
Supportiveness Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Katarina was supportive and proud to see Allan stand up for a girl facing difficulties."
"Don't never tear nobody down without extending your hand to lift them up."
"The best thing I can do is the same things I would do if this wasn't happening: train hard, work hard, take care of the people who are close to me, love the people close to me, be a good person, help people, smile."
"You have such a big heart, so nurturing, and you know exactly what to tell people to help them heal."
"If you can't help the situation, please don't distract from it."
"Affable means that people generally find you nice, you're friendly, open, light-hearted, supportive, interested, and invested."
"Being that person that people know that they can talk to and not be judged is really an amazing quality."
"Take care of yourself...when you are healthy and well and present and mindful you actually are a better supporter for those in your life."
"She really made people feel like they had an ally in her."
"If I had to sum up what we're about, we want each other to win."
"We want each other to be successful, right? That's like how can we help each other."
"That style of leadership, they want the people around them to succeed."
"Being somebody yourself that actually hypes up people you love in your life is so important."
"One thing I won't do is hold back somebody that I know is actually a decent human being."
"Everybody seemed to, that for such an eclectic wild group of people to get put together, they were also supportive."
"Tangle is a wonderful friendship between two completely different personalities; instead of butting heads, these two help balance the other out."
"For anyone going through this, if I can only do one thing in this video, it is to humanize what you are experiencing."
"You want a woman that's going to collaborate with what you're doing."
"He's one of the few people who gives good notes."
"They see you as someone who's wanting to give to them, someone who's wanting to be there for them."
"An Empress wants to know how can I help you feel like a Queen of Pentacles, how can I make sure that you are happy, how am I actively contributing to this?"
"It's really annoying to watch, unlike Ron and Kelly, though Rob and Amber are shown to be kind, loving, and supportive."
"If they want to change, support their goal, and then step away and tell them that this may be a journey that they need to make by themselves."
"I am completely supportive of every other creator, especially if they're a woman and if they've been inspired by me."
"Let's be proud of uplifting those around us and let's not be so proud about a number."
"There's just too much positivity, too much supportiveness to put it."
"I didn't take sponsorship money on this because I'm trying to support and give back. That's not a sellout."
"You matter. I see you. You exist. I care that you're here on the planet Earth alive."
"One of Miranda's most admirable qualities is that she strives to be herself and resist societal pressures she doesn't agree with."
"You're ready to be there for this person, to watch out for them."
"Sometimes you can be a profound friend just by the mere act of presence."
"If anyone hasn't told you recently I believe in you, don't let [ __ ] like this who record teenage girls and put them on the internet get you down."
"I hope at least some of that was helpful for you guys."
"Give each other flowers, say the [__] that we support, sad individual's level of success."
"Consider if your comments are helpful or supportive, or if they contribute to weight stigma."
"There's a quality to him that is based on this perhaps overwhelming sense of loyalty... we're here for Andy when he needs us."
"I try to be a completely open book... letting them know they're not alone."
"I ain't a hater, I'm a supporter. Much love, keep on being great."
"I'm happy to come sit with her or him right and embrace the new person in the room."
"An ESDJ family member will make sure that you're up on time, you're eating right, and just going about life in a good and well-structured way."
"The greatest exercise you will ever do is to lift somebody else up."
"Hold on to him, okay because I'm telling you there's going to be a point."
"Each one of the spiritual gifts is intended to help the body of Christ... All of the spiritual gifts in first Corinthians 12 are others-centered never self-focused."
"Be supportive and celebrate other people's successes."
"If you raise your kid as a boy with he/him pronouns, and then one day he's like, 'I actually think that I'm a girl and I want to she/her pronouns.' You just go 'all right! That's fine!'"
"Greatness was about helping other people succeed as well."
"Girls are very responsive. They will never let their friend down if he or she is in trouble."
"I'm gonna support people and serve them where they are."
"We all have different endeavors, so always support others in what they're passionate about."
"Supportiveness: a basic requirement of any close relationship."
"It's good to keep something to yourself. We want to be here for you guys in a way that doesn't jeopardize who we can grow into."
"Your videos and adventures have helped me through some hard times... optimism, it's contagious."
"People are good, they're created in the image of God. Whatever evil that's tormenting them, whatever evil that's hurting them, we come together with them."
"Affirm the identity, attack the issue, speak life to the person, and come against the real enemy."
"That's the ultimate goal for me, just making everything I can to help encourage and lift up those that are pursuing the cosmos."
"I always think the world of people who are going through their own personal struggles and they still have the wherewithal to speak on somebody else's rough patch."
"Still, she's a caring friend who's always got Danny's back and is one of the most sensible characters in the series."
"99% amazing support, this community is awesome."
"One of my favorites is Anna and Leslie and Parks and Recreation I think that's such a wonderful portrayal of a friendship between two ladies who are supportive of one another and they're not caddy to each other or in competition with each other."
"I've always loved that you celebrate other people's success. You're always positive and [expletive] hilarious."
"It's just the most genuine, friendly, supportive people."
"Herb was incredibly supportive, all he wanted was her to be happy."
"Great invaluable friends are people that are happy when you succeed and that you know don't always try to want up you just want you to be the best you you can be in and who support you."
"They see you as someone who doesn't give up on yourself or others very easily."
"Celebrate others' victories instead of being jealous against them."
"The goal of the house is to always be a constant flow of positive energy and support."
"Thank you for being part of the most incredible community I really do think we have the most incredible engaged supportive community on the planet."
"It is so, so, so, so, so, so easy to cheer other people on when you can go back and you can look at what's happening in your own life."
"There's power in celebrating another person."
"He doesn't hesitate for a minute to help someone out. He's always, always looking for new information, always learning new things."
"We're all on our own Journey... so we should just support each other."
"You save the day though, I try, you know? I'm a big fan of people spreading their wings."
"You will not find a community... nearly as good as kind as supportive as the one in Guild Wars 2."
"If you can help carry their baggage, everybody gonna come with some baggage."
"Expect better from your friends, call them out when they're being weak but in a loving, supportive way."
"Being patient and understanding, and supportive."
"If a [ __ ] really for you they'd hang in there."
"Just spread positivity and love the people that you're with, you know? A lot of people are coming down hard on Nikki and the people; they don't deserve it."
"Thank you for being there for me, you've been genuine, authentic, caring, and generous."
"You genuinely want the people in your life to be happy, to feel supported, and you do an excellent job of making people feel heard, loved, and really, honestly, just seen."
"I think it's only positive that you are there for people when they need you."
"He aspired to be a man who made possible the lives of others."
"Somebody that sees me as a person and not somebody that's supposed to be perfect."
"Loving to me, is this healthy? Is this kind? Is this supportive?"
"He's really good about being like 'hey it's okay you have all these things you have to do today'."
"You're always supporting the guy like, no that this is how a proper best friend treats his friend."
"If you're feeling a little down, I'll help you back up."
"If someone said a bad thing about you, I'm gonna say something good."
"I'm not trying to kill somebody, let somebody else come up. Me and my, he's trying to build his stuff, so I'm a part of helping them build, goddamn."
"I know you're scared, but I'm here to help you."
"It's easy to be emotional and vulnerable on our show because we all love each other and trust each other, so it's kind of like we know we've got each other's backs."
"Leaders should not exhaust their vital force recklessly but should bear one another's burdens for equality."
"I love that you are everybody's biggest cheerleader."
"Feeling guilty, Derrick offers to move into a hotel to spare them from the troubles, but Molly insists that he stays."
"I want to make sure to hear your advice on what's a good way to be a respectful and supportive fan without coming off like a creep."
"Do it, do it, do it, be the rock, and be a rock for yourself and for others, be dependable, be the reliable person right now."
"What a partnership is, is showing up in that sort of spirit of helpfulness and support towards another person."
"So, right now it's like fried chicken, but you don't get like a vegan chicken, right? Oh, really? Oh, that's actually really nice of you guys, really supporting."
"The Call of Duty community is really nice and helpful." - Speaker
"You're someone who's there to always offer a helping hand, maybe offer some advice, but you're never being pushy with it, you're very open to learning their side of things."
"I could talk to you about anything, truly, any time."
"Support each other; share your fears and vulnerabilities."
"It's time to notice others' struggles and help them. Listening with compassion can ease their suffering." - Ubuntu, compassion for others
"It's like you attract people who need a helping hand, comfort."
"This little beauty ecosystem that we have with the kind and loving community."
"Libras have really good reputations of listening to other people, being that friend that's always there for people."
"I'm really happy that I can help her and be there and just talk to her."
"You are a gem, helping others reach their full potential."
"Logical, calm, and concise explanations. Thank you. That's what I do. That's what I'm here for."
"The more you can humanize it, the better. We're here to support you, no judgment."
"You nurture this relationship, you're very supportive."
"You have to carry the ones who need carrying until they can carry the thing themselves."
"The willingness of my castmates to be there, to be with each other."
"If she encourages you to follow your passions and participate in your hobbies, that's a really, really good sign that she is a team player."
"Anything that I can do to try to make your day a little bit better, I am going to do so."
"Let the dirt do its work, praying for people right now in this moment."
"Make love, not war. Let's talk through our problems, try to help those in need."
"When kids know you're on their side, there's nothing they won't do to help you."
"It's a community that is avoiding assumptions, covering and concealing the faults and the shortcomings of others."
"Love is here for you, a very stable offering, someone that has a lot to provide you."
"My intention today is to not necessarily blow your mind but rather be here to support and serve you."
"Where do you need help? It's a simple question but it's a powerful one."
"Sharing and helping each other, encouraging each other, lifting each other up."
"If you ever see a child trying to sell something just give them money..."
"The amount of stuff you have to go through because you're dating me, I feel bad, I feel bad."
"Be there to support them and embrace them for them."
"We need this sort of radical empathy... to provide support and empathize."
"Being an adult isn't just about barking orders, sometimes you need to help someone weaker."
"The canvas strategy: use your life to help improve somebody else's."
"Although it is relatively big, it still has that homey feeling where everyone likes to help each other."
"Cybersecurity community is one of the kindest communities out there."
"It's all too easy for us to write those people off, but actually those people out there are our customers who we're here to care for and support."
"I was happy for those guys. I've never looked at it as being anything that was bad for the business."
"There is so much success and happiness to go around. And when you lift other people up and you reach out for help, that your success comes faster and it's richer, both emotionally and in terms of monetarily."
"...she is also good at motivating and helping the others out when they are down which can lead to some of the most heartwarming moments of the show."
"Comparison and competitiveness, like that's not what's important. It's about helping each other, lifting each other up."
"We're all here for each other's understanding, compassion, and love."
"Let's be a little bit more supportive of one another in our choices."
"It is impossible to feel optimistic, supportive, constructive, and appreciative without actually being helpful, creative, loving, and contributory."
"We're here for you, that's right."
"I don’t know what you’re doing here, but I’ll help you any way I can."
"The stuff that we go through in life is called struggle muscle, and that muscle gives you the power to carry others that are going through the same thing you did."
"Definitely don't apologize or feel bad for asking so many questions because we are there to help you."
"That's what I like about you, boy. You're helpful."
"You're teaching your son good values of standing up for and in support of others."
"There is a force that is so huge, so unbelievable, that uses every form in your life as a pointer to the support that is there, that is here."
"I'm constantly pushing her to hang out with friends and go have coffee breaks while I am watching our son."
"I mean she lost her husband of 40 years, she's fragile and I really want to be able to do what I can to make her feel better."
"I'm so grateful to everyone that is so supportive and kind, and I wish that I could be kind to myself sometimes."
"I'm just checking in because I want you to know that I'm here."
"I want to do things differently and just be better at being supportive and showing people that you matter, bro."
"I'm so glad you're such a supportive partner, Carter. Thank you."
"Taurus rising is motivated to make other people feel good."
"Be super empathetic, super kind, put their interests above anything else, do whatever you can to help this person no matter what it is."
"Adapt and move and support the people that you're there to support."
"I could speak highly of one thing without putting the next down, bro."
"Can we please just be less judgmental of everyone and just be more supportive of each other because the world would be a much better place."
"Providers are coming from a place of support rather than judgment."
"You can be supportive and not leave your kid to defend for themselves."
"My counselor was really cool; she was super nice, she was very thorough, she kept up with me, she made sure I was okay."
"I'm very much a caretaker... I'm definitely a team player, a helpmate."
"I am a good person, I have good energy, I'm very supportive."
"I'm going to make every effort to link stuff for you because I know how helpful that is."
"Anybody showing they care in that moment is awesome."
"When you start shifting your mind to just be happy for people and just be pumped for people, it shifts a lot."
"Draw nourishment from the wellspring inside of you; be a sanctuary for others."
"So thank you so much for joining me tonight, I hope you are doing super well and if you're not, that's okay too."
"He wants to thank everybody for being so supportive."
"If he's happy, I'm here for it, I'm telling you right now."
"They are affectionate and supportive and they don't feel selfish."
"My time will come, I don't believe in not being happy for other people."
"If you were a friend of hers, she would do anything in her power to help you."
"I am a safe space for myself and others."
"We're a little hippie, we try to do things as naturally as possible, and we don't take ourselves too seriously, but above all, we support one another and work to find what works."
"We're here to be as friendly as possible, to be as supportive as possible, to make the process as tolerable as possible."
"They're very supportive, open-minded, and not judgmental at all."
"Sharing is caring, the more people share knowledge, the better."
"Regina was always there to help and cheer up everyone, her riding was impressive, and so was the way she treated people."
"You need to get along with people, be empathetic, be supportive even if you don't agree with them."
"I will do whatever it takes to help us reach your goal."
"This King of Pentacles is very admirable, grounded, dependable, nurturing, supportive, a leader."
"He would do anything for you, he had your back at all times and he would be a guy every hockey fan would love to have a beer with."
"We don't send people away. If someone comes to us with a problem, we figure out a way to fix it for them."
"If you liked it, I love it for you."
"I could not believe how much peppier and more supportive this Smuggler felt than the Hightower."
"You're so sweet to the people you care about and know how to help others."
"I want to be that teacher where my door's open. I want you to be able to come in and feel comfortable talking to me."
"I'm ambitious, I know what I want, I'm very much so hardworking, I'm very supportive in a relationship."
"I'm super supportive and I always want the best for the person that I'm with, sometimes more than for my own self."
"Our minds are just trying to help, they're trying to make sense of things, they're trying to help us understand the world."
"It is good and refreshing to see people online reacting with support and love instead of jealousy and hate."
"Not the butthole at all. Thank you for being this supportive. More people need parents like you."
"I'm kind of unlearning how to take care of myself a bit more and prioritize myself while still being mindful and supportive of those around me without emptying my cup in the process."
"The transit is very supportive for humanistic work or any work that's on the international scale."
"He's always been supportive, he's always been loving, he's always been nurturing."
"Girls care more about kindness and sincerity and like having a nice smile and just being a good person and being supportive and being loving more than they do about how much money you have."
"How naively innocent he is and his wish to support her makes him immediately likable as a character."
"Once you free yourself from all those thoughts and just really truly go and support other people, it will just change your life."
"Sometimes these three could do a better job of communicating, but when you get right down to it, we can say that the actions that we’ve seen from them - and the support that they give each other - do in fact speak louder than words."
"I'm a helper, I love to help, I love to support."