
Future Potential Quotes

There are 958 quotes

"Let your past inform your future, but don't let it define your future."
"There's a lot to be worried about, but also there's some potential for utopia as well."
"Matching human ingenuity with the speed, power, and strength of machines will transform our lives in ways we can only imagine."
"Your history doesn't have to imprison your destiny."
"The future is what you make out of it. You can make it real."
"The argument pro-lifers are making... we afford rights to children and we tailor the experiences of humans based on an expectation of what they will be all the time."
"Even in this moment, sitting here right now, isn't the end of the story. Don't you see? We have so much further to go."
"Past performance isn't an indicator of future performance... Just because your beginnings in life were painful, it doesn't mean you're destined to live a life of pain."
"Optimistic as I am about the possibility of what we could all accomplish over the next hundred years, I don't think we're nearly at the end of this."
"Your past has no bearing on your future unless you let it."
"Their best is still yet to come because the wisdom that you have gained from this situation...is going to be a different person than it was when he said will you marry me."
"The future is in your hands, and you control it."
"They're all placed here for a potential future where their final moments on Earth may actually have not yet happened."
"Competitive performance is not just about what you're doing now, it's about what you can do in the future moving forward too."
"I believe that this is now the next generation of the internet, and that it holds vast promise for every business, every society, and for all of you, individually."
"Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels, and we believe it has a promising future, but this cannot come at a great cost to the environment."
"Everything God has for you is in the next chapter."
"I am super excited about what this next phase can bring. I mean and hopefully we will be mentioned in the same breath with those guys at some point, right?"
"Hell of a season, and we are in such a good position to run this right back."
"Every breath that you take is glorious. You're free. Your mind is clear. Your heart is open for the potential of an awesome future."
"It's a pretty fun game that establishes a solid blueprint for future Sonic titles."
"Don't let your current circumstances and your past dictate your future. You can change your life."
"The future everyone has created for us should have more possibilities than that."
"Portal seems like it's going to be a massive win in the long run."
"The future of education is extraordinary, and it's extraordinarily important because what we need to recognize is that education is the asset our community is built upon."
"Oh My Gosh, Okay, That Made My Life So Much Easier!"
"The moon can be a potential outpost for human exploration."
"Make it heard, don't be afraid to have a conversation with these young voters and support these organizations that support the youth because ultimately as Whitney said you know the children are our future."
"Alts are just starting. You haven't actually seen anything yet."
"I'm an optimist on the capabilities of what technology can do..."
"The promise of this time and point is we may be on the cusp of the most spectacular existence."
"NFTs, as a concept, have some strong potential utility for art and artists in the long run."
"I'm delighted that people see the potential in our company and I'm looking forward to inventing the future."
"There has never been a better time to study machine learning because you're now able to build products that have tremendous potential and impact across any industry or area that you might be excited about."
"Your greatest victories are not behind you, they're ahead."
"Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future."
"The future holds absolutely promising and wonderful things for you."
"Now is the opportunity to capitalize on innovation which will end up looking like 'the likes of which the world has never witnessed.'"
"One of man's oldest energy storage systems may prove to be the key to our energy storage future."
"It was with them that he learned of a potential future where his gifts were not hated and feared but celebrated."
"America is thriving like never before, and... the best is yet to come."
"We're not victims, we could shape the future."
"The potential here, I think, is to completely change the industrial landscape of the entire planet within a decade."
"Your best days are ahead of you, this is not the end."
"But now looking at The Sims 4 through the lens of 2021 I actually think that the sinful has a positive future even with a flawed base game."
"The future beyond the car is actually very significant."
"Three decades on, Sonic still has plenty of room to grow and countless surprises in store."
"The AI Market is expected to more than 15x over the next 9 years."
"I think agriculture is important. It should have been the future many years ago."
"Bitcoin represents an opportunity for the future."
"The future is not set, we are creating it in every moment."
"Joy allows you to attract and create your present and future moments at their highest possible levels."
"I really hope one day someone can restore it."
"Organoids could lead to more discoveries in the future."
"We've got a big wide future ahead of us, don't you worry my friends."
"This will be the best thing we've ever done by a long way."
"All my moments are special... but I always say my best moment still to be the next moment."
"This is a lot smarter than before, and it's only going to get more powerful."
"I think bitcoin right now is very legitimate ethereum as well I believe both over the long term will go much higher."
"Enjoy the ride because your future self finally embraced your truest path."
"So while sodium and iron-based batteries might not hold their weight as a legitimate alternative right now, there is actually pretty solid reasons to believe that this might be the battery solution of tomorrow."
"Your past doesn't equal your future. You could have screwed up a lot of things."
"Your best life is living on the other side of that mountain."
"The next four years will give us one of the best windows of opportunity we've ever had."
"Future stars would be genuinely spectacular."
"More than any other single player game I've played, I feel like Cyberpunk is at the very start of its update path, and the game you play in 6 to 12 months from now will be vastly improved compared to the game's launch state."
"There are many problems that AI can solve, and we're just seeing the beginning of it."
"We don't find ourselves limited by what we've already achieved in a way where we forsake our ability to achieve in the future by actually deranging ourselves in a false hope of a kind of utopian present which can't possibly obtain."
"I'm excited to see what the future holds and what they do with his personality."
"You're not defined by your past, the future is what you make it."
"This team is just getting started, man. Get better. I'm so excited for the future of this team."
"I think Dogecoin and Ethereum will be the top two in the world at some point in the future."
"Space is our future and love is the fuel of that."
"The car just gives me a very good feeling, and I think this electric overdrive aspect really could be something for the future."
"For the future of the world's highest jump, the sky's the limit."
"The possibilities are mind-boggling for our own future."
"The power in what's coming ahead of this can literally help you alter realities in the third dimension."
"the past of Age of Empires is so rich but guess what so is the future"
"I just want to say that the best is yet to come, I promise you that."
"The greatest years in your ministry are ahead of you."
"The future is bright because of your leadership."
"We've grown and grown and grown in every capacity."
"Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one."
"We've not seen the last of Jai Hindley, I'm very confident in saying that."
"EVs are not there yet—right now, they’re too expensive, too short range, and too slow to charge—but they’re close."
"I think it's just the beginning... there will be much more to be integrated with blockchains in the future."
"This reboot has left zombies in a very good place, and I hope they don't squander this incredible second chance they have."
"What gives me hope is the hope that young people have... they are the future."
"When you're not accountable, you blame everybody else."
"Life is about to get so much richer. Pay attention to that."
"Bitcoin has more identities... It has the identity of the future of the financial system."
"Everything you are or ever will be is up to you."
"I do have some unfounded hope that modding will continue to develop and even potentially get more functionality in the future."
"Space is the next frontier for the information revolution."
"Wouldn't you want to be there at that moment when it was the dawn of a brand-new era?"
"The future is you, your passion, your imagination, your hard work."
"This is truly the beginning, not a bubble that's gonna pop."
"We're actually type zero which is not something that, yeah it feels depressing, but we have nowhere to go but up."
"This technology can advance us, benefiting humanity in countless ways."
"The upgrade potential for a gaming PC is really one of the things that has always drawn me to it."
"I actually think it might define the future of home battery storage."
"You are gonna be a star someday Chloe, that was some of the best acting I've ever seen."
"Fundamentally, the future is vastly more exciting and interesting if we're a space-bearing civilization."
"Very strong future for VR, very strong future for AR."
"I think that it's going to contribute to a really awesome future."
"Someday Howard the Duck will get his own feature film again."
"I'm so incredibly excited for her future writing and her future books because this was incredible and amazing."
"One day, we hope that the DS and 3DS can achieve their ultimate forms… low latency and judder-free TV play... perhaps even 3D support for VR headsets."
"One day it's gonna shock me how all this falls into place. It's gonna be awesome."
"The past is unchangeable, but the future is still a clean slate."
"God's going to show you a bigger vision in your future than everything that you've dealt with in your past."
"They really saw the potential in a future with you."
"Travis Scott is the star and will continue to be one for the foreseeable future."
"Things are going to be so much larger than life in front of you, you won't believe it. We've already seen the first fragments of that. It's just jaw-droppingly amazing. It's going to be awesome."
"Stove God is going to be one of those artists we look back at in five years and say, 'Wow.'"
"Sean Murray and his team have done something incredible with this technology, and it's gonna be fascinating to see what they or other developers can do with this sort of tech in the future."
"A decentralized protocol will gain much more value than any centralized company in the world."
"Crypto gaming could take this industry into the trillions."
"Their success if we're connected and we're good people and I can work to help them and truly be proud of them then who knows what that'll bring in the future."
"We believe that AI will be about individual empowerment and agency at a scale that we've never seen before."
"Let's go, let's go! Speaking of supporting arm wrestling, I mean, there's a lot of great stuff in the past. Are there opportunities and what is the future with Giants Live? Hell yes, yeah, oh my word, yes, of course, of course there is."
"No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you can still have tomorrow."
"Have faith that God has great plans for you and that the future is full of Endless Possibilities."
"Create daring new goals and go for your dreams."
"And in the end, they’re going to be our allies in health, not our enemies."
"Nothing is set in stone, our future is in our hands."
"The power of women... the single most hopeful sign for the future."
"It just excites me to think of where this game could go in the future."
"I mean, it's just amazing that we're going to be able to watch Dominic's career literally from day one, from match one, and we'll remember that, you know, as his career progresses."
"This is only the beginning, we've accomplished so much in six to seven years that I can't even fathom what we're gonna be able to accomplish in the next six or seven years."
"If the esports world can say... we're going to be non-corruption free... they're going to surpass anything in traditional sport."
"Your present situation is not a true reflection of your future."
"God never consults your past to determine your future."
"We talked about all the cool stuff you've done, you've had an incredible career, you've got a lot of years going forward where you're gonna do some incredible stuff."
"The future of language: Unlocking new realms of possibility."
"I want to see Jaden Sancho in two or three years time wearing the number seven shirt for Manchester United as a consistent performer."
"There is a lot of work to be done, but once that work is done, bang, there we are."
"Our futures can become bright again... where we go one, we go all."
"This is progress, this is the awakening of the future you, this is the rest of your life starting to make progress."
"I honestly god believe we have an enormous opportunity now."
"This history does not have to be our nation's future."
"Teleportation technology could change everything."
"The wonders of the last century will pale in comparison to what today's young innovators will achieve."
"The future of the series still looks incredibly bright."
"The cool thing about this movie is the stage that it sets for the future of the MCU."
"It's really important to discover and encourage young talents. These people will be the bright minds of tomorrow."
"That's already very promising for the future of this anime."
"Education is the key to their future greatness."
"Your creativity knows no bounds, and you'll continue contributing significantly to culture wherever your paths may take you."
"Fusion has the theoretical potential to be cheap, safe, green, and energy-dense."
"He's gonna potentially hold some kind of Championship here at one point in his career."
"Your future is too bright, your purpose is too great."
"Never treat somebody wrong because you never know when they're gonna come up and possibly become a billionaire."
"You are gonna receive a big career opportunity."
"There's a lot of success and abundance that could be coming in for you in the future."
"This person does see themselves at some point in the future coming forward and building this connection."
"Your past is the best indicator of what kind of student you're going to be in the future."
"These guys are going to be part of the future foundational pieces." - Richard Sherman
"Our future is amazing, as long as we don't screw it up."
"Minecraft is about to potentially re-enter a golden age that I don't think many of us really foresaw ever coming back around again."
"You're going to become so relevant, you don't understand."
"So as you work on the cognitive aspect of uh of these robots do you think we'll ever get to human level or superhuman level intelligence."
"When we crack this code and when we figure out who we are and where we're going, we'll realize that our destiny is in the Stars."
"This is not the end of the Double Dare story. In fact, it might just be the beginning."
"I think Halo Infinite is gonna be a really solid game in a couple of years."
"The Ford Mustang Mach-E 1400 comes as proof of all future wonderful discoveries we can expect from electric vehicles."
"It's cool to show people your data, it's cool to talk about the floor price. That in itself is unlocking a future where we have yet to experience even the smallest bit of what's possible."
"The AI revolution is just five, six, seven years old. We haven't seen anything yet."
"You may think it's a show, but there's something destined for you that's going to make you live a really luxurious life at some point."
"If we stand together believing in justice and human dignity, believing in love and compassion, if we stand together brothers and sisters, the future of this country is extraordinary and there is nothing we will not be able to accomplish."
"What's coming for you is something that is gonna blow your mind."
"I got nothing but respect for them... they got a bright future there in Cincinnati."
"Opportunity is around you, technology playing a big part."
"Neuroscience and our understanding of the human mind will become so advanced that mental illness will be cured."
"AI is going to be insanely faster than that, and then once AI can generate things by itself that have the adopt level of something like Angry Birds, we're gonna have world-changing things."
"Davidson is devastating... his production should carry over to the next level."
"I'm personally really excited for them going forward."
"This is not going to go away. This is huge, especially in the age of information."
"I believe that mRNA as a technology will be transformative for the biopharma space."
"You guys still work together or maybe want to work together one day."
"This is a very nice connection here, and I feel like things really can work out well for a lot of you."
"Clashes between Emotec and the Silent King promise an intriguing story arc in the future."
"The time that still lies ahead of you...the richest part of my life and achievements is still ahead of me."
"There will just be more and more opportunities in the future."
"Don't ever let your past prevent you from being what you can be in the future."
"We can succeed in inventing a future even if we're not informed about it at all."
"I think the author is someone who I absolutely need to keep my radar and keep track of what they're doing in the future."
"It's still a fantastic game with a good future ahead of it."
"We could truly be looking at the league's next dynasty."
"One realm that I think shows promise in the show and is on a great trajectory for the future is Numenor."
"The future of Obsidian is really exciting... they really can do a lot of really cool things in the future."
"Where you are right now is not where you have to be for the rest of your life."
"A free people wakes up and says bye golly we don't have to tolerate this nonsense there is a great future we can make it happen."
"You just feel the optimism for the future, a belief in industry, a belief in travel, education."
"ENCE lineup is gonna stay together and I think they're gonna be a threat."
"When we claim some new future, the universe organizes opportunities for us."
"A lot of room left there is for innovation still." - Rob Maurer
"Your past gives context to how delicious your future gets to be."
"Communities are the one thing in crypto that most people don't understand, and I think it's the one thing that is going to be bigger than all the other applications."
"The future of the world is in this classroom."