
Self-definition Quotes

There are 950 quotes

"Let your past inform your future, but don't let it define your future."
"You're going to begin to define yourself more, and it's going to propel you forward a lot."
"I didn't want anything to define me except for me."
"If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive."
"You can choose to define yourself however you want; people do that; that's all I'm advocating."
"We are who we are in the present moment; we are not defined by the past."
"You are not defined by the conditions you were born into; you're defined by what you choose to do with them."
"Never let a situation or circumstance define your life, no matter what it may be."
"You are not what has happened to you; you are who you choose to become."
"If I do not learn to define myself from within myself, I will forever be defined by someone else."
"The man I am today is defined by how I choose to live my life now."
"It's not the horror that defines you; it's how well you fought it."
"Your failures don't define you; it's your determination that defines you."
"Spider-Man's motivation is to be his own man and make his own way in life... 'I'm not Iron Man. I'm Spider-Man.'"
"You get to make the rules. Your job doesn't define you. Your industry doesn't define you. You define you."
"No matter what, at the end of the day, no one can ever define you."
"Greatness is an individual measure, and it's something that you should establish for yourself."
"It's what you do with your money when you have it that defines you as a person."
"You can't define me. I know what I am manifesting."
"Why would I let the people who hate me define me?"
"Do I want to do a mundane job, or do I want to define myself and be the master of my reality and create my reality?"
"You can't let others define you, you can't let others distract you from your goals."
"Sartre says existence precedes essence. I can define my future."
"This is the part where you get to define the role in the movie of your life."
"Me not winning a championship does not define me. Me not getting the pay raise does not define me. We allow this world to define what success is for us."
"My purpose can also be being the greatest aunt who ever lived."
"I'm not going to talk a lot about that right...what defines me is me right now, right here, and what I'm going to do tomorrow."
"You're the only person who's comprehending your own experience and so you get to define it however you want."
"One of the greatest joys in life is defining yourself. You get to decide how you want to be in life."
"Do not let anyone define you. Redefine yourself and your destiny, just as Luna shapes theirs."
"We're not defined by our worst actions; we are defined by how we respond to them."
"Get good with money so that it doesn't have to define you anymore."
"Ultimately, it's about what kind of man he wants to be."
"The ability to not let others define you. It's a gift."
"I don't want to let my mistakes define me. I think a person is defined by how they recover from their mistakes."
"The things we choose about ourselves are the things we are."
"Bad [__] have bad days, bad seasons, bad months, bad years, but that doesn't define you."
"You're not the body and the mind; you're not the psychology. You are what you determine, declare, and say."
"The past doesn't define what's possible for you at all. It informs who you are today, but it doesn't define you."
"I'm definitely a... night person. No, I ain't no Night Owl. I'm a night owl killer."
"In spite of its flaws, religion does help many people define themselves."
"You never allow people to define you who did not create you."
"What really defines you is ultimately who you want to be." - Ben Affleck
"People's rights to define themselves as they want to be defined."
"I am not what has happened to me as a human being. I am what I choose to become."
"Success to you is defined, just be 'Find happiness.'"
"If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by who we are, we can all be freer."
"Success is becoming who you want to be, it's defining yourself."
"I did not allow that situation to define me."
"Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are."
"Don't let those things that are maybe not at the top where you want to be define what you're going to do."
"You're not defined by your past, the future is what you make it."
"I am independent being and I'm the only one who can define my life."
"Define yourself within some purpose in life."
"If you adhere to the tenets of Satanism, if you decide you're a Satanist, you are a Satanist."
"Even if you have done bad things or had bad things happen to you, that doesn't have to define you."
"Stop letting other people's opinions define you."
"She conquered the lies in her life and the norm and she did not let her circumstances define her."
"Every decision you make is a vote towards or against the person you want to be."
"Any goal is a valid goal if it's what matters to you. So if you just want to have a chill life, frame that as a goal."
"Your secrets don't define you, your struggles don't define you, your biggest regret doesn't define you, your biggest mistake doesn't define you."
"There's a level of stoicism that says this is happening to me well yeah not letting it define him."
"This moment may define me but it will not define me in tragedy."
"Success isn't a destination, it's a journey. Define it your way."
"A woman who's not defined by her relationships, right?"
"Everybody's got to define their own greatness."
"It's not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices."
"All is not lost, and while the pain can refine us, it does not have to define us."
"True identity should be self-ascribed, not saddled with arbitrary hormone washes."
"Being yourself, that is my definition of greatness."
"You take out your 'A' and just be an individual."
"I refuse to let darkness be the one that defines what my story is."
"I think the most important thing for me is finding ways to Define it for yourself."
"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do with your life that defines you."
"Your definition of success shouldn't rely on others."
"You are the only one who can define what success looks like to you."
"You're either gonna define yourself for yourself or you're gonna let someone else define you."
"Labels crush the spirit, but define yourself according to the creator's definition."
"Everybody gets to define their own success in the way that they would desire. That's what's so special about this nation."
"You know, it's like, you might not see the progress that's being invested for a long time, but as long as you're doing - whatever you're doing in that day, you know, is what defines you."
"They didn't let their past dictate how they would become."
"I am not ever gonna put myself in a group or in a box. You can't check that box for me."
"It's not who I am inside that defines me, but my actions."
"It's not about who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you." - Rachel Dawes
"You're letting this define who you are as a human being, and it's not. There's so much more to a person."
"You are who you want to be, and who you want to be is defined by what you want."
"Naming and defining your reality, because so many people name and define us for us."
"What defines you? Do you have well-reasoned ideas about who you want to be?"
"It's all about your positioning in a marketplace. So now, who do you want to be?"
"Success is defined by you and it's different for everybody so that's number one you got to define what it is you want."
"I'm just learning to define myself by other things that also bring me more pure joy."
"What is self-definition if not a form of radical Liberty?"
"Categories matter, self-definition matters, charting your own path forward, that matters."
"Circumstances don't define you, you define you."
"I will never let myself be defined by tragedy."
"Power is the ability to define your reality, have other people accept your definition of yourself as if it were their own."
"Don't define yourself by your last painful experience."
"Don't let your past define who you are. Let it be a part of who you become."
"Ask yourself who you'd like to become... write down exactly who you would like to be."
"I'm going through a tough time right now but I won't let my struggles define who I am. I will come back stronger."
"Everyone is defined by their relationships; that's how human beings work."
"Your circumstances do not define who you are."
"I choose strengths and for me strength looks like love."
"If you don't define it, the world will define it for you. Take actionable steps to pursue your goals."
"You are the line, right? The line is only wherever you go with it."
"Success does not define us, we define the success."
"Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are."
"This determined kid just doesn't let his physical limitations define who he is."
"Zootopia has a very encouraging message: define yourself despite how the world may see you."
"Action is who I am, a man of my word with honor."
"A culture doesn't define you, you define the culture."
"Are you who you are because of the title or because of who you are?"
"Human beings define themselves along the lines they are willing to fight for."
"You are what you do, well you do this every day, it becomes you."
"I decided what success is going to look like to me and I decided if I'm happy with where I'm at or not."
"I created my own lane so that's the problem, you lot and everyone else are trying to understand what I do."
"Crystallizing or clarifying what it is you want to do is the most powerful thing you can basically do for yourself to set up success."
"We are these incredibly resilient, determined creators."
"Jaime has the freedom of choice to write his own white book entry, meaning he has the freedom to define his own life essence and destiny."
"Your life is not defined by any feelings of despair."
"You are what you do, not what you say you'll do."
"Define yourself by what you support rather than what you oppose. It will immediately change your general mindset and outlook from negative to positive."
"Being gangster for me ain't something you get put on, it's something that was born in you."
"Figure out what your thing is... what kind of player do you want to be?"
"Who gets to define the meaning of your life?"
"It's you yourself that defines the meaning of life."
"I'm an actor and I'm so much more than my ethnicity."
"Never be defined by your circumstance, but by your hard work and the character of who you are as a person."
"Principles are important. They make you. They drive you."
"There's a certain group of people... that always want more. It's never going to be enough. Even if you have equal rights, they want special rights."
"Saying no has allowed me to create the definition of me."
"Defining oneself through personal relationships."
"I always want to be defined by who I am, not what I do."
"Identity is a key aspect, and if you don't understand your history, how then do you define yourself?"
"I ain't nobody's boss, okay? That's what I meant when I said 'the rebuke.'"
"You're learning to not be defined by other people and their identity of you."
"I write my own story. I decide who I am, what I prioritize, and that's true for all of us, I think."
"I'm tired of allowing my history to define my destiny, my past to determine my future."
"You have the power within. It's not your past that's going to define who you are, but it's what you believe about yourself."
"Framing effects: The way you frame identical situations can change the way people interpret those situations."
"We get to shape who we are on these platforms."
"When you give up or fight on, the answer defines you and determines if what you want in life is really worth fighting for."
"I believe you are what's the quintessential."
"We're defining for ourselves what power looks like."
"Self-identification is the only definition that's possible that's going to make it so that all women that identify as women are women and all men who identify as men are men."
"Society does not define you, you define you."
"You are an artist when you say you are an artist and you are a good artist when you make someone feel something deeply and unexpected."
"This is my moment, this is what's going to define myself."
"Boundaries define us; they say what's acceptable and what's unacceptable."
"Start to Define Yourself by your future self rather than your past self."
"We don't want to lose that because then... we give up who we are."
"My identity is personal, it's up to me to construct it."
"Didn't let the world Define him as just a rapper."
"Perseverance will define you in this environment."
"Love is love, I can't help who I love, my identity I can change by what I think."
"Part of being strong is to learn that other people cannot define who we are, we have to be comfortable with who we are in our own truth."
"I am an American, not a damn African American."
"When you judge others, you do not define them. You define yourself."
"One single moment in and of itself doesn't have to define you unless you want it to. So, this is really about seeing that bigger picture and allowing yourself to spend some time in the middle."
"Your biological body does not define who you truly are."
"So basically i don't have to define what makes me happy to anybody no one."
"What I said as a 15-year-old doesn't define me."
"Never let something that hurt you, define you. Stay kind, stay open to good things coming your way and stay you."
"I am NOT what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become."
"Your healing is a personal journey that you get to define and build."
"You choose what words define you and you never have to let them be negative."
"Everyone has their burden to bear in life... The key is not being defined by those. It's overcoming them. It's turning your own path, deciding what you want your life to be, and you live it out."
"Stop defining your life and your love for others."
"We must stop letting other people's limited perceptions of us define us."
"You get to decide how you want to define yourself to the world."
"Sovereignty means you have the right to Define yourself, to choose yourself, to own yourself."
"If I threw in the towel here, this would define my entire life. Like I'm a failure today, if I quit now, I'm going to be a failure for the rest of my life. That's who I'm going to be."
"It's not what I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."
"The only hope we have as women is to stop defining ourselves according to other people's standards... and start defining it according to God's word."
"Remember who your family is doesn't define you."
"I have these tools that make me a prodigious assassin, but they don't define me. I make myself who I am."
"It's not who you are, you tell us who do you want to be."
"Your life is not defined by somebody else's headline."
"I am NOT defined by my tragedy I'm defined by my actions."
"Every action you make is a vote for the type of person you'll be."
"I will not be defined by what's going on around me."
"I just want to say that the sad thing about it is that people allow themselves to be defined... by what these people say."
"I really busted my ass to be able to call myself a champion."
"Success is deeply personal, define it for yourself."
"Say is essentially the first decentralized NASDAQ...trading is becoming a very popular industry."
"Existence precedes essence. What is meant here by saying that existence precedes essence? It means that first of all, man exists, turns up, appears on the scene, and only afterwards defines himself."
"You will not be defined by the people that hire you, you will be defined by the ideas in your own heart and mind. It is just you and that brush and that canvas."
"We found unity in defining ourselves in a negative way."
"You don't have to stick to one label. You don't have to label yourself at all."
"Your thoughts and opinions are not facts and they're not defining my reality."
"It's not what you call yourself; it's the work you do."
"I am not gay. I am not bi. I am not a man or unsure. I'm not your words. I'm not cisgender. I'm a woman."
"Come up with your own unique definition of yourself."
"I will no longer claim to have a family outside of the one I've created."
"You are transcending Human Nature and you are defining your own happiness."
"I want to be open-minded to everything... I don't want to Define Myself by anything other than inquiry and curiosity and openness."
"We're only defined by our past if we choose to be."
"It's almost like you've gotta build your own milestones, your own values."
"Function from a higher place where you're not defined by others' opinions."
"None of us define ourselves in a vacuum. We define ourselves by our relationship with and to other people."