
Past Influence Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Let your past inform your future, but don't let it define your future."
"Your history doesn't have to imprison your destiny."
"Your past has shaped who you are now, but you are 100% responsible for who you are today."
"Your past has no bearing on your future unless you let it."
"Your past does not predict or determine your future."
"If you choose to be defined by what happened to you in the past, then you will always continue to be that person."
"Ever since that day, nine years ago, I have lived only to avenge the fallen. Even my time at the Officers Academy was all so that I could secure my revenge and clear away the regret of the dead. It was the only thing that kept me alive. My only reason to keep moving forward."
"It's hard to move forward when your past is always in your back pocket."
"Don't bring your past into your future; don't let your past hold you back."
"The past will always have its claws in the present."
"Being defined by a vision of the future instead of a memory of the past."
"Your past has a way of sneaking up on you. You'll hear your broken echoes of it everywhere."
"This New Moon represents creating something new in your life."
"Stop letting the past dictate how you act toward people in the future."
"It's like you're not allowing the universe to bring in your karma because you're still stuck on something in the past."
"There's so much more to your life than what happened in high school and there's so much more to who you are then who you were just keep that in mind."
"Who you are now is a compound effect of what you were."
"You are not the idiot. Your dad may have turned it around now but it seems that he wasn't a good dad to you and that's a hurt that goes way deep."
"Believe in yourself and know that you are more powerful than your past."
"I've never let the past affect me, I'm always moving forward, I'm always focusing on the next thing."
"Loki's past as a juvenile criminal influences his detective work."
"Pray to redefine yourself as righteous. The strength of the tie is based on past failures or a less than righteous lifestyle that causes the person to define themselves according to their past acts."
"That's because your past does define you. But what defines you more than your past is now."
"I feel like you're allowing your past to guide you, leading to a lot more success in your life."
"The present cannot change the past but maybe the future can use some of the pain and holes in lives and offer some closure for us all."
"The past does not exist. Do not let the past influence your present."
"You can be successful by letting the past stay in the past."
"Don't let the past influence what the future could become."
"It's Chinatown, it means two things: first that you can never run from your past, second that the past will repeat itself again and again."
"You don't have to be owned or chained to the trauma of your past."
"We are products of our past but we do not have to be prisoners of it."
"Making men in your present pay for mistakes of your past equals no future."
"Don't let your past hold you back, Aquarius."
"The past colors the present based on old traumatic programming."
"It's safe to make the move you're considering. Don't let past events hold you back."
"Don't remain there because the past rarely has anything new to say."
"You need to change; you need to remember who you were. Part of your past will help you create your future."
"Are we going to let our past seal our future?"
"Your past doesn't make who you are in the future."
"Be aware of holding onto the past that doesn't belong in your life anymore."
"Your future starts to become more important than your past."
"I love that idea for Ubben it would already you're making him the street of three-dimensional character because he has to deal with his past."
"Trauma therapy is very important and helpful but the worry I have is that you can get into therapies that are focused too much on the past and not enough on the present and the future."
"The past shapes who you are, however, it doesn't dictate your future, you who you are right now does."
"Don't let the past invade the present like cancer."
"Your attitude is more important than your past, education, or financial situation."
"Expect the unexpected when it comes to a return from the past."
"I will never leave my children the way I was left."
"We should all just be really happy right now, I think everyone in the Tesla community should just be going to bed with a smile because, wow, there's a lot of great stuff ahead."
"Their past behavior is the best indication of the future."
"The past is never dead, it's not even the past."
"You can't understand what has happened in today's reality without understanding the historical elements that took place."
"Your past narrative no longer has control over you."
"Your past self is the reason you are who you are today."
"The past is over and done and has no power over me; I can begin to be free in this moment."
"What I said as a 15-year-old doesn't define me."
"Your past does not define your future, although your world around seems to be breaking into pieces."
"The past may shape us, but the future is ours to mold."
"Don't let the past inhibit the present; it isn't valid anymore. Also, don't accept less than the best and less than what's adequate at the very least."
"The past has made you who you are. Honor it, channel it through your work, but let it go and move forward."
"We're going through a lot of things that your past lives definitely 100% are bubbling up to the surface."
"Everyone has a past, and the past shapes the present. Some people hold onto memories, while others are haunted by them."
"While our pasts might create us, it is up to us to decide who we will ultimately become."
"The events of the past do not have the power to determine your future."
"You got a private plane, kudos to you, I would be tripping off of that too, that is a true indication and marker of wealth."
"Your past doesn't define anything. It's okay for you to be you."
"Your past is your past; it's your heart that matters, not your history."
"Everyone in this room is a product of your past."
"He wanted to show what it means to make peace with your past and to cease it from weighing down on your current self."
"Nothing from today is not impacted by yesterday."
"If you make decisions based on your past history, it might prevent you from ever finding a business where you could make more money."
"Your dark past doesn't have to dictate every moment of your future."
"Your dark past doesn't have to dictate every moment of your present."
"Zuko's past and how it's affecting his actions in the present shape his decisions in the future."
"Do not let your past identify you anymore. You identify it and tell the people around you, 'God has an identity waiting on you.'"
"You can't change the past, but you can shape the future."
"The past can never die, but I've seen how much you want to become a better person."
"And so it goes, and so it goes, and the book says, 'We may be through with the past, but the past ain't through with us.'"
"Your whole life and your present depends upon remembering what you've learned in the past."
"Your past does not determine who you are."
"Don't let the past make your decisions for today."
"I'm not bound by my past; it doesn't define me, it doesn't define or dictate what my future is going to be, it doesn't limit me."
"What's wrong with you is all those people who knew you when, because if they knew you when, they'll hold you to back then."
"Everything's behind us now, so will you stop dragging it all up? The past has a way of never letting go."
"When I was 17 I did what people told me, did what my father said and let my mother mold me. But that was long ago, I'm in control."
"The best advice I tell you is don't let your past control your life."
"The past may remind me but it will not define me."
"The past may dictate who we are, but we get to determine what we become."
"We're all adults, it's time for us to realize that whatever's happened to us in the past does not have to control what we do today."
"The past isn't dead, it's still alive in you."
"The more you realize that you're okay, the more you realize that what happened then doesn't have to define your present and your future."
"Your past does not have the last word on you."
"There isn't much that can be done to change the past itself; all we can hope to do is change how the past impacts our future."
"Your past has influenced you, certainly, but it's not your identity."
"The relief of her new blank skin is short-lived, suggesting that the idea of starting again is an illusion because we carry our past inside us."
"You can't get your blessings if you let the past dictate your future."
"The past does affect the present."
"Do not let your past dictate your future."
"The past has put you on this trajectory. Where you go from here is completely up to you."
"Work through fears because there's something here that either people have said in the past and their words keep on echoing through your mind."