
Mindset Change Quotes

There are 727 quotes

"Change what you're putting into your brain. Every day you start feeding your brain positive, optimistic content."
"If you say every time you give yourself a can't, you have to promise me you're going to give yourself a can."
"It was the first time I ever looked at like what can I actually do because I've been like, 'Why won't somebody else help me?' and it changed everything."
"When you change your mindset into a more positive and happy, fulfilling life, you will see that flourish externally throughout your physical world."
"Have an intention to be more grateful throughout your day for one day and see how your mindset and your happiness and the world around you shifts."
"If we've got lots of behaviors that have been appropriate responses to the experiences we've had, but we work on our mindset, I think the natural consequence of that will be that we will start to re-examine some of our belief systems."
"What you have to change is the thought, not the words."
"It's time to look at that, heal that, by changing the clock and what I mean by changing the clock is adopting a new mindset, claiming what you do desire and starting to take action towards that."
"When your mindset changes, the movement of your life changes."
"If you change this pattern and program your brain to default to something that's empowering, your entire life changes."
"We urgently need a radical and irreversible shift in our thinking towards a strategic security mindset."
"New phase, rekindle, renew, transformation, growth, changed mind."
"Your mindset is what's stopping you from getting there. You have to focus on first getting that mindset in place, changing those 'can'ts,' 'don'ts,' 'won'ts' into 'can,' 'will,' and 'do.'"
"Instead of saying I don't have time for that, say I'm not prioritizing that and it will totally change your mindset."
"It was a mindset shift of like, 'Whoa, this YouTube thing, this potential of virality, it suddenly became quite real.'"
"Change your thoughts and you'll change your world."
"You do have the power to change the outcome simply by changing your actions, your behaviors, and your thoughts."
"What I'm really trying to say is, as my worldview changed, as my attitude towards money changed, as my relationship towards money changed, more of it came into my life."
"The word 'repent' does not mean feel really bad about yourself; it means change your mind."
"You've got to change the internal dialogue in your head until you callus over the victim's mentality."
"You have to renew your Paradigm, which is creating a new mindset, creating new habits."
"Our personality creates our personal reality, and if we change how we think, feel, and act, we then change our personality which in turn changes our personal reality."
"Be transformed in or by the renewal of your mind."
"This law essentially proposes you can achieve pretty much anything you want simply by changing your thinking patterns."
"You need to heal your scarcity mindset. Being in scarcity is one of the things that holds a lot of us back."
"Rather than saying 'I can’t afford it' try to change your mindset to, 'How can I afford it?'"
"It's about changing your mindset around it. As Muslim women, if we were to change our mindset that this is just as much as it is a right, it's my right."
"We gotta start changing that mindset and getting people thinking about investing and ownership rather than consumerism."
"When you take on the deliberate commitment to change how you think to change it for the better, your life will change."
"There is a change in mindset that's taking place, a greater recognition that we can do better."
"When you change the way you think, it's going to change the way you live."
"Change your belief systems; once you can change your mind, you can change your world."
"You need to release outdated thinking, conditioning, replaying events over in your head."
"The biggest shift for me was in changing the way that I approached my work."
"Discovering ways to change your expectation is a powerful component."
"When you change the words that you say, you also change the way you think."
"Change your mindset, change your actions, reactions give you results."
"After learning martial arts, she doesn't suddenly just drop her girly self or her girly side or see girly things as bad, rather it's her mindset that changes."
"When you teach yourself to find positives, you can become healthier and change how you think."
"If you can change your mind, you can change the reality."
"Change your mindset and start doing a gratitude list."
"We have to stop being in this mindset that we won the lottery that someone found us attractive. No, the reality is, many people will be attracted to us."
"If you change your mind, your conditions must change also."
"By changing how you think, how you feel, and how you act, your whole entire life will begin to change."
"God, we ask that You would do it today. Change our mindset about how we change."
"It's about changing your mindset and helping you make those hard decisions a little bit easier."
"The biggest difference that I've noticed in my own attitude and mindset is when I switched from 'why' to 'how'."
"If you're in the business of shifting people's mindset from not wanting to work hard to work hard, that takes a while."
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways."
"It's not all about doing something to change our lives, it starts with thinking something to change our lives."
"It's waking up to a brand new mindset, a total and joyful dependence on the Holy Spirit."
"In order to change your mind, to achieve success, you've got to have a healthy nerve supply, that full vital force."
"Just that awareness changes everything, that's what starts you on the right path."
"Nothing will change until your thinking changes."
"Change the way we think about what we're all capable of."
"Adopt that sort of mindset... it might take a while to learn but it's totally worth learning."
"What had the biggest positive impact on me sticking to the gym has been this change in mindset."
"Change the assumptions, it will be much easier and much faster."
"Your mind is like a muscle, you gotta rip yourself out of the old way of thinking to change your life."
"How I got here is I had to change my mindset."
"One of the most powerful things you can do is change your expectations."
"So I'd say hey look gets make a decision to get super-rich number two you've got to get rid of all this couch thinking right."
"You must begin to think differently if you want things to happen differently."
"Your imagination gives you the ability to build a brand new idea, create a new mindset, and you can impress that new mindset upon the subconscious mind."
"I take the negativity and turn it around to make it a positive."
"Change our thoughts, change our minds, change our patterns."
"What have you changed your mind about and why?"
"Shift your mindset, shift your thoughts, and you'll truly get to where you want to be."
"My mindset has changed and I think a lot like what people will see is definitely a lot of focus more in myself and less people like depending on me."
"It's going to literally change everything because for once you're going to change your way of thinking."
"As the information changes then you have to be flexible enough and humble enough to be able to change how you think about things."
"God wants to do miracles for you. And if he can just get you to change your mind and do whatever it is he's telling you to do, heaven opens and miracles will be yours."
"We all grow and evolve, we all change our mindset, or change, or we see things differently."
"It's a paradigm shift in the way you think about things."
"I've changed my mind on everything. I won't put my attention on things that upset me anymore."
"In order to change anything about yourself, the first step is to change your mindset about it."
"Your dream is to be wealthy. You want to break this mindset of this poverty mindset, and you are gonna do it."
"Change your mindset, it truly does start here."
"Adjust your mindset bro. If you want something you never had, you gotta do something you never did. Point. Blank. Period."
"We have to drop the old mentality... and go for our dreams."
"You have to break that mindset, change it to 'I'm open to these letters being all these different sounds.'"
"Changing your mind is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of growth as a person."
"The crisis is in your head now. That's the bad news. The good news? You can change the crisis by changing what's inside your head."
"Changing the inner conversations changed how I experienced the outer world realities."
"I had to turn my mindset from lack to a wealth mindset, to an abundance mindset."
"Let it go, let it go - who needs limiting beliefs anyway? Who needs blocking thoughts? Let it go, let it go."
"Good things start to happen once you change your mind and change your heart."
"Beliefs are hackable, beliefs are swappable."
"You have to make this mindset shift from focusing on those long-term goals to short-term goals."
"You don't need to be doing things differently; you need to be feeling things differently."
"The best way to ditch this negative mindset is to turn wishes into goals, and to think realistically about how to achieve them, and most importantly, remember that the lottery is a losing game!"
"We stop playing victim and start being victors."
"A mindset for more requires an attitude adjustment."
"Perspective is a big thing here, allowing you to break out of negative frames."
"Step into victory tonight by changing the way that you think."
"Anything you want in life it's right here but you gotta start changing your mind and once you change your mind you'll change your life."
"People change their mind from the position of psychological safety."
"You gotta change your mindset for real for real."
"Trivializes capture-the-flag. You know you're gonna have people joining a capture the flag game with the most overpowered hero possible for that game."
"If you change the way a person thinks, you change their world."
"Your mind changes and when your mind changes, your life follows."
"Change your thought life and you change your world."
"Changing mindsets with those delicious products has to be the way."
"Instead of focusing on all the things that are wrong in my reality, I'm going to put all of my energy into building the beliefs, the version of myself that has my desired outcome."
"We've got to get out of this 19th century mindset."
"You don't change your life by changing your life, you change your life by changing your mind."
"We gotta stop thinking like slaves and start thinking like owners."
"Stop searching for the evidence and just start to believe it."
"In order to change your reality, you need to take control of the way you're thinking and perceiving things."
"Fear of a tower moment... change your mindset."
"Stop saying I can't, don't limit that mind and encourage yourself to get thinking outside of that box."
"You gotta reprogram your brain to change the game."
"You are going to change the way you think about yourself and your capabilities."
"There's no losing only learning there's no failure only opportunities and no problems only solutions."
"Change your thoughts, change your life; challenge negative thinking."
"We need to get out of that scarcity mindset and talk about the abundance made possible by these technologies."
"You gotta change the way you [ __ ] think, the way you approach it."
"It's trading expectations for appreciation. That's when suffering stops."
"When you change the way that you think and you change your environment everything that you want comes to you."
"For some of you guys, you're gonna realize that thorn in your side was just your own thoughts, your own negative thoughts, your own limitations that you placed on yourself."
"If you change the way you think, it changes the way you feel and therefore it changes what you can do."
"All it took was a little mindset shift to change the direction of my life."
"You only live once change the mindset to why me I can't do this to try me let's do this nice."
"The internet isn't going away anytime soon you guys so if you're saying you know oh yeah this only works for some people you know change your mindset around because it works for people who work it Kay."
"I can't believe how much you can change your mindset, your body in just one week."
"We need to reshape the thinking, reshape the mind, starting with young people."
"Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind."
"Nothing is going to change until you change your mindset about who has the power to change your life."
"Change your mindset about money. Pay your future self."
"Learning another language is another world, another mindset, different sentence structure, different cultures, two ideas—this is a big deal."
"Change your mind and change the words that come out of your mouth."
"This retrograde is telling you to take a look at yourself and move away from this energy, get into a victory mindset, self-discipline, boundaries."
"The minute you can change the mindset of people that you can be the dreamer, you can change to be what you want to be, everything is possible."
"It's a mindset shift and it is everything, I promise you, it's everything."
"Completing Persona 5 required a total shift in process and mindset."
"Repentance isn't just saying you're sorry; repentance is changing the way that you think."
"When you change your thoughts, you change your life."
"Change your mind, change your life. It's time to shift perspectives and elevate."
"By changing how you think of yourself, you'll have this complete revolution of changing your relationship to everything you think about."
"He changed his mindset with redemptive work." - Omar
"You're stepping away from an old mindset... opening up to a fresh mind, new logic, and new ways of talking to yourself."
"When you change what's going on in your head, everything changes."
"If you can look at food as fuel for your body, your whole approach to nutrition will change."
"I think my mindset has changed... I want to do it for me."
"Almost everything you've learned is wrong. I want to change the way you think about money."
"Culturally responsive sustaining education will truly begin when you admit you're willing to change your mind."
"You'll have a new frequency about you, to where your mind, everything around you, is elevated."
"You're making a commitment now to thinking differently and making a commitment to a different logic."
"We need to believe it's possible and shift our perspective."
"You're manifesting more of what you don't want. Switch your thinking and feeling, even if it's challenging."
"We have to meet these challenges with a greater level of mind. We can't keep doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living by the same emotions and expect secretly expecting our life to change."
"I am ready to change my attitude and beliefs about winning."
"Leaving behind the negative stuff, turn your back on it."
"I make these videos to change the way you think about money."
"Gentlemen, it is time for you to update your belief system."
"Change the channel whenever a negative thought comes in. Whenever a worry or a stress comes in, remind yourself that it's just a thought, it's an illusion, it's not here and it's not coming."
"Change that attitude, say I'm not gonna think like that anymore, I'm gonna have a mindset reset and I'm gonna start saying to myself there's lots of positive new possibilities of people out there for me."
"Your whole mindset is opening up, your whole world is opening up, and you're seeing something that was hidden."
"Change your thinking from obstacle to opportunity."
"You can't receive new miracles with old mindsets."
"Change the lens, change your happiness, change every single outcome."
"An unexpected opportunity may require a worldview change."
"That's why I'm here in Nashville, Tennessee with a whole different mentality."
"What if you could change your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, and your way of being outside the bounds of time and space?"
"Falling asleep in the new assumption changes everything."
"Define yourself by what you support rather than what you oppose. It will immediately change your general mindset and outlook from negative to positive."
"Take that negative and turn it to an actual positive."
"You change your thoughts, your life will change."
"Once you change the mindset, you'll change the wealth that you see too."
"Isn't it nice to know that that heaviness you feel is simply one thought away from changing?"
"Change your mentality and you change your outcome in life."
"It was a game changer for me. It was a shift in my thinking forever."
"You either adapt or you die... it's our minds that are the beak that needs to change."
"We're gonna adopt a different mindset... I'm not gonna be doing a whole lot of working because I'm gonna be too busy searching for love."
"You have choices... make that money work for you... shift your mindset from spending to saving to investing."
"These two words can change your entire life, your entire mentality of where responsibility exists, and it is not out there, it is within."
"You're not waiting on God to heal you, God's waiting on you to renew your mind."
"The more you actually work on changing the way you think about your reality, the faster you're going to see things turn around for your benefit."
"With subtle shifts in our thinking, we can begin to change ingrained behaviors."
"If you're willing to change your mind, God will renew everything."
"The switch in mindset among educated, successful individuals."
"When we change our minds we literally begin to see the world with new eyes."
"This is a whole new mindset about yourself and the way you talk about yourself."
"I had to break up with the outcome and get married to the process."
"Don't let old thinking patterns get in the way."
"Change our mindset guys we don't have to do anything we get to."
"You are already a master at manifesting. What you're needing to do is switch from manifesting the that you don't want to manifesting that you do want."
"Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole life changes in that moment."
"If you want to change your life, it first comes through the change of your mind."
"Decolonize your mind, decolonize your heart."
"How much simpler it is to change your belief and raise your ceiling to the sky."
"The hardest part was always breaking that mindset and being more selfless."
"Your input shapes your outlook. When you start surrounding yourself with new people, you're going to have new thoughts."
"You have to find a way to take those negative thoughts and turn them around."
"Once we break free of that mindset, we'll be able to see new opportunities and possibilities that we just can't even imagine right now."
"A clean slate for myself, for my body, for my mindset."
"Things won't change in your life until you change the way you think."
"The Brady and Belichick era, 20 seasons in length, was over."
"Age is literally just a number. Change your beliefs, change your behaviors."
"It was refreshing to change my thinking and really try to improve."