
Antidote Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Gratitude is the antidote to toxic emotions."
"The antidote to anger or fear is gratitude. You can't be angry and grateful simultaneously. You can't be fearful and grateful simultaneously."
"The attentive eye...was the antidote to totalitarian proclivity."
"But what I've come to realize is that the antidote to this frivolous overspending and micro trend cycles is more about finding a community."
"Love is the antidote to the virus of social media."
"True humility is the only antidote to shame."
"Meaning is the great antidote to a sense that life is just nihilistic."
"Critical thinking is something of an antidote to conspiracy theories."
"Love really is the most powerful antidote to fear."
"Collaboration is the antidote to ignorance and other negative signals and noise."
"Gratitude is the antidote to everything - appreciation and gratitude."
"Let's put out long form. Let's be the antidote to the attention compression."
"Shang Chi is the antidote to that [lack of new and fresh Marvel movies]."
"If he behaved well, I'll give him an antidote every three months."
"One of the strongest antidotes to Darkness and evil is the energy of Love."
"Life's tough and it's gritty. Truth is the antidote to suffering."
"Unity will always be the best antidote to terrorism."
"Prussia blue is used as an antidote to radiation poisoning."
"I'm alive! That was literally the last antidote left at his house."
"Mysticism is the antidote to fundamentalism."
"The truth is the only genuine antidote to suffering."
"I just like to look at the positive in people... I think that's your biggest weapon against jealousy and envy."
"The antidote to panic is praise, the antidote to worry is worship."
"The more present and aware you are with that behavior, it ends up acting like an antidote."
"Liberal education is one of the most important antidotes to a lot of this madness."
"Positive self-affirmations serve as antidotes to negative self-talk"
"The most evidence-based antidote to belief in conspiracy theories are inoculation or pre-bunking strategies."
"All three of the sequels think of themselves as an antidote to things that had come before them."
"Gratitude is the antidote to evil."
"Well, I've done this deliberately, I guess, as a sort of antidote for the insurance business. - Lisa Duvall"
"We're pumping out antidotes to the world's poisons."
"Color is the antidote to pretty much everything, isn't it?"
"It was like being exposed to the antidote before you know what the poison is"
"The antidote to fear is knowledge."
"...learning is the ultimate antidote... it's this never-ending cycle that we want to go towards."
"The remedy for envy is contentment."
"If you are fearful about something, the antidote is the word of God."
"The most powerful antidote to shame is the other person's love and approval."
"The antidote to the venom is humility and kindness."
"The antidote to fear is generosity."
"The antidote, the answer, is theological."
"Luke acts that he will drink the cyanide. But actually, he had already taken the antidote."
"...if you're sick of all cars looking the same with the same equipment and the same styling and the same colors, well, the SSR is the antidote."
"You must have been drugged." "No, I put the antidote in the drink."
"The antidote to deception and propaganda is to love the truth."
"The resurrection is the great antidote for death."
"The power of family is the antidote to a disconnected world."
"They needed to find out the source of the plague in order to find an antidote."
"Thomas Merton is one of the antidotes to the chaos we all experience."
"Love is the perfect counter to hatred."
"Luckily, I have an antidote to reverse it."
"Well, yeah, we do have an antidote but given the effects of the antidote, you'd probably rather die."
"The practice of silence can be a valuable antidote to the constant bombardment of information and stimuli."
"The antidote to depression is joy."
"The Torah itself is like a drug, it's the antidote for the yetzer hara."
"Would you take the antidote from the same people who gave you the poison?"
"The antidote to any of this, it sounds so simple, but it's true, it's courage."
"The antidote is to have faith and not panic."
"What if then you took the story of Abraham, which is a third side story? What if that could be actually an antidote to terrorism? What if that could be a vaccine against religious intolerance?"
"What if it's some kind of antidote to the brainwashing?"
"The strongest antidote for bad dopaminergic behaviors are social support and social reinforcement, but real, not social media, actual flesh-and-blood human beings."
"Generosity is the cure for materialism."
"The correct answer is the room with the gas. If you breathe in the poisonous stuff, the vampires won't drink your toxic blood. But how will you save yourself? Oh, that's right, earlier you found an antidote. You drink it, fully recover, and leave the mansion."
"Literature is an antidote to goal-oriented thinking."
"It's like an antidote to the Molek system."
"The only vaccine for hatred is forgiveness."
"Narcan isn't adrenaline... it's an antidote. You have to have it if you have overdosed on an opioid."
"The best antidote for feeling tiredness is high morale and the example of other men."
"People are starving for the antidote, and the antidote is the truth and responsibility."
"The Sabbath is the antidote to a consumer society, focusing on family, community, and gratitude."
"The cross provides the antidote to the poison of sin."
"The cross has the power to destroy Satan and death because it provides an antidote to the poison of sin."
"It's the perfect antidote for all of 2020."
"What's the antidote for TPA toxicity? The answer is Aminocaproic Acid."
"Life has troubles, that is real, but God is the antidote to the troubles of life."
"The most powerful antidote to violence is the acknowledgement of loss."
"Retrieving a culture of healthy questioning is a really strong antidote to a culture that would deconstruct."
"The antidote to this type of thing is not necessarily even imagination... but just basic humanity."
"One of the best anecdotes for fear and for anger is kindness and service."
"Racism is a sickness, and it's like a chronic illness; you never shake it, you never can get rid of it throughout your entire life, but you got to have an antidote for it."
"The antidote to greed is generosity, and the antidote to hatred is loving-kindness."
"The best antidote to the false is the true."
"The therapeutic range of digoxin is between 0.5 to 2.0, and the antidote is digoxin immune Fab."
"Love is the only cure for the stupidity and hate."
"You need fast hands and fast feet; that's the perfect antidote."
"Our common humanity is the antidote to ignorance."
"Going out like a knight with a sword and hardening yourself... that's an antidote to the black pill."
"They're sure they'll find an antidote though," said Mr. Weasley cheerfully.
"Scream is the perfect movie to be an antidote to PG-13 action adventures."
"Faith is the only antidote for fear, doubt, hesitation."
"It's my antidote to a cold, hard, really cruel world."
"Exposure is the cure so to speak for racism and discrimination and prejudices."
"Self-remembrance is the only antidote that will cure all our problems."
"Inside the vault is what we're looking for: the antidote to the zombie virus."
"Decluttering is the best antidote to shopping."
"He knew that Marsh miasmas are extremely poisonous plants but if the poison person took the medicine cut skin of tianu of fruit in time, the effects of poisoning could be easily gotten rid of."
"Generosity is the antidote to so many of the things that ail us in this world."
"Travel is the most efficient antidote to indifference."
"Faith is really the only antidote for fear."
"Knowledge counters fear. It always has."
"The best antidote is to dispel that ignorance."
"The antidote to ill-will and aversion is to develop loving kindness towards other people."
"The antidote to prejudice is knowledge."
"Jesus is the antidote for everything."
"Gratitude is the antidote to the two emotions that mess up most people's lives: anger and fear."
"Olive oil is a natural antidote for more poisons than any other substance that occurs naturally in nature."
"The antidote to cynicism is activism, is to engage."
"Here, this box contains bugs that fight any poison and can even heal you of your injuries."
"Christianity and Christian theology alone is actually the antidote to Marxism."
"We have an antidote, unlike most chemotherapeutic agents."
"A teacher who projects confidence in the child's competence and goodness can be a powerful antidote to a family in which such confidence is lacking."
"Resentment is very common... the antidote is forgiveness."
"The antidote to false doctrine is this: Preach the word."
"A market will open for an antidote and a counterbalance of a more tempered and measured approach to communicating and thinking about things."
"The recognition of our own being is the great antidote to the fear of death or disappearance."
"We have to develop loving kindness as an antidote to anger."
"The best antidote to ignorance is truth."
"Following decades of research, he supposedly developed an elixir out of over 50 different ingredients that was a universal antidote to all known toxins."
"Education is the only thing that can fight hate."
"The only antidote to fear is love."
"It's going to be fine, Morty. Relax. I whipped up an antidote."
"The antidote is knowledge and familiarity."
"It is a great antidote to fear; it gives one immunity against discouragement."
"You wanna know the one thing that can defeat hatred? Love."
"Hope is the antidote for discouragement."
"Hope is the antidote for despair."
"Self-compassion is the antidote to fear, not courage."
"The family is God's antidote to loneliness."
"Gospel joy is not a denial of suffering or grief, but rather an antidote in the midst of it."
"The only antidote to procrastination is action."
"The antidote to rumination is acceptance."
"Ultimately, spirituality is the ultimate antidote to suffering."
"The antidote to that is actually gratitude."
"It's a particularly nice antidote to all the bloody misery."
"The antidote to what's not happening is what's happening."
"Love is often an antidote to self-destructive and dysfunctional behavior."
"He teamed up with Wolverine to learn the source of and put a stop to a deadly new drug."
"The joy of movement explores why physical exercise is a powerful antidote to the modern epidemic of depression, anxiety, and loneliness."
"They vow to work together to make an antidote to the MK virus and overthrow the UW government."
"The antidote to that is the action of building the garden of lifting, of developing yourself."
"The antidote and the vaccine for where we're at currently is to be nice once a day."
"The treatment for methyl alcohol poisoning is ethyl alcohol or fomepizole."
"The antidote for opiates is naloxone."
"It's a good piece of work and it was the kind of antidote to yesterday I was looking for."
"Faith is the antidote for fear"--faith in our Lord Jesus Christ."
"You're the antidote, you're the missing ingredient."
"But this story may have a positive ending, we can save humanity and somehow invent or find an antidote."
"Strong faith in God is the antidote to doubt."
"This is the antidote to the things that have happened, the imbalances, the chaos."
"If there's an antidote to the fear of death and the experience of loss that's compatible with reason, I think it's to be found here."
"Gratitude is sort of the antidote for everything not good in my life."