
Mindset Shift Quotes

There are 350 quotes

"Move from 'I can't' to 'I don't'. 'I don't' is much more a personal, lifestyle, identity type decision, rather than an external forces type decision."
"You've told me all your can'ts; now play a game with me here, tell me your cans."
"Trade your expectations for appreciation, and your entire life will change in that moment."
"If we're finding ourselves not enjoying stuff, we just need to change our mindset from 'I have to' to 'I get to.'"
"When you change the frame from fear to joy, the dream gets way closer."
"What is important, however, is that you make some effort to shift your mindset and your understanding of that person, in a way that still holds in mind that yes, indeed, the attachment is very real."
"By saying 'I'm excited,' you change the context of your nervous responses, from fear to excitement and readiness."
"For you to write functional programming, you just have to shift the way that you think."
"Once you start changing the way you look at money, it is going to be so much easier for you to start investing your money."
"Rather than saying 'I don't have any money to invest,' say 'I don't have any money. How do I invest anyway?'"
"Upgrade the quality of your questions. Stop asking the stuff that addresses the crap. Ask the stuff that will eliminate it and put you in another place."
"You have to de-program your way of thinking and go back to the childlike curiosity."
"The real mindset shift that rich people have over poor people is that they get comfortable in the pain."
"Sometimes you just have to shift the mindset to reviewing your lines after every game."
"As I shift my paradigm, my productivity goes right through the roof."
"When you shift your mindset from 'why is this happening to me' to 'what can I learn from this,' your life will drastically change."
"It's not about survival anymore, it's about victory."
"People are not representative... need a complete mindset shift."
"Reframe your self-talk from 'I used to fear failure' to 'now I'm learning how to turn it into my fuel for success.'"
"Trade your expectation for appreciation. Your whole life changes."
"Your big opportunity to change the pattern and change the frequency is to say I'm done with this now, it's not coming back."
"Embrace change and let go of old thought patterns for growth."
"Change the culture, change the people's way of thinking."
"The mind was a program, and I needed to reprogram it into wealth consciousness and not poverty consciousness."
"Flip the switch from weakness to winning, from hurting to conquering."
"If you're gonna change your results, you've got to change the paradigm, it's absolutely essential."
"Shift from the generality of scarcity to generosity."
"Change your relationship with failure and see it as an opportunity for growth."
"It's a slight shift in mentality, but it makes me feel a little bit freer."
"Imagine having a switch that turns those setbacks into the biggest triumphs in your life."
"It's trading expectations for appreciation. That's when suffering stops."
"Shift your mindset from rejection to protection."
"You can be happy right now. In fact, it is a quick shift to happiness."
"We need to instill a mindset of abundance in this country in order to solve the big problems."
"Gratitude shifts your focus away from lack and scarcity to abundance and appreciation."
"Reframe the hardship as an opportunity to get ahead."
"Start thinking like a producer, stop being a consumer."
"Change your thinking from obstacle to opportunity."
"Shift your focus away from the gloom and doom."
"Stop thinking about a to-do list and start thinking about a win list."
"Shifting the way that you think about your routines or your habits is such an easy way to romanticize even like these really boring things."
"The key thing here for shifting out of undesirable circumstances is to realize that the more you focus on them internally, the more it's going to build momentum."
"Shift away from 'what are they thinking of me?' to 'how can I make this sound better?'"
"You have choices... make that money work for you... shift your mindset from spending to saving to investing."
"Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole life changes in that moment."
"If you want to change your life, it first comes through the change of your mind."
"Positive programs can replace negative ones if we so choose."
"Decide right now to become curious instead of judgmental."
"I've virtually removed the word deserve from my vocabulary at this point and I've switched it to earn."
"We live in revolutionary times...that flipping of the brain is essential."
"I cannot solve or fix or address a problem with the same mindset that created the problem."
"It's time to clear outdated ways of being, thinking, and feeling."
"Change problems into challenges and find solutions."
"Instant manifestation is when you click over to a reality based in abundance."
"Replace the inferior fear with a superior fear."
"Shift your thoughts to something that's going to propel you in a positive direction."
"I've recently just changed my narrative. It was just a shift from Fear to Faith."
"I think it's really a mindset. You have to decide we're going to try to do things differently."
"Broke is not just about what you have in your bank account, broke is a cheap limited mindset."
"You can actually use that doubt in a positive way, that doubt will now flip around."
"We must make some radical changes in our way of thinking."
"Replace panic with praise, replace worry with worship."
"It's been incredible to see you all think like a monk."
"Understand that wealth is gonna change your minds, it's gonna change your life."
"Don't be the victim, focus on changing your situation."
"Switch from the finish line to the process to combat uncertainty."
"Shift your energy from a space of impossibility to a space of possibility."
"To get out of this camel mindset and come back to balance, allow yourself to be more playful and curious, like a kid again."
"You can flip a switch, just change your view on things."
"Stop focusing on what might go wrong and start focusing on what will go right."
"You can choose love over fear... realizing that it's a choice."
"Bitcoin takes a fundamental mind shift change in taking agency over decisions."
"Replace 'I will' with 'I am'. Instead of saying 'I want to be rich', say 'I am rich'."
"Once I shifted my mindset to a mindset of abundance, recognizing that it's not this scarce pie that we're all trying to fight for..."
"We have the ability to convert impossibility-based thinking into possibility-based thinking."
"The energy is gonna shift so profoundly, and I tell you when I did these, when I saw the sky, I thought of how important it is to keep perspective."
"Your mindset has totally shifted into more acceptance and truth about what you truly need."
"You just have to change your perspective and not be so greedy."
"Fear and faith cannot coexist within the same mindset."
"It's all about changing your mindset. You have to realize one that you're not a victim."
"Our mindset must change when we're going into rooms and making demands." - Roland Martin
"Literally we can shift our perspective like that but so few of us know the power that we have."
"Make your brain hardwired for what you want rather than what might have been programmed inside of you."
"Chief puddle, that is the coolest ghost name I've ever heard."
"Instead of saying 'I need to' or 'I have to', start saying 'I get to'."
"I am committed to shifting my mindset to see my wealth desires and family dreams become my reality."
"There's a mindset shift when finalizing an image into print, an extra mile of commitment that's invaluable."
"Old behavior is not gonna produce new mentality. You gotta change your way of thinking."
"You can set goals and have five-year goals, but... I changed from a goal mindset to a growth mindset."
"I'm really trying to shift my mindset and manifest a lot of things that I want this year."
"Reframe obstacles as opportunities that will make you stand out later."
"Stop thinking about everything in a negative light."
"Shifting from 'I have to save money' to 'I get to save money' is really important."
"Something negative is happening in your life, make sure you pull the positive out of it."
"We need to shift the mindset around resistance training; it's essential for healthy aging."
"All of these paradigms that we have in our mind about what life needs to be... are very capable of Shifting."
"Change your thoughts from what you don't want to what you want."
"When you start to think like this, suffering becomes a choice. You no longer have to suffer a single moment in your life."
"Don't be a victim... switch from a victim mindset to a Victor's mindset."
"Stop thinking the worst, start thinking the best."
"You can't hold the victim mentality and expect to win, shift from within."
"This is a game-changer, a way to change the way that you think."
"There's going to be a big turning point, a change in direction of your thinking."
"Focus your energy on things that you're grateful for, shift your mindset to that of one of abundance."
"The thing I'm most excited about is your mindset has completely changed."
"Train your mind to think differently if you want to manifest a wealthy life, adopt a wealthy mindset, have a healthy routine, be disciplined in your work or in the projects that you have."
"The same feelings of being nervous are the same for being excited. It's all about mindset."
"It's time to leave behind survival and step into a time of growth."
"If you can't get out of resistance and into desire, if you can't get out of scarcity and into abundance, we'll always just be stuck at that lower level paradigm."
"Shifting your mindset to a place of accepting yourself can go a long way."
"Change your mentality about fear - is it really fear or is it excitement?"
"Reframe your negative thoughts about the past."
"You can take something bad that happens to you and try to flip it over and turn it into a blessing of sorts."
"The one thing that got me out of it was like just starting to change my focus."
"It's all about thinking difference, remove the dollar from your brain by doing that there's no more pressure and you just start making so much of it."
"Have personal responsibility, get out of the victim mindset."
"This is huge news, this shows a shift in mindset."
"Someone who seemed stuck in their ways is getting ready to switch things up."
"Accept happiness and good fortune; shifting from a negative mindset to optimism."
"For things to change, you've gotta change... Change your thoughts, change your life."
"Sometimes just a simple shift in your mindset can be extremely helpful."
"Most people just don't have that mindset anymore."
"Chill and adjust your emotions so that you can stop with the fear-based thinking and the worry."
"It's time to really break out of a mold... your mind's going to change, you're going to start feeling differently."
"Start questioning everything and start thinking."
"Stop thinking about the things that are not going so well; think about all the opportunities that are headed in your direction."
"It's simple but difficult reframing of the mind."
"Change your thoughts, change your mind, change your thoughts, change your life."
"Acknowledge them and shift any narratives that we have within our mind around money."
"If you focus on panic shit, you'll feel panicked. If you focus on gratitude, it's impossible to feel anxious."
"Gratitude sets a positive tone for the day, shifting your mindset from what you lack to what you have."
"Instead of saying 'what if,' start telling yourself 'even if.'"
"Switching your mindset from 'I have to' to 'I get to'."
"When you shift your paradigm, everything in your life improves."
"This mindset shift will not only make us happier about getting up and getting started, but it's just going to improve every area of our life."
"Turn your worrier into a warrior."
"Adopting a growth mindset can change your life radically."
"This mindset doesn't just happen; it's cultivated and nurtured."
"Once you go from survival mode to 'I appreciate my life,' you appreciate your freedom."
"You need to start shifting your mindset to seek things instead of avoid things."
"When you can change them around from being 'they're my enemy' to 'they are my teacher,' you change the game forever."
"It's you committing to no longer allowing yourself to reside dominantly in a self-concept that says you don't win."
"The more you change your mental thoughts, your feelings have to catch up, your emotions will follow."
"The world changes when enough people's minds change."
"Real change only happens when we change the way we think."
"Navigating conflict effectively begins with a mindset shift from viewing conflict as a threat to seeing it as an opportunity."
"Things that were normal become special and daily events amazing not because they have changed around us but because we have changed how we see and experience them."
"Change the way you view yourself."
"It's time to be grateful and change our focus."
"Shift from worrying to wondering."
"When you want to be grateful you help people. Helping people will change your mind, your brain chemistry, it will just, you watch."
"How quickly can you overcome that big bump what have you done to prepare for that big bump how quickly can you turn people's minds from it being a big bump to being a big opportunity."
"This is one of the ways that we get out of that mindset of the fear of missing out, that belief that we are giving up something if we stop drinking. We are creating more freedom in our lives by not drinking."
"If you can do that then you have the key and it's not something like oh meet a thousand more clients it's almost always this very small thing but it's so critical the thing that's holding you back that's going to get to the next level."
"Shifting the way that you view things and the way that you view motherhood will change."
"It's nearly impossible to change those feelings if we don't first change a thought or behavior."
"When we start to apply some of these financial therapy approaches, their whole body shifts."
"You're no longer seeing challenges and restrictions as something against you."
"Maybe you guys are marrying each other, maybe you've had like the [ __ ] you know, but that mindset shift, like when you get it, you get it."
"Positive thinking isn't merely about maintaining optimism, it entails fundamentally altering our approach to life."
"When I realized my time was important, and that's what I really was chasing, and not the money, that's what kind of everything changed."
"The reason I asked you how you made that shift or almost in some way changed your opinion as you got new data is because I wonder how perhaps we might be able to do that within the framing of how people view Innovation and Technology."
"It didn't become like how much am I risking anymore, it became how much possible size can I get at the perfect moment."
"Imagine if 70-80% of one's life was in the transformation space, the glory space, and 20% in the need space. It literally will reboot a person and put them in a new operating system, what I call a heavenly operating system."
"...what else are they shifting their approach to life? The sun is coming through, they're shifting their approach to how they are living life."
"Accept that maybe there is a different way of approaching the idea of loneliness."
"The way you speak to yourself, once you change that, it is actually life-changing."
"Epictetus's philosophy underscores the importance of adaptability and acceptance for personal growth. It encourages a mindset shift from trying to control life to adapting to it."
"Shifting your mindset from looking backward to looking forward."
"Forget what you know about money and start learning how it actually works."
"Switching your thinking can completely turn the way you are addressing a particular situation."
"I'm no longer a victim. I'm a [__] champion."
"If you're experiencing death, if you're experiencing a lack of peace, then it's tied to your mindset, it's tied to your perspective, it's tied to your thoughts. And if that's the way your thoughts are, then it's because you are choosing to think on those things."
"We've got to change the way that we see things, the way that we think about things."
"I love my time over there... It was the best thing I did. From how I am as a person now, from the experiences I got over there, I don't think I would have... my mindset would have shifted if I had have stayed in the NRL."
"We need to change our mindset to address problems like wastage in agriculture and marketing."
"If you feel stuck in a negative box with no way out, all you have to do is move. This will change your state of mind."
The law of substitution: replace blame with "I am responsible."
"The idea of listening to win absolutely can be a super helpful in shifting a pattern because it helps you to notice the pattern instantly each time it's coming up."
"Flips it in your mind and suddenly you can see that you are leveraging your job to massively increase the chance of your success and you're also going to have more fun and enjoyment whilst you're doing it, okay."
"When jealousy pops up, turn it into excitement."
"It's an important shift in the mind that has to happen, and it really also liberates us to step into adulthood."
"Shifting your mindset from 'me against him, him against me' to 'us against the problem'."
"Let's change your mind, amen, amen, amen."
"Let go of that damn scarcity belief in whatever area in your life."
"What is one mindset shift that you've been having recently that you think would really change the lives of everyone in our community?"
"If you take one thing away from this video today, it's just that I want you to think about things differently."
"That was a mental jump that JP had to make it probably took him 15 minutes to make it because he what he recognized was I just took the shackles off of his body and more important I took the shackles off of his brain to go and just get some."
"If we can just snap you out of being a bit negative and start being a bit positive I think that it's gonna completely turn around and have a really good time."
"A shift in mindset is one of the clearest signs that God is preparing you for Financial Freedom."
"You have to change the narrative a lot of times."
"When you can shift your thinking like this, it will shift very quickly the way you feel."
"This involves fundamentally reprogramming yourself from the belief system, the part of us that has come to believe that who we are is what we have."
"If you can start to realize that instead of chasing the reflection, to creating the reflection, would that not be useful?"
"A change of thinking can change everything."
"When I shifted my focus from having to being, everything changed."
"When you can shift your mind and go from 'I have to' to 'I get to,' life really starts to look a whole lot different."
"Shifting my energy took me from poverty mindset to a five-diamond resort in Mexico."
"Shifting my energy has taken me from poverty mindset to enjoying a five diamond resort. Something I've never thought possible."
"Thanks for helping me change my thinking."