
Personal Goals Quotes

There are 5182 quotes

"He wanted to provide his mother with a better life."
"I've been waiting for this moment my entire life."
"Brain envy. Love your brain. Don't believe every stupid thing you think. Know what you want."
"The worst thing you could possibly do in life is strive to achieve someone else's definition of success and only to arrive there and realize that it's not yours."
"The biggest goal I've ever had in my life...was to be the best father I can be and, in turn, also the best husband I can be."
"It's all about living a rich life, whether that is traveling or finding your dream job or negotiating your salary."
"Is it possible to achieve work-life balance? I certainly hope so."
"We are inspired to complete personal goals because of a sense of personal meaningfulness, not because of happiness or pleasure."
"The best thing that you can do right now is start designing your lifestyle the way that you envision it to be."
"You have to be really serious about what you want in life."
"What will make me love my life the most is to do the things that are fulfilling."
"This is something I want with all my heart and my soul."
"As long as I don't quit, I will build my dream body."
"Focus on how you want to feel in life, not the results that you want."
"Deciding what your metric for success is, on your own, is one of the best things that you can do for yourself."
"What constitutes a good life is what you really want out of life: satisfaction, happiness, peace of mind."
"Trust yourself and whatever it is that you're trying to do."
"In the process of getting to all of those goals, you have to make a commitment to be kinder to yourself."
"Your goals are achievable for you, as long as you keep going."
"I want to improve Effortless English. I want to improve my health and fitness. We all have things we want to improve. Improvement is a part of life."
"I was ambitious from 12 years old; I decided every year what I wanted to be."
"Start the chase of what you really want to make happen."
"I want to make sure that I become the starter."
"If there's something they really care about, you can fit it in. You just need to organize your time in such a way that it does."
"It's so important to identify within yourself what really matters and then find a way to accomplish it."
"I just wanna be happy. Don't you wanna be happy?"
"Spend some time asking yourself about who you want to be and what kind of a life you want to live."
"Making a record with my dad was... like a bucket list thing for me for a long time."
"I really want to get better at surfing... I want to write another book or two... But man, I just want to like, watch my kids grow up."
"You have work to do. You got stuff to build, books to write, places to go."
"What do you really want from your life if you had no limitations, if you had all the money, all the time, and all the talents and all the abilities?"
"Winning the Champions League... I just felt like everything that I had worked for my entire life was for that moment."
"Success is when your external life matches your vision for it."
"Stop thinking in terms of podiums... You have your own lane, your own race with your own finish line."
"Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal."
"Reaching the summit means getting to a place that you maybe only dreamed of and having done something positive with the power that the summit has given you."
"I think the goal is, is do what you like to do, hopefully have an audience that will come with you, and do it for as long as you can or until you want to stop."
"My intention is not to get married, not to have children, not to have enough wealth to travel around and see the world; my intention is liberation, my intention is to explore the depth of my being."
"You get the opportunity, just like I had the opportunity, to choose what you want. What are your goals, your priorities?"
"I believe in knowing who you are and knowing what you want."
"I'm very big on time freedom, financial freedom."
"You're becoming somebody who's much less distracted, you're becoming somebody who's much more focused and knows exactly what they want."
"The first question to answer is: What do I want my days to look like?"
"Design your perfect day and reverse engineer your choices from there."
"I vowed at the age of like seven, eight years old that I wanted to be the one to break the poverty curse that existed in my family."
"There's nothing wrong with pursuing financial security or ethical entrepreneurship."
"I am a survivor. I can survive anything and achieve my desires."
"I'm a father of three, and I want to show them that it is never too late to chase down a dream."
"They're focused on their happiness and they wish you the same."
"What do I want to fight for? How am I going to get this in balance?"
"When people hit that point, they start thinking about how am I going to make a difference in the world. What legacy am I going to leave? How am I going to make a difference or change the world in some way?"
"Let that be whatever else's problem. That's not your problem. You don't need to be concerned with that. You got more important matters like your dreams, and your hopes, and your goals, and your pursuits, and your purpose."
"I'm someone who isn't afraid to say I want to be the best."
"Winning doesn't always mean being top of the leaderboards or having the best stuff in the game, sometimes it's a more personal goal."
"Figure out who you are and what you want out of life. This is super important and not as easy as it sounds."
"In today's age, people aspire to something more than to just give birth."
"Do you feel what you're doing right now, whatever that is - a project, a job, your life purpose, a relationship - you need to get honest with yourself."
"I don't strive for good, or great; I strive to be the best."
"Every day...I judge [myself] by...when I put my head down on the pillow...did I move towards those things that I define as a beautiful life."
"What do I want my life to look like? ... What do I want this to look like?"
"You have to be so grounded and so in tune with yourself and your soul of what you want to add to this world."
"This is really special to my wife and I... starting our own foundation was something we've always wanted to do."
"Self-discipline is very important when you're trying to do things like lose weight or even gain weight or anything you want to do in life. You have to learn how to self-discipline."
"Focus on the things that you truly do desire to happen for you."
"Build your resume of self-trust. The key to this new year and reaching all your goals is to believe in yourself."
"The goal was, if I was a billionaire right now, what would I want to do with my life? And my answer was: I want to solve dyslexia."
"You can manifest what it is that you desire, what it is that is in your heart, your deepest desires and dreams."
"Once you get your mother a house, it's like you made it."
"My life goal is just to be a better version of myself."
"Embarking on what we've always desired to do."
"Your higher self is actually asking you to stand tall, stand in your power, and focus on your holding of the world, your dreams, your bold approach to your own life."
"Harvey told me about his failed dream of becoming a pilot, and I told him of my failed dream to become disciplined enough to exercise more than once a year."
"The only reason that I'm an idol at all was in hopes of getting you to be my fan."
"This is not about me looking good at the pool. This is about me having a mindset that allows me to execute on anything I decide to execute on, at any time in my life, regardless of what's going on."
"Your why is going to encompass your needs and also your wants."
"Where you keep your spending controlled, such that, you always have the freedom to do what you really want to do."
"My goal was always to leave the world in some small way better than when I entered it."
"Everyone is seeking financial independence -- that day when you can kiss your boss good-bye and spend the rest of your days doing whatever the heck you want."
"Our accomplishment, what we're supposed to do, is conquer the world, is to add value."
"You're the one that has to look for what you want to do, where you want to take your life."
"She was going to make sure that she spent every day doing things she enjoyed."
"I don't have a goal weight. When I get the body that I want, that'll be my goal weight."
"Finding a balance between what you have to do now and still finding time to do what's important to you, that speaks to your heart, is essential."
"I chase perfection. I never want to be perfect; I will always want to be better and better."
"Everyone has their own dreams. I'd like to do something good for our society."
"I'm going to make a god tier, guys. God tier time."
"For me, as a female, I plan to be making a certain amount at a certain age, and the man I expect to be with, I want him to be a hustler and a go-getter too."
"Your portfolio should be a reflection of the type of work that you want to do."
"All I wanted was to be a good son, a good brother, and a good fiancee."
"Human beings are individuals. Every person has different goals, needs, wants, things that make them happy, and things they want out of life."
"My mission is to become the biggest and the best lawyer in the city."
"Working my butt off at school so I can be a boss and hire you as my chef since you're so good at cooking."
"You have to choose between whether you really want to uphold this nice shiny self-image that you've got, or you would rather build this beautiful dream life, something powerful, do something powerful with your life."
"You don't have to live by another person's set of rules in order to achieve what it is that you are pursuing."
"How do you win this? Okay, I want to be the jiu-jitsu guy; that's who I want to be. I don't want to be Tom Brady."
"I knew pretty young that I'd rather have choices...as a little kid, I said I want to have those choices my mom doesn't have at all."
"What you want to do, and I did this in my own life, is on a little card... you want to write your magnificent obsession on a card and you want to read it first thing in the morning and last thing at night."
"I've been rethinking my life priorities and figuring out what do I actually want from life."
"Life is bigger than just aspirations that I have for myself. I want to change the world in some way."
"We're doing it for that financial freedom, that life that you were meant to live."
"I'm not saying it's not paying me well. I'm happy in my life, but I want to win."
"I really like the feeling of being at least the best in Europe, but I want to feel how it is to be the best in the world."
"I truly believe that if you set your mind to something, it doesn't matter what it is, you will accomplish it if you really want it."
"I didn't have a clue where I was gonna end up, but I did know where I wanted to go."
"I will not rest until I am given the opportunity to make up for the time I've lost."
"I want to take a break and focus on starting a family and figuring out what I want to do outside of this world."
"I've always wanted to be with somebody who was independent and has goals of their own."
"I'm really looking forward to showing you my new year's resolutions and the goals I set for myself and how I'm hoping to fit them in and work towards them daily."
"I want to see the future. I'm going for a hundred and fifty and beyond."
"Success often gets the wrong definition...the definition for success is setting a goal for yourself and achieving it."
"Your purpose is serious, your life is serious, your wants, your desires, your hearts, your goals, your needs are serious."
"The common mistake that most people make is to aim for a version of success that is not your own."
"It's the end of the month. I got all my ads done this month. It's going to be a nice down payment on the house I'm looking to buy."
"I always think positive. I never think negative, especially if I have dreams to reach out and achieve."
"What's personal for me is just having perfect film and just having everything perfection. So, I'm a perfectionist."
"Adventure Quest gave me hours of fun as a kid, and I never had the money to get Guardians, so let's achieve that childhood dream."
"Preserve the vision of who you want to be, where you want to go."
"I didn't want to become a statistic; I wanted to make a difference."
"You being in a relationship or being with someone who doesn't share your goals, ambitions, and dreams is very, very challenging."
"This is about really devoting yourself to what it is that you desire to do."
"Every single one of these names comes from an actual human being who, of their own free will and accord, has volunteered to financially support my goals and aspirations."
"It's so important for me that I have the energy that it takes to do the things that I want to do this summer."
"Everybody's got to have their own goals and limits in life. So determine what you feel good about having."
"I just want to make stuff that people care about."
"You've got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for. You're standing up for your dreams, you're standing up for peace of mind, you're standing up for health."
"An economy is essentially run on a sense of purpose, folks have personal goals and purposes and they interact with others to fulfill those, and that’s essentially our economy."
"I've been meaning to do this for a long time."
"I am very much looking forward to someday moving into that more familial chapter of my life."
"Remember what brought you here today, what's your why."
"I've finally done everything I set out to achieve when I started over: I finished the first objective and got full Netherite armor, I finished the second objective when I planted 1,000 melons, and now the third objective, completing every new advancement."
"Building an aesthetic muscular physique is one of the most masculine things a man can do."
"It is my lifelong dream to have my very own escape room."
"Winning this would be an absolute dream come true. I think, first, I would just be in shock. Like, am I actually dreaming, or is this real life?"
"My goal has always been representing my family, and that's what makes me happy."
"You don't necessarily have to become this fitness god... all I want is to be healthy, to move my body."
"What you want more than anything else is peace and happiness."
"I want to more than anything else increase the amount of good in the world."
"I've already won in my book just because I've got into this physique without an end goal, which is way harder."
"It's time to take massive action towards the life you want."
"I have lots of plans to make him as independent as possible."
"My purpose can also be being the greatest aunt who ever lived."
"She wanted to pursue a career in law; she wanted to be a barrister."
"You have to create your own relationship goals. You are your relationship goals."
"This is about your dreams and your goals, what you've yearned for in your wildest dreams."
"I want to have a book to my name. If it has one star, I'm fine with it."
"2022 has some amazing numerology; it is the 2 2 2, which is an angel number, and this is all about bonding, togetherness, basically reaching a lot of your goals."
"I want to be the dad that my dad wasn't there for me."
"You have to be clear about what you want to be. That's step number one."
"The ENTJ has a long-term dream. Something they really want, but they believe that they can't have that without working hard first for others."
"I want to be better than I am right now, three years from now, and 30 years from now."
"I always knew that I wanted to work for myself."
"You do not have to settle second best. You can have what it is that you want."
"Stop telling yourself stories, especially if the stories don't line up with what you want out of life, with what you want to do."
"I try to come up with goals that have to be done that day... I feel better if I make my bed that day and if I take my dog on a really long walk."
"Reach for your dreams, no matter what they are. This is your year for that."
"Relationships are a waste of time and slowed me down; I got goals to achieve."
"A woman really wants her man to be totally dedicated to his highest purpose and also to love her fully."
"College is a four-year period of our lives that we have to figure out what makes us happy, what we want out of life, and to orient ourselves on a path towards that life."
"I will get married when I meet my king, and I will be an exceptional wife when the time is right."
"Your goals, your dreams, your passions, your aspirations, if you're not getting to them, they are likely at some place, rooted, connected to a fight-or-flight response."
"Unlike his father, Mo doesn't want to be a driver; he aims to be the best and wants to become the strongest mage out there."
"I see myself breaking that generational curse with Tiffany."
"Aim at the highest possible good that you can conceive of. Having aligned yourself with that good, speak the truth and see what happens."
"Everyone has a different path and different goals. There's no one-size-fits-all."
"I decide I'm going to be the next bodybuilder Mr. Olympia, Arnold, you know, win a couple Mr. Olympias, be an actor, marry a Kennedy, and then one day run for governor."
"I wanted to be a mother; I wanted to be a wife."
"I want to be happy with my body. A lot of pursuits can be selfish. It doesn't have to be for something else. It's just like, I want to look good and be happy with what I have."
"Imagine you got to work on what you actually wanted to work on, whether that's be a musician or make an AI product or become an athlete."
"I'd be lying if I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up, but I know that I just want to make my grandparents happy and most importantly, my parents proud."
"I would save up for a house for my mom to move out here in Arizona."
"I want to continue being a positive influence on people's life."
"All I ever wanted to be was a novelist. That was my only ambition."
"I have learned that anything I asked for, not some things, my theme this year is your everything is anything."
"My goal is for her to be able to go get her nails done with her mom. That would mean she has some independence."
"I do want to live a disciplined life and use my energy to be a blessing to my community."
"What is most important to me at the end of the day is I'm a good father, good husband, I make my mama proud, I make my ancestors proud, I make my future ancestors proud."
"I ignore Jeremy and I try to become the person I made for myself because that's what I want to be."
"I've been wanting to do it for so long, and now it's finally happening. I'm so happy about it."
"It's about just doing your thing and like setting out personal goals. I don't go to contests to beat everyone; I go to contests to do my personal best."
"You're working on that why, and you're getting a little closer to that result every day."
"The performance standards are set by themselves, they work on their dreams with focus, and are prepared to take calculated risks and do not get deterred by failures as they move towards their dreams."
"Success is relative to the person. Not everybody wants to be a billionaire or a millionaire."
"Happiness comes from keeping things in balance and making sure your job serves your life goals, not the other way around."
"Todd wasn't going to let some professor in a business class or anyone else tell him his dream couldn't be done."
"This person was really trying to create the life that they wanted, manifest that."
"I want to go there and take this picture for myself."
"Money doesn't bring more life to you, but working towards something and fulfilling it does."
"I want to make myself a better person and I want to make the world a better place."
"I still have so much to accomplish before I can be what you deserve."
"Keep your eye on your intention. Don't let any outside distraction or your own insecurity stop you from your goals."
"If your dream doesn't scare you, it's too small."
"One of my obscure goals, I guess, before I die, is to visit all 50 states."
"Boredom can either be treated as a call to practice genuine unconditional presence with whatever it is, so that you are in a state of appreciation for it, or it can be acted as a call to actually take your foot off the brake pedal and go in the direction of whatever it is that you genuinely want."
"My biggest goal is to just make sure that all the people that are around me know how much I love them and to just be the best person that I could be."
"I know I still have a lot of hard work ahead, but knowing what's waiting for me is motivating me to do whatever it takes to get the life I want."
"My goal is not to disrupt anyone, make anyone unhappy, or anything like that. The goal would be to actually talk about a subject that I'm very passionate about in a meaningful way I think can be beneficial long term to everyone watching."
"Do your research and really stand firm on what you want."
"We're not saying I want to use Jesus to become a successful business owner."
"Aim at the highest good that you can conceive of."
"You need to remember that the goals and dreams that you aspire of having with acting and all these things like you have so much creative freedom with your platforms."