
Routines Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"Anyone can feel motivated from time to time, but highly motivated people build routines and habits into their lives that generate motivation consistently."
"You have to have that morning routine and that evening routine of evaluating where you are and where you want to go."
"I feel like a lot of us, me included, fall out of routine over the winter holidays... It's normal. For the first thing getting back on for New Year's is getting back into my routines."
"Keeping up with routines is really the best way to learn things."
"The best morning routine is the one that you stick with."
"One of the biggest benefits this routine had given me was emphasizing quality time with Claudia. Usually, we just watch TV together after a long day, but now we could do stuff like cleaning the house and doing cute things together."
"Having a morning routine is pretty important, but you know what's more important than a morning routine? An evening routine."
"Little routines are the backbone of your day."
"We want to be successful but we don't want to get dialed in on a morning routine."
"It's late, and you know what that means... you have to get a drink at 3AM."
"It's really about setting a habit, creating a routine, and then turning the routine into a habit."
"It's good to de-stress and have that moment and have your own routine at night."
"All three of these you can integrate into every single routine."
"Something will change in your routines... there'll be a renewal on your daily routines and activities."
"Hone the reduction energy from 2023 and establish powerful routines."
"Healthy routines breed success; take care of yourself."
"You should have a go-to-bed alarm and not a wake-up alarm. If you have the right go-to-bed alarm, you will wake up naturally at the time that you should wake up."
"Finding your daily rituals, finding your daily habits, finding your practices that act as the foundation."
"Create reset rhythms in your life... giving yourself a clean slate regularly is so powerful."
"Routines are about to change for you, might be a focus on your health or fitness journey."
"Having routines really heavily affect their life but they are always, always, always consciously thinking about these routines."
"I need routines, and I found that I am happiest, I'm productive when I'm in a [ __ ] routine."
"It's all about creating the right routines and habits in your life."
"Successful people rely on habits and rituals."
"It's just been my basic just like thing that I keep coming back to and I'm using what I want to pamper my skin."
"Just getting into a good healthy morning routine is something that I really think makes a difference in my life."
"Great routines and structures regarding work."
"The best type of routine is the one that you can stick to."
"Discipline is found in our daily routine, our daily rituals."
"Life is always changing, always in flux, but no matter what, I do want to still set aside time for this routine."
"Choosing a routine that can be somewhat automated is really important to achieving your ultimate goals."
"Maximize your morning routines; it sets you up for so much success and productivity."
"Avoid routines. Routines can normally get boring if you like every day we come home, we eat, we watch TV, we go to sleep."
"When she finished cooking dinner that evening she went upstairs to get ready to pick up her daughter Caitlyn."
"The best traders have very efficient routines to keep themselves rational and math-based."
"A new lifestyle that's work, that's day-to-day routines."
"My morning routine is absolutely ridiculous. My whole family knows about this."
"Building routines that I love... when you actually enjoy the routine that you're living in."
"Achieving high status through good habits and routines."
"I realized that what I needed to feel safe and secure in life to actually do this and make it stick was to implement some long-term routines."
"Meditation and journaling are a big part of those things."
"It all comes down to being able to meditate, quiet your mind, and have a good morning routine, a good night routine."
"There's a pattern of being okay that makes a family dinner exist that makes it what it is."
"Trying to have a better morning routine and feel more relaxed."
"The most effective morning routine is the one that you actually do every morning."
"Routine is key when it comes to grabbing the reins of a healthy lifestyle."
"Habits and routines, you know if they're not followed, there's generally something wrong."
"My mom has always taken such good care of her skin."
"I started working at a really young age, so having things like routines that I could bring with me around the world made me feel a lot more comfortable and safe."
"Life is made of little routines, little thoughts, little habits and they add up."
"It's hard to put off my socks in the evening to get in bed and to brush my teeth. I need to think twice about it because living is extreme right now."
"Healthy routine and healthy habits, if they are healthy, actually lead to a deeper joy."
"Discipline and routines is a really, really important thing."
"I don't fold my clothes because that was the part that was sticking the cycle."
"Start each day with routines that show how committed we are to doing our best."
"If one thing is off, then the night is ruined. So, anytime I leave my house without mascara on, I did a U-turn on a four-lane highway."
"The power or the problem is in the routines."
"Life can be more effortless and more enjoyable if we have the right habits, routines, and systems in place."
"Replace old habits with effective routines."
"This integration method will allow you to do that within routines."
"The family section allows you to work with things like the family bell routine."
"Jackson missed his second nap yesterday, so he had a really bad night's sleep."
"99% of the stories of our lives are made up of the simple everyday routines and occurrences."
"When you're not feeling inspired, routines and systems are key to staying consistent in your creative process." - Video
"There's something about the start of a new year that just makes me instantly want to refresh my planning routine."
"Once Sadie wakes up from a nap, that's like game time."
"Routines and systems are your friend."
"Everyone else is doing like 12 part morning and night face routine speaking routines and I'm like trying out this bad boy."
"To reach new goals and develop new habits, it's necessary to create new routines to support your objectives."
"I use my same cups, get over it. I'm tired of talking about it."
"It shouldn't be like you need to sleep in the same bed and go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time like that's just that's arbitrary to me right."
"Just having intentional but small rhythms and rituals that add a little bit of wonder, add a little bit of rest to your life."
"I don't really have a set in stone night routine."
"Simplify your routines and focus on three non-negotiable habits."
"Find the rituals that work for you and then do them regularly."
"From the moment that you wake up you create your day with your routines and your choices."
"It's normal to not have a 15-step morning routine."
"Romanticize your routines or it's all going to feel like one big to-do list."
"Routines offer you more space because you're not having to deal with the overwhelm of so many choices. You've narrowed your field."
"It's the monotony that's right. We need routines to put pins in our day, guiding us through the choices we're making."
"To manage your energy more optimally, you have to build what we call positive rituals."
"Routines are everything. Seneca says that a life without design is erratic."
"Having habits and routines is my secret weapon to effortless consistency."
"Without a night routine, you can forget your morning routine."
"Routines is a really powerful way to automate a lot of things based on what you're doing, based on where you are, or even based on what time of the day it is."
"Definitely recommend checking out the modes and routines."
"Routines help structure their experience in life in familiar ways that feel safer."
"Routines don't have to be complicated to be effective."
"Some of you may need to just really let go of ruminating thoughts or find a routine that you can activate for some healthy situations right now."
"Do you work too much are you happy with the way your routines are set up do you feel sort of pressured do you feel overwhelmed where are you being too accommodating right."
"Most of what we do is automatic. It's habit. It's the things we've been trained to do, or inured to doing."
"You created a good idea, a good habit."
"He loves the way you smell. He also loves the fact that, like, there's something about what you do in the morning or like, you like make sure you have contact with him, like whether it's at night or morning, no matter where you are."
"I really find that having these routines and habits helps me to stay productive, but also helps me to try to stay on top of some of those self-care pieces."
"Music commands within routines are some of the most powerful."
"Having good routines in place that take out so much of the mental thought process for me, that allows me to make less decisions during the day, because I know there are certain things that I do during my day, during my week that support me mentally, emotionally, physically."
"Think about that all professionals have their routines."
"Most of the effort is probably really just being consistent in doing all of them."
"...doing your skincare routine and going to the gym every day are like very easy to do at the same time."
"Before doing anything that day however, she checks under the bed to be sure it's empty."
"The closer the better I do 20 minutes of red light therapy every day."
"Think about how many nights you look at your phone and you say damn I gotta go to bed or you wake up in the morning and say damn let me get up because you are you have uh you live your life around the clock."
"I believe that one of the hardest things to change is your routine, is your habit, culture, whatever you want to call it, right?"
"I just started making my bed every morning as a habit. I did it again. I went through a period where I did that before, so I do."
"Morning routines and night routines really go hand in hand and you need one to be successful with the other."
"Building habits and routines is important."
"It's normal to have ebbs and flows with your routines and hobbies."
"It's a great way to start your day on the right foot."
"Comfort rituals are a good form of self-care."
"Ten new routines in a row. Ten competitions in a row. Undefeated."
"Making routines for myself has poked me out of so many depression ruts."
"Through developing these routines... I was able to not have to rely on motivation to get things done."
"I would highly recommend that you get into the habit of making those routines."
"A good nighttime routine is more than the aesthetics of warm bubble baths and hot cups of tea."
"Systems and routines lay the foundation for consistency, which is essential for fostering good habits over time."
"I've been setting alarms on my phone, you know like certain times like okay get up, go do your your nighttime skin care routine, brush your teeth, um, kind of like set little reminders to force myself to get out of bed..."
"Your routine matters. This is why we definitely need to have an overall routine. Like I said, I have to have routines associated with each and every area of my business to make sure that I am touching on all of these areas."
"The important thing I want people to hear is you got to find your rhythms, what works for you."
"I go through phases of like wearing the same sweatshirt and having like my comfort sweatshirt for like weeks on end."
"But now I'm so happy to be on my own at a tournament, just to have my own routines, not see too many people, yeah. Otherwise, just have like a very small team of people that I see."
"Let's start romanticizing our routines, making it fun, making it positive, making it enjoyable."
"The normally rigorous cleaning routines become even more thorough as furniture is covered, carpets rolled, porcelain boxed, chandeliers dusted."
"Children who grow up in very chaotic environments with no routines or rhythms to their day tend to have a much harder time handling their emotions and processing things."
"Life is a lot different now... routines have changed, bedtimes have changed, everything's literally changed."
"I'm definitely a believer that you should fill your days especially your routines with things that you enjoy."
"Our routines are genuinely designed for longevity."
"I live with my boyfriend. He's not that guy either. Like, we go to the grocery store every day or every other day. We're like, 'What are we having for dinner?'"
"As human beings, we've all been there, feeling like we've run a marathon after a day of work. But what if I told you there's a way to reduce that decision fatigue? I'm talking about routines, baby."
"Efficiency is key to maintaining a routine."
"Things like taking my shoes off when I go through the door, wearing proper pajamas to bed, and being in a mindful well-adjusted space just makes me feel great."
"...creating routines and hopes that they create habits...I know y'all can't smell it when I tell y'all this candle...smells so good...I wish that you could...I wish that you could smell what's going on...it's absolutely amazing..."
"Create habits and routines that sway the law of balance in your favor."
"It's all about the little things and building good routines and practices that work for you."
"You gotta go around life collecting power-ups. Your morning routine is your chance to do that."
"Tell me about your classroom management...they're mostly asking about your routines...how are you handling your classroom in terms of time..."
"I never liked strict routines before I get on."
"My routines and daily habits are saving my life."
"Routines are paramount; they don't like change."
"The way you make a new behavior turn into a long-term habit is you stick it on to an existing habit."
"Can you tell 'em how much we love tubby time?"
"Do as much of your work as possible. Your routines become even more critical."
"I will establish routines, read books, conduct studies, and otherwise look for ways to extend my knowledge base and perform at my best."
"There's always a routine for when you're about to pipe."
"...optimizing your environment and developing consistent morning and night routines..."
"Defaults are in our lives much more than we're aware of."
"Lately I have been dreaming of doing all of my skincare routines and just everything in my new bathroom."
"Establishing patterns fosters freedom."
"Freedom lies in disciplined routines."
"He always finds that thing that if you know, used to living with someone, one of you will go 'let's go to bed' and then you'll go 'alright'. But when you're on your own you go, 'you just forget to go to bed, just stay up.'"
"To succeed, make the application of principles automatic, a habit, or part of your routine."
"I'm not about doing something different all the time, I'm more about creating consistency and healthy routines."
"It's nice to learn new routines sometimes; the old routines may not work and you need to tweak them."
"Systems are actually just a fancy word for habits."
"So we've collectively decided to set ourselves a 30 days challenge to get ourselves back into a good healthy routine."
"These routines might look ridiculous, but if they work for Mark or for the person doing them, they should do it."
"And then there's just ordinary time. That's just the garbage, getting up and then figuring out whether your bread has gone moldy for your nice toast."
"Routines are made to be broken, made to change, made to be flexible."
"Make a thing out of it and routines a big part of it."
"Having that moment of stillness is something that drastically changes my day."
"I think a lot of people think I love cleaning, I love having everything perfect, and at the end of the day, I literally have these routines and things in place because I'm actually lazy."
"If there's that thing that works for you in your system, keep doing that because I promise the second that you stop, you're going to notice."
"I just finished my class and I did Nia's nails."
"I love these routines and these systems."
"Create routines which center your well-being, health, and love for yourself."
"You're talking to the wrong guy, I'm the master of poor routines."
"If it's health, I write out every single thing I do with my diet and every single routine I have with working out, and every single routine I have with sleep, everything."
"When I think back on all the little hacks that made a big impact on my fitness goals, starting the day with a protein scramble was one of them."
"...routines are there to make life better, not make life worse."
"If you want to be successful in life, don't have a morning routine. Get up and get to work."
"I feel like at the end of the year I want to have like a clear morning and night routine."
"It takes discipline to good routines, a good mindset."
"Move beyond willpower and create routines and rituals."
"Make sure your routines are helping you improve."
"What should your routines help you improve? It should be doing three things."
"The very first thing that I want you to think about is what is this routine helping me to do."
"If you start to feel overwhelmed by your routines, then it's time to look at them, evaluate them."
"Set your routine to the time of the day."
"Normal human behavior is 93% predictable when taking into account their routines."
"What if I told you there were routines you could incorporate into your day with no money that could make you look 10 years younger and it was backed up by science?"
"Rituals are like routines, the main difference is the attitude behind the actions."
"The way you get there is you set daily rituals, daily routines that move you toward that a little bit every single day."
"Your routines are linked to your money and linked to your confidence and self-worth."
"I'm obsessed with routines, I'm obsessed with honing in on like morning routines, evening routines."
"Routines should be seen as a sign of ambition."
"I just like to try my best to keep these little routines in place because it makes me have more time to do fun stuff."
"This opens up a lot of possibilities for your different routines."
"I think the most important things you can do is routines, procedures, expectations, and relationships."
"You're going to develop routines with your dog, really do get some bonding going."
"I think it's really important to have some daily routines like brushing my teeth and going to gym because it's important for health and development of a person."
"Morning routines and night routines of just like doing things that make you happy make the biggest difference."
"Use some kind of a system. It's okay to use routines as training wheels."
"Remember, the key to your success is hidden in your daily routines."
"Routines take a while to get used to, to get into the swing of things."
"I'm very happy with how drastically I've been able to change my life by initiating a couple different routines."
"I wanted to set routines to introduce and reintroduce the things that make me happy and give me joy."
"Routines are set patterns that your players will repeat to make sure they understand movements, timings, and get into the right places at the right moment."
"Children absolutely need routines."
"I am definitely a creature of habit, I love routines and I thrive by having routines."
"I care about my mental health and my sleep and my routines."
"We are enjoying each other's company; we're enjoying how the other person goes about their routines or goes about their feelings."