
Problems Quotes

There are 1073 quotes

"When you focus on problems, all you get is more problems. When you focus on possibilities, what you create is more opportunities."
"There are actual problems in the world, true. But isn't this also a common sense way of looking at it, that there are actual problems in the world... but the same actual problems, don't different people deal with it differently?"
"Problems are only problems if you interpret them as such from your narrow perspective."
"Education is always the solution in pretty much every problem."
"More money can only solve your financial problems when you are financially educated. If you're not financially educated, more money will just make your financial problems worse."
"The solutions of today become the problems of tomorrow."
"You are sad, you have some sadness, you have lack of contentment, you have a problem, an issue. How can you look for solutions to your problems when you have not yet opened the book of all solutions?"
"The more people you add to the world, the more complexity is added to the world, the more problems are added to the world, and the more potential solutions are added to the world."
"Our troubles are common, but our solutions must be individual."
"The more successful you get, the more problems you get."
"The richer you get, the more problems you have."
"The things that are wrong obscure the things that are right."
"While having money certainly solves all of your problems if you don't have much, it doesn't mean you won't have problems for the rest of your life."
"I like social media for all the good things it provides...but I can't love social media as a whole because it's problematic."
"Every problem that we have foreseen with AI is starting to emerge."
"Patience. The problems you are facing are temporary."
"Relationships are going to be problematic when you don't have a self."
"If you become wise, you will become a solution. If you become wounded, you will also become one more problem."
"The source of all your problems is you, not somebody else."
"Denial allows problems to get bigger and bigger until they completely destroy our lives."
"Fear is at the source of so much of our problems, preventing us from connecting and sharing with others."
"So usually when people come in with problems, it's easy if like the problem isn't as real as they think it is... What's really hard is sometimes I'll get people that come into my office and they'll say like oh you know, I'm going through a divorce..."
"Just when it seemed that things couldn't get any worse for DC, it finds a new rock bottom."
"Problems realign our thinking when they're really well posed; sometimes finding the solution isn't the most important part."
"What I've wondered is... if there's anything kind of shared, any shared DNA between [hard problems] that causes them to be so hard, that caused them to maybe even be impossible."
"Human intelligence certainly has a lot of things we envy; it's also got a lot of problems too."
"We are not facing problems; problems have solutions. We're facing predicaments. Predicaments don't have solutions; they sweep us up with them and they reshape us."
"If you remove all problems from your life, your mind will immediately set out to find new ones."
"It's not More Money More Problems, it's more money, more advisors."
"Problems are really just opportunities yet they go unnoticed more often than not."
"I think this is actually becoming a problem."
"That's almost certainly going to be causing problems."
"Once a snake always a snake. Once a problem always a problem."
"Money brings trouble only if you've got the wrong mindset."
"Extreme Protestantism, along with extreme enlightenment belief and extreme a lot of things, is part of the problem."
"I got here as fast as I could. Jimmy, what's the problem? Because two problems mean a problem."
"I'm not here to win a debate or try and feel better than someone else. I just want to point out problems and find solutions."
"It's easier to spot problems in casual dating but much harder once two people have been together for many years."
"What doesn't work is just avoiding the whole thing and trying to get to the end of your life without more trouble."
"The world's biggest problems are the world's biggest opportunities."
"As long as I keep doing that I'm going to keep running into problems."
"Life is an endless process of exchanging worse problems for better ones."
"Eventually, shit's gonna hit the fan... when it does, it's gonna suck."
"Even emotionally, excess can create problems."
"The more you feed it, the fatter it gets. Alright, and then you can't get it to come back down to Earth."
"It's not about moaning for moaning's sake... it's a mess."
"It's masked convenience; it seems more convenient, but it's just adding more problems, more things that can go wrong."
"What's the big problem at Man United, and how does it get fixed?"
"There's nothing like the silence of a jail cell to focus somebody on their problem."
"No matter what your problem is... it's okay to ask for help."
"If that's your problem, you're one of the lucky ones."
"If there are curses in your life, there must be a cause for it."
"Can't run away from your problems, they have a way of catching up with you."
"Probably hold off on then till we arrive, they will be a mistake to deal with but I'll text you if they start acting up and we can zap them."
"It's like a dumpster fire you pack up in a backpack and take with you."
"Take this seriously, we have a problem here."
"Trouble has a way of finding us, even without our looking for it."
"Problems are like cobwebs that over time turn into chains."
"Sometimes actually a wrong decision is better than indecision. This indecision is causing a lot of problems."
"If we are addicted to something, it is a problem."
"If you don't have a border and you don't control it, you don't have a country."
"Review bombing is always going to be an issue as long as there's audience participation in that process."
"Removing celibacy will not solve the problem, it will simply add more problems to the mix."
"There is a resolution to the certain problem that is coming to an end."
"Homestuck has REAL PROBLEMS that actually matter."
"Reality consists of a whole mess of problems interacting."
"More of a signal of a problem than noise is absence of noise."
"What gets them into trouble? It's nearly always someone who told the TRUTH."
"I spent the past week doing nothing but running away from my problems."
"Problematic doesn't mean bad, right? Like, just because something is problematic, it doesn't necessarily mean it's bad."
"It's totally glitching because Ethan has a check for me now."
"Both extremes, not acknowledging the problem or saying it's too late, lead to the outcome of inaction."
"This is going to cause him a lot of problems..."
"The problems of failure are hard. The problems of success can be harder."
"In the midst of all of these problems, there's hope."
"Most people don't look at nuance... the true problem with humans in general."
"These are champagne problems because this sport in this moment is the king of the sporting world."
"I don't think people are being incensed enough about this; I think it's going to be a real problem."
"They're the ones who are creating the problems, the chaos."
"Access to financial services is a real problem."
"Your problems are not the main thing about you, even though right now it is kind of the main thing about you."
"Everyone has their own problems but everyone has their own advantages."
"The resolution of problems caused by delays is coming."
"It's not a real problem outside of the internet."
"The problem is not the problem; the problem is people reacting to the problem."
"Problems are exciting. Mistakes are learning experiences."
"An evolving layered unsolvable problem that is utterly delightful."
"We took a step back and said, OK, what are some of the major problems that we should take another run at to try to simplify this for app developers?"
"The roots of many problems stem from the end result of a psychopathic entity having power over institutions."
"Money is not going to get rid of all the problems associated... with the workplace."
"I wouldn't switch my problems for nobody else's because I know what my problems are."
"Just remember that your problems are not the only problems in the world."
"Remember, every problem is an opportunity for growth."
"The cure can never be worse than the problem itself."
"When we walk away from God, when we walk away from His word, when we walk away from fellowship with Him, we enter into a spiritual zone of problems."
"We're looking at a serious derailment of the Loren world belt."
"There are no problems, only situations, and from a situation creates opportunity."
"Secrets, like shame, when buried, create a lot of problems."
"These are our policies, these are our problems, and these are the things we're trying to fix."
"There's a lot of parts of campaigning that are just, frankly, broken."
"There's never just one cockroach in a hotel."
"So we have a problem we have a problem with with the fact that in that whole places have been edited in."
"So many problems in our lives come from simple miscommunication."
"The US has a terrible problem with homelessness."
"Every time Jacqueline Hill launches something there always seems to be some kind of mess every time."
"Consider any problem you've been wrestling with or a painful situation to which you are attached."
"Running away from problems only covers them up, it doesn't solve them."
"Don't complain about problems you're not doing anything to fix."
"How many cases where they lose evidence it's mind-blowing to me."
"I think that the further you go the idea of identification just the idea of identification as a means to participate in society is moving us towards a serious problem."
"No man sleeping around with a whole lot of women, a whole lot of baby daddies, unless he got a whole problem."
"Science denial is really three problems not one: creation, amplification, and belief."
"There are not political solutions to spiritual problems."
"Focusing on the solution is the best idea... somebody has to step up."
"They just seem to never address it and they never seem to acknowledge that it's a problem."
"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so."
"I think we got problems. I think we got real problems."
"That's something we can all understand: this is bad."
"Your urgent problems won't matter five years from now."
"But the picture is not completely dark by any manner of means as the educational problem get worse and worse there is more and more clamor to do something about it."
"Covid is no longer your biggest problem... your problem is that we actually live in a [expletive] nightmare society."
"There's always gonna be problems where there's kids."
"The biggest problems came from deregulation."
"There are clear issues here that jumped out to me."
"When process isn't transparent, you can end up with very, very big problems."
"It's just good old-fashioned propaganda and that's really the problem."
"Sometimes, when problems come, we just stand around looking at each other."
"The more you run away from your problems, the more they hurt you."
"It's no secret that Mexico has a drug cartel problem."
"Is it not time to pause and figure out what's really going wrong?"
"Problems will eventually happen and just being prepared for them is the best thing that you can do."
"God is greater than any problem you have. Stop worrying."
"I hope you all go away feeling more passionate about some of these fascinating and really important problems that we have before us."
"Everybody's got problems. Obviously, like people with money, they still have problems, just no money problems."
"There is a solution within every problem."
"The longer we try to pretend that a problem does not exist, then the less able we are to actually address it."
"The disrespect is the fact that we ain't solved them yet. Right, facts. Fact. Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result."
"Why was the math book so sad? Because it had too many problems."
"More money, more problems, and then there are situations where people assume that you have all these lavish things."
"In the now, in the absence of time, all your problems dissolve."
"Money does not make all your problems go away."
"Your subconscious has the answer to all problems."
"All I want to do is run away, leave all my problems back at home."
"I'm very grateful for my petty problems, my first world problems."
"Successful outcome to your problems."
"People who are not called with you, carrying them will only create problems for you."
"Concentrate on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems."
"How far back must you go to discover the beginning of the trouble?"
"There is no superior place, just different with a different set of problems."
"Ignoring problems doesn't mean they will go away."
"These might look like superficial flaws, but they reflect much deeper problems."
"Democracy is messy, the free market has all kinds of problems, and so maybe there is something to be learned from what is happening in China."
"Forget about the problems with flooding and just basements; why would you make it even more difficult by adding windows?"
"Incarcerating such large numbers of people for such low-level crimes seems to create more problems than it solves."
"Most of the problems arise when people aren't honest with themselves."
"Everyone has problems, not just money problems."
"The reality is for so many of our problems in North America, these solutions are not technological; they're political and regulatory."
"I don't run from my problems, I sit on my sofa, play on my phone, and ignore them like an adult."
"Don't let yourself be held back by your problems, let your ambitions push you forward"
"I feel like Canada just has a lot less problems."
Andy tells her that's great and all, but he's got bigger problems going on. "It doesn't matter... wherever I go, Chucky will find me."
"The moment you remember your problems, you're thinking in the past."
"It's like good and bad. You know, More Money More Problems."
"Debian is super freaking stable. I haven't had zero problems when it comes to stability on Debian."
"Avoiding the pitfall of imagining that an election is going to fix all of our problems. Politicians didn't make these problems and politicians aren't going to fix them."
"If you get married and you have problems, the problems just don't magically disappear."
"Your problems don't speak English and demons don't obey your mother tongue."
"Running away from Africa is never going to be the remedy of Africa or the remedy for Africans in terms of the problems that we have in the continent."
"There are many problems you can make go away if you can hand over a credit card or write a check."
"The problems are also common challenges that bring people together."
"Stupid people can create problems, but it often takes brilliant people to create a real catastrophe."
"Ultimately, these problems are going to be everyone's problems."
"Who cares if he's in the Nursery? We, you know, we've got our own problems."
"Some people will be creating problems, some people will be creating solutions as a generation of people if we create more solutions than problems we think we are having a great time."
"We have a fundamental problem in this country."
"All problems have Solutions if you have the motivation."
"Fame doesn't fix anything. It causes problems if anything."
"It's amazing to have that problem. That's what I got. I call my problems now good problems."
"Turing complete is not measured in gigabytes or teraflops, but in which class of problems you can solve."
"There's something up, a media city like this, like some hood, like, okay, you don't want like you don't want these problems."
"Age is not a skin type; you can have different problems in different decades."
"If you have a ton of money and you don't have the wisdom that comes with making and creating wealth, I think that's where the problems begin."
"Big problems happen in interactions due to a lack of communication or miscommunication."
"A society that makes them into problems to be fixed in the form of being happy with their degradation is itself a sick society."
"No one is without problems; they are part of living."
"One of the main issues plaguing these models was poor quality control."
"If you're doing it for money, you're doing it for those reasons, you're always gonna have a problem."
"The reality is likely a combination of all of these issues mentioned."
"I was seriously reading why do people nowadays get upset over everything and I was reading a study and the study and the study Said all right get this the study said that people don't have enough real problems in their life So they manufacture fake problems, no joke."
"You don't take life as seriously as you took it before. You don't, you don't get stuck in problems or the problems of the human self."
"...we all got problems and we all got issues. And that's why we all need a savior, amen."
"Most of our problems arise from ignorance."
"But sometimes as a church or even as Christians we can be really good at fixing people's problems but not bearing them."
"We shouldn't be overwhelmed by the presence of problems in the Christian story; it just gives us something to think deeply about."
"Problems are opportunities for growth."
"You know you're in a crisis when everywhere you look, there is a problem."
"There's not a problem we're dealing with today that there's not an evident solution for."
"There are no problems that only challenges."
"It was almost inevitable that problems building the 787 were almost inevitable."