be hammered by this."
"Reducing income inequality would boost economic growth."
"Income inequality has been reducing GDP growth."
"When you have a trade deficit, that money always finds its way back to the U.S. in the form of investment in other U.S. businesses or U.S. real estate."
"If Apple is putting the brakes on non-engineering hiring, that tells you something about how fast the economy is slowing down."
"Our nation is experiencing an incredible time period where unemployment is low, and job creation is high."
"Our economy [is] stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world. Our military stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world... Culturally, we're stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world."
"Low and stable inflation is essential for a well-functioning economy."
"The robust job market was delivering life-changing gains for many individuals, families, and communities."
"China has prioritized sovereignty: technological sovereignty, economic sovereignty, food sovereignty."
"Video game economies don't start off broken. It's our duty as players to break them, and it's the developer's job to structure the fault lines and strategic weaknesses in an economy such that they'll break in the right way."
"Every day more and more people go without work and paychecks, propelling the debate of how important the stability of the economy is to public health."
"Monetary policy will continue to deliver powerful support to the economy until the recovery is complete."
"Inflation is hard to reverse... that's what makes this so uncomfortable."
"When people are dying, when people don't feel safe, the economy is not going to come back." - Mike DeWine.
"The best way to stimulate and grow our economy is to let people go back to work."
"I think the Earned Income Tax Credit is the best way to put money in the pockets of people."
"The economy no longer needs sustained high levels of monetary policy support."
"We're also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting help so that they can be in a position where they're not gonna ever miss a paycheck."
"We can't put a pause on climate change. Eight out of ten Canadian families get more money back than they pay in carbon pricing."
"The creation of an enormous amount of debt and the monetization of that debt is a significant economic force."
"For the first time in history, we are seeing an unprecedented amount of capital entering into a market with unparalleled scarcity."
"This could be the most remarkable economic experiment ever in the history of mankind, and we are the beneficiaries because we are in early."
"There is so much to balance in an economy to have a functional society."
"We now understand better how little we understand about inflation."
"Our understanding of the economy has to evolve as the economy evolves; we do learn more and it's okay to follow the evidence and change one's mind."
"Bread is really important to Egypt and its economy."
"Around sixty percent of all the people in Egypt rely upon this subsidized bread system for their main source of food."
"Having a consistently strong economy isn’t just an arbitrary badge of honor for a country, but also leads to significant growth and prosperity for its people."
"During the good years, the economy booms, citizens have extra income to spend, and prices for goods are relatively low."
"A good chunk of gross domestic product is tied to real estate, it's also a very key investment category for households in China, with roughly 70% of household wealth being tied to the category."
"The big challenge is raising interest rates enough without tipping the economy into a recession."
"People's expectations, their views of the future inflation actually results in higher inflation. That's the problem."
"You look at the central bank balance sheets exploding right now and you say there's going to be inflation."
"Nobody likes inflation. Nobody wants to pay higher prices for anything, really."
"The economy is a psychology machine. If you get the psychology right, the machine works."
"An alternate economic system that rewards productivity, creativity, value as perceived by others...it's a genuine market."
"I agree with you, encouraging full expensing is good for the economy."
"Capitalism is still the best system we know that works...but we need to make sure that the pie works better for everyone."
"Saving lives and protecting livelihoods ought to go hand in hand. We cannot do one without the other." - Kristalina Georgieva
"We've spent a lot of this interview talking about inflation, which is here, and you've got to deal with that, but don't rule out deflation."
"The consensus right now is that the central banks are in control... I do not think that they are fully in control, and I think there will be periods of time where they completely lose control."
"High inflation is slowing down the economy because when you're buying less stuff, that means less businesses are making money."
"Raising interest rates also hurts the economy, so it's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place."
"I agree with a $15 minimum wage. It would be good for the economy."
"If you gave people a $15 minimum wage, there'd be more customers. That's what businesses really want."
"What do we need people for in the economy? In a situation when it is likely that computers will be able to do more and more things better and better than Homo sapiens, this becomes a real question for the first time in history."
"Affordable cars no longer exist in our market, and the middle class has been sliced and diced by inflation for the past 2 to 3 years."
"More than 80% of Americans can't afford to buy a new car right now."
"Our country's financial and economic troubles are about to get a lot worse, and it is important that you understand why so that you can begin to prepare."
"The world's becoming increasingly uncertain... Bitcoin, like fixed money at 21 million, works 24x7."
"The average U.S rent price rose 14 percent last year...with cities like Austin, New York, and Miami notching increases of as much as 40 percent."
"The U.S rate of inflation was running higher than it has at any time since the end of the Cold War."
"Real food can solve all of these problems, and everyone can still make money."
"Australia is a country of four-wheel-drive enthusiasts, contributing over a billion dollars to the economy."
"Affordability is a huge problem in the US and the best thing in my mind that can happen in 2022 is return to a level of growth that is more sustainable and more normal."
"By saving lives, you're actually helping the economy."
"Our economy and money is changing ever since the pandemic hit in 2020, things have not been the same."
"Around the 1970s, that's when the United States dollar was taken off of the gold standard, and that's when we started printing more money, which caused more inflation, which caused the value of our dollars to be diluted, which made the price of everything else go up."
"Corporate profits are soaring. CEOs are making billions of dollars a year."
"We're going to do everything we can to create an economy that works for all of us and not just the few."
"Everybody in the economy is impacted by food inflation and transport inflation."
"A contraction of the Turkish economy is bad news because it will speed up the global contraction."
"We're trying to get as much of the economy as many of the workers across that bridge to the post-pandemic economy."
"The great reset is an initiative from the WF to drastically change the direction of the economy after COVID-19 by addressing social issues."
"These new products resulted in new demand for this tropical fruit, helping dragon fruit prices to stabilize."
"These small businesses have really historically been the engine and they still are the engine of the country."
"Germany has recently become the third largest economy in the world, behind China and the USA, after overtaking a stagnant Japan."
"Billionaires made more money during the pandemic, and you lost your job and are facing eviction. How is this sustainable?"
"Our economic system is based right now and reinforced everywhere we look on the dopamine we get from deciding to buy something."
"Our focus and his focus as it relates to the economy is on doing everything we can to advance working families and the American middle class."
"It feels like gold is valuable in the game... it seems like gold actually has a very thoughtful value that seems to scale as your character does."
"A socialist economy is one in which the means of production, meaning factories, machines, farms, and so on, are owned in common rather than by private individuals."
"It's buy now, pay later, and who are we borrowing it from? We're borrowing it from China, who we're going to bomb."
"Consumers are feeling positive now about job and wage growth, the strong stock market gains, and expectations that inflation will continue to ease."
"Every economy is mixed to some extent. Everybody argues for a mixed economy except for absolute extremists."
"The individuals who are succeeding in the new economy are not the ones that own the final solution but rather the ones that connect the end consumer to the final product."
"Manufacturing is roaring back. Since I took office, the economy has created 668,000 manufacturing jobs, the strongest manufacturing recovery since the 1950s."
"You need a certain number of units of inequality to produce a certain number of units of wealth."
"We need to make sure we're exporting products, not jobs."