
Followers Quotes

There are 604 quotes

"If you make more content that genuinely impacts people, you'll get more followers."
"A true leader does not seek to lead but is thrust into a position of leadership by the trust of his followers."
"Leaders don't seek followers; followers are attracted to leaders."
"Leaders don't seek followers; followers are attracted to true leaders."
"Over a million followers makes him over a million dollars, ten."
"At night, as your followers sleep, you'll be able to influence them through nighttime visions and dreams."
"No matter how many followers I have...I'm just really thankful to be able to do what I'm doing and have you guys by my side through it all."
"I encourage all of my followers to engage in open discourse and be fair, honest, and mature."
"When power one comes out, you guys, and then the rest will follow."
"You begin to make money with as little as 10,000 Facebook followers."
"I think she gained sort of... a lot of followers that maybe stayed subscribed but like weren't watching her content all the time."
"The Satanic Temple is a new religious organization that was founded in 2013 kind of as a prank but very quickly gained a huge amount of authentic followers."
"Thank you so much for a million followers here, I love you guys so so so much."
"It's better to have a following and not need it rather than to not have a following and need it."
"He got COVID-19. He got COVID-19, and his followers are getting COVID-19. It's a real simple equation."
"The crazier he got, the more sane and logical the people who began to follow him were."
"I feel like that leap in followers was just it took me by so much surprise."
"Jesus had more women followers than he had men."
"I honestly have the best followers and the best subscribers in the entire world."
"Just because you buy followers, it doesn't mean that the money's going to come."
"We hit six hundred thousand followers as well, guys. Thank you, that's insane!"
"A hundred thousand followers, I can't even fathom that."
"YouTube subscribers are worth way more than any other follower on any platform."
"Get to know your followers literally know their names know who they are don't get this ego perspective where you're like oh well they're my followers so they care about me and they just care about me you need to care about them too."
"One of us fully engaged with our light is more powerful than 100,000 followers who are just sort of looking around waiting for someone to tell them what to do."
"Praise be! Your followers shall worship you."
"I do [__] because I want to be heard worldwide, I think I got something to say."
"She got a cult following. More than a cult following. Why? Because of the mentality."
"Whoever controlled the Bible would control all of Jesus's followers."
"Consequently, his followers faced persecution."
"Having followers does not make you happy. It does not bring happiness."
"This kid is dangerous because his followers, they don't care what you say, they just care about what he say."
"They have a lot of followers so if you have a lot of followers they're gonna follow you into whatever you want to do."
"He's getting more followers but he's just not getting subs."
"Don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you want to continue following me on this journey."
"Who has the most followers on TikTok and how many? Charlie D'Amelio, 137.9 million."
"Thank you so much for following me on this journey."
"Thank you for following me at 5,000 followers."
"If you really want to see me win, then all I need is like 80,000 more followers to hit a million on Instagram."
"I went from having less than 5,000 followers to having like 10,000 like within a month."
"You can have 300,000 followers, 400,000 followers, that don't mean you got 4-500,000 people behind you, boy."
"I have 22 million [__] million [followers]."
"Thank you for following my journey."
"We just hit 60,000 followers; if we keep this up, we'll eventually start making money from this."
"She clearly wanted to use Michaela's image because she knows Michaela has so many followers."
"Questions you hear: how many followers have you got? Bloody thousands, but true friends? Not a lot."
"That's what happened to us, right? We just fell asleep one night with 2,000 followers, and then, wait 3 weeks, and all of a sudden we're at 300,000."
"...you want to have a place for the customer to be able to purchase the item and with Tik Tok you may need to have a th000 followers before you can put a direct link..."
"Just want to make sure that everyone who follows me just feels good about themselves."
"There's a difference between followers and customers, right, and you gotta find your customers and then you gotta find the followers that you can turn into customers."
"Over the course of about six years, Matthias amassed over 1 million followers on Instagram."
"I gained like 200,000 followers on Instagram from that situation."
"I've gained 60,000 followers in the last 10 days."
"I've gotten like over 3,000 followers on Instagram, which is so crazy to me."
"Thank you guys for tuning in... follow both of us if you want to just, you know, continue living with us."
"Most people are followers, 60% of the people that you're gonna encounter in life they have a herd mentality."
"I personally look for people that are in the game, they've got that cult following."
"I feel like you can see the number of people following you but I can't picture that amount of people standing in a room."
"Thank you all so much for following my journey."
"How come everyone is watching Asmon stream and I'm not getting any new followers?"
"If you're a fighter and you have a big following, you wanna start building your brand."
"When I had like 3,000 followers, I was like, 'I would never block people.' Freedom of speech. And then you get like half a million followers and then you're like, 'Oh yeah, I see why people block people.'"
"...thank you guys so much for following along and all the happy birthdays make sure to like And subscribe and see you next time bye."
"No way, we're officially being followed."
"300,000 followers off one video from this method."
"She lost 6,000 followers, that's a lot."
"The amount of followers you have does not necessarily impact that if people are engaging with your content to a really, really high level."
"Now it's very different with TikTok. If you have more followers, you become the popular kid."
"Groups of Jesus followers were popping up everywhere, they were given a new name Christians which means little christs, and they began meeting together in groups, we now call churches."
"$60 divided by 300 followers equals 20 cents per follower."
"Everybody starts with zero followers guys, everybody."
"Follow us, follow comic corl. Thank you guys for watching."
"I've literally gained 45,000 followers in a month."
"If you liked it, please follow me."
"It's huge, it's huge. Now they have more than quadrupled my following so that's insane."
"Once your followers approach 50,000 or more, you can confidently begin to monetize your audience."
"I realized I'm almost at 5 million followers."
"Thank you for being a loyal follower."
"Doing really well with those subs lately. It really does help the channel. Thanks a lot."
"Thank you so much for everyone who has followed me on the incredible journey that it's been so far."
"My fans and followers deserve the very best I can give them."
"Leadership isn't defined by having followers or a staff."
"His preaching was nothing outrageous, and he began gaining followers."
"An apology is not for your haters, it's for your followers."
"And great crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, and Judea, and from beyond the Jordan followed him."
"If you want to be an influencer, it's not something it's like something that you are and it gets Amplified. I went to your page, I actually gave you a follow to help you out. You had about 200 or 300 followers when I went to your page."
"Reddit may be confusing, but it builds loyal followers."
"The people must have leaders, Brennan. Naturally, I should expect to lead them."
"What is it about false followers? They're drawn by the crowd, fascinated by the supernatural, interested only in earthly benefits and really have no desire for worship."
"Despite the setbacks, Joseph Stalin had instilled a sense of purpose in his followers."
"I hate when people are mean to their followers, 'cause I'm like, you're gonna be mean to the people that got you here? Christ."
"Most people don't really realize that Jesus was Jewish all his first followers were Jewish."
"Yeah, I mean, what the [ __ ], not 130,000 followers? My kid before we stopped posting on her Instagram I think got up to like 30k."
"Would you rather have 100,000 followers where maybe 100 of them actually engage with you, or 10,000 loyal followers who are always showing up for you?"
"Thank you, everybody, that follows us on Instagram."
"You have to promote yourself, then at some point, you will have like a thousand followers."
"...my block list is higher than my followers."
"What does success mean to you? Does success look like a lot of followers? Does it look like getting into the field to be able to do voice acting long term?"
"I don't want to lose the 100,000 followers though."
"Let's help my Instagram get to half a million followers."
"If you're going to be posting your trades, you gotta help these people out, learn how to trade because that's where the followers come from."
"Redclaw clearly has a legion of devoted followers that obey her every command."
"Do you think if Jesus twittered he would be checking to see how many followers he had all the time?"
"Before this I had 300 350 followers like that was it like I you know I wasn't following a lot of people because I wasn't very active and now I'm at 200 000 plus you know it's insane."
"Most of them got that many followers because you are advertising your ass and not your class."
"We've got my follower counts for Instagram Tik Tok and YouTube."
"So yeah man I've been checking you out on YouTube run so you got a whole bunch of new content out man materials I've been filing I've been following you for a minute man I'm come out since the home the game over DVD you know yeah you know."
"I'd rather have less followers but a happier audience."
"I know it's not uncommon to have 600k followers now on TikTok, but at that time for me as an adult that didn't know anything, I was like, maybe this will go somewhere."
"I have 30 followers so go ahead and ratio me."
"You got to over a million followers by the way, uh, you know, just a few years after that. I mean, he just, I don't know if it was the timing or the content but..."
"It's just been heartbreaking seeing like my friend Pat Batinski, 74,000 followers, and she's lost her account. It's just... it's breaking my heart."
"If they [the followers] [__] with you, they [__] with you."
"You have way more Instagram followers. You have like, what, how much do you think? Yeah, Instagram, yeah, yeah, [bleep], yeah, I have way more Instagram [bleep]."
"To his cult followers, this made him seem like a rockstar."
"At this point, he starts going full cult, gathering more and more followers."
"I'm almost at forty thousand and it's just grown organically."
"It means so much to me I love to see that I have a lot of followers it's really tied into my self-worth."
"I assure you I'm nothing impressive myself. I simply have many exceptional followers."
"Having followers due to love and affection is a fascinating trait most villains don't have in media."
"Everybody that follows you is not your audience."
"We're gonna hit a hundred K on Instagram today stay tuned."
"Everybody follow that right now I'm going to be posting a lot on there."
"You don't have to have the biggest following, you have to have the right following."
"People don't actually follow me for self-improvement, they follow me for my interest."
"The balance of like we've seen people who have 8 million followers and there's a 100 comments."
"There's no more courage to stand, people are afraid of losing followers."
"I've got a hundred thousand followers watching my every move."
"We need more leaders, we got all these followers and they following the wrong people."
"You can have a million followers and not pack a basement, real [ __ ], real [ __ ], it's scary to look at honestly."
"A lot of people be trying to go ahead and just drop drop when you selling to nobody, like you who the hell you rushing to drop to so you got to consistently build that following."
"That's where I got you 'cause I ain't got thousands of followers to reach in minutes."
"150 one at this point I don't know if it's changed 151 million followers on Tik Tok can you even fathom that amount of people."
"It's a real conspiracy theory and quite unbelievably, it's attracted more than a million followers."
"Santa Muerte has devoted followers from all walks of life: high school students, middle-class housewives, taxi drivers, cops, politicians, drug traffickers, doctors, musicians, even lawyers."
"She still lost a hundred thousand followers, you guys. You guys remember in the boys right how like all the superheroes are just awful pricks who are just obsessed with numbers and points that don't actually mean anything, that's literally this."
"I made it way too real and I got so many followers so quick, wow, and it was getting out of hand really quickly."
"I feel really bad, I said I think when you were purchasing the followers someone is holding your account hostage."
"Thank you to all our followers who have made this dream a reality."
"You post a great photo and it actually gets out there and you don't have to pay money to people that didn't necessarily follow you."
"I met long neck when we only had like 30, 37,000 followers."
"We have hit 100,000 Instagram followers."
"I took my account from 39,000 Bots to like 350,000 followers by the end of summer."
"I think a lot of people follow me for what's next, because I've got that track record."
"Every person they meet is an opportunity to gain a follower."
"The faithful people... the few faithful who followed Christ. That's going to be the story."
"I'm so thankful and appreciative like all freaking 100k of y'all honestly and plus two and it's just like more to come and everything and I'm just so thankful like y'all don't even know how thankful I am."
"You would rather have a thousand people following you that will give you money, that will support whatever you're doing, than having like a hundred thousand of just [ __ ] who are following you for the wrong reasons, yeah."
"...it is sad that a lot of people are on the wrong side and they're blindly following the wrong people..."
"Active support has to come from leaders before it comes from followers."
"Guess what we hit 9k on Instagram thanks to you guys. You guys did that. That wasn't me, that was all you guys."
"I hope you've been enjoying this channel, thanks again for all the followers as well and subscribers."
"These are they which follow the truth whithersoever the truth goeth."
"...people will always follow other people yeah so if there are bad people there will be bad followers of those bad people yeah that creates this darkness that creates this noise yeah."
"Christ desires that his followers reveal his character in their lives."
"Oh boy has a lot happening. First of all, ladies and gentlemen, we actually have two million people on the run. We've got two million followers. It's gas. I'm very gassed."
"Thank you everyone for being following me and being so kind all these years."
"Guys, we're super close to one million followers."
"That was the fastest five followers I've ever gained."
"There's no point in buying fake followers."
"This dude is popping on TikTok, how many followers you got? 4.1 mil."
"Thank you for following our YouTube channel um and for putting on hashtags over there thank you so much as of this morning we have 210 followers um just thank you so much for following us over there on social media."
"If you want to know if you're a leader, you look behind you. If you have followers, you're leading."
"How quickly can you guys get us to a million followers? It's all in your hands, guys."
"Great for engagement, great to gain a good number of followers."
"The people who love me and follow me are so much funnier than me, and every dude who hates me, and that's just facts."
"What would it look like for Jesus' followers to do the same thing today in our modern Western democracies or in the larger councils of the world?"
"People who buy followers are just taking a huge poopy on everyone who genuinely works hard at their craft."
"This woman is getting 2-3,000 in a month, in weeks. No, her content isn't there."
"We are almost to 30,000 followers on Instagram so I appreciate you guys for that."
"Now you have a million people following you. It's still weird, like thinking about that."
"A massive following of over 2 million people in just two short years."
"The distinguishing mark of Jesus' followers is that they know his voice."
"He's not gonna get an extra five hundred thousand followers in less than a year, it's just not gonna happen."
"Let's get a 10K followers on Snapchat or even 100K."
"That's what it's all offense to but it has all these followers."
"When news of Zvi's conversion reached his remaining followers, most of them finally returned to their normal lives."
"Every time he does so, we get a host of new people coming to provisionism."
"When you reach 20,000 followers, that shows love and support."
"We are so grateful for all of our new followers today."
"I have them wrapped around my fingers and my followers practically kissed the ground I walk on."
"As soon as I reached 20,000 Twitter followers, I actually started to consider messing around in my work."
"I think I've made it, I have 100,000 followers, my life is Ava."
"They gather followers, individuals from across the Galaxy who believe in their cause."
"You will always know the character of a leader by their followers."
"For every five likes or three comments you leave, you'll get about a follower in return."
"Give me a million followers on Instagram."
"There is literally over 4,000 of you as we speak."
"I've got some good stuff coming and for those of you who stuck around I really appreciate you."
"Buying followers is very expensive, but you know what's more expensive? Buying likes."
"If you don't follow me, you're mean."
"Have a lovely Christmas everyone, and thank you so much for following the journey."
"People will not follow fuzzy leadership."
"When times are tough, uncertainty is high and chaos threatens to overwhelm everyone, followers are in greatest need of a clear picture from their leaders."
"Proof of leadership is found in the followers."
"A lot of ex-QAnon followers have said that if Trump had condemned QAnon, they would have gotten out."
"Engagement matters more than followers do, so like I."
"I went to sleep with 300 followers and I think I woke up with 10,000 followers."
"Yet within a few decades, this cult had thousands of followers throughout the Roman Empire."
"It's so obvious for those of us who follow this all the time."