
Invitation Quotes

There are 9838 quotes

"Practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives."
"Wait, do you want to go to tea later? Yeah, that would be amazing."
"Traveling around the world in 30 days, ending in New York City on New Year's Eve - you guys are invited."
"The Bible says, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me.'"
"Come join us; you won't have to fight the cold war if you defeat the Soviets with us."
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"Want to get ice cream with me? This might be perfect."
"Anyway, we're both soaking wet. If you don't have a place to go, would you like to come to my place?"
"Are you going to invite me to your clan or what?"
"I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey."
"We will be getting married if you want to attend the ceremony."
"Being funny is inviting. It encourages people to come. It encourages people to stay."
"If you all are ever in Vegas, make sure you come say hi to me. I want to meet all of you."
"Come join us, you're going to want to watch pop culture crisis."
"Thank you so much for inviting me; this was so much fun. This is an amazing mod, dude, fantastic work."
"Come join us in Animal Island; come take a vacation with us."
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
"The Bible is our invitation to the biggest event in all of history."
"How about we all play Flee the Facility? I love that game!"
"The mask is calling for you. Don it once more."
"Allow me to cordially invite Texas Republicans and the conservative members of the Supreme Court to sincerely [__]."
"I've been thinking... since I have made a place perfect for you, would you stay with me?"
"Thanks for watching the video, hopefully you enjoyed it. If you haven't already, make sure you leave a like and subscribe if you're new around here."
"Three years after the death of his wife Mary to an illness, James Sunderland has received a letter from his deceased significant other, asking him to come meet her at their special place in Silent Hill."
"You have been cordially invited to a dinner party celebrating us all making it this far in life."
"We're welcoming you to Africa. We want to see you here in Africa. We want you to come back home... because this is all we have. Apart from Africa, we have nothing else."
"If we have tasted of the water of life, then we need to cry aloud and let this be our message: 'Come, whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.'"
"If that sounds exciting to you, play the game."
"One is enough - Cupcake, would you like to join our family?"
"Feel free to leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you if you dig it." - David Glenn
"Ride with me, Bess. Ride with me like we used to."
"So there you have it if you think you can Prestige too then join us our sponsored server jerome.fadecloud.com I'll see you online friends."
"We did it guys! So if you want to play alongside us remember to join our sponsored server jerome.fadecloud.com, I'll see you online."
"Simplicity is an invitation to a better way of life."
"This calls for celebration. Hey Louise, want to go for dinner? My treat."
"Kelvin excelled so well to the point that David Sanger decided to invite him to the science Congress."
"It's an invitation into this mystical world."
"Thank you for joining us on Challenger Approaching."
"I invite Brothers. I'm not trying to say they fit that kind of no I think Muhammad how many jobs I think I think Muhammad you know Muhammad hijabi look he is the student knowledge the guy's got some serious knowledge here."
"If you have any information you want to drop in the comments feel free."
"If you're thirsty, come unto Jesus and drink."
"It's just my list and I would love to see yours."
"Come step out with us and let us know you [__] with us man, drinks on me, let's go, let's go."
"I'm inviting everyone from the United Stand over. Any time, just come over, we can have a good time."
"If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." - Revelation 3:20
"If you can come to Barcelona, it'll be in June, June 6th and 7th in Barcelona, Spain, please plan it."
"If you're not in the 133% community server, please join. We are a family."
"Jesus says I stand at the door and knock... if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him and he with me."
"You're all radically invited to bonus land. Yes, you're radically invited to bonus land. Please sign up, we will see you there."
"The blood-red carpet of the cross has rolled out for you right now, right now."
"I've sent you a map to our settlement. Come to Snacktooth Island. Together, you and I will share the incredible tale of bug snacks."
"Please subscribe if you guys are new to the channel."
"We did invite you you did not show up and then you complained about you know what not little follow-through would have been nice."
"He says, 'I want you to come to me. I want to forgive your sins. I want you to know that you're going to heaven when you die.'"
"Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb."
"God has one last message to the world: 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"Love y'all, see you tomorrow at 6 o'clock for prayer. It's going to be a great time. Hope you show up."
"Christ's invitation is for people like you and me broken by sin and hopeless."
"And that was an awesome adventure. And if you want to join us on the next, click right here. Bye."
"Does all that sound appealing? Well, my friend, I invite you to come and check out the Drukhari."
"I think it all sounds good, turn it down for now. Welcome all!"
"Just come, it's just that simple, just come, come just like you are."
"At least tell me how you've been. Let's meet for coffee tomorrow and talk, really talk."
"If you like what you've seen here and you want to see more, click right here to see more."
"Welcome to Epstein Island. Ask yourself, is this normal?" - Q
"It says, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"Don't forget to come back and join us again tomorrow."
"An irresistibly enticing invitation to adventure."
"Invite some people out for some drinks or some food before a gig."
"These shows are hard, they can be cruel, so if you think you're men or women enough to make the trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 14th, by God, I've warned you."
"Join me for these intriguing new cases. Perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery."
"Hang out with us today, it's going to be a busy day."
"Invite your families... God is going to make it so easy that all we have to do is ask."
"It's a good problem to have and obviously I can't complain if we're getting those results."
"You gotta come to the show so Calgary if you want it come get it."
"There's nothing to wait for. Come to Jesus today."
"Consider subscribing to become part of the domination Nation!"
"Come and get yourself a tog and play with me and jingles nuff said right."
"You have the opportunity to get one more person and invite them to this democratic process."
"Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb."
"Please join me for the mothership for the Sunday edition of the mother of all talk shows."
"In the meantime, if you're in the Boardwalk area and you're craving a little extra something something, consider saying hi to this old friend."
"How would you like to hit the range tomorrow with a brand new gun?" - Ben Shapiro
"We'd love to see you guys, it's a new beginning."
"Everybody you gotta come on down, we have so much fun out here."
"If you're aware of what you're full of... bring it to me."
"God is committed to us, and I just want to invite you, if you're home watching wherever you are around the world, commit yourself to Christ."
"If you're new to the channel, hit that subscribe button. I promise you, it's worthwhile."
"Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and it's in my hands and my hands are extended to you so come and see come and follow come and build with me build the kingdom"
"May we repeat what Jesus says every chance he does or every chance he has: come and see."
"Be not troubled... his invitation is the same."
"We've got a ton more content coming your way and we'd love for you to come along for the ride."
"Thanks for watching! If you'd like to check out the rest of the lessons in this series..."
"Subscribe bottom right hand corner, everybody's welcome on this channel."
"We need both you guys, man, at some point we'll fly you out, New York, Atlanta, L.A., wherever you want to come."
"Hold that thought if you like what you've seen here today."
"Joe Rogan handled it the best way possible. He's like, 'We love you, we talk about you on the show all the time. I'd love to have you on the show.'"
"If you're hearing you've never given your life to Jesus...welcome home."
"If you're interested in natural resources and precious metals please do come."
"Join me now for the unparalleled little pleasure."
"Consider this the olive branch then... get him on waffling."
"Come over and join the Rebellion together right now... we'll see you next time."
"Will you be my date to go see Dr. Strange's Multiverse of Talented Women and Men and Children? They're like my beautiful dark twisted fantasy."
"Join me, for every mystery, there is someone who knows the truth."
"The Taliban has taken control after seizing the capital Kabul, a post-following the government's collapse."
"We are going to Siberia in 2019... we want you to come with us."
"Invite all to the way of Allah with wisdom and good preaching."
"Feeling good? Well alright then, how about we take a nice long look at Bravely Default II."
"Thank you all for joining, keep watching the show."
"Consider subscribing if you want to see more fun content like this."
"Come with us to glory." - Come with us to glory.
"I would love to get you on the show if possible."
"Thank you for tuning in, let's get more people in here! Tell your mom, your sister, maybe your fish!"
"It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?"
"Join me at the table and let's learn how to play Key Flower."
"Praise is an invitation that God will never turn down."
"I have selected you to get my Limitless advantages in the next 7 days."
"I want you all to respond to this invitation."
"Welcome to my channel! Hit the subscribe button because you will not be disappointed."
"If they want to come on that court and play against us then [ __ ] they get they'd be more than welcome to step on that court with us."
"It's always fun coming and I would absolutely love to come back."
"Settle down, have a seat. There's a lot of open seats today. We're gonna have a great time on this show, aren't we? Will, that's right."
"Love your videos, much love from San Antonio, Texas! Come visit here one day, unless you have already from Eric."
"Welcome to the jungle, we have got fun and games."
"You need to join us and you're the most awesome person ever."
"Welcome to my channel and if you haven't already, be sure to subscribe!"
"If you like what you've heard here tonight, I invite you to join us in standing up for each other, for our country, and for our future."
"Join my clan and play Raid Shadow Legends today!"
"Are you up to the challenge? Can you beat me?"
"Anyone who's interested in some automation, come take a look."
"I want you to join our crew, I want you to become one of us."
"Why don't I just say, 'Hey, hey, you inward?'"
"Hi guys, I'd like to invite each and every one of you to the next Rebel Capitalist Live event."
"If you're not enjoying where you're living, you're always welcome at home."
"So can come back next week, man, we want to have you on again."
"Consider joining this is it.io, it's more than a membership, it's a mission."
"Welcome to Essence Beauty Parlor...if you ever need a makeover, feel free to visit us."
"Show me the game, give that a game, and I'll play it."
"The doors are open, come in, come in, maybe you like it, maybe you end up watching live the next year."
"Thank you for spending some time with us here tonight, and I hope you'll come back again to give us more of your invaluable information and input."
"They don't want you to know it, but we do. Come with me, God hath not said. Come with me, that's what this is about."
"It's only the God of the Bible that welcomes you in by His precious son Jesus Christ."
"I'm not telling anyone to sub, I'm just saying come enjoy the livestreams."
"Let's go down to the river to pray, he's reaching out to you."
"Thanks for taking the time to watch this video tutorial... and why not subscribe to my channel while you're here?"
"Be a part of my history. I want you to own a piece of my legacy."
"Please come out and if you follow me, I would love, love to meet you."
"So... will you go on a date with me in two years?"
"I made this. It might not work. Want to try?"
"God's not far away because God left you...you can come to him right now."
"Join us playing War Thunder, it’s free after all!"
"A reminder you're invited to the Megaball. Head to megaloball.com and take part in the largest fantasy football competition ever."
"I want you to try this quiz out for yourself."
"What's up! Yacht party, September 1st. What's up!" - Rob
"Subscribe right now so you guys don't miss what it's gonna be like when I explore the warehouse."
"What kind of a jerk would I be if I didn't hope that you would consider being a part of it?"
"Medicine needs more AI enthusiasts to jump in, especially now." - Dr. Andrew Ng
"If you guys are new to this channel and you've made it this far into the video I would like to go ahead and personally invite you to hit the subscribe button."
"If she invites you to come over to her house alone, I mean bro, what are we even talking about at this point?"
"Subscribe down below, we'll see you guys next time!"
"Grab a coffee or a drink or a glass of wine because... I really want to give you all of the information!"
"Practice your confidence in another language today and try it out now."
"Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.'"
"Let those who are thirsty come and taste of the Living Water which I give freely to all those who decide to trust me."
"The most important thing you can do... is to invite Jesus Christ into your life."
"This is the time to get in right now, we got plenty of space."
"It was really fun to stream it through so if you do want to check out my all of my vods."
"Come to me. Get away with me, and you'll recover your life."
"Snowball is now open, ladies and gentlemen. Take a look, take a look, it's beautiful."
"But if you're open to it Joe, and you're in New York, I would like to have you come on the show."
"Some of you are literally at the door, and don't turn Jesus away. Let Him come into your heart, let Him set you free."
"The movie is very inviting, there's an underlying hope to it."
"If we have anybody out here in this live chat... here's your open invitation."
"People, come on over here and watch the real live."
"Those of you who wish to follow me will face many dangers. It will not be easy, but if you wish to join us, you are welcome."
"I stand at the door knock, everyone knows that one. And if you open that door, I'll come in and I'll eat with you and you'll eat with me."
"Jesus came and redeemed them... join me in my kingdom."
"We invite you to make contact, we are spotting and photographing them at 80 to 200 times zoom."
"Sit back, relax, and let the magic continue. Welcome to the journey."
"Come to Christ today and receive Him as your Savior."
"It's time that God's people suffer little children to come to Christ."
"God bless you, come back tomorrow for pre-55 Holy Week."
"Let me know in the comment section below and uh have a good day or night or whatever the [__] you're at I'm out peace."
"I want y'all to come see me on this big ol yacht... bring a gift, bring your anger, give and some positive energies and some jokes."
"Grab your chaturang board, get something to drink, get some cold cuts and let's do this thing."
"When it's all said and done, come right back here to the ESPN MMA YouTube channel."
"I wanna dress up, will you dress up with me?"
"Anybody up for paying it a visit? Definitely Goosebumps."
"I'm always open to suggestion and make sure to subscribe if you are brand new around here."
"Subscribe now and never miss out. Enjoy the video!"
"Be immersed in the strange, dark, and mysterious with me in the flesh."
"Invite me into your homes, I mean truly into your home, your physical living place of your everyday lives, and if you do this, I promise you, your lives will change to such a degree that your lives will never be the same again."
"We did it! So come aboard and bring along all your hopes and dreams."
"If you found that interesting, be sure to stick around for the links."
"Apologizes for testing her and invites her to join them for dinner."
"I don't invite myself nowhere. You gotta invite me. I don't invite myself places, bro. Like if I'm welcome in this space, I'll know that, you know what I'm saying?"
"We would also love to invite you to check out our carnival cruise vlogs."
"It's not too late, let them in. Let them in!"
"This guy sent me a message, he said join Dan already."
"This journey will begin if you select us, but it will never end."