
Timeframe Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"You can get pretty good, almost world class at almost anything in like five to seven years."
"The last 10 days of April and I would say the first 20 days of May, some powerful new beginnings in your career will appear like new project in your career."
"Whenever I go into investment, I really like to focus on the next three to five years."
"You could become functionally fluent in a language like Spanish in 8 to 12 weeks without that much difficulty."
"We literally can catch generational wealth within the next five years."
"I get some of you that are not in love, falling in love possibly in April."
"Disruptions may have taken decades in the past, but now they're taking place in years, maybe even months."
"Fred, doesn't he over the last two or three years."
"We're not just releasing the game in a couple weeks or a month from now."
"I think it's a remarkable achievement within a period of six to seven months."
"This president didn't do it in the first three minutes, in the first three hours, in the first three days, first three weeks, first three months, he did it in the first three years."
"For a full six weeks leading up to the debut."
"Life has now changed; it will be changed for the next six months to a year or even longer."
"Within the space of a few weeks, I've made more money than I would have made in a whole year."
"Fast forward to release, how long did it take for players to master this death gauntlet? Weeks? Months? Years? Four days."
"Any man can turn his life around in 18 months."
"So my time from zero to one million subs was about six years, seven months, and four days."
"More people became millionaires in the last three years because of the economy."
"Gratitude, so much gratitude. Blessings starting from September, all the way till the end of the year."
"I think a lot of people will give up, maybe that's too high, let's say four years."
"I Define a bust as something bigger than a recession, not the length of a depression is probably pretty much encapsulated in a 12 to 18 month time period."
"We'll talk in something approximating a month."
"48 hours, here we go. Let's see if I can do it."
"What he accomplished in two to three years, it's unparalleled."
"I can't think of a time where someone did this much in two weeks in the DOJ."
"They've done all of this in terms of the championships in a six month span."
"Russian economy will recover during that time."
"It's difficult to give you a date, but I think it's not more than five years."
"Litecoin creators brother expects a bear Market to be over certainly by 2025."
"Realistically we could expect the Elder Scrolls 6 between 2024 to 2027."
"This all started and escalated within like 48 hours."
"So even though it took quite a while for it to happen, justice was served."
"I think I'm good for like 90 days or something."
"A lot of this change is an internal process that will take up to three months."
"Things are easing up a little bit in May and you will see a result of that."
"The reason that climate change has become a lot more important recently is because scientists have worked out that we have about 12 years."
"None of it's gonna happen as fast as we want it to."
"This is going to be the largest generation of wealth that the world has seen in the shortest period of time."
"Expect a big aha moment in the next four weeks."
"Nobody's done more in two and a half years than what we've done, not even close."
"That seven months was just ridiculous... You've got to start the reset now," emphasizes Mark.
"All I want all I'm gonna say is I want the ride to finish in May."
"In Elon time, he could maybe even break this three-month period right, possible it could be done in two months if he gets like thousands of people just helping them."
"A lot of diets last for about two years, I think it's at the two-year mark that you see most of them fail."
"For the next one and a half years, this will have more political impact rather than economic impact."
"This Cube would dominate the market for a good year or so."
"It's just the beginning. They've been here for less than a year, mate."
"We are getting very close to the 100-day sprint. It is almost 100 days until the most important election of our lifetime."
"The biggest gains are still pre-made in the shortest period of time."
"If it's not, you would think it's in another realistically just 15 years."
"It's been knotted two and a half years ago, about the same time Sarah went missing."
"Getting rich enough to retire only takes about 10 years."
"I think that was a good trade for literally holding it for less than 30 minutes."
"In the freezer, it can last at least three months."
"New York sees its lowest number of daily deaths in two weeks."
"I don't see it as a 20-year struggle but I certainly not going to see a year."
"I think a lot gets told in the next five years."
"It generally takes about 30 days to set up and transfer assets over."
"The inflation we have today, this is as low as it's going to be for at least the next five years."
"This is going to stretch into several weeks potentially, most of May, and it is deeply upsetting. It is a self-inflicted wound."
"The amazing thing is Hosea here gives a time frame for when the nation would be revived, and history shows that this prophecy was spot on."
"There could be a major emphasis on your siblings for the next 18 months."
"Within eight weeks to the eighth month, you'll be through the woods with this."
"Generally, an individual's metabolism will go back to normal about three to six months after they fully weight restore."
"Quarter one of 2022 saw 39 world records in the first three months of the year."
"Business meals deduction: you get to fully deduct business meals for two years between December 31st, 2020, and January 1st, 2023."
"It's very slushy but hopefully it'll stick it up over the next 30 minutes."
"A period of four months it has devastated the whole world."
"They've almost doubled their net cash flow position in just over two years."
"He can do it by executive orders all the way down to January of next year."
"It's good to hear about a release date and think, 'Oh wow, that's only two, three months out from now.'"
"That is the moment so we've got a good solid three weeks left before you see that one come out."
"Within six months to a year, you and this person are gonna get this figured out."
"Is Christian really dead somewhere in between maybe noon and 1:00?"
"Ninety days, three months, that's how long they gave Peep and Tom, oh my God."
"No one's ever held bitcoin for four years and not been up."
"2024 seems like a reasonable timeframe for Starship launch readiness at Cape Canaveral."
"We're about to be undertaking a healing journey over the next few months."
"If he is who we think he is, this wouldn't just be some fun scenario, we might be talking about New Orleans as contenders as soon as a year from now."
"Major changes take time, give yourself at least six months."
"America has a window of grace from now until 2024 to get it right."
"You can change your life entirely within a year."
"Whatever you start today or whatever you're asking about today, it will be in fruition within one moon cycle."
"Federal law requires an election day, not an election week, not an election month."
"Can we do this in one calendar year? Okay, can we just be bananas for one calendar year?"
"The big mystery of the case is what happened between midnight and 4 am on August the 23rd."
"You will actually start to see results in as little as two to three weeks, and full results after 12 weeks."
"If you're looking at buying a property today, have a longer timeframe."
"If your goal is to make money within a year, go with e-commerce. If you have a longer Runway of between two and three years, go with blogging or YouTube."
"It's going to be a hell of a four years."
"Over the next seven days, you will experience major transformation."
"It took me just under three years, and its average is probably about between two and four years."
"We decided within a period of a week."
"Within 10 years you're going to have the same vocabulary as a native."
"It's going to happen very, very quickly. And I think that it's going to happen here this year."
"They would wander around the area for about a week."
"They can turn a smile like this into a smile like this in as little as four to six months."
"This is basically the time frame, people."
"The events have been extraordinarily quick, literally a week."
"This might be like a 75-year reproduction or something maybe."
"You can draw it out at any time before 59 A5."
"This is your place for better relationships in weeks, not years."
"Most cucumber varieties are harvested after 50 to 60 days"
"Between now and August, step into prepared blessings. 90 days, if I be a servant of God, I stand by this Apostolic mantle, in the next three months, step into prepared blessings."
"I'm down here for like three weeks."
"Why not take this opportunity to make something incredible happen in the next 6 months?"
"For best results, a minimum of three months is necessary."
"It's going to be with us for about a week."
"But it's going to happen probably within our lifetime."
"The coolest thing to happen to me in probably weeks maybe months."
"It took all of eight years for another Batman movie to be made."
"2022 if we had to pick a year that's Prett yeah if if you're talking about like when they recognize it like when the comp companies do even if they recognize it now it's going to you're right it's going to take two years for them to do anything."
"Time is power. The higher the time frame, the more prominent the move."
"Zoom in on the 5-second chart... but be cautious not to overtrade."
"When you meet a man, all you should give that man is three months. If in that three months you don't feel amazing like 'this is my husband' and everything is going great like Tony the Tiger, let him go."
"On average, it takes years for individuals to get a mast cell diagnosis."
"Victory is declared in only three days."
"So let's find out how we're going to get from 0 to 10 properties in 36 months."
"...if you stick through it, then I think four months is good enough to learn all of this."
"I'm pretty stoked about this. I'm pretty happy that that got built in less than three hours. That's pretty cool."
"Alcohol levels are usually highest in breast milk 30 to 60 minutes after an alcoholic beverage is consumed and they can generally be detected in the breast milk for about two to three hours per drink after it's consumed"
"We are longer-term investors so the thesis will be anywhere from three to 10 depending on what company they are standing."
"Prices, they're going to come down somewhat for the next like two to three years."
"That's first thing that happened number two I mean you told me a lot of things that happened in like a 12 13 24-hour period."
"You got seven days if you cause it. Seven days and that's it. Women too. If women cause their breakup, you have seven days to be depressed."
"What I do have a slight problem with is the time frame, more on that later."
"I just couldn't be more thrilled with how much progress we've made in such a short amount of time."
"We thought we were going to rent it for 25 minutes."
"Your trading model doesn't mean anything when the higher time frame context is against you."
"You'll meet this person within 16 months."
"Understanding the three different types of structure and understanding that each type of structure comes on any one given time frame."
"Reframe the goal, make a huge amount of progress in one year."
"I haven't done this since like 2019."
"Overall, I would really like to see it at 500. I could see it being 500 in Lego in 2023 to 2024."
"Gradually over, you know, a 5 to 10 year plan."
"I need to be at least this level and if it there is how long have you given yourself? Take 5 years."
"Give me 12 days, I'll help you get your health back."
"It's really hard for me to have conviction on something that's just like on a higher time frame."
"I had a very short time frame that I had to work with in order to get this replaced."
"You have to pick multiple timeframes that make sense to your time frame and your trading objective."
"So my timeframe was always like, I was looking like five years down the road."
"Depending on the timeframe that you find it, will determine the trading strategy that you implement."
"Short term refers to One Financial year or one fiscal year."
"Long-term refers to assets that will last for more than one year."
"The reason why I like to trade on the monthly timeframe is because it allows me to predict about a thousand to two thousand pips into the future, literally."
"We'll get the boat on the water next spring summer in Barcelona."
"Making a successful business probably will take two to five years."
"He said like 1880, 1890 something, right?"
"Give me six months," she urged, gripping his forearm.
"The window to win the cup with the core 4 was 2020, 2021, and 2022."
"Just 14 months after the last Scream movie."
"Women will give a guy six to 12 months to get his together. If it goes past that, they start to lose respect and attraction."
"You got another 10 years of making great improvements."
"The deal is expected to close in the second half of this year."
"The great tribulation, speaking of a very definitive three-and-a-half-year period that Jesus Himself labels."
"Thanks for having me and I'm trying to make it happen within six months."
"What's popping with y'all, man? So it's been like, I don't even know what's today's date. It's been so long, I need to go back and look at what day y'all gonna see in the video what day we ordered all this stuff."
"Made available in the next 30 days."
"He's doing that for about 1.5 years"
"We set a review that everything needs to be reviewed 90 days."
"You're probably looking at six to 12 months to order one."
"I've been arguing all year it's going to be, you know, March, May, June, or bust."
"People say it lasts 4 weeks. It doesn't. So, it's like I said, this started in February."
"It's a little bit speculative, but I would guess it would be somewhere around the one-year mark to 18-month mark."
"Inside Job went Above and Beyond in a shorter period of time."
"This has been literally the craziest two weeks of my life."
"She's been six years without ketamine."
"The Cambrian explosion was rapid by geological standards, occurring over 20 million years."
"The difference is, an exodus is somewhere around 1270 to 1260."
Start considering your "when." Now, do you want to get married in a year? Do you want to get married in 2023, 2024? How long do you want your engagement to be? Have a think about that.
"I saw amazing positive results in patients... in a matter of days to weeks."
"We're trying to get to seven figures within the next two years."
"Real affirmation that something will shift and turn in the actual next seven days."
"How long do you think we should look? I think the best data will be when people have six-month time points."
"One year is the mark. That's what I think. You got some time."
"I've not been in a relationship since 2016."
"It depends on the dog, but I'd say at least a year and a full, I'd say two years for real well-trained, broke off the trash."
"People are healing themselves of all things in four to seven weeks."
"Maybe we're talking about 10, 15, 20 years from now."
"...this is everything post Labor Day until the end of the year."
"The great pyramids were built from roughly 2550 to 2490 BC."
"Within 10 weeks you can learn to draw well."
"So if you trade like the say your 401k or you know you manage money or you look for long term play is not swinging not for a few days but for a few weeks at a time switch to the weekly timeframe."
"You can earn as high as $3,353 in 6 months."
"If you're using the right methodology, you can go ahead and trade the monthly charts."
"It has been an amazing last couple of weeks for me."
"You've got to think about what's the time scale at which we're hoping this will happen."
"I would say from like, uh, maybe third grade, fourth grade Maybe, this is last summer."
"If you don't have the higher time frame premise of mind, you are gambling."
"If like me you'd like to get to your destination and order a cocktail in their language, you're going to be able to do that after just three weeks of using the app."
"The time frame is a big giveaway."
"The Bible is clear about the time: they will appear and prophesy for 1260 days."
"The Old Testament prophet Daniel also described the tribulation period as seven years."
"2010 to 2020 was a very good decade for antimicrobial development."
"Rods are going to take about eight weeks."
"The book ends in 2012. So he would have been basically good until 2017, you know, as long as you kind of walked a narrow line you could maybe, you know?"
"Your goal has to be something that can realistically be achieved within the given time frame with you and with God."
"I'm going to give this one more week. Today is Friday and it was last Friday, so I'm gonna wait until next Friday."
"I'm gonna be gone for about three weeks."
"I think in most companies in the 10 million and up Mark you're looking at anywhere from six months once you're in process to maybe a year depending upon the complexities."