
First Impressions Quotes

There are 1230 quotes

"First impressions are really important. If you impress upon us that this character is really proactive in their small sphere, but they don't think they're competent enough to out into the wide world, we will believe what you showed us, not what they say."
"You know what, I didn't know what to expect with this game, but I like it already. This is a good vibe."
"First impressions matter. You never get a second chance at a first impression."
"You only get one first impression in life and Faker as a rookie, maybe, had the greatest first impression ever in all of esports."
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression."
"I mean, First Impressions, this looks beautiful. Like, it really, really does."
"Hi there. My name is Doug. I have just met you, and I love you."
"When people first meet me, they like me instantly."
"The problem with the real world is that when you become such a well-known figure, your reputation precedes you, and you don't get the chance to make first impressions because they've already been made through publicity and media."
"I remember the first time I saw her, I was in the audience for a play she was in. She was laughing and smiling and enunciating her sentences perfectly."
"When they show you who they are, believe them."
"First impressions matter, first impressions create a precedent."
"Don't ever allow the first impression to determine where you're scheduled to go in your life."
"Style matters... it's your first impression on people."
"You have the first four seconds of an encounter to make an impression."
"I asked my mum how she would describe this cruise because this was her first Celebrity cruise. She described the cruise as 'fantastic' and the food as 'delicious.'"
"Understanding the Ascendant is crucial for understanding the first impression we give and how we initiate in life."
"You've heard it said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression."
"First impressions can be influenced by 50 to 80 percent by how mentally prepared you are."
"A favorable first impression goes a long way."
"She seemed really sweet. She was really, really nice."
"First impressions matter with this person. They're someone who is at a new point in their life as well. I feel like they're turning over a new leaf, they feel like a new person."
"You never get another chance to make a first impression, and it's very important because quite frankly, people don't have time to sit there and talk to you and get to know you."
"You're so used to the way you look that you don't realize how striking you are to a stranger."
"If someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
"It may not shock you to hear this is the most popular skill in the game, as far as people looking things up and yeah... first impressions matter."
"When I first saw him, he just looked like a really nice man, just like, wow, my dad."
"First impressions are everything to me, and it's pivotal for a game to get the fundamentals right the first time around."
"A great first level can be the difference between a beloved easy-to-play classic, and a game that can’t quite get off the ground."
"Study them carefully because there's no second chance to make that first impression."
"People will make a judgment about you within five seconds of actually meeting you, so your level of confidence and how you show up matters."
"You can only meet somebody for the first time one time."
"First impressions on Deja: she was really nice, like really nice."
"First impressions of Bam: I was like, 'No, why?' But he's really sweet."
"My first impression was, 'He's really on his stuff.'"
"First impressions on Jay: He was really nice and funny."
"First impressions are very, very important in business."
"They look kind of weird but he's got a great voice, so she bought me the album."
"First impression is, wow, this is an incredible vista."
"Everyone is vulnerable because, at first blush, narcissistic people are charming, charismatic, curious, confident."
"You know, they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but if I'm going to do that with this one, then yeah, I'm sold."
"You only have one chance to make a good first impression, and a bad first impression can haunt you for life."
"You were too pretty. I was like, they are catfish."
"First impressions are very important. And so, be careful about what you say on your first date. No sex, no politics, no religion, no death. And you'll be good."
"That's the whole notion of first impressions."
"We live in an online world where first impressions are the only thing that matter now."
"I mean, as an initial impression, honestly amazed at how good this thing feels."
"There's only ever one chance to get that first impression."
"You see this all the time in real estate. When people walk into the house and they're like, 'Oh my god, is that a door? That's the greatest door I've ever seen.'"
"Anybody that sees her for the first time can't miss that smile and just absolutely melt."
"Wow, this is the world, hey this is the free world I was hearing about."
"If someone tells you who they are you should believe them."
"People's first impressions of you are usually wrong."
"When you first meet this person, you might be like, 'I don't know where this is going, but it has potential to turn into something major.'"
"Our first rendezvous gives us butterflies and makes us anxious in milliseconds—our brain scans things like ratio of hips to waist, the color of the eyes, facial symmetry, and fragrance of the body."
"First impression is last impression so if you're a young guy watching this man work on yourself work on your image if you can firstly work on self ain't anybody spending the bag on clothes and [ __ ]."
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them."
"A single handshake can say a lot about a person."
"This is my first time seeing it in game, that is sick."
"It's awesome walking in here for the first time after everything's been put together."
"The first thing that I thought when I tasted it was this is- How grateful you are to be here."
"She's more sophisticated than she looked in the pictures, and she's gorgeous."
"My first impressions of the RG 556 are overwhelmingly good."
"They make a very strong impression when you meet them."
"The core experience of playing through and experiencing the story that first time."
"I remember when I saw this thing for the first time, I was so afraid."
"The idea look this is very cynical politics that the Republicans are playing but unfortunately uh you know the old Dale Carnegie Maxim you don't get a second chance to make a first impression and yeah I may sound harsh but I think I'm right."
"Everyone remembers where they were the first time they looked at among us; they immediately got it, they were like so elegant."
"Your writing is the first thing that your future employer sees about you when you submit your resume."
"The hero section sets the tone for your portfolio."
"I loved this movie on the first viewing. I really, really loved him as a filmmaker."
"This was my introduction to him... blown away, so impressed."
"First impressions matter. They matter a lot."
"The thing that strikes you first and most profoundly about Jeff Bezos is his laugh."
"The best comments I get are from people who have never seen any of the videos before."
"Just be a good person, leave them with an impression like 'Oh okay I feel.'"
"My first impressions of adventuring is that he's really good."
"It's the first time we've ever been in Provo, so it's a nice welcome to your city."
"There's so much potential for disaster when the couples finally see each other for the first time."
"getting to hear someone's reaction to their first time watching an anime is almost always enjoyable"
"Joan was actually on the train in the original Animal Crossing game, so they were technically the very first person or animal I guess that you would have ever seen."
"First Impressions Mod: drives your game, helps you determine things about people."
"Control freakin’ blew me away from the opening moments."
"Smell is so important because it leaves a lasting impression."
"The better you look, the better responses you get. It's your first introduction, so you really want to look your best."
"You only have one chance to make a first impression."
"The first impressions that people have of a game are really, really important."
"I like him already, he's very charismatic and kind of laid back."
"First impressions do matter, no matter what."
"I'm God." - "First impression of watching the trailer."
"If you do something for somebody first, it's gonna stand out to them a lot."
"They were overwhelmed with positivity to meet you."
"First impressions matter. When you meet someone for the first time, your introduction to them is the most important part of the interaction."
"What is your impression of me based on tonight?"
"You gotta come out the gate swinging in my opinion."
"You look like the friendliest, brightest, warmest individual."
"This stunning design...is almost unbelievable at first glance."
"First impressions matter a lot so this is the first time people are seeing this content the title the logo all that the art style all that stuff you've now just focusing on just the script you write your script right."
"Literally, yeah... When I first held it, I was like, 'This is it.'"
"So far so good. It looks nice. It definitely is an attention grabber."
"They're gonna approach you really excitedly, like hey what's up, you know, I don't know where."
"You want to come in and immediately... they think 'oh this person is different.'"
"I want to start over with you. First impressions, I really feel like they need to correct something here."
"First impressions... it tells your personality a lot."
"Your first impression may be the last impression that you ever have with that person."
"The Last of Us theme... helps reflect... awkward first impression Joel and Ellie have..."
"They just don't care... They showed who they were, believe them."
"It's going to be love at first sight... your heart will flutter, your stomach will drop."
"When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time."
"The PS5 version made a very strong first impression, very polished beautiful animation work, it's just the whole thing felt great."
"Thank you very very very much for watching it has been John that's and Jamie the Prophet reacting to first time listening to talking about the [ __ ] incredible to pimp a butterfly by Kendrick Lamar Wow Wow."
"Oh my God, you're beautiful. That's the first thing I said to you."
"First impressions are crucial... they know what they're looking for."
"First impressions are important. What about lasting impressions?"
"First impressions mean everything in this community."
"Milwaukee, first impressions, totally different than I thought it was gonna be."
"First impressions, feels like a city in transition."
"First impressions are wildly important in politics."
"First impression negative... fast-forward around two months and the promo video comes out."
"This is a great first look at this game, folks."
"You were about 6 years old when MJ's family moved in next door. When you saw her for the first time, you grabbed me and said, ‘Is that an angel?’"
"The optics are probably the most impressive thing to me out of the gate."
"This would be one of the first things that you see as you're coming in to Verde Beach."
"From the moment I met you, I just thought, this is a very important actress."
"Guests are arriving for the relaunch of the Keating Hotel, and the first impressions are very positive."
"Your profile picture is your initial introduction, your first impression."
"And if you can introduce yourself clearly and confidently, you'll make a great first impression with people that you meet."
"A first impression is everything, it really is, it's absolutely everything."
"Trust the evidence right away. People tell us who they are right away."
"So what did we learn today? First impressions of Lahore: one hospitality of the locals absolutely off the charts."
"Hygiene matters a lot in making a positive first impression."
"First impressions are everything; take care of your skin."
"I fell in love with my wife the first moment I saw her."
"He knew that he fell in love with her at first sight."
"Well first impression is this bright, beautiful, colorful, and busy. Like it just feels like normal times."
"This game's got a decent feel to it so far, I'm into it."
"Having a good profile gets your foot in the door."
"I just met him... but he's definitely one of my favorite characters."
"You looked like you had it all put together from the outside but the more I got to know you I realized that there's just so much depth."
"Never seen it before but a stuffed bear, how scary can this game be?"
"Never jump to conclusions about a person based on that first accusation."
"You have one time to make a great first impression."
"First impression was whoa, this was totally worth it."
"The first photo holds a lot of weight, like your first impression."
"When you meet a man and he just automatically romantic, that typically means he adulterated."
"First time I saw that, I was like, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"Saying hello to everybody with a smile often makes people think of you as a nice person."
"From the moment I landed, I fell madly in love with him."
"The new entry looks really good, and people feel appreciated as soon as they come in through the door."
"First impressions matter miyamoto himself said that the first 30 minutes of a game are the most important if you fail to invest a player you may never get him back."
"She has literally nailed it in the very first look."
"The meeting was electric. It was love at first sight."
"You know someone has a high hairline, that's the first thing that comes out."
"My first impressions of this game are it is very good, it is a lot of fun to play."
"Don't judge a book by its cover right off the bat, at least open to the intro or to the, uh, the forward."
"Let's get straight into it and check out the first game."
"That was brilliant; it really got my face to react when I first saw it."
"I already thought they got a winner here, my only concern really walking out of my short two-hour session was okay Diablo 4, you got everything going on here."
"Who was this man, I wondered when I first saw him."
"The arrival experience alone, simply takes your breath away."
"Welcome to Atlanta! Today we're in a neighborhood called Buckhead Village in Atlanta. First time making a video here in Georgia, never been here before."
"I can be wrong about people, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."
"The first time I realized he's a giant teddy bear."
"Honestly, I've just loved it so much seeing this place for the first time."
"The number one thing you can do is to smile at people when you meet people in life."
"Always look at the reaction of the friends, especially when you're meeting a friend group for the first time. Their reaction towards you will tell you how the girl really feels about you."
"Sonic Advance 2 does make one heck of a first impression."
"That's what caught my eye that's what really cemented like this connection for me to you."
"First impressions are everything, and the biggest one you'll make when meeting new people is how you smell. And thanks to Scentbird, you can find the perfect fragrance that fits you for any and every occasion."
"First impressions can be deceiving, but they're a journey worth taking."
"He's a [__] dude, I want to already punch him in his face."
"Everyone judges a book by its cover—it's the reader's first impression."
"When someone starts looking like a demon, believe them."
"Welcome to Mass Effect Legendary Edition... so far, I'm liking what I'm seeing."
"It should feel easy, like when you meet someone for the first time and you have that spark."
"I could have sworn when we first met this kid..."
"They're already smitten, no matter how little the interactions have been."
"This is the first time that we get to see, I guess, the enemy initially."
"That is so great right there, yeah first impressions are like this thing looks really slick."
"Here's something about it, I remember when I tried it I loved it first because look when you first apply it, okay that looks incredible like shut up the coverage is amazing."
"The interior just makes a really wonderful first impression."
"First impressions are really tough but what about making a first impression that is a new take on one of the most popular superheroes of all time."
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression...get them out there...lead a stimulus-rich life."
"I get to the house and it's a fucking mansion!"
"That first day experience of just setting it up and plugging it in for the first time, that's it because you only get to do that once."
"You only get one impression, you know what I mean? Only one first impression."
"The faster a show grabs you, the better... Moon girl got me in 90 seconds."
"The first time that I saw him, I was swept off my feet."
"That first impression's gotta be a positive one down to the white gloves." - Curtis
"I just do everything I can to treat her like it's the first date."
"Ben was eager to start his new job and make a good impression."
"Looks were deceiving because the day we opened the door to that kennel, we knew we had something special there."
"I always tell people that the first hour I actually thought I was going to die, and I was afraid I was. I was afraid I was going to die." - Unnamed speaker
"His presentation is very rough around the edges... not judging a book by its cover."
"First impressions are so important with new video games."
"Music is just an interesting, it's just a good way to get a feel for a person or just establish some common ground, especially if it's your first time talking to somebody you're not very familiar with."
"First impressions matter a lot for this project."
"I knew the first moment I saw you that this connection was very special."
"It's always fascinating, amazing, and it shows trust when a person has never met you."
"You are meeting them for the first time although their names do sound familiar."