
Character Dynamics Quotes

There are 850 quotes

"Your writing goes up a notch in strength if you can show in even your descriptions that somebody really hates this other person."
"Yzma and Kronk's bizarre chemistry... is so naturally hilarious."
"Every Batman needs a Joker, and I'm the Joker."
"I think that their personalities compliment each other quite well, and I really like this pairing."
"I always found their (Gin and Aizen) relationship incredibly captivating."
"The push and pull is between Sergeant Pearson's 'by any means necessary' and Lieutenant Turner who is more about, 'he needs to bring his men out alive.'"
"The hatred that book Malfoy has toward Harry makes sense because Harry is the antithesis of Malfoy's taught values."
"They have like the exact dynamic that I like, like the perfect amount of angst and drama."
"They're dynamic as a trio is just unbeatable."
"Having multiple villains lets a writer be more flexible with characters and scenarios."
"Cinema is filled with thousands of colorful and memorable characters, but sometimes the magic is less in the individuals and more in how they fit together."
"Rick and Morty's relationship was a perfect dynamic that did wonders for conflict as well as resolutions."
"When Homelander is furious at a character we care about, we don't ask who's going to win the fight... we ask what will the villain choose to do."
"The show's most endearing quality is perhaps the romantic element between Arnold and Helga."
"But Homer and Lisa are such perfect character foils, their diverging personalities and interests bringing the best out of each other."
"There is a good amount of heart... giving us interesting dynamics to watch outside of Nate's narrative."
"Zoro and Sanji mean a great deal to me because I believe they work better with each other than they do alone."
"A friendly rival is when the rivalry is more good-hearted and there's no actual bad blood or malice, and the rivalry is just basic competition between the two characters."
"I love these characters, I love watching them talk to each other about their problems, solving them together, and sticking together for the adversities that get thrown their way."
"Nick and Judy have really good chemistry, and I enjoy watching them untangle this mystery together."
"How much he wants Superman's approval and how much Superman just is not having any of him and how that affects him, you can really see it, they portray it very well."
"I just love the dynamic of the dumb idiot and the really smart, no-nonsense girl."
"I love spice and wolf and the interaction between Holo and our protagonist is fantastic."
"Glee introduced us to the creative read - Santana brought a whole new level of insults."
"A band of fantastically interesting characters."
"Because they do seem close. Yeah, that first scene when she walks in on Damon sitting on the throne and he goes, well, I, I am the heir and she has that moment."
"Foundation and uh that scene just contributed to that yeah I mean Damon obviously calling out his brother for being weak but him."
"Each encounter with him feels like both the player and Nemesis himself are aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses and actually try to play into them."
"Eventually, when he arrives, and with the arrival of all the Battle Pass Marvel characters in the Fortnite universe, it was only a matter of time before they could all see the fast approach of Galactus..."
"Sanji and Zorro hate each other from the jump because they both think only one of them can take the top spot as Luffy's one true Shonen rival."
"I love buddy cop movies and to me Cassian and K2 fit right into that grand tradition of Murtagh and Riggs Jack and Reggie freebie in the beam etc."
"What happens when the X-Men start interacting with our already established MCU characters?"
"We're left with the assumption that she once again takes the lead with Link happy to tag along."
"It's really the notion that the Hulk and Banner have a very dysfunctional relationship."
"The foil Theory - harbinger's constellations set opposite the harbinger they have beef with."
"Mr. Plow is down to wacky and that's how Marge likes it."
"The fans particularly loved the adorable and occasionally weird relationship between Eddie Brock and Venom."
"The Batman and Robin dynamic is something I really want to see done right on the big screen."
"All three have been amazing, like edge of my seat like you said, dialogue and it just Kieran Culkin's character is just like wild."
"Venom and Eddie Brock are just better together."
"Fans loved when Suniqua Martin-Green, aka Sasha, saved the hilltop with just Maggie by her side."
"For ages, Fox stood mightily as Jigglypuff's only hard counter."
"Excella Gionne is a Resident Evil baddie you love to hate."
"Every spider person needs their corresponding J. Jonah Jameson."
"The dynamic between all the characters in here is fascinating."
"Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton go together like a hot dog and mustard."
"The scope of the universe is as large as the personalities of the core cast, I don't say that in a negative light whatsoever."
"I feel like when you get characters like OJ or Cabbie, who are very kind of professional acting, and you see them let loose a little bit and kind of drop the guard, it adds to the immersiveness of the world and the characters."
"Ryuken understands that they are all allies at the end of the day."
"Tangle is a wonderful friendship between two completely different personalities; instead of butting heads, these two help balance the other out."
"He is able to command the respect of even someone like Zoro who would otherwise never degrade himself by following someone else."
"He was given the title of the great king, now he is a great foil to Kageyama who's just known as the king."
"Bioshock Infinite is a pretty good game... It's got a fantastic story with a wonderful dynamic between its two main characters..."
"She's got an incredible relationship with Nebula."
"The writing and the dynamics with the bad guys, with Mojo Jojo, with the Professor, with the three girls, the writing was really, really good."
"I kind of want to know if like Mothra and Godzilla fight 'cuz like they've fought before but also like they're kind of friends in some of them."
"Dobby asks Endeavor why he's calling him by his villain moniker instead of by his real name."
"So, Holly is back, we need to invite old mate Stan over. Octavio never here as well, I didn't even notice that."
"This increased turnover of characters does mean that you're eroding your sense of commitment."
"The bond between Stitch and Lilo is absolutely precious and it's such a brilliant pairing."
"The chemistry is undeniable between Bruce and Selena, despite their differing respect for the rule of law."
"Artemis and Apollo fit together narratively and aesthetically speaking— they're just plain fun and they're also dangerous, fickle, and unpredictable."
"The relationship between Charles and Magneto is absolutely love. It's just old school strategy, never personal."
"Doctor Doom would be more than a worthy foil for the Avengers."
"Locke and Jean have the best friendship dynamic I've come across in fantasy."
"Relationships tell us why characters like or dislike each other."
"The stomp will never betray you. There is another character down here, they are a replica like you. Their name is Torch and they are the head of security on this floor."
"There's actually a pretty good TV show buried inside that garbage about a found family of affably jerky bounty hunters tooling around the solar system, stopping crimes, and trading quips."
"The great hunt that is supposed to take place in honor of the Fantastic Four is actually the chieftain of Wakanda hunting the Fantastic Four."
"Michael Myers is like a ninja, but as a viewer, we're waiting for when he'll sneak up next, and this intensifies our anxiety."
"Permanent 'T'Challa death... but I think we're gonna see all the interesting power vacuum type stuff that happened during the blip."
"You would get a lot of mileage out of watching happy interactions between these characters... love that you brought that up."
"Zeke begins to gloat about how close he and Aaron are to achieving their dream but is silenced after spotting the charred remains of the Cart Titan."
"Watching title character Beatrix take on former co-workers and goons in wildly different ways made each confrontation surprising and exciting."
"He's looking at me like I will eat your stupid face. I'm gonna grab those cherries though before I move forward."
"The heart of the show is undoubtedly tuka and birdies friendship."
"He's like John Cena where he's like so perfect that you're supposed to cheer him."
"For me to be a hero, there has to be a villain."
"The interesting bond between them is something we just love."
"The games are all great the characters are all at their peak and cheating not only being allowed but encouraged is the most always sunny thing I think I've ever heard."
"Stanford always giving us good funny moments."
"Witnessing this incredibly emotional and powerful moment between the straw hats serves as a sort of breaking point for him."
"By far the money shot is that last one with Cap and Bucky beaten up on Iron Man."
"Nagatoro's the most stimulating person for him."
"I even feel like he might have a chance to die because def's been setting it up so that plunger hates dark speaker man."
"Red is gonna give us an impossible question to answer because he's Baldi."
"There's such a bite of personality to these characters. It's like being in a sitcom. A good sitcom."
"You're playing between these two characters Saga and of course Alan Wake himself."
"Bugs is literally Steve. Bugs is the most crazy character in this game. You should play him no matter who you play in Smash."
"Shaggy is Captain Falcon. The way he operates is very Falconesque. He kind of runs around, he's very fast, very agile, goes all over the place."
"Fast-paced, high action, strong dynamic leadership qualities were abundant with all the characters."
"I love spending time with these characters and their dynamics together as adults."
"This expansion is set to have a pretty ridiculous number of characters, a lot of stuff happening, and a lot of characters actually returning."
"That could be pretty spicy, and let's be real, Sylvanas and Tyrande, they're totally characters who would betray each other in an instant."
"Magneto's power is comparable to that of the Phoenix Force. Magneto can challenge it and he's just a man with magnet powers."
"The love dynamic between Adrian and Marinette was smart."
"He's such a lovable idiot, and his chemistry with not only Rayman but Andre too is really fun."
"Belos is horrifying because Caleb exists, and no, not because he murdered him."
"It's everything that you want about Marvel characters which is them fighting each other having quips."
"It's a fun, silly concept that mixes gory slasher kills with wholesome characters."
"It's so lit, it makes it less scary because Mommy Long Legs isn't so scary when you see that she's just sitting there."
"One of the highlights of this movie to me was seeing Ultron and Tony Stark's sense of humor clash."
"I always felt like there was a lot of 'will they won't they' between myself and my little robot droid."
"Personally, I'm very excited. Obviously, the highlight of this was seeing Chris Redfield return and then kill Mia, so cold-blooded."
"I enjoy this especially the dynamic between the main girl and the main guy."
"Why did Kurama ever help Naruto? Kurama was evil incarnate living inside Naruto, yet at certain points, Kurama would help Naruto."
"I wish that development had taken more time to focus on that because that is actually a really interesting dynamic."
"It's the story of two brothers who bring out the best and worse than each other."
"I thought that the actual world-building was so good. I loved the romance, I loved the relationships, the friendships, all the characters."
"I just can't help but respect ninja going into while also of course enjoying the literal hell out of it."
"Gold Dust was one of the WWF's most entertaining aspects."
"The shocking truth: season one ends in a bit of a draw, no decisive victor between ego and alter."
"Toto and Yuji have one of the absolute best platonic male friendships in all of anime."
"World building often makes the difference between fun anime that we just watch to be entertained and anime that we wish we could live in."
"It delivers the fun that the premise promised—Eddie and Venom are a fun bromance rolling down the street like a turd in the wind."
"They relate to each other on their worldview and the tedium of everyday life, and we get the distinct sense that in another universe these two opposites would have actually been the best of friends."
"They dated the librarian, is still in an off-screen relationship with Rachel."
"Lumity is the aspect of the show that gets the most attention, but there's lots of other great stuff to talk about as well."
"Hunter serves as a dark foil to Luz and a worst-case scenario version of Amity at the same time."
"I want to be able to root for the villains a bit more."
"I've never seen an enemies to lovers romance book with that serious of a enemies origin story like that's actually a reason to not like him."
"Ali and Harry are a fan favorite of the show. I'm with that. I think that they have a perfect setup for an enemies to lovers trope situation going on."
"What makes the superheroes the best is the super villain."
"I wanna make him hook up with Britta so bad, why am I like this? Why can't I just be nice and wholesome? Why am I instead just like, 'Britta, Britta is so fun'?"
"Arthur caught him by surprise and off guard."
"So much of the game is the relationship between Ellie and Joel."
"Jade Chan's the protagonist nice and foil for his character was voiced by Stacy Chan Jackie Chan's real-life nice."
"Each character's actions have a smooth pace with a feeling of weight behind each blow."
"Rosa hates it when there's a brawler that either stuns her or pushes her away."
"She initiates the whole, he sparks, she sparks that initiative in him."
"I do think that one of his standout moments was when Tori needed someone to do a stunt for her."
"I really enjoy when characters in a party aren't necessarily on the same page. It adds a layer of tension and unpredictability to the game."
"Diana needs this armor when facing her frenemy Camilla."
"Playing Zen felt like that meme from Invincible... Zen acts as the younger sibling that your mum makes you take somewhere who will literally die if you leave them alone for more than 10 seconds."
"The relationship between Tidus and Yuna is what makes the story so fascinating to begin with."
"Let us know what you thought of SmackDown and if you think The Rock is going to turn on Roman Reigns at WrestleMania."
"In a world where almost everyone tip toes around Agnes, Oscar is basically the only character who is fearless."
"King Protea appreciates how, despite being enemies on screen, the kaiju are loved by their audiences."
"The dialogue between Kirk, Spock, and Bones is witty and fun."
"The most wholesome development of a relationship I've ever seen."
"That fondness eventually alienated Yondu from his crew."
"Vivi already has a dynamic with the Straw Hats, and that's really important thematically because we're entering this final part, we have Egghead and maybe a couple of arcs left and then you're going to Laugh Tale."
"Villains really are something that we kind of attach ourselves to almost as much as we attach ourselves to a hero."
"Vex already had a great time playing into Sylas before his base health nerf."
"Piranha plant is like, it's Smash Bros, it's like what if we got all these people together, what if you could just have these characters fight these characters, and then piranha plant sounds like, yeah, but what if it's stupid though?"
"Goku vs Vegeta is that rivalry. It's that yin yang. It is that duo."
"He's the energetic fish-out-of-water, she's the girl who falls in love as she heads to her death."
"I think it's easier to appreciate the bonds between these characters when they're able to pair up and take on challenges together in an entirely unique fashion."
"It's a genuinely great story with interesting fights and dynamics."
"Power dynamics between characters are exciting because they're less about simple power and more about leverage."
"By now, you know all about the relationship between Venom and Carnage, but now we're gonna talk about the relationship between Venom and Spider-Man."
"Everybody just liked Leslie and Leslie and Ron fought sometimes but they were fundamentally decent to each other."
"Sapnap: A chaotic pyromaniac who constantly changes loyalties... left Dream's side after his friend deemed everything except the discs worthless..."
"Nobody likes Moria, even the other warlords don't like him."
"The Russos utilized a trifecta of character relationships."
"People like fighting fun characters. If the good characters aren't fun to fight, the game isn't fun."
"Season six loves a good conspiracy, loves all that intrigue, and its characters are totally down for either investigating it or participating in one of their own."
"Why is Bucky fighting? Why are they even? I don't understand why Captain America had to steal Bucky's helicopter, that makes no sense."
"Intensely endearing atmosphere of camaraderie amongst the characters."
"Minnie was originally created as the sidekick and loving trust of Mickey but also in some respects was created as his foil providing a comedic and lovable rivalry."
"I mean she's been doing something like in gym three Steven isn't the champion anymore Wallace got promoted to be the champion."
"We like characters that we dislike...likely because they help create the conflict that makes said narrative interesting."
"Everything between Ripley, Clemens, and the warden Andrews is brilliant."
"Aaron is now essentially repaying the favor by sacrificing Humanity itself so that Historia can survive."
"Clashes between Emotec and the Silent King promise an intriguing story arc in the future."
"A heel holding that championship and being dastardly with that title is going to make the babyface win so much more enjoyable."
"When your dumb character is the smartest guy in the room, you’re gonna get some big laughs."
"Kazuma catches her before she gets caught by the lava floor and taunts her about being weak."
"Batman cannot exist without the Joker, and the Joker cannot exist without Batman. They're symbiotic in nature."
"Katarina one tricks are always really annoying to play against."
"What makes a true buddy cop comedy work is a bit of unease between the characters... enter Zemo."
"Every time I jump with She-Hulk and the entire map just like swooshes through your face, oh yeah, I love it."
"Don't accidentally off Solaire! That's the needle we're trying to thread."
"And I really like the dynamic they built between Thorin and Bilbo."
"Anguirus is widely considered to be Godzilla's closest ally and 'best friend.'"
"The rivalry system in SSX Tricky makes these races more interesting by making them more personal. Every single character has a different relationship with each of the other characters in the game."
"The relationship between Kratos and Atreus has some dizzying dramatic high points."
"It just had to be him, Aches, the villain's story."
"The dynamic of the main four here in my opinion is absolutely absurd in a big positive."
"I love their camaraderie and their genuine love for each other."
"Boruto shares a complicated relationship with Sarada."
"Starscream, portrayed as Megatron's sycophantic underling."
"Throughout the franchise, we see without a shadow of a doubt that Sora believes that his friends are his power."
"The wrath of the Storm Dragon passed over Yuan Bo like mist... only the irrelevant and endlessly inventive Monkey King still had the knack of provoking him."
"Falcon is probably the character with the second best movement in the entire game under Mewtwo he is so fast he can be so tricky now it is absolutely obnoxious."
"Ephraim was worried that the vampires would attack Zack and wanted to stay to protect him but he changed his mind after Nora's persuasion."
"But the story has plenty of emotional impactful moments with characters that are a blast to spend time with."
"It's that classic conflict of man versus man, man versus himself, man versus Chris Pratt t-rex."
"It hints earlier on that there's someone else watching from the shadows and then builds onto it by putting a newcomer against another newcomer."
"It feels like a pretty good time for this given that we have Thor and Rocket back together on the big screen in a new movie."
"Riddler definitely gets the best of Batman twice in that storyline..."
"The human element in this was also fantastic, you were kind of rooting for the Apes but then you're also kind of rooting for the humans."
"In our rewrite of season 7, we see the two smartest men in Westeros former friends and quasi allies going head-to-head in trying to manipulate the most dangerous woman in Westeros."
"When you have these loud, bombastic, wacky characters, it's important to give them some regular, normal people to bounce off of."
"The relationship that Kratos and Atreus have with Freya... is so powerful." - Alana
"It's always really fun to see characters from different franchises meet up."
"Sherlock deviates from the source material all the time, absolutely fine with that."
"Sonic's legs going legs pedaling away wow absolutely talked tonked."
"She knows that he is in here hiding in the shadows, and this whole sequence acts as a practice for that Lori and Michael faceoff at the end of his next film."
"This was so cool, Kaido is scared, legitimately scared."