
Personal Decision Quotes

There are 958 quotes

"Move from 'I can't' to 'I don't'. 'I don't' is much more a personal, lifestyle, identity type decision, rather than an external forces type decision."
"Marriage is absolutely a wonderful thing, and you have to decide what the best thing is for your marriage."
"If you want to do it [YouTube channel], then I would say that's reason enough to do it."
"I've never done anything to change myself that was for someone else; it's always been for me."
"This is powerful, and it is a result of your own powerful decision in yourself."
"It is incumbent upon us all as individuals to decide who we are morally."
"My wife gave me the green light to climb Mount Everest."
"A commitment and even perhaps a major life decision will come up and you are advised to take hold of your emotions before you determine the right path for you."
"Snoop released a statement saying after much consideration and conversation with my family, I've decided to give up smoking."
"At the end of the day, only you know what's right for you."
"Veganism still was the best decision I made."
"I think it's really important to have some nuance in all these conversations and just dive a little deeper and then make personal decisions about what we are okay with supporting financially, directly or indirectly."
"This isn't easy, but it's what I need to do."
"Food is a very personal decision what you eat is your personal decision just like it is who you marry or who your partner is or who you vote for."
"Giving my life to God was the best decision I've ever made."
"I can't do this to my mother and father...I can't do this lifestyle no more."
"I think I'm done with pets for now. That was pretty crazy."
"Pain is not leaving until you decide that you want to be whole."
"Cameron Diaz...ultimately made the decision because she wanted to focus more on herself."
"Change is within you. No one can change your life but you. Make the decision to avoid negative influences and focus on the positive."
"Joining drama was the best decision I could have made."
"Your life can be beautiful, but it starts with a decision to move forward."
"I believe that this is a personal choice that everybody has to make."
"All you have to do is decide to want more peace for yourself. Once you decide, then you commit to it and mentally start to distance yourself from anyone or anything trying to take that from you."
"All change happens the same way: it happens by recognizing that you want to make a change, making a decision that you're going to, and identifying the small things that you need to start doing that are consistent with the change that you want."
"It's about making the right informed choice for you."
"If anyone takes anything away from this, it's that if you are feeling like this is something that you need to do, then it's something that you should do because you're going to be so much better for it."
"Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has. Use that freedom. Make up your own mind."
"I personally got vaccinated, and I believe in the science behind the vaccine."
"Hey, look, that's your freedom; you know, you make the choice that's right for you."
"I'm done being friends with benefits with you. I'm done."
"He's had enough; he's leaving this damn war, but the decision will haunt him forever."
"I've made the decision in the same way that I trusted the doctor when he put me on my diabetes medication without researching the clinical trials. I will be happy to take this action and have done so today. However, the key part of this statement is that I've chosen to."
"I'm kind of tired. I think I'll go home now."
"Which one should I follow, Jesus or your interpretation?"
"I will not be doing Formula Drift this year with RTR."
"If your spirit is trying to lead you somewhere, go go don't question it just get up and go."
"There's something quite powerful and independent about going, 'I've had enough.'"
"Opting out of gift exchanges that aren't so important to us."
"What if you just did it? What if you just got up today and gave your life to Christ? What if you just raised your hand in the middle of the prayer they pray at the end and said, 'I'm coming just as I am'? What if?"
"If it's better, I will never eat meat again."
"I decided to take a break from social media because I felt like my mental health would benefit from it."
"If I never work again as an actor but I can talk to people, I'll do it."
"By coming to this altar and praying the sinner's prayer with me, you're saying I make Jesus Christ the Lord of my life."
"I decided I wasn't going to take it anymore."
"I'm announcing I'm leaving Little Mix. I need to spend some time with the people I love doing things that make me happy."
"If you do decide to leave, it's not the end of the world. Now I have the power to stare at my own future."
"Praise is personal and until you personally decide to do it, you will not understand that praise is also powerful."
"Let's discuss the theories and then you can decide for yourself."
"Some people do not need to be forgiven. Forgiveness is for her, and she can decide that for herself."
"I renounce I reject I disassociate myself from it because I refuse them the wrath and the negative consequences and Christmas were lost in my life dear indoors here you covered it we're going to believe me."
"I’m ending this on my terms. I’m saying goodbye to you."
"I don't understand why she would then decide that Trump is good."
"The hunted Emperor, exhausted and sick, dreamt of only one thing: to abdicate in favor of his eldest son and leave for Nice with his wife and children."
"Some of you guys are being prompted by the divine to take a certain leap of faith."
"Every single story I hear from someone who walked away from the Democratic Party, yeah it's very simple... I decided to do my own research."
"It does feel like that's what Kauai did... he calculated it this way."
"I just didn't want to live that way anymore."
"I left everything that I love to be here. I left my son. I left my shop."
"With huge potential rewards on offer for anyone able to crack viable fusion power, world governments are pumping huge amounts of money into research."
"I'm actually fine with this. Let's go with that."
"I'm glad that she did what she wanted to do and didn't let anyone else change her mind."
"Do what you think is right and make that decision. Everyone has to make it."
"Do you think I did the right thing by listening to my heart?"
"If you feel like something is not right, move on. If you feel like you want to do something, do it."
"I'm still bear down. I'm still be down. Made the right choice, baby. You made the right choice."
"I'll never go back to working an office job, not on your life."
"I always wanted to grow one, I suppose. I've always had stubble, so I thought, you know, screw it."
"Resigning isn't an act of whining. It is a ultimate protest."
"He doesn't want to hurt MJ anymore, so to protect her for now he walks away."
"That is why I left, and that's why I'll never go back. So long, Rex."
"It's already a touchy even if I wasn't in social media and I had to rehome my dog."
"I knew I had to do the right thing and I spoke the truth."
"If you stay and you die there, you will be replaced. The man will marry somebody else and guess what, somebody else will raise your children."
"I'm off Twitter now, my mental health is so much better."
"They're the most important thing in my life, which is why I withdrew from the senate race to make sure that they knew that there was never a question in their minds that they were always and will always come first for me."
"I'm going to get an M car. I don't know which one, but it's going to be the E39 or the E46 M3."
"Joining the army was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life."
"Marriage, I would go for it. So yes is what I'd say to you."
"Truly you must never listen to this. I know very well I'm never going to."
"Taylor looked into the fire and just decided one day to jump through it."
"I have decided that I want to show appreciation."
"I hadn't decided whether to fight for my husband and my marriage, but I was resolved to fight for my president."
"You're out there in Hawaii, you've got birds chirping behind you, perfect lighting. You really made the right move getting out of politics, you really did."
"Retiring from his corporate job to do something else - awesome. I'm in."
"For some of you, it's making a decision to let go of the past and never look back."
"Sometimes it's just easiest to walk away from the entire dating mess."
"You divested in reality TV because you knew it was toxic to the community."
"I just knew that it was the right thing for me."
"Are you going to take any legal action against someone? Skip that."
"Rogan is helping those questions be answered by presenting so much data and information and letting them decide what actions and moves to make for themselves with informed consent."
"I'm going to say this, one of the biggest mistakes I've made in the last five years is not believing in myself."
"There's luck headed your way because you've said stop."
"You didn't do anything wrong, but look, I'm moving away for school, and I won't be able to see you."
"Your qualifications are fair. We decided the best people who can take care of our kids are us."
"Now is the time to take this leap of faith because they've been waiting."
"I might actually live here... I might be able to actually stay."
"Now is the time. But it was really off Little Jay saying what he said. I'm like, should I put it on my Instagram? No, I'm gonna upload this on YouTube."
"I think he goes and believes he is having his Crossing the Rubicon moment."
"For me to travel back to China would be a stupid mistake."
"I remember when I decided I was going to become a professional fighter."
"It might be even in university to reconsider...degree for me..."
"You don't have to do this forever, but some people do."
"When we were moving here, I was kind of like, I'm not gonna do videos, like no matter what, I can leave a video uploading overnight, it's gonna be fine."
"You're the drummer dude, if anyone ever said that to me I would quit music and become a lawyer."
"You're gonna have to cut somebody off. They're not right, they're not right. It's either a feminine energy or somebody that embodies feminine energy."
"It's devastating. So here's what I did: when I saw that order come by March 19th or March 20th, I said, 'Listen, I understand...'"
"Marriage is not a sanctimonious thing. It is paperwork. It's something... it's a commitment you make to someone. But if you feel like you're not getting anything from that commitment and you're trying, you gotta go, you gotta go, you have to go."
"You can be on the winning side. You can choose to follow Jesus."
"Faith is just believing cause you decided you're gonna, right?"
"I'm an intelligent woman, I could go out and get a marketing job, I could do it, but I don't want to and that's my choice."
"Playing it was one of the greatest decisions I've ever made."
"That's a conscious decision that I'm making for my own happiness and you know what I'm worth it and you are worth it."
"At the end of the day, if you fit here with people that love you, people that want to work with you, people that can help you propel, and it's a decision you make, the decision is made."
"I have considered quit my job to go full-time but it's just a crazy crazy risk."
"It's your turn to decide what you owe your community."
"That's when it clicked for me again, yeah, it's time for me to go."
"If you have the means right now to do this and to take this course and you really, truly believe that this is what you wanna do and that this is the right path for you, then just go for it."
"Oh I'm down as long as it's like probably pretty safe and or I have like nothing to lose."
"I've wanted to for a long time but this is kind of the best time because these roots ain't getting any better and I can't see my hairdresser for a month."
"I think I'm gonna do it for the storyline, but also it just fits."
"It's going to be easy, but it's going to be hard."
"If you told me I'd die at 50 but I'll be a premier league footballer or live 100 or 1950."
"Ultimately I changed my mind about vaccines because I discovered they're one of the strongest tools I have to accomplish my mission."
"You had the absolute right to make that decision for yourselves."
"Quit your job... I did not quit my consulting job until my YouTube income surpassed my consulting income."
"You made the decision aligned with your happiness, and I think that's a really wonderful thing."
"I didn't engage with sex with a man for almost nine years."
"I don't want kids. I'm sorry Ben, I don't want your babies."
"I voted for the candidate I wanted to see become president."
"Even if you're planning on having kids someday but you're young, I might say it might not be a bad idea to go get the snip."
"I give up can cancel me all you want I'm a canceled YouTuber YouTuber canceled I don't care I I cannot continue doing this 24-hour challenge lifestyle is not for me."
"You have to make a decision. I think shaving your head is a good look."
"It's very strange that people seem to be just approaching this from a 'well I might be putting myself in danger but I'm going to do it anyway' perspective."
"I completely see what you're saying as like this is a point where I can decide to make a change."
"She was completely done with their marriage... she's laying the groundwork to leave him."
"I made that decision I made the decision that day that I'm never gonna get an AI again and that was almost 13 years ago and I never got high since then."
"I didn't want my children to know the severity of my prognosis."
"Hopefully, the choice that I've made works out for me, my family, and you guys in the long run."
"So I pulled my oldest daughter out of public school in Florida. We were having debates about pulling down statues and changing names..." - Parent
"I think those that's one of the key things that kept me from fully engaging in violence... at least try to be."
"We're on the edge of a cliff and I have no intention of going over that cliff."
"We just needed to stop dating... for her sake because damn, this guy's a good guy."
"Everything in life is a choice, whether you join us or not, it makes no difference."
"Why didn't I call the cops? I don't know why I didn't call the cops."
"Nope, not me, I know about his little challenges so I'm gonna skip his little challenge and we're gonna get right to it, fine."
"He could literally be like hey guys I've decided I'm no longer going to be an artist but instead I'm going to open a taco truck in the Hollywood hills."
"You're finally going to be going for it... leaving a job that you really, really don't like behind."
"I've decided to stay with us for Tisha. That's the only reason."
"This decision boils down to you, Capricorn. It's time to face it."
"Men, it is not for you to decide. It's her decision, it's her special moment."
"If you're curious about this suppressor and you're thinking about picking one up... just go ahead and do it."
"Cut it all off right here, it's all coming off, it's all going to go short, just save me some time, just chop it all right off, here we go!"
"You've made a choice here, Aries, and you're embracing it."
"I wouldn't even think twice about it, offer me the ticket tomorrow, I'll go."
"What do you think? Are you planning on buying or are you just going to hold off for right now?"
"Then why wouldn't I want to get married to that person?"
"I feel like there's a need to take a leap of faith... it's going to change your life plain and simple."
"I feel like you need to do what's right for you... definitely is what that's saying."
"I've already decided. I want to live each day without regrets."
"To be able to leave somebody that you love that you like that you're lusting over takes a lot of mental strength."
"Spirit is saying now you have to make a break for it because your marriage is here."
"No one wants to retire because of an injury. You want to make your own story and quit on your own terms."
"One thing I was sure of: I was moving to Hawaii."
"At the end of the day, don't make any decision just for other people. Follow your heart and what your gut's telling you to do."
"I have no desire to get back in the frontline of campaigning politically."
"I did it anyway, and that turned out to be a really good career decision."
"Peter quill asks Kitty Pryde, 'Will she marry him?'"
"I felt like it was the best thing for my family and for my well-being."
"This is my brand... my name is not changing publicly."
"It's over, I'm out of it, never going back, I'm good over here."
"I decided to pull out. I needed to see change."
"I made a resolution not to wear hair extensions anymore, and honestly, it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"Make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusions, conclusions from the debate, conclusion from what makes the best sense to you to Trump."
"I finally said yes to God, I know that this is you."
"My relationships be perfect until I'm ready to leave."
"Should I get an OnlyFans account? Sure, you'd do better. Everybody has a type."
"That might have been his turning point to leave though, probably."
"There's no future with this person, it's time to start over."
"If your husband is a good guy but you're ready for divorce, you're not a bad person."
"However, Captain America had a secret plan of his own, and did not plan to return, only revealing his true intentions to his childhood friend Bucky Barnes."
"We're asking questions and we're not telling you to take the vaccine."
"You did your best by housing them in the beginning and it's up to them to figure out the rest."
"I've decided to leave, and the reason why I'm making this video... is because it's been four weeks or so since I've left."
"There's unfinished business here, whether you feel that way or not, that's your call."
"Alright, I'm going for it. Bowling league, here I come."
"I think maybe you should go again on your own terms."
"I made the choice to follow Christ and the Lord has blessed me with a number of ministries."
"It's hard to tell people what they should do, but it is worth it to leave, no matter how hard it is."
"I smelled a rat and my gut told me to stay the heck away."
"I've done all I can, and if my husband won't do his part, there's nothing I can do except move on."
"Don't go chasing waterfalls, but I felt like that was a pretty good opportunity."
"For all these reasons, I'm sorry, Wanda, I want you to turn against the Avengers and do your own thing because you deserve it after all this."
"I would like the news to give me all sides of a situation and let me make up my own mind."
"The universe has your back. If you can trust yourself enough to make this leap of faith, then we have the opportunity here, group one, to end some really tough cycles."
"I don't want the bus to be my daily driver anymore."
"I hope you understand this was the right thing for me to do. I don't want you to feel left behind in my endeavors. Don't look down on me for what's to come." - Mysterious Pink Box Sender
"I fell in love with that person. That's why I'm going to quit being an idol. I'm going to be a singer."
"Now if you don't know Jesus as the Lord of your life right now is the time to do it."
"I think I'm gonna have a kid this year... I think so, yeah."