
Medicine Quotes

There are 3475 quotes

"Sometimes us doctors can be regarded as unwilling to try new things, which I don't think is true; it's just that we require sufficient evidence that the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks."
"In general, in medicine, we are doing ourselves and our patients a disservice by not talking about spirituality. There's absolutely an important role for spirituality in the room with our patients."
"Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid absolutely used in surgeries all over the world, one of the most powerful medications used for good in medicine."
"The whole mantra of medicine being an art, as much as it is a science, is so true."
"What we need is more evidence-based nutrition education in medicine and everywhere else."
"Food is medicine. It's not just like a medicine; it works faster, better, and cheaper than almost any drug."
"Food is medicine, and quality matters. When you eat the right foods, and you're eating quality foods, you can activate all these healing mechanisms in your body."
"Nature is medicine. Back to life. Mother Earth, she is all the medicine that we need."
"We separate the mind from the body in Western medicine, and we separate the individual from the environment."
"The biological aspect, specifically here we're talking about medicines, has its place, but the idea that medicines are a substitute for understanding makes no sense."
"Leslie was so well known. They were both very active in the philanthropic community. He's delivered thousands of babies, so if you just multiply that out, there's literally tens of thousands of people that have some connection to Dr. Newlander."
"The rice can cure tier 3 diseases and even cancer."
"The secret to managing all of these things is not more medicine and surgery, it's less. It's actually within our grasp because fasting is free to every single person on Earth."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to leave clinical medicine, and there are a ton of options out there."
"It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has." - Hippocrates
"The fact that it's giving a clinically observable outcome is a huge deal."
"Ultimately it's just medicine. Why do you do cardiology? Why do we have oncologists? It's to give people longer and healthier lives."
"Food is actually a medicine that we all take three times a day."
"Exercise is literally medicine for the brain."
"We underestimate the power of food; food can be our medicine."
"Medicine is nuanced, and a lot of what depends on whether or not a physician is going to recommend something to his patient depends on not just the risks and benefits of the intervention but also the findings in the patient themselves."
"Medicine is my wife, and literature is my mistress. When I tire of one, I spend time with the other."
"I'm all in favor of evidence-based approaches towards our medical model."
"The first thought I have is how many of those medicines are actually counterproductive? And a lot of the time it's not like, oh, every now and then one is counterproductive. No, that's the case a lot of the time."
"Laughter is the best legal medicine, and it looks like it's time for you to take a sweet hit of it."
"Something like medicine, by definition, should be individualized based on the individual."
"Our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving."
"It is devastating and it's a double standard because medicine is set up to reinforce fertility in women."
"The fact is that the placebo effect works. And in fact, regular medicine depends on placebo effects as well."
"Why shouldn't we think that fungi are sources of medicines? I mean, penicillin tipped World War II in our favor."
"Honestly, the reason I want to do medicine is because I think it's a fantastic vocation that I would enjoy for the rest of my life."
"Medicine brings together a couple of things which are quite important to me; it provides a challenge...it demands that you know your stuff such that patients can trust you."
"Everything in this world is poison or medicine depending on how much you take and what you use it for."
"Will we handle questions of science and medicine by turning to scientists and doctors?"
"One of the greatest things about medicine as a career is that even this old dog...can still learn new tricks. In fact, I have to."
"Medicine is going through a paradigm shift that is profound and it completely is forcing us to reimagine biology and disease."
"The difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose."
"Medicine needs to face the fact that everybody dies. It's about facilitating a beautiful death, introducing the concept that death can be beautiful."
"It's a gateway to understand medicine in a way that we haven't in the past. It's definitely a gateway drug but for a benefit that transcends what we've been experiencing."
"Medicine until even today, 95% of it does not take the brain into account in health, which is crazy."
"Understanding how the brain does that, this regulatory role, I think will also revolutionize medicine."
"So you see, laughter is not the best medicine, but it's not a bad medicine, either."
"Welcome to the difficulty in all of modern medicine and with philosophy and neuroscience."
"I think medicine is such a unique career... Your main job is to help people and to make people feel better."
"The goal of medicine is not to make you happy in the moment; it's your overall wellness, your overall well-being."
"Exercise is called the best medicine in America today, outperforming almost every prescribed medication in the country in terms of its overall impact on our health."
"My grandfather, George Hellmuth, was a world-famous heart surgeon, known throughout the world. He won the American Heart Association physician of the year in 1973."
"A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best medicines and the best doctors."
"Anything life-saving, medicine or vaccine, should not be copyrighted and prevented from being reproduced elsewhere."
"This was not food versus medicine. This was food and medicine."
"A renowned physician... would be a welcome addition to the court of any ruler."
"This evidence demonstrates that Neanderthals recognized the healing properties of certain plants and used them as a form of medicine."
"I took everything I could that could help me save my life and didn't discriminate against any kind of medicine."
"Centuries ago, a few people realized that willow bark contains something that would cure headaches. And today people everywhere know it as Aspirin. That is culture."
"I chose medicine because it kind of magnified my reach to be able to impact more lives."
"The best kept secret in medicine is that sometimes, given the right conditions, our body can heal itself."
"Plants can be medicine and have always been, but there's a difference between plants as medicine and plants as food."
"The probability that fluvoxamine is superior to the placebo is an astounding 99.8 percent likelihood."
"Treating human disease requires an understanding of chemistry."
"At heart, I'm a human first, then I'm a board-certified Family Medicine physician, which means that I take care of people of all ages."
"This epidemic may be the century's most terrible disaster, but I'm convinced that we, as doctors, are the only ones able to defeat it."
"Every time you hear about deforestation potentially destroying the cure for cancer, it's not just like, 'Oh, the cure for cancer could have been in there.' Every little acre could have its own crazy medicine."
"Just because something is natural does not offer it any advantage over whatever synthetic drug developed against a particular target."
"The fact that it's even plausible that medicine, independent of public health, kills more people than it saves is a stunning realization."
"What you find at the end of your fork is more powerful than what you'll find mostly in a prescription bottle."
"Glucocorticoids... are very potent anti-inflammatory drugs."
"When the diet is wrong, then medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, then medicine is of no need."
"It speaks to the disparities that exist within every system but particularly within medicine."
"Chopper's dream is to be able to cure any disease."
"The debate here is public health strategy versus individualized medicine."
"The key really to the whole process is the insulin. This is the really the key player."
"Only evidence should guide the practice of medicine."
"Anybody who works as a doctor will feel like they're contributing to the community."
"There's risk associated with everything that involves medicine, really anything we do in life."
"I think hydroxychloroquine is a great example of this, how many people could have been saved."
"Nano medicine: through this all of us will have the capacity to receive individualized therapeutic treatments."
"Never again should we be dependent on the rest of the world for essential medicines."
"Do you think what do you think is a better system of medicine? A system that is population-based or a system that gets outcomes that are tailored to the individual?"
"Our immune system is stronger than any medicine."
"Your lifestyle is medicine to your physiology."
"To give hope to the millions around the globe who've been told that there's nothing more that can be done."
"You know, zombie Gray always likes to say on this: all science, all medicine is life extension technology."
"The development of forensic science has been essential to saving lives in medicine."
"The data shows that Remdesivir has a clear-cut significant positive effect."
"Really, in 2022, Ivermectin proved that science doesn't work."
"The link between new cases and deaths is being broken by vaccines."
"An amputation was the only treatment on offer."
"Medicine is not just a profession, it's a calling towards service, service of the nation and service of humanity at Large."
"Art and Medicine when they join together they create a good human being."
"Insulin can be thought of as the key that unlocks the gate."
"Nanomedicine: medicine performed at the smallest level. It's becoming reality, changing the way we understand and treat illness entirely."
"Nanotechnology: the promise of revolutionizing medicine, the environment, and engineering."
"The future of medicine is personalized medicine."
"Anyone who's going into medicine just with the intent of getting rich is a bit misinformed."
"The difference between medicine and poison is the dosage."
"There might be a half-dozen medicines, I'm talking three decades from now, widely used that target different mechanisms."
"All human disease can boil down to a loss of communication at the cell level."
"They see you as medicine for them, healing their soul."
"Food is the most powerful medicine and it works amazingly for most drugs."
"Medicine isn't just about treating people when they get sick, it's helping them not become sick in the first place."
"We wouldn't give a 12 year old child breast implants."
"Flexibility and in-person relational stuff, that's why I like medicine."
"This is authoritarian takeover of the mind where now even doctors with medical degrees that are respected aren't allowed to speak."
"I am a healer, decoding the secrets from within and providing precision when every second counts."
"Rad 140 has all the hallmarks of an effective SARM, exhibiting a high affinity for the androgen receptor with tissue selective anabolic effects in muscle and bone."
"Penicillin has saved millions and millions of lives."
"You've most definitely heard of penicillin before this medicine is an extremely effective antibiotic that is derived from a mold known as penicillium."
"The history of medicine is full of some huge triumphs but also some pretty terrible mistakes."
"Yesterday, an actual doctor, someone who has actually helped people, collided with someone who is best described as a lockdown artist."
"This Is A Dangerous way of thinking doctors and scientists say."
"We need to focus on evidence-based medicine and give our community good, strong information."
"We can't prevent every problem. The enemy of good is perfect in medicine."
"The idea that we can infuse medicine with a sense of purpose is of extraordinary value."
"There is no such thing as alternative medicine. There is medicine that works and medicine that doesn't work."
"Medicine has historically been something we put in our bodies, but what if we could alter the body itself to heal or even improve ourselves?"
"The willingness to fight... people are standing up, it's time to stand up."
"Nature is very important; we are part of nature, and we lost this connection, especially in medicine."
"Sometimes pills just straight-up lie to you."
"Never before in medicine have we had a tool so powerful in our toolbox."
"The difference between a pill and a poison is the dosage."
"He's the number one brain surgeon. He's got it like that."
"The only real medicine is farming, not pharmacy."
"God uses medical science to complement supernatural healing."
"I said I tell my mentees that they should really think about medicine because of the seamless transition between sports and medicine."
"Every medicine has a side effect, even a vaccine is a medicine."
"The vaccine appears to be as effective as it is against ba1."
"Statins have anti-inflammatory action on the plaque, making it more stable."
"It's personalized nutrition, precision nutrition, and personalized medicine."
"CBD, a non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis, presents antipsychotic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects."
"It's ridiculous and indeed a bit upsetting really that people that support therapeutics like ivermectin sometimes aren't so keen on vaccinations."
"This should work against all the different variants is what they're saying, which of course is remarkably encouraging."
"Don't confuse your Google search with my medical degree."
"My enjoyment of medicine has kind of surprised me."
"Spices were regarded as a condiment to dishes and as medicine, influencing European cuisine through trade routes."
"Medicine is about dealing with people, not disease."
"Strong Medicine on YouTube: from basics to advanced, tailored for med students."
"Alexa Canady, the first female African-American neurosurgeon, breaks gender and racial barriers in medicine."
"Charles R. Drew, creator of the blood bank, pioneers medical advancements despite racial barriers."
"Daniel Hale Williams, performs one of the first successful open heart surgeries and opens the first interracial hospital, leaving a lasting impact on healthcare."
"The purpose of medicine is to restore normal function."
"Welcome to Nutty History, and today we will be looking at what medicine was like during World War II."
"Eventually they started me on medicine... and that is what helped me the most."
"Thank you all for joining us. I am Dr. Brent Blue, Teton County Wyoming coroner."
"Technology redefines life, transforming medicine and opening new interfaces with our body."
"I think they're doing so intentionally to kind of foster that narrative. It's unfortunate that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin became politicized."
"PPis work better than H2 receptor blockers. Remember, PPis reduce acid."
"These variants change the composition of the protein; the antibodies that you have are going to be, you know, more or less successful depending on how that variant changes."
"I become an entrepreneur because I understood that if you want to use innovative research to develop medicines, you have to do it yourself."
"It's very powerful; many studies have shown that medication adds even antidepressants at 10% above the placebo response."
"The MRNA vaccine is a 'Natural Born Killer.'"
"Modern medicine now relies on a little thing called evidence."
"Evolutionary biology is the science that has proven to unify medicine."
"One-third of all medical healing is directly attributable to the placebo effect."
"I know that people say a lot of very terrible things about antibiotics, about accutane, in particular, but as you can see, it's not that bad, medicine is here to help us, not to kill us."
"Even a couple of doctors talked about, 'This is a miracle.'"
"Cannibal cures were in widespread use from Roman times right up until the 18th century."
"Hippocrates, widely considered to be the father of Western medicine and the one who established medicine as a profession."
"God is not condemning people for going to doctors or getting medical help. The medical field should confirm that God has done something miraculous."
"Antibiotics are enzyme inhibitors; that's how they work."
"In the 1900s various other opioids such as oxycodone were synthesized and remain in use today."
"Misinformation has always been a challenge throughout medical history, with a lot of pseudoscience and misinformation still present today."
"Trying to force them rarely works you need to step back do something else distance makes the difference."
"I will be the medicine that cures everything. I will be the doctor that can cure any illness. That is my dream."
"What are your thoughts about Tom Cruise's assessment on medicine not being the solution to helping people's psychological issues?"
"Functional medicine is about the cause, not just the symptoms."
"Let's just operate from the assumption that this is actually medicine and science because it is."
"What doctor ever hugs you unless you're dying?"
"Giving this man propofol every night for six weeks, it's like playing Russian roulette by putting six bullets into six chambers of the gun and pulling the trigger."
"The man's a walking miracle... they were just baffled by his recovery."
"Sometimes things may seem logical but this is the reason we press for evidence-based medicine even though something may seem logical or it may seem like it makes sense."
"Actual medical science offers real evidence-based treatment."
"Treatments and diagnosis of eye ailments are included in some of the oldest surviving written materials."
"Forensic pathology is the branch of medicine that applies the sciences of medicine to issues that have legal ramifications."
"The body is fascinating in that it can heal itself within reason when given the opportunity."
"Something that kills you in one instance might be able to save your life in another."
"That's a pretty big deal, damn curing Alzheimer's altogether."
"Chansey seems to be a solid pick since it's the Pokémon most associated with medicine. You could also go with its evolution Blissey, assuming you can make it happy enough to evolve during a zombie apocalypse." - Madrid
"Food first. If food is medicine, then how do we practice without nutrition?"
"Evidence-based medicine is really just a fancy way of saying medicine based on scientific evidence."
"It's almost impossible to survive this, but hemadine and mayori do well."
"No matter what you may believe about voodoo, there is no doubt that the mind can be one of medicine's most powerful tools."
"The medicine saved my life. Drug users are human beings and as a human being we deserve to live."
"Fentanyl is an amazing drug for pain control."
"NSE is essential for mucolytic action in respiratory diseases."
"Medicine has saved millions of people's lives."
"All of the pharmaceutical stuff stems from plant-based medicine."
"God still heals but he heals naturally, medically, and heals supernaturally."
"Laughter truly is the best medicine. Thank you Pro MatPat, is that just like a little confetti? Okay, great."
"He was the real doctor, the true physician, the real healer."
"Medicine was killing me and art was saving me."
"Nanobots are being studied so that they can help assist in medicine and Healthcare including cancer treatment."
"Is laughter really the second best medicine?"
"Modern medicine's limited role in increasing lifespan."
"You don't have to give a combination of high dosages of a lot of things."
"There is already a known vaccine that is safe and effective."
"Medicine does not apply automatically...treat any problems your pals have."
"We live in extraordinary times right now where medicine has realized that one size doesn't fit all."
"Ethical arguments against double-blind placebo studies for vaccines lack scientific basis."
"Do we want to make the scientists accountable to us, do we want to have real medicine?"
"We're in the best time we've ever been in because there's technologies and access that's available. But we're building towards a world where medicines in some form or another can be democratized."