
Generosity Quotes

There are 27501 quotes

"If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over."
"When someone is reading aloud to you, you feel a bit like you're given a gift of their time, of their attention, of their voice."
"Communities tend to be more generous politically when they view those in the community as importantly similar to them."
"Generosity, bro, if you give back to your people, it's all going to come back to you."
"Let's make the city bigger, and remember, generosity with the people always pays back."
"Everything that's been given to me is not for my own personal gain, rather it's so that I can give back tenfold."
"You are incredibly strong, and you are very, very giving and full of so much love."
"People are happier when they are generous and when they feel that the society that they're in is a generous society."
"The more you give, the more that ends up coming back."
"Doing things for others that you don't even know... gives people the most joy."
"When I see people wandering and becoming children again, that's amazing."
"Any money tonight, 100% of it, I'm not keeping a dime of it. It's going to help those in need."
"We're wired for generosity and we're wired to serve."
"When you give to others, I guarantee you find more joy out of giving somebody something that they're desperately needing more than if I gave you something."
"Karma is so real, you know what I mean? I feel like the more you tip, the more you get."
"This person is naturally a very giving person, very generous, kind-hearted."
"This person is really a sweetheart; they have such a big heart, generous heart, and there's a purity about them."
"The secret of St. Francis stated it: 'It is better to pardon than to be pardoned, it is better to love than to be loved, it is better to give than to receive.'"
"When you start to approach life with an attitude of what can I give, then life starts giving you a lot more back."
"Let me make this easier: Can someone go through and tally up every single appreciation day ever? Right, so we know who's been the most oppressed."
"You're blessing 500 people, bro. That's love."
"Generosity...the ability to be generous to others with your time, your attention, your mentorship."
"When you're activating unusual acceleration, you will be blessed to be a blessing."
"Generosity is just telling me that the universe will be generous to you if you are generous to others."
"It's seed sown into good ground that will produce fruit for other people."
"It really is more blessed to give than it is to receive."
"Your ten-dollar gift to a person at the gas station could be the confirmation that makes them go back to their marriage. You have no idea what your little obedience can produce."
"How did we evolve as creatures? We evolved in small band hunter-gatherer groups...where wealth wasn't defined by what you achieved but by what you gave away."
"Never hesitate to give God because He gave you His best when He sent you His son, Jesus Christ."
"Be kind to your neighbor and be loving, be generous."
"You're going to do 42 videos and not charge for it? I said yes, I want this message in people's hearts."
"Kindness towards others, beginning with myself, buys us a shot at a warm and generous heart, the greatest prize of all."
"Now Fumi told her that she was worth more to him than gold and decided to pay for it."
"Leslie and Bob gave generously, both their time and money. They were well known for their philanthropy."
"The gift of giving is the generous nature of the Holy Spirit manifested through you."
"Appreciated by the community for how he aided his neighbors, he generously compensated his crew members and took them to hockey games, boxing matches, and even winter cruises."
"Once you understand that the energy that you have is to be given away, you realize it's pretty abundant."
"Why would you wish for even more of the usual toys? We can give more to the orphanage."
"When you give, you receive. When you exhale, you inhale."
"We can make kindness go viral if every time someone does something nice for us, we do more than one nice thing for someone else."
"I'm at my local post office, and there's this kid who needs some brand new wheels, so we're going to ship out some to him."
"I hope you enjoy those brand new scooter wheels."
"The day before Thanksgiving at a Walmart in Palm Springs, California, Sia decided to go from counter to counter to pay for each person's groceries."
"In friendships, anything I give out, I'm not expecting anything back."
"I do think that my generosity is real. I do think that my urge to connect with others and be beneficial to others is real."
"She's giving out a free life lesson for real."
"After buying the entire solar system and having more money than God and activating more money than God per click, it is now time to give it all back."
"This is good ground to sow into. Your gift will make an impact."
"You are never remembered for what you saved; you are remembered for what you gave."
"The universe has chosen me to be wealthy so that I can help others with my wealth."
"Be generous. It's better to give than to receive."
"I don't sell anything. All my stuff is free on the website. I give it away to remove the last excuse you might have 20, 30 years from now."
"The more I give, the more I receive, and the more I receive, the more I give."
"Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full."
"A land that wants to give and give, and you have a Lord who wants to forgive and forgive."
"Your generosity and caring for those may be facing hard times are remarkable in today's world."
"It's better to give than it is to receive because giving starts the receiving process."
"People enjoy helping people. Don't be ashamed to accept help or generosity."
"This man knew that we didn't have a drive around or our car to get around. He drove us around, bro. Anytime we needed somebody, he [Justin] to pick us up. So, this man's a legend, man."
"Conduct your affairs with humility, and you'll be loved more than a giver of gifts."
"The greatest gift that another human has given me would definitely be something around time."
"Help somebody. Please, help somebody... Most of you have more money than you need; you've been blessed so you can be a blessing."
"Personal power is the feeling of being in control of our internal resources, to bring our skills and abilities forward, to be the most generous, open-minded version of ourselves."
"Think the best of those people. It allows you to be generous with them."
"People are really attracted to how much you love, how much you give."
"Relationship becomes a platform for you to bring your best, most generous, trusting, open, loving self."
"God is not cheap in grace. He is full of grace."
"I've given away more money than I ever dreamed of making in a day in my life."
"The way you make sales is by giving so much that at some point they ask you to buy, versus showing up and asking all the time."
"Hyper-competent people are not selfish, and one of the great pleasures in their lives is to find people who have the capacity to also be hyper-competent and to open doors for them as rapidly as they can possibly be opened."
"The truth is all of this is important and the people who are out there donating through this incredibly difficult time are my favorite people."
"Don't be afraid to start small, you know, and give lavishly to the poor because that's the system, that's the financial system of the Kingdom of God."
"He that gives to the poor shall not lack, but he that hides his eyes shall have many a curse."
"I deserve to be loved because I have a big heart and I have a lot of love to give."
"The more I give to the world, the more I get."
"When you're generous, when you give, feel what it's like. That feeling is vastly superior to the acquiring, acquisition mind."
"He used more of his cash to help his town in all sorts of generous ways."
"You are blessed to be able to give to other people and still be able to give to yourself and live comfortably well within your means."
"The person who is truly wealthy is the one who gives."
"Sharing is caring. It's the most powerful thing you can do."
"Everything you have is from the generosity of God."
"A man being generous is huge for me. Not necessarily with his money, but with his time and his effort."
"You get blessed by the way, if you become a river and not a reservoir."
"Sarah said, 'I had a good day of tips waitressing for once, so I gave a homeless man 20 dollars on the walk home.'"
"100% of my Super Chat revenue is going to St. Joseph's Soup Kitchen here in New York City."
"This holiday season, I know most seasons, but right now especially, it's nice to give people a hot meal."
"It's more blessed to give than it is to receive."
"I tip the person who cuts my hair 100% because I want to make their day and let them know that they're a human being that is valuable."
"Generosity isn't about how much you have; it is the spirit that it comes from."
"We serve a God of multiplication; we serve a God who wants us to be blessed so we can be a blessing."
"In the kingdom of God, we only get to keep what we give away."
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
"The more you give, the more gets given back to you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over."
"Generosity does not start with dollars; it's an attitude that you have in your heart."
"Generosity creates a reciprocity that allows you to dream again on a level that you have become comfortable not to dream on."
"The liberal soul shall be made fat, which means having overflow, abundance, more than what is needed."
"Everything I have is yours, and I will give to you everything that I have."
"Lust takes, love gives. Tonight we're talking about generosity."
"It's in our nature to be generous; it is the enemy that wants to kill that out."
"Givers get as much out of giving as the recipient does; it's a natural inclination to give."
"When you sow generosity, that will be the spot where the miracle occurs."
"Things that you have reckoned to be dead can be resurrected if you lay them in your generosity."
"I cannot promise you that your generosity will change the world, but I can promise you it will change someone's world."
"We all know that the Grinch was unhappy, but have you ever met a generous person that's unhappy?"
"What a tremendously generous donation that is wonderful and to a good cause."
"Generosity is one of the most beautiful things you can find in the world."
"The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller."
"Generosity is more contagious than anything."
"Bought McDonald's for First Responders, a very human thing to do."
"You're welcome. I wanted this to be a surprise."
"Be the giver of energy. If you're the kind of person that's taking, taking, taking, people are eventually not going to want to be around."
"If you have a wrong relationship with resources, you can never be able to be a conduit to give those resources away."
"The world of the generous gets larger and larger, but the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller."
"The Bible says very clearly in Luke 6:38, 'Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.'"
"It's the circulation of these gifts that leads to the vitality of society, not hoarding, not accumulation."
"The key to expanding that is be more generous; the key to that shrinking is be more selfish."
"The practice of radically generous acts that change the world."
"We will lead the way with irrational generosity because we truly believe it's more blessed to give than to receive."
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son."
"If you will live like no one else, later you can live and give like no one else."
"If you want to build some wealth so you can be outrageously generous, it's an intentional act."
"God has given each of you a unique spiritual gift to help others. Let his gracious generosity flow through you!"
"Once in a while we make a good call, we behave with generosity and charity towards others, maybe even to ourselves, and that's enough."
"Allah's generosity is far greater than anyone else's, and Allah has given to you far more than you have given to Allah."
"Your greatness is not what you have; it's what you give."
"If you respect him, you can have anything... a man will give a woman that respects him anything."
"I've got love to burn; here, hater, take some love."
"Kindness and generosity are massively underestimated. The power of those things is just incredible."
"If you're really alert in your local environment, you can see people around you playing with the edge of additional generosity."
"So essentially, I'm giving away a car today. $12,500."
"The real measure of your wealth is not in the possessions you have, but in the life you live and the love you give."
"The most gifted people are those who are willing to share their experiences and insights, regardless of their own personal achievements."
"The liberal soul shall be made fat; he that watereth shall be watered also himself."
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
"We have to continually re-imagine maybe even something larger than that, something completely much more radically generous towards each other."
"I started a GoFundMe... and donated $10,000 of my own money."
"Welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation. Around the world, giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity, one of the noblest acts in modern society."
"It's the season of gifts and giving, so show someone close to your love today."
"Being generous is about more than just giving."
"Stephen King sold Darabont the rights to the script for one dollar, as King had a policy for selling the rights to his stories to new and upcoming filmmakers for hardly any money."
"You deserve the love that you so freely give to others."
"Everybody speak English, right? Everybody heard him say he wanted to give $1,000 to the barber to cut everybody's hair for free."
"The most effective way to achieve that is to be unbelievably useful and generous to other people."
"What people share with us freely in sharing our near-death experiences, we share back to the world freely."
"Generosity is not about giving what we can spare, but about sharing what we have with those who need it most."
"During COVID, I probably gave away $200,000 of charity... I don't believe in writing off charity for taxes."
"Don't give out of compulsion... And God loves a cheerful giver."
"It's never about accumulating things; it's about what we can give."
"The greatest treasure one can find is that which does not diminish but enriches the more it is shared."
"I'm a big believer that if you have blessings, you don't build a higher fence, you build a longer table."
"We have to develop a generous heart and a grateful heart."
"See, some of y'all think that the place you give is the place you receive from. But when I give, I'm giving as unto the Lord."
"The unsolicited generosity of this community at times is just humbling."
"Indian culture believes that if you give food to a hungry person, it's considered a blessing from God."
"The owner decided to show compassion: 'You need food, I'll give you food; that's not the problem.'"
"Touched by the situation, another customer offered to pay for the young man instead of involving the authorities."
"Bringing back the generosity of that relationship and no longer taking each other for granted."
"The giving of resources, certainly in the form of money, but also in the form of effort and time, is immensely beneficial for synthesizing our own happiness."
"What you give will come back to you, and I didn't buy that, so I'll just test it. So I gave away my first million-dollar project."
"I'm driven to find ways to keep, you know, taking my blessings and blessing others with them."
"Everyone's got their own worth and their own beautiful spirit that is worth paying forward."
"I donate 10% of my income every single year to cost-effective charities."
"Live like no one else so you can live and give like no one else."
"The more generous you are, the happier it really does lead to more fulfillment and happiness."
"Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else and give like no one else in the future."
"If you love yourself, you can give love away."
"GGG is good, giving, and game. It is what I think we should be for our lovers and what we have a right to expect our lovers to be for us."
"You want other people to feel the same way, and you say, 'Here, take that.' And when you give, now guess what happens, you release more oxytocin."
"A gentleman is only respected for giving more than he takes."
"Give if you can, receive if you need; if we cycle through this way, in the end everybody wins."
"Your being is universal, that's true generosity."
"The winter wishes tradition is about making students' wishes come true, no matter how big or small."
"I've won the lottery. Who wants some fruit? Granddad, what have you done?"
"It's better to give than to receive because of what happens inside of you."
"Elder Lyons is the most charitable of all Brotherhood Elders."
"Disney Photopass has released complimentary photos of Magic Kingdom's Happily Ever After fireworks to download for free."
"The greatest story of charity in the history of the world is in the States, where we give 500 billion dollars away annually, citizen to citizen."
"Live generously and gracefully towards others, the way God lives toward you."
"The more we give, the more it inspires others to give."
"When you give away what is valuable to you, it starts a chain reaction."
"The woman of God is a woman who invites the poor in; she opens up her arms to the poor."
"We are thrilled to have your donation. Honestly, we were just asking for book bags, and a lot of you went above and beyond and went and got school supplies."
"When you give, you find yourself in a better space. When you share with others, you feel even more happy."
"The more that I've given, the more that I've received in terms of peace and just doors opening for me in different ways."
"Generosity, bending down to pick up the papers, holding the door open for someone is expecting nothing in return ever."
"The United States is the most generous nation on the planet, has been for the past three decades."
"Don't turn down no food, sir. No free food gets turned down in the Bloomfield family, you know what I mean?"
"We commend the generosity shown by the neighboring countries to Ukraine, who are hosting the people who are fleeing the war."
"The vast universe doesn't disprove God's existence; maybe the vast universe proves God's generosity."
"She wanted us to experience receiving gifts but also learning the virtue of complimenting each other."
"The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself." - Proverbs 11:25
"It's amazing how much you can get by giving back, so find a way to give back as much as you can."
"If you know something that can help another man change the trajectory of his family and their future, and you don't share that information, you're selfish."
"Givers gain: the more you give, the more you're going to receive."
"We need to recognize that there is good for us even in God's rigor just as there is obvious good for us in Allah's giving, His generosity, His rahma."
"Ashoka’s generous donations to other sects, despite his conversion to Buddhism, demonstrates his acceptance of all religions."
"It's about getting in that practice of being generous and being willing to give things without expectation."
"If you have money instead of being stingy and saving everything, maybe you should start to enjoy a little bit your life."
"Contributions to open source show that you own more knowledge than you need to give away."
"You're very much about your friends, your close partnerships. You have such a big heart."