
Soul Quotes

There are 5726 quotes

"The evolution of your soul is literally you becoming a greater being because you can handle things."
"Gratitude is an innate power of the human soul."
"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."
"We are eternal. This physical body is not, but our soul is."
"Consider everybody as a soul, the same as you, who is here to experience, learn, and evolve."
"Your purpose is your soul's reason for being on this Earth. It is the core desire that you have."
"It is said that the soul dwells in things that are cherished."
"The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul."
"Innocence is about truly allowing the soul to be seen and fully felt, not about that stuff on the outside that you're gonna go do and accomplish, or that you two together would do, but the deep inner, deeper world that you want to feel."
"Your personal vibration improves dramatically the more you allow your soul to take charge of your life."
"What is the soul? Where is it? Can you measure it, touch it, recreate it?"
"I think the soul is one of those things we want to believe that there's something special about us that lives forever."
"Whatever the answer, the secrets of the soul are now within science's grasp."
"Whether or not we'll be able to validate the idea that there is a soul is always going to be an open question."
"Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within... all of religion, he considers as a process of manifesting this divinity within."
"Narcissism is the terminal cancer of the soul."
"Your soul is coming through right now about who you really are, and who you really are has been trying to emerge."
"You have a very interesting wired soul and personality in this lifetime."
"Honor the place where you are one eternal soul."
"When you pass in this world, you take nothing with you but your soul and the memories you shared with those you love."
"Let your heart break, and your soul will heal."
"If this doesn't blow your mind, do you even have a soul?"
"Your soul is not meant to just fit in... your soul is different for a reason."
"We do not fear death, only the death of the soul."
"The sacrifice takes your soul in highest regard over the material."
"Let's talk about the human soul, the value of it. The practical value is that it's just the knowledge itself in nobles our perception of ourselves."
"The more we know about ourselves, particularly the soul, the greater respect we have for the human condition, for life itself."
"The soul, also known as the vital force, is a living entity that animates the body."
"Vision, for example, is an activity of the soul. The eyes don't see; the soul sees through the eyes."
"All symptoms of life are from the soul; the body is the vehicle."
"The soul is capable of thought, speech, and action. That's called behavior."
"Philosophy can help us, as Socrates put it, 'To take care of our souls.'"
"For one, I think that a lot of what Ralsei said about our soul in the beginning applies to all souls: what he says about the soul containing one's compassion, will, being a container of life, and overall the culmination of your being."
"Music bypasses the reason, speaks most directly to our souls, and can shape our souls."
"What shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"I certainly do believe in a soul. I do believe in God."
"Some of the most beautiful people I have ever met have been people who had a beautiful soul, and that energy was so powerful, so unique, so beautiful that it radiated out of them and made them so attractive."
"The emotional infrastructure of social media is affecting their souls and their emotional lives."
"The epitome of black class, of black elegance, of black soul."
"We have an American ideal, we have an American vision, but we don't have an American soul."
"Your life is a beautiful reflection of your soul."
"I think you risk damaging your soul under certain circumstances when you don't say what you think."
"A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul."
"What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?"
"Sound gets to the soul on a level that seeing doesn't. Sound somehow connects to you physically... and I feel like that unifies us in a way that's going to be valuable."
"Every single time you act in a certain way, you are fundamentally chiseling at a piece of your soul. When you act virtuous, you're creating something beautiful, something good, and when you act unvirtuous, you're destroying parts of it."
"You are an ancient soul wrapped up in this moment. You are not abandoned at any moment."
"People that maintain the deepest element of serenity and calm in stress are people who are extremely comfortable with their soul and no matter what happens around them, that is never shaken."
"The more you can rely on your soul, the less stress there will be, guaranteed."
"The knowledge and the awareness of that dimension within you which is called your soul... now is the time to start learning about it."
"The more you learn about your own soul... it's a great opportunity right now."
"The heart is the gateway to the soul's wisdom."
"The soul is a far more complicated entity and one that's much more mysterious than we can ever know."
"You're in the process of being in alignment with your soul and divine plan."
"If a human being does not articulate the words that emerge in him or herself and that seem to be honest and sincere, then he will slowly start to lose his soul."
"Set your intentions with your heart and soul."
"We are travelers in time, that's a fact we can't change. It's your soul that's who you are, and your bodies, oh unexplained."
"You are a holy, eternal, courageous soul. You are the brave soul who left a realm of love and light and peace and joy to come here to Earth to experience some very difficult challenges."
"Everyone has a soul, everyone has an opportunity to be saved, salvation is offered to everyone in the world."
"Everything that historically people have pointed to the soul as, this is what the soul is, is either an identifiable function of a brain or it doesn't exist as anything identifiable."
"The Sun, the light of the Sun, is symbolic of the light of the soul itself."
"The existence of the soul has been attacked by many, wishing to wipe away anything beyond what we can physically observe and establish we are soulless."
"Our souls enter a realm that is one step before the Barzakh when we are asleep."
"The Divine soul... is like a flame, the Divine soul is not about me, the Divine soul resides in the mind."
"The Divine soul is the captain of the ship, the soul tells the body and the animal soul where to go, not the other way around."
"The soul will trigger this dark night to happen. What the soul is doing, it's very consciously doing this on purpose to bring all of the things that need to be healed up to the surface."
"Your soul is bulletproof. They can't kill it unless you surrender it."
"Your life fills with meaning and purpose when you're sailing in the same direction that your soul wants to go."
"We are all infinite souls, infinite consciousness having this unique bodily experience."
"What good is it if you gain the whole world but lose your very soul?"
"The ground of our being, the ground of my soul and the ground of God are one and the same thing."
"Your purpose in this life is to follow what your soul is yearning for you to do."
"I believe that the human life has a soul and an immortality."
"Build for me a home really is to build a home for your soul, for your divine soul, for the best part of you."
"Yes, I definitely believe that our soul is a very powerful, emotional thing, and I just can't believe that when our body dies, that that's the end."
"You take nothing with you but your soul and the memories you have shared with those you love."
"The body is like the garage where the soul is parked."
"The ancient Greeks took this a step further. They not only believed that the heart contained a person's soul but that it had a functional mechanism within the human body."
"To sell out cheap is to lose your soul, and to lose your soul is to lose everything that matters."
"I care for all people, but I really care for your soul."
"The warp is a mirror that swirls with the smoke of our burning souls."
"Crying is God's gift to you to ventilate the soul."
"Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts."
"Only God has the power to penetrate truly into a person's soul, so the soul of a possessed individual remains free."
"Your true essence is your soul, which is eternal and exists in an ocean of love."
"Each person is born with a soul of his own, with which to start the world again."
"It's like you are enveloping your soul with your hand, protecting it from external harm and letting it amplify and grow healthy."
"The soul isn't rooted in fear. The soul is doing fine."
"Our soul knows where we are going and part of the joy of being human and sometimes the unease of being human is we don’t always know what’s calling us forward."
"If you sell your soul for the money, you end up having to use the money to try to buy back your soul, and you can't buy it back."
"When the personality comes to serve the energy of your soul, that is authentic empowerment."
"The reason we are important enough to require an angel... is because the soul that we have is so important."
"Stay centered in this heart space... there is a sense that if you remain receptive to love and the purity of your soul and your soul's desires, you'll receive everything you hope for."
"As we get little pieces of our soul clipped away by the experiences of life and as we turn to technology, we don't really allow ourselves to heal and recover from it because technology is so good at distracting."
"The fact that a serum could read, interpret, and respond to aspects of a subject's soul tells us that there must be some divine quality to it."
"You can gain the whole world and still lose your soul."
"This is a huge spiritual awakening...it's going to awaken your soul."
"Everybody has a different idea of the soul. Why hasn't God cleared this up?"
"Your empty well is going to be filled back up, but it's going to be filled back up on a soul level."
"When God looks at your soul, he doesn't look at it with judgment; God looks at your soul with compassion."
"Dante transfers her soul from person to person using a Philosopher's Stone to prolong her life for centuries."
"Soul to soul connection, oh this is nice already."
"The body can be healthy, but if the soul and the heart are sick, then the health of the body is not going to do any good."
"The importance should be given to the soul because the soul is what's going to live forever. The bodies are going to die."
"You are connected heart to heart, soul to soul."
"May we never be more passionate about winning a moral argument than we are about winning a soul."
"You have one soul, and if you're wise, you don't want to lose that soul."
"Your life's journey has been perfectly designed for your soul's growth."
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"
"I do feel a lot lighter, in terms of my soul."
"Are we truly free? No, we're not free, but our souls are free, and the whole journey is to choose love."
"Deliverance happens in the soul, and freedom happens in the soul."
"Imrama: Wander, voyage, crossing deep waters, pilgrimage, journey of the soul."
"What does it prosper a man or profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"Your soul is either growing or dying. Let it be like a flower growing."
"Gaining freedom and equanimity, your soul will be able to break through the heavens."
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"
"The shape of the body is defined by the shape of the soul."
"At the moment of conception, whatever you call it, at that moment is a complete soul, a complete being, a human being without a body."
"Always going to ride with Brown Sugar... a hallmark of the classic sounds of the neo soul movement."
"I look at creativity as articulate in your soul, and that's the true form for me."
"The war Between Heaven and Hell, and the human soul is in the middle."
"The soul is always defying gravity, always seeking to grow."
"Your soul is in your heart, in a sense, maybe like what, like if your soul's in your brain, where we think right now, consciousness lies, but maybe the soul, which could be your consciousness, could actually ought to be in your heart."
"There is a soul, and it goes to heaven or hell."
"We remain in the battle for the soul of America."
"The root of the issue is what's going on in your soul, what's going on in your emotions."
"Do what resonates with you. This is how the soul moves towards your purpose."
"The music... hits your soul in just the right spot."
"He's capable of rational thought and emotion. So you see, his soul is as human as yours or mine."
"Star Wars Bounty Hunter may not have aged well... but it still does however have one very important ingredient and that's soul."
"I only know that it took a psychological toll to suddenly find my soul had returned to its body."
"More The Breakfast Club, will you get food for your soul."
"You're really expressing what is deep down in your soul here."
"We are spirits, we live in a body, we possess a soul."
"Jung's recognition of... the idea that we don't understand human psychology unless we understand that psyche is soul..."
"The totality of your magnificence will not be lost and is also known when we returned for a time between the lifetimes to the home of our souls she holds the secret and she holds the key."
"Delivering an act of unkindness hurts your soul it does I believe that completely whether you can see it or not it definitely damages your soul and your heart."
"He restores my soul, nobody can address my soul, nobody can fix my soul, no one can love my soul, no one can comfort my soul, no one can speak sweet peace to my soul."
"Never do something that your soul does not agree with."
"When we sleep the soul is lit up completely by many eyes." - Aeschylus
"The greatest thing you have in this life is your soul."
"When you leave the body, your soul ascends the stairway to heaven."
"Celts had a strong belief that the head was the key to the soul and represented a way to communicate with the afterlife."
"So I think that's a pretty safe thing to say, now if you're talking about something like a soul depends on what you mean by it."
"Your soul remembers this intense connection."
"You've been planted exactly where it is optimal for your soul growth."
"What happens when a person sells their soul? It never works out for them. We should have learned that by now."
"Powers can get so expansive that they lose their soul."
"Feelings are the language of our soul... soul language is pretty powerful from my point of view." - JP Sears
"The soul emerges in the material life of people."
"Plato believed that even after death, the soul exists and is able to think."
"Consider dreams: when you're asleep, your body is in the room, but your soul is doing something different."
"Our souls are actually developing skills here and in a safe way because it's just a simulation."
"Dance is a state of the soul, and I hope to dance in some form in my old age."
"Your soul has a master blueprint of your life path that it holds within it. It will never steer you in the wrong direction."
"Experience is the essence of the soul's journey."
"A brand new soul that was never part of Death’s design."
"This place is incredible I just I just think if you spent a lot of time here it'd be it'd be so good for your soul."
"You talking about amazing, okay, you talking about some soul boys right here."
"It's not about moving the body, it's about moving the soul."
"What good is it to gain the whole world and forfeit your soul?"
"That little bad [__] told me I was going out now, God just be getting lazy and reusing souls."
"If the Clone dies does only half of your soul go to heaven?"
"Beauty is kind of the sign that the soul is present."
"The goal for all planetary evolution is to transform the lower nature of matter into a reflection of the higher light of the soul."
"If you're lucky, you get a hug. If you don't think that's meaningful, man, there's something wrong with your soul."
"The human soul is immortal; for it, there can be no death."
"That part of our soul that animates the body, it's our vital body right, and we have to trust that."
"I mean, the eyes are the window to the soul."
"They recognize you at the soul level, from many lifetimes."
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul."
"If there is no soul, there can be no free will."
"Fear not him who can kill the body, fear him who can kill the soul."
"A song without soul and passion is just a song."
"Your soul is not the one that's resisting, it's your ego."
""Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!–I have as much soul as you,–and full as much heart!"
"You have a soul, it's spiritual, it's gonna live forever."
"You're saved by healing the soul, not the faculty of our mind."
"Don't let your soul be stained with negativity or anger towards other people."
"Jesus cares about your soul. That's what it's all about."
"You suffer, poor Little Mermaid, yet still you may obtain an immortal soul."
"I believe in reincarnation... your spirit kind of continues to linger around."
"Your soul has weight... it weighs 2.5 grams or something like that."
"There is a rest available for the human soul."
"No, we need a true healing a healing from God a healing of the Soul."
"Recognize the multi-dimensional breadth of your own soul."
"It would be nice to know that there's some sort of soul and that it means so much that these evil little are out there trying to get it."
"Risotto's soul tainted, eyes black and red with vengeance."
"Ever since I sold my soul, I haven't been happy."
"You were perfection in the eyes of your soul."
"Dreams never make sense... they come from your soul, your spirit, your creator."
"Death is not an end but instead a transition into the eternal existence of the soul."
"You're growing so big, all the evolution of your soul finally expanding into your conscious mind."
"Pixar's Soul: exploring the cosmic realm where Souls go before allocation."
"Your soul is your true essence and you have an unlimited supply of soul power at your command whenever you need it."
"Authentic power is aligning your personality with your soul, with those intentions of your soul. We're in new territory."
"It is essential that Harry's soul remain whole."
"As soon as I said that, I felt this shake and this pop, and I could feel my soul actually leaving my body."
"I want to offer to you my soul that my soul may be dead to self, so your life can be revealed in me."