
Positive Attitude Quotes

There are 609 quotes

"Gratitude is a good one. The importance of being grateful for what you have already."
"Cynicism and bitterness are not your friend."
"If you approach something with dedication, hard work, and a good attitude, you will achieve it."
"Visualize what you want your life to be in five years, ten years, and then work backwards... Your attitude will determine your altitude, and anything's possible, but do not lose hope."
"Nothing constructive and worthy of man's efforts ever has been or ever will be achieved except that which comes from a positive mental attitude based upon a definite purpose and activated by a burning desire and intensified until the burning desire is elevated to the plane of applied faith."
"Hold the victorious attitude toward life and you will overcome all unfavorable conditions."
"A positive mental attitude and a sense of gratitude are powerful tools for success."
"Many would argue that personal attributes such as the ability to maintain a positive attitude have a great effect on the circumstances of life."
"A positive attitude is where you feel that you have the ability to control your world and to control your life."
"A positive mental attitude means that you are a generally positive person, cheerful."
"You guys are being rewarded because you are taking the high route. You're keeping your vibration high. You are choosing to keep your heart pure."
"If you have a team of people... they would one-up each other, and they all had a really positive attitude."
"The truth is I ordered her flowers, and this thing just showed up. There's a lot of scams out there... I'm going to turn this into lemonade."
"I take every day as a joy. It's a good attitude."
"I'm grateful just to have each new day, you know, and just try to have a good attitude when I get up."
"I really hope that's what you're looking for because we're so happy to have you."
"Practicing an attitude of gratitude for what you have."
"I had a great day today because I made it a great day."
"Spend money in gratitude. Be grateful for the money that you do have."
"We're here for a short time, we're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time."
"Model debut should have been fun, right? Wait, it still can be."
"I'm happy every single day. Every day happy, every day."
"If you adopt the attitude that you should make things better wherever you are however you can, things would actually get better."
"We deserve to be salty, but you guys are just staying awesome."
"Be agreeable and have a good mind toward them."
"Amaze, nothing but positive vibes, always looking at the glass half full."
"He's breathing hard too, he's really weird. That's a hard worker right there."
"Gratitude is for me, can you sit down and talking lovely to meet you have a great day you."
"I'm not here spreading negativity about Brawl Stars."
"If your day sucks, you fake it, 'Hi, how you doing?' Because when you smile, everything changes."
"All the great [stuff] we have in our lives comes from people who decide they're going to move forward regardless."
"The circumstances might not be perfect. You might not have the best time, it might not be what you expected, but you can be kind and loving and have a good time with the people around you, and hopefully, here's some good music."
"Your commitment is being tested, but be patient and maintain a loving energy."
"Thankfulness, thankfulness, thankfulness. Give thanks at all times, not only when things go well."
"I got clear about that. That's dope. I like that. A layer of clarity. Become clear. Get you some."
"Come hungry, don't come with a 'oh here she goes again' attitude. Come with gratitude, come with anticipation."
"Life is indeed very beautiful because I am the one that chooses to see things this way."
"I hope you leave this video feeling positive, motivated, and inspired because you absolutely do."
"Be excited about life regardless of the struggles... Walk with your head up high."
"Great attitude, good sportsmanship, love that celebration."
"Find gratitude in all things and all places."
"You can have what you want and need... you're starting out with the proper attitude towards yourself which is that you're worthy of care and respect."
"A lot of you in the comments to my recent videos are asking me questions along these lines how can you keep a positive disposition in the face of so much anger hatred and poison from your ex-wife."
"Put some joy in your life, put a smile on your life, and the short time you have on this infinite planet will be more enjoyable, instead of being a bitter sad little [__], just go and do something."
"Look, that's a positive problem. You got men who want you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!"
"This grind is pretty awesome, man. I won't lie."
"That's the right attitude. Never give up. Let's go."
"It must be that produces awesome people I like that I'll take that I'll take that I like that that's cool thank you that's a nice compliment but yeah guys I'm gonna go have a great night."
"Everyone's got super good attitudes everyone's super motivated to do good things."
"Positive attitude will get you very far in the Linux community."
"You got to be happy because you choose to be."
"I'm in a good mood, I'm happy, life is wonderful."
"Work I'd say I work 12 to 15 hours a day and I work seven days a week. It's a pretty positive thing."
"Hearing no is my favorite thing because I have learned over time, no does not mean no forever. No means no, not right now."
"I'm in support of every single decision... every single one of them is a W."
"We're only a handful of weeks away from these midterms... let's just stay positive and remain optimistic."
"I admire him for that that's what I like about the country I like a can-do attitude..."
"Now that is what I am saying, that is how that is how it rolls."
"When my portfolio is red, that's when a smile crosses my face because there's buying opportunities."
"I can handle sales rejections in a positive manner and see rejection as an important part of my own professional development."
"Just enjoy the [ __ ] games and have a great day."
"Life is to be enjoyed even when things go wrong... just have fun with it, enjoy the experience, trust along with it."
"We're just gonna move forward and figure it out and everything happens for the back so that's the attitude that we took with it."
"I'm not going to let anything mess it up. That's the attitude we'd love to see."
"Practice a can-do attitude... Having a positive outlook will help you stay calm and motivated."
"What can I learn from this person instead of hating on this person or criticizing this person?"
"Express gratitude and appreciation for the manifestations that are on their way."
"If you can't laugh and enjoy life, you are doing it wrong."
"It is amazing what happens when you carry love and confidence into interactions with others."
"Wallowing in despair won't accomplish anything."
"I try to be like the glasses half full guy where I'm like, man, what a weird learning experience for me."
"The key to community building is the word yes."
"Doesn't matter how you get it done as long as you're having fun. Is that fun or what, Duff?"
"My best tip for you guys is just to smile and be confident."
"Have fun with it, put some music on in the background, be really excited about what you do."
"Thank you so much for tuning in for this vlog. I had a great day today because I made it a great day."
"I'm getting short tasks and I am not even mad, I'm enjoying it, it's a great thing."
"What I learned was don't be afraid, go out there, smile, try and do your best, and just let it all unfold."
"I'm a very positive guy and would take that as a compliment to dazzle world champion challenger."
"Positivity is so much better. It's so much better."
"We're here for positive energy, you know, because it could always be worse."
"I'm living good, I'm blessed, I'm pissing people off because I'm going to keep grinding."
"Even in these dark times, you can still come out with a great caption. That's testament to character."
"As long as we're proposing feedback in good spirit like that, then this is a good thing."
"Honestly, this is big fun. You have to embrace the situations like this."
"Achieving success is about having a positive attitude towards challenges."
"Be thankful for what's going on in your life and just be happy into that's all good."
"Thank you for carrying yourself in a positive light."
"Start to move around, don't get frustrated, remember it's beautiful out, we're having a good day."
"Let's make the best of it and approach it with determined optimism."
"Life is about how you deal with struggle. If you deal with struggle in a positive way and use that motivation..."
"When life gives you lemons, you throw a party."
"It's a transitioning year... if we hold this with pride and we say, 'Fine, like, great, this is what it is, we're gonna move forward,' people are gonna look at our sport like, 'Wow, that's a really freaking cool community.'"
"Even though I lost this game in spectacular fashion, I'm just glad I got to have a lot of fun doing it."
"You are never fully dressed without a smile, so turn that frown upside down."
"I messed up everything but I didn't mess up having fun, and that's the most important thing."
"People, they're just so adventurous and energetic, and I love being around them. I just love their attitude towards life. They're always up for a challenge."
"Change is important; it's a really good thing."
"Every time I take it out the ground, all right, you have a good day."
"He always had this infectious sort of positive attitude."
"Just do it, have fun, be positive, and if you're not happy, you shouldn't do it."
"That's the key to success: Always have nice things to say and smile."
"Your attitude of optimism ensures that a very bright future, perhaps one you may not have been expecting, is on its way."
"I'm gonna take it as a compliment man. Okay, I'm gonna take it as a compliment."
"My vibes are immaculate as the young kids say."
"Blessing in disguise though, that's what sto said, that's a good attitude."
"It's gonna be a good year, a good year for us."
"Stay high, stay lifted, and stay snazzy. Peace."
"A positive attitude and a willingness to learn... that's all you need."
"Everyone is naturally able to learn a language, so you just have to maintain some good habits, a positive mental attitude, and a sense of enjoyment."
"Kevin was described as being joyful and always having a smile on his face no matter what the situation is or what life throws at him."
"We're gonna stay positive and we are going to make it happen in today's pokemon opening."
"You're gonna be super optimistic about your life."
"Hey if the shoe fits, I'll save the happy one for the end."
"It's a little crazy, but you know what, it's a good crazy."
"I'm excited, I'm gonna attack it with as much enthusiasm and attention as I can."
"I actually still like League. I'll be real, I actually enjoy League a lot."
"Act with fortitude and cooperation. Be joyful and trusting."
"Spirit is like enjoy bae enjoy it for all it got juice all those happy energies oh yeah."
"Definitely getting some positive vibes nothing but positive vibes over here bless."
"Enjoy it a little bit more, we're going to have a good time today."
"Think like Holly... uplift... respect... positive energy."
"I'm optimistic. That's right. We're gonna do it. You gotta have faith in these things."
"Anything is possible with perseverance, resilience, and a positive outlook."
"Hope you're having a positive day cuz I am for you."
"If you have a positive attitude, people want to help you get to the next level."
"Honestly, this slaps and I'm gonna do it every day."
"Approach challenges with levity, and you'll be more likely to work through them."
"I'm positive vibes only, I'm just trying to grow, I'm just trying to get better."
"Everybody has bad days, you just gotta keep your head up, good posture, and kick the day in the butt. That's what you gotta do."
"It's fine to be tight out there y'all, it's good to be tight."
"I am consistently constantly in muscular and joint pain... but I always appear to be in jovial spirits."
"Living independently is one of my dreams, so I'll try to do it positively."
"I lost my hair, I lost my balloon, but as long as I'm alive, I'm happy."
"With a grateful heart and a grateful mind, it really just changes you in a more positive way."
"I mean literally talk about getting things started right here, it's kicking off and uh I like it."
"Your opinion is your opinion, it's not gonna stop me from smiling."
"Having fun just makes everything way, way, way better. Thank you so much, Mark, for that."
"There's no reason to hate. There's absolutely no reason to hate."
"Love yourself no matter what you look like. You can even enjoy your reflection in my forehead."
"We're not going to fight this pandemic, we're gonna surf."
"Be genuinely grateful that your health is as good as it is."
"Damn duck decides to think positively about this opportunity, having nothing to lose."
"Best of luck to red and whatever they do man no hard feelings."
"I want to celebrate people's gain right. I don't lead with the jealousy or the Envy."
"Regardless of what's going on in your life, be thankful."
"Temperance, discipline, and a good attitude are key."
"Any day you get to do science is not a bad thing."
"We gotta just be wonderful and act like ain't nothing bad happening."
"They're not gonna be salty about it. They're a true team, the teamiest team."
"Courage is not being mean and negative, it's taking the difficult path."
"If you can go into that with that attitude and that no-quit attitude, and you're gonna try no matter what, most situations you're gonna succeed."
"Stay informed, stay motivated, stay focused, stay smiling."
"It's just about attitude and today we're working for our future selves."
"Even though it's not gone quite how I was hoping, but I've still done a good job. Good work lads!"
"It really helps you enjoy when things are easy or when things are good."
"Amy on the other hand was positive and resilient, and her determination ultimately resulted in her success."
"Faithfulness is action over an extended period of time with the right spirit, mindset, and attitude."
"Keep it lighthearted and fun, lighthearted and fun."
"Even if we lose, the Olive Garden association, yeah, I count this as a win."
"Let's make some lemonade out of lemons, like let's make the best out of a bad situation."
"Have the most amazing day, but even if you can't have a good one, don't you dare go messing up nobody else's."
"We don't make any mistakes. We have some happy accidents sometime and we learn to work with those."
"You're like a great example of someone who just loves to explore."
"It's all positive you know and good way it doesn't mean I'm not gonna type to be you know obnoxious stand up and cause a scene but uh let me let me be real what you like me they went all in killed it man he'll do the Thanos twins killed it."
"Without further ado, let's go ahead and jump right into it!"
"You have to make a decision: set your mind that today, I'm going to have a good attitude no matter what."
"Cultivate the attitude of gratitude because like energy attracts like energy."
"This is what it's all about baby that's why we wake up in the morning."
"Thank you guys so much for watching! Stay smiling, bye!"
"Trust yourself, stay positive about it. Let your glow do the heavy lifting."
"People need to go into shows these days with a positive outlook... do you like the way you look after this show? That's what's important."
"Yes, I love my jobs so much, so I'm in a great mood."
"That smile is there all the time, enjoying life."
"I still feel like a glowing goddess despite my appearance right now."
"You may not be the fastest but you will have the most fun."
"You're following your passion, but even if you've got to do something else in between, you whistle while you work."
"Life's gonna have its ups and downs... but as long as you keep it popping, pushing, and moving forward, you're gonna be A-Okay."
"Life is short, so we might as well have a good laugh."
"Doomerism is unproductive. You have no idea what potential good you can do by maintaining a decisive and active attitude."
"Acknowledging where we've been and also allowing ourselves to have this refreshed attitude."
"If I can smile, I think I'll be able to do my best from now on."
"Barrymore stands out not only for her physical beauty but also for her optimistic spirit and positive attitude toward life."
"It was almost impossible not to share her inherent joy and love of life."
"Make sure you keep those shins up, work hard and believe in yourselves, and as always, have a bye."
"Expect something good to happen, stay open and aware."
"I gotta tell you something, I'm loving it all."
"She was described as a very bubbly, very happy energetic... always pushing forward always positive person."
"There's no downside to being a bigger person and carrying yourself like you are a million times more powerful."
"Moving forward without any malice without any any negativity just letting go and you know that's a good that's a good pretty big deal more people need to learn about that."
"Hopefully when they remember me they're like, 'Yo, that dude worked his ass off and he did it with a smile.'"
"The way you approach your goals needs to be shifted. Do the hard work, but with a light-hearted approach."
"What's the point of playing if you're not gonna have fun and enjoy the time that you're there."
"Put your best foot forward, take that trust fall, trust in the universe."
"I'm not repulsive, okay? I'm just a normal human being, just being myself, being happy, being positive. Get over it. Move along. Sort your life outside."
"I kind of turned a more positive face towards it and was like ready, like okay, I'm gonna get in and do this."
"It's hard at times, but you just gotta make the best of the life you've got."
"I might not smoke, but right now I'm on fire, you know?"
"No mistakes, just happy little accidents... like me."
"It's not about what I can't do, it's about what I actually can do."