
Storytelling Techniques Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"We establish empathy for a character through a couple of different methods, one of which is, we show that they are like us in some way."
"I'm a big fan of show, not tell storytelling."
"Conflict is always held up as the most important thing in storytelling."
"Suspense beats surprise every time; it's the anticipation that keeps us hooked."
"Half-life 2 answers very few of the questions that have asks and it ends on a hell of a cliffhanger."
"It's fun to be able to assemble the questions in a way that, yeah, and provide for a good scenario like that to tell like a mini epilogue story for each of these characters."
"Build it up again, all the way to that precipice, and then you drop it again. That's the really quality pace."
"With each scene, you want to think about whether or not the scene is escalating the tension or not."
"A masterclass in how to create a strong emotional response in your audience."
"Comedy taught Craig Mason how to tell the stories of flawed people."
"The show's always used a lot of the tactics of soap opera to make it bingeable."
"Demon's Souls method of storytelling, which is all environmental, is really well done."
"This show is filled with twists, flashbacks, and fourth wall breaks that keep you on the edge of your seat."
"Good exposition is disguised by making it dramatic."
"The greater the conflict, the less visible the exposition."
"By turning a blind eye to that, you're sacrificing an immensely powerful storytelling device."
"It's a great way of subverting expectations and splitting up all of the characters."
"Metal Gear Solid 3's storytelling approach is defined by literary hyper-realism."
"Show, don't tell. If you want the audience to have a takeaway that a certain character is racist, misogynist, hateful [ __ ] whatever, you would show the audience their actions."
"The show brings back the nostalgic feeling of growing up in the 80s and 90s mixed with the technique and storytelling of today's kids shows."
"I will say another great moment I think is her handing him the lights again. A force power that was established solely so that they could then pay it off, which I guess you know that's set up to pay off, that's fine."
"'The Hauntening' shows us that you don’t necessarily need gore to frighten your audience."
"This I believe is the secret to Arcane's depth, the great overlap technique creates a unique narrative with room for like 10,000 connections."
"There is an exact scientific formula for making your viewer or your reader care."
"Fill your story with conflict and tension... inject that conflict."
"Don't describe things in your horror stories as terrifying. Describe them in a terrifying way."
"Contrast storytelling, I really like that you're trying to do that."
"It’s storytelling with emotional logic as opposed to plot logic, with emphasis on visual poetry."
"A story can be told without any utterance of dialogue or any kind of preamble."
"By far the best and easiest way to make a kid character lovable is to make him have a shitty life."
"You can use flashbacks, flash-forwards, dreams, metaphors, bookends, red herrings, or McGuffins."
"Show don't tell. What this phrase means is that it is much more interesting and engaging for an audience to see the actions and events take place rather than to hear about them through narration or character explanation."
"If you can grasp a reader within five chapters, you've got it."
"Show, don't tell. Don't have a lot of text to explain your game."
"Everything we see in this opening tank is foreshadowing everything that happens later in the movie."
"I'm really glad they're not overusing those fourth wall breaks because I think they're delightful."
"The greatest answer to a mystery in a TV show or in a story is not a what it's a who."
"That moment where I knew this movie was great? You mentioned the patricide, the moment of the betrayal, right? I think a lot of lesser filmmakers, what they would have done..."
"It's a clever way to turn the gap into a narrative tool."
"The story is really not about plot twists or surprising developments."
"The best dramas have moments of comedy and levity, and the best comedies have real depth and emotional depth."
"I love when games decide to use multiple protagonists when they surprise you with a character swap"
"You don't have to like the stories or how they're told, you just need to understand how they operate to know what you want to do with your own stories."
"Stokoe said, 'Like anything, I think the xenomorphs are creepier the less you know about them.'"
"Hyperbole is the spark of making a boring story into a less boring story."
"Narrative should always be plausible, but surprising."
"This is a classic example of show don't tell in its appropriate context."
"And we certainly have a giant blackboard and we needed to add up really well, but it's a lesson Chris and I have learned over the course of the movies that things need to add up emotionally more than they need to add up logically."
"If you're gonna threaten a character with death, I'd kind of want to have a character threatened with death."
"Calling something a retcon doesn't mean you disagree or dislike a change. A retcon is the act of adding a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events."
"It cheats in emotion constantly; it's like the perfect, absolute drama to tug on the heartstrings as much as possible."
"Reusing an element that has already been established will always be more satisfying than introducing a brand new one."
"It's cool how it's all connected, I is how they do it, they keep the story, they keep everything flowing well."
"One of the biggest mistakes I made when I started was I was telling and not showing."
"Halo is the master at show don't tell kind of Storytelling."
"Memento, it was the first movie I saw that really played around with narrative structure."
"It plays with your expectations and catches you off guard."
"One of the other things Sorkin discusses is launching from one scene to the next."
"Fiction in America has been largely dominated by the iceberg theory of storytelling and the dirty realist prose style."