
Skill Mastery Quotes

There are 488 quotes

"The equivalent of asking for infinite wishes would be learning how to learn."
"When you've been doing it for long enough, you just naturally get very good at doing the thing."
"Success comes down to your mindset, your willpower, and your ability to master new skills."
"Stop trying to be a jack of all trades and a master of none."
"Mastering soft skills is probably as equally important as mastering the technical skill set."
"She can be one of the most reliable supports in the game, in the hands of someone who really puts in the time and patience to master her."
"It's not just 10,000 hours of showing up; it's 10,000 hours of deliberate practice."
"Master one or two things and understand those really well."
"Shout out to everybody watching. If you're inspired, just master your craft."
"The day will come that you will feel you have complete control over your camera, and it feels amazing to know how to do everything."
"If you truly want to have an impact, nothing... I don't care what internet funnel you have, I don't care how cool your logo is... if you want to put a dent in the universe, master this skill and get comfortable with it, and you will absolutely change your quality of life and the lives of the people around you."
"Learn the technicalities of drawing and painting so well that you can one day abandon the technicalities and start creating the real thing."
"Grinding and exploring what felt like a lost art, forbidden knowledge, and execution beyond what was thought possible."
"We are the jack of all trades, master of none, which is sometimes better than a master of one."
"Master any two of these three things, you will have incredible success."
"Timing and feel are all important here, and there are no secrets. You just need to be really comfortable with these patterns so they're completely automatic."
"Couch lancing takes any medieval game and shuts it down when it comes to satisfying yet difficult to master cavalry combat in more town."
"No point not until I've mastered this technique."
"Yakuza while not known as a game of skill mastery is the same way mastery of these mechanics is for those who want it."
"If he can Master this then he can really make anything he really wants."
"Arms is a fighting game that's incredibly easy to learn but hard to master."
"When you solve your hand technique, everything else gets easier. It's like magic."
"Once you understand it and once you start putting it into practice it becomes very easy and it becomes very exciting."
"Toph who makes every other earthbender look like they're playing with the rocks."
"The solution is to be aggressive. You see that when you play the demo. It's more like something that's worth your time to master."
"You do not become an expert at something until you have done it for 10,000 hours... I got to be getting close to 10,000 hours."
"It's just the sake of doing the trick myself, it would have been there and that would have been my satisfaction of doing it."
"I am the completionist god of destroying games."
"Once you master the conservation of momentum in the game, it's not super difficult."
"Parrying an attack in Dark Souls feels just as rewarding as it should."
"Part of the fun of taking on a challenge is that the challenge has to be a hurdle that you overcome."
"Learn the fundamentals of drawing so well that you can one day ignore the fundamentals and start focusing on the real thing."
"He mastered that position he's one of the most incredible Playmakers we we've we've seen in this league."
"Mastering the ultimate traversal trick: the grappling hook animation cancel."
"He bends lava, this is a very hard subset to master."
"It's like golf in the sense that it is easy to describe just put the pellet through the hole yeah but hard to master there's a lot going on and I liked your analogy of Formula One."
"Please, for the love of God, master the shield bash."
"Jordan could basically get a quality shot whenever he wanted."
"The gap between mastering gameplay in Dark Souls is what makes it so compelling."
"I think that like both Styles can work but like G2 certainly is like the epitome of their aggressive style."
"The money will come when you're really good at something."
"You've got to make a consistent practice out of mastering skillsets."
"Mastering the basics is what produces greatness."
"I officially mastered it. I don't think we lost any HP there."
"They are good at that skill, most of them are exceptional at that skill."
"Your craft, mate, is what it is. You have to learn your craft, you have to learn the little details, the bits that, like you say, the percents that give you an advantage."
"Goku became able to instantly access ultra instinct."
"Goku finally mastered the ability to take on perfected ultra instinct at will."
"Your job is to find something you're good at and then spend the thousands of hours and apply the grit and the perseverance and the sacrifice and the willingness to break through hard things to become great at it."
"Trading in any financial market is no different than mastering any other career."
"We want this to be a MOBA that's easy to pick up with friends with a high ceiling for mastery."
"He studied martial arts from masters in different countries, borrowing moves and tactics from each discipline, becoming a truly dangerous fighter."
"Lighting is one of the hardest skills to master but one of the most essential."
"Having a simple design allows you to invest a lot more energy into the mastery of your execution."
"Consistency is being able to do the same thing a hundred times over, always knowing what you're going to do and being able to execute it."
"They remember all his moves, they played a lot of one-on-one."
"Marksmanship hunters are masters of their weapons, relying on powerful shots to take down their foes."
"The time and power management combined work in tandem: they promote mechanical and skill mastery through power efficiency and a tightly designed challenge."
"Hone your agent pool... master those agents and you're gonna be way way more consistent."
"Every trick is built upon or around those three starters so if you can Master those then anything is possible."
"Repetition is really key to mastering... what's important for all of this is the repetition because this repetition is going to be responsible... that builds up muscle memory."
"It's all about nailing the basics, then kind of understanding what you can add on top of that and what you don't really need—what is just marketing, I guess."
"Tracing should be a tool at your disposal but not something you depend completely on. If a master is only as good as their weapon, are they really a master?"
"With enough skill, the only limit is an artist's imagination."
"The key really is to get confident in doing something for yourself and mastering it for yourself."
"Pulling off that perfect long-range shot is one of the most satisfying things in video games."
"It's the very definition of easy to learn, hard to master."
"The revelation of Joe King's prowess as a formidable Jewel Master became apparent."
"You can absolutely shoot arrows perfectly smoothly, perfectly stable."
"Sekiro: you either learn how to Parry or Embrace defeat."
"It's fun to watch someone who's very good at something completely break it."
"Speedrunners spend hours mastering techniques for the quickest completion."
"There's something amazing when you get that flow state or know how to combo."
"It's not just about intellectual assent, it's about mastering the language to communicate with passion and artistry."
"Rest assured that underneath this guy who's playing these incredibly blood simple parts, I do sit around in a practice room practicing insane modulation."
"A lot of people don't know how to do it, the most comp guards abuse the hesi cancel."
"Just because you know how to play doesn't mean you know how to play well."
"Once you master his moveset, you can accomplish even more than other characters."
"Competent, you have so much knowledge, you do it automatically, intuitively, all the time under all situations. Doesn't matter how stressed out, doesn't mean it doesn't matter how tilted you are, you retain unconscious competence."
"It was perhaps the most difficult lightsaber form to master."
"Once you have that hammer and you're really good with the hammer you can do anything."
"Practice makes perfect, that saying is true. The only thing that separates people who are there from people here is hours of practice."
"Master the Parry or deflect mechanic. You can Parry literally anything."
"He's like the pinnacle of skill cap, if you main Riven you will always be able to snowball."
"Thresh is definitely main-worthy. If you practice Thresh enough, you will be absolutely able to 1v5."
"The rapidly accelerating collapse of Earth's life support systems has now made it impossible for 'business as usual' to be maintained."
"Recognize the competencies needed for mastery."
"This build is hard to master but I'm telling you once you master it this build is insane."
"Anything that Platinum Games makes, I'm all for. They're so good at just meaningful, accessible enough, but just hard to master and satisfying to master combat."
"We want everyone to enjoy playing the game... easy to get into but hard to master."
"Your rewards are in proportion to the mastery of your skills."
"He's flying around with impeccable control almost constantly in motion."
"A player that fully understands the sphere grid is a force to be reckoned with, and the flexibility is the reason why it's one of my favorite progression systems in a game."
"The whole point of archery is being able to repeat the same process every single time."
"Winston has a chance to go higher up in value... the moment everyone starts getting good at it."
"Pharah has some serious potential... with enough skill pharah can be a dominant pick."
"Hitting someone in the air with a spin fuser for instance is something that a lot of old school Tribes players practiced."
"Ken Burns is really the best of the best in my opinion when it comes to documentary filmmaking."
"Naruto took it one step further than that further than any other previous user of which the list includes Kakashi Jiraiya Minato and Asura the Asura one's."
"Once you've gotten to orbit, you've unlocked a skill forever."
"If you can master this skill, it'll keep you from rehashing ideas that have already been worked and allow you to really innovate."
"Master your Cricut machine without frustration, confusion, or overwhelm. Say yes to Maker's Gonna Learn!"
"You want to be on the edge, mastering your abilities while furthering them at the same time."
"Learn to master them and you'll have a ton of fun with this weapon."
"You're stepping into that skill, you're just like a natural at something."
"It really comes down to character knowledge and outplaying your opponent."
"Whatever you put hours in, you'll be the best at. Put 10,000 hours in, and you'll succeed."
"When you're competent in a craft and ambitious... the world becomes yours."
"It's better to be outstanding at one thing than to be mediocre in a dozen or so."
"Master your tools because it allows you to free your mind and paint what's on your mind versus what's the right brush or what's the right button to push."
"You're very close to mastering something, it's a card of Mastery putting final touches on."
"There's a certain efficiency that comes with that training mastery and humility."
"Liberation and proficiency are not necessarily the same thing."
"Learning how combos work and being flexible with your combos will really go a long way into mastering Dragonball fighters."
"When it comes to climbing, this guy is the king."
"One of the most universally fun experiences in gaming is challenge and mastery."
"What is really important is to practice a lot to master all those methods and tools."
"You only get good at something if you do an awful lot. That's sort of the secret to it."
"Surround myself with people who are at that higher level where it's not stressful to them. Stress comes because you either haven't defined the step or you haven't practiced it enough."
"Teaching is a skill and being good at a skill are very different things."
"From the Catacombs to the Abyss, master the art of slayer and conquer them all!"
"From beginners to masters, slayer offers a journey for everyone."
"Expert performers spend more time practicing than they do actually performing."
"A fundamental aspect I look for in Sonic games is their ability to be replayed and mastered by proficient players."
"Trail braking is the one technique which in and of itself is able to shave seconds off your lap time if perfected."
"Most importantly, at the bottom line, she is the most rewarding champion in the game to pick up and master."
"There's a difference between knowing what the best grip is and being able to execute it 100% of the time."
"Unlocking deathblows becomes a lot less tedious, and it’s always a satisfying feeling to finally put a new deathblow you’ve unlocked to use… because these moves are freaking awesome!"
"Master the fundamentals. Every exercise stems from these fundamental movements."
"Let's go! I invented the user playmaker. You can't throw that [__] on me."
"Bello realizes that the new member has managed to master the skill in just one day of training, an impressive event for the entire cosmoball team."
"Master your skills and become a prominent figure."
"It's actually not as hard as you think it would be. You just have to keep practicing all those sections over and over, guys."
"It's like when you're taking the time to learn the combos in a fighting game and you just get that surge of pleasure shot into your brain when you can do this."
"I felt like I had finally cracked some kind of code and I was now a crafter king."
"It teaches you to perform really deadly spinning kicks and moves so quickly that if you manage to execute them well you can one-shot your opponent."
"Detailing is not that hard but what it takes is time, preparation, patience, and knowledge."
"He quite literally spent every waking moment of his life honing his skills."
"The J-20 is easy to learn, but hard to master."
"Anything I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times." - Bruce Lee
"Pizza Tower doesn't just beg to be replayed by the end of your first playthrough, it injects its manic energy into your veins and demands to be mastered."
"Riven is considered one of the hardest 1v9 champions in the game."
"Katarina is one of the most challenging champions to master, but also one of the most rewarding."
"The fundamentals of the game... feel really satisfying when it all clicks in your mind."
"Jiu-jitsu isn't about killing regular people, like 99.999% of the population. That's too easy. Our game is how you kill people who are experts at killing people."
"Get really good at the thing that you care about... that feeds into your confidence."
"He's a good jack of all trades and he's good in you know they say um Jack of all trades master of none I'll say Jack of all trades master of all."
"This next star is really intense, it takes like 100 hours of practice to get it down, they gave me in 1,000 hours pretty off, sorry, wow, he did it, what a guy."
"You can comfortably max out your base stats with a whip to 90 plus."
"Lucio is a huge benefit to his team without having to spend hours of trial and error trying to master his play style."
"Karambwan cooking can reach up to 1 million xp per hour if you one tick cook them."
"Yuji becomes the first ever sorcerer to be able to use Black Flash at will."
"The master understands that repetition is the mother of mastery."
"Reverse curse technique is actually very difficult to pull off... Gojo, who's pretty much the most gifted sorcerer alive, struggled to learn it."
"Winning a difficult fight is almost like learning a dance routine, like a Guitar Hero song with extra steps."
"The Doctors Dangle is a tool included in many racers' repertoires, from MotoGP to local club racers."
"I see you leveling up and mastering something that you have been working on."
"You get good at something by doing it for like a hundred thousand hours or something like that, some crazy number."
"It's funny how she has to relearn what she's already proficient in."
"Know how to be both the carry and the secondary carry flawlessly."
"Clown's main difficulty is mastering the use of his bottles as projectiles."
"That is everything to get you on your way to mastering Crypto in Apex Legends Season 7 and beyond."
"Strength was natural, but mastery required effort."
"Dragon Brawlers is a very easy MOBA to play but insanely difficult to master, which personally is one of my favorite things in a mobile game."
"It takes ten thousand repetitions to become a master at something."
"Investing in yourself and mastering your craft."
"Jack of all trades, master of both. That was amazing."
"Achievement unlocked: Screw Master. I'm a master of the screws!"
"Mastering this special ability is a big part of GTA 5 speedrunning and really is quite fun and satisfying."
"A jack of all trades is a master of none but oftentimes it's better than a master of one."
"My photorealism was a little whack, you know. So I'm like, just get good at it."
"Mastering these four elements to become the Avatar."
"There it is guys 99 cooking we are now a MasterChef."
"It's all about that experience it's all about those hours you've got to get out into the shop you've got to put your hours in."
"The only way you're going to retain and really master this is by practicing what you learn."
"Internalize game to the point where it becomes second nature."
"Get your kickoff down...you're gonna have to use them all the time anyway."
"It's very challenging but when you get it right it's so rewarding."
"Amateurs practice until they get it right, pros practice until they can't get it wrong."
"If you can successfully do a potato, you can do anything."
"Solving three Rubik's cubes... juggling them... achieving a new Guinness World Records title."
"When you want to become great at something, you got to work at it."
"It's almost like autopilot, you practice to the point where you memorize it like the back of your hand."
"When mastery comes, there comes this spark, this weird presence. It's sort of like this spiritual aura that you surround yourself with."
"A warrior is not born you have to grow into it... you can become an expert in a lot of different places but you've got to put the work in."
"Master one thing, become really solid and good at it, and then you'll have a lot more success."
"The best competition happens after everybody can properly control the character."
"Sekiro combat isn't just different from Dark Souls combat, it's the evolution. Both games are about reacting to animations, but Sekiro allows a skilled player to become the boss through perfect deflections combined with alpha aggression."
"Master the cameras that you already have... your work will improve far greater than any new product could ever achieve."
"Complete the entire Mastery track to unlock a demonic Skyscale mount."
"He's just so smooth, never see his side by side get out of shape."
"Whether you're a magician or a math magician to really master your craft requires more than just knowing how the trick works you have to actually practice it you have to get your hands dirty..."
"Thresh does it all and he's not just a jack of all trades he's pretty much a master of most of them."
"These games are tough to play and tough to master, but the flexibility and freedom are off the charts."
"I really expect you to get a Master of pool and eventually a Doctor of pool."
"When we're good at something, it feels great."
"Just learn proper control, only the best can do this, and don't be weird."
"If I learn this and master this I'm set up for 20 years."
"This newfound ability was a cause for celebration."
"An amateur practices until they get it right, but a professional practices until they can't get it wrong."