
Pitfalls Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"If your goal is to climb the ladder of success, you have to avoid the common traps that devour most people: laziness, drugs and alcohol, porn, nihilism, and things like Doom scrolling that take your time but give nothing in return."
"Life is deeply counterintuitive. That's exactly how people fall into traps."
"More copy-pasted code implies future headaches."
"Tim burger tiny is a guy that you really should study... You have to be aware of your pitfalls."
"I go a few steps beyond... to show you when to do it, why you should or should not do it, what pitfalls to avoid and what the best practices are."
"Thinking I know what is best and what will make me happy is actually an enormous trap."
"Conservatives failed this week, falling into the trap."
"For every virtue, there's a near enemy. The near enemy of compassion is pity."
"The whole point of this video is to let you know the downfalls and the pitfalls of some of these Disney hotels."
"Greed and ego, those are the two biggest downfalls in life. Greed and ego will get you every time."
"The main caveats that engineers fall into when it comes to designing a system."
"...if you would like to be a helpful person or a generous person, what are the traps that you might fall into and how do you avoid them?"
"Ash thankfully doesn’t fall into any of those pitfalls."
"When you learn something new... think about what gets you into trouble... what you don't know you don't know."
"It's going to help you avoid some major major pitfalls that people commonly make when they are booking their vacation."
"I hope this video was helpful... I wanted to make sure that I was able to kind of educate you guys on some of the pitfalls."
"Creating a user form should be simple but there are many pitfalls for the UN weary."
"You should avoid the three sins of threading."
"Goals and anti-goals... it's really easy to set a goal and not acknowledge some of the common trappings you could get even if you accomplish your goal."
"And what ends up happening a lot, I've seen a couple pitfalls over the last 15 months. One pitfall is founders will say, oh, we're product led, so it's like the new version of build it and they will come."
"Fame can have its pitfalls on October 18th 1956 Elvis stopped at a gas station in Memphis a crowd quickly gathered."
"Part of being a good manager is knowing common pitfalls and how to avoid them. Avoid undercharging clients, neglecting legal paperwork, and letting your ego get in the way."
"Fear and greed are pervasive problems within evangelicalism."
"...watch out for it can be real trap for young player you can really come a gutter."
"I think that it's still really important for us to think back to some of the pitfalls that we encountered with discriminative AI models and see if they still apply to generative AI."
"There's a lot of benefits for openness particularly in addressing some of these pitfalls."
"One of the areas where I've seen people trip up frequently is really understanding what you're looking for in your data."
"There's a whole another level of research going on right now... What kind of habits are these guys getting into early on that could lead to major pitfalls?"
"As we are leveling up this year, the year of vision, as we are making sure that we become the women we want to be, there are some traps you need to avoid."
"Remember, with growth of your closet size comes four pitfalls: filling your closet with subpar inventory, forgetting about inventory replenishment, forgetting about diminishing returns, and underestimating the capital requirements for growth."
"In the right spots but it can burn you and this is one of those places where it burned me."
"What's the kiss of death in the interview, John?"
"Please check out the video about common pitfalls and mistakes people make in preparing datasets that we have linked in the description section."
"Perfectionism can be romanticized in the general public, but it's well known within the scientific community that there are pitfalls to perfectionism."
"Education without execution is one of the biggest pitfalls that people experience."
"Avoid one of the biggest mistakes with Balanced Scorecard design."
"I feel healthfully skeptical of AI and also very aware that there's a lot of pitfalls that just aren't being accounted for."
"Sometimes your tool became a trap."
"Being critical about everything is very easy, but it's a trap and it's a trap you create for yourself."
"Success itself sets up the traps."
"Creating a solution to a non-existent problem is a common pitfall."
"By the end, you will learn how to avoid all the major pitfalls that can crush new cannabis businesses."
"Everybody can fall into bad traps."
"When it comes to photo editing, there are no rules, but there are times where you could be doing something with your photo that makes it look extremely amateurish, and you want to avoid those things."
"Putting someone on a pedestal is always like the worst thing you can possibly do."
"Whoever digs a pit for you falls in it."
"The biggest downfall to a successful man or a woman is a yes man."