
Motivations Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"One of the things that's fascinating about characters, about human beings in general, is that we tend to wear a lot of hats, and we often have conflicting motivations that are driving us in different directions."
"Marriage is not the issue; it's marrying the wrong person and marrying for the wrong reasons."
"Putin's motivations were an open secret: he was looking to reclaim historically Russian land, challenging NATO and questioning Ukraine's legitimacy."
"The reward that ISIS has historically always promised to its followers is not monetary; it is the reward of martyrdom."
"For he was aware that the chief priests had handed Him over because of envy."
"The actual motivations for each of the individual 13 suicides that incite this whole story vary wildly but they all boil down to the god candidates being denied the opportunity to pursue happiness by forces outside their control."
"Destroying the world? What's the endgame there?"
"It's not about money, it's about sending a message."
"Recent congressional testimony, along with interviews with officials who worked closely with the president, raised questions about how much Trump cared about corruption broadly in Ukraine."
"Jokes aside, Crane had a compelling story and his motivations made sense."
"The most obvious and most common reason that someone would cheat at a Minecraft speedrun is for clout."
"You don't go out and play like pickup basketball to win a championship and get a contract and say you've got because it's fun and you just want to do something with friends or something."
"There's a lot of people who get into it wanting to be famous, which I think is the worst reason to start doing political commentary."
"The question is no longer if they are here but why, what are they doing, what do they want from us, what are their motivations?"
"They really did have their own valid motivations for their concerns."
"Somebody wants something... It all boils down to intention and obstacles."
"He gave a great reasoning as to why he was like, 'I don't... I just don't want to be known for making money. I want to be known for making impact.'"
"Rioters are doing what they're doing because of a sense of... freedom and justice had not yet been met."
"Not every gang is the same as every other gang, and what motivates them depends on the people you meet on the street."
"Knowing how and why a person behaves is extremely important in understanding people's motivations, but it absolutely does not absolve the person of actions and consequences."
"There's a reason why people want to break rules and programming."
"His true intentions are death, destruction, and control."
"If your practice doesn't begin and end with love, you're practicing for the wrong reasons."
"If I do something for you, I do it because that's the type of person that I am."
"People do a lot of crazy things because of lusts."
"You mean Cartman's side is right? Cartman's side is right for the wrong reasons."
"Are you doing it because you genuinely care about the issue or because it is the current in Vogue cultural and political ideology?"
"There does seem to be a political element to this where there's some of these charges and prosecutions appear to be politically motivated."
"It's not about the money. It's about principle."
"It's about what is behind those arguments what drives those arguments."
"It's always important to understand the motivation of people so that you can understand their priorities."
"Who would benefit the most if Betty Jean was gone at that point?"
"Sadie’s kindness doesn’t come from a place of total purity, but it’s still pure kindness."
"Knowing where you live can explain your motivations, right?"
"I'm not selling anything. I don't have any Patreons. I'm just in this for the subs and likes."
"Was it for power, influence, or just money? So without further ado, let's get to it."
"Our goal is to be billionaires, and so I want to be a billionaire. Tom wants to be it for selfish reasons. I want to do it so I can help children."
"I've always been attracted to interviews that get to the why of it all."
"We're all acting like we care about these causes but we really just care about getting bigger."
"Innovation can occur anytime, anyplace, by anybody, and war and profit are not its necessary and required impetus. This is the truth."
"The evil act is basically incomprehensible to you and you want to comprehend the act better, the motivations better."
"Our actions being the definition of who we are, often than not our love for a particular thing drives our actions in pursuit of it."
"Are they doing it for views because it's popular or do they really want to make a difference?"
"Pit Viper's entire role is as a hired assassin to take out Calypso but not for any righteous reasons."
"If I'm gonna spend that type of time with that many people, there's gotta be more in it than just the money or the prestige for me."
"What are you actually scared of that drives the passion?"
"Is it because they really believe he's racist or they believe that he's getting the views and the clicks that they used to got so they want to take him out?"
"His heart was always in it for the right reasons."
"I think that people date for the wrong reasons."
"Some of the people climbing Everest aren't doing it out of a passion for mountaineering but just because they want to say they climbed Everest."
"There is no identified political or ideological motivation for the shooting."
"These are the kind of people that are in China because of the girls, because of the cheap booze, because of the cheap food."
"They have to make Sauron a character with ideas and feelings and a motivation in the past and a future."
"What matters to them is them and what can they get out of it."
"It's about making big decisions for the right reasons."
"Sigmar has always been an actual character with flaws and motivations."
"That’s why a big part of what’s driving this GameStop rally isn’t greed or doing it for the lulz."
"You can't do it for fame and you can't do it for money, you can do it for love."
"I have doubts about the accusations and the motivation for those accusations."
"The mountain man is a different type of killer, he doesn't just do it for fun."
"Even Uncle Scrooge has a story, and he has his reasons."
"An artist should do what they do for the love of it, not for prestige or fortune."
"Why would I want to watch your movie about a journalist when the only reason you tell me I should watch it is to prove I'm not racist?"
"This is not about the money, it's about affecting change."
"You cannot say the right things with the wrong motives."
"They don’t kill for their survival; they do it mostly for pleasure, revenge, and hatred."
"Oh, this is an origin story all right, we got our motivations."
"As long as we're focusing on what they're doing we're not focusing on why they're doing."
"In a weird way, Silko shows he does care for her, but it's hard to tell if it's a fatherly love or if it's because he still needs her to develop weapons for him."
"Parasite was just given the award because they wanted to make a statement."
"I've been accused of making videos for views before you know. I'll let you in on a secret, you don't make videos to not get watched."
"Love is their driving force. They're not seeking compliments, they're looking for love."
"Most people that are punching up are just looking for somebody to punch."
"Questioning somebody's motivations is always a healthy thing."
"Running for president isn't really about trying to be president... they want press attention, they want to sell books, they want speaking fees." - Tommy Vitor
"He didn't want to kill, it wasn't his desire to kill people, it was his desire to die."
"Republicans don't care about anything except power."
"Make sure that you're buying things for the right reason."
"Is he nice for the sake of being nice or is he nice because he has a motive?"
"We want it to be good, we're sure as hell not using Kevin Smith to get views."
"Praying in public isn't wrong, but praying in public to be seen is."
"The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives."
"Driven by greed and the demands of an extravagant second wife."
"Sometimes the motivations in our life lead us to a lot of crazy things."
"I'm not even going to try and pretend like I wasn't attacking you for gold. I'm very greedy."
"Give them a chance because they have the right motivations, the right intentions."
"Feuds don't have to be about gold, they can be about anything you want, really."
"Such generosity, so what, you think that bastard is really sorry? He's just trying to silence me with filthy money."
"When people are fighting, well, they're fighting because they care."
"That's the thing, when someone does something like that that you think they know what they're doing, you gotta look deeper into what the motivation is and what you're missing."
"We're not doing this for views, we're doing it because we want to."
"I just feel like if that's a part of why you're doing it, the image or the way it looks, or even to be honest, how other people perceive or react to it, for me, I just think I'd be doing it for the wrong reasons."
"I'm doing it because I'm desperate and I'm desperate because I'm horny."
"Many tribes joined ARD for the same reasons as Bellana."
"Revenge is a dangerous motive, but Kurt argues it's a powerful one."
"Sometimes it's not about making money or getting revenge, it's about letting go."
"Psychoanalysis belongs to that unmasking trend, the search for hidden unconscious motivations."
"Stories are driven by characters with motivations and desires."
"This crime was about greed, sex, selfishness, and narcissism."
"There's something called MICE that explains why people spy: M for money, ideology, compromise, and ego."
"Understanding the Enneagram is about getting to the underlying drives behind why people do what they do."
"Views on Griffith tend to be limited to opinions on the relevance of his motivations, fueled and tinted by one's own philosophies or moral standpoint."
"It doesn't make you important just cuz you were important. You do this for the endorsements. I do this for the indor."
"I really liked the fact that the villains had understandable motivations and weren't just evil for the sake of it."
"...ending that beef with the death of Tupac and shog Knight would provide a pretty juicy motive something that will gain credibility the further we go with even more allegations going forward."
"The three convergent reasons by something that doesn't intrinsically care about humans one way or the other would end with all the humans dead are side effect, resource utilization, and avoidance of competition."
"I think everything starts with the heart. People don't just wake up envious, people don't wake up covetous and greedy. It all starts with the heart."
"So I think really the first things is looking at what are your motivations for doing this. And for a lot of people, it's really thinking about the environment, it's thinking about animals."
"Every antagonist has their own distinct reasons."
"The motivation behind cancellation for obviously like someone has up but for there's like two distinct groups of people who try to cancel there's people who genuinely care about the offensive thing you said and then there's people who just want to watch you burn."
"Since the assassins believed this garden of sex, drugs, and rock and roll was where they'd end up when they died, they were more than willing to lay down their lives at the drop of a hat."
"This isn't a pirate crew where everybody follows me, everybody is here for different reasons."
"Is he just a messed up guy who likes to steal motor oil and scare the crap out of people, or is he something else?"
"There's so much up for grabs besides winning the championship and the money that goes along with it."
"Trump doesn't care about religion, he doesn't care a hoot about abortion, he doesn't care anything about any of that."
"It's all right. I mean, yeah, it's all right, only I think the characters are kind of flat and the motivations are rushed."
"Kaladin is driven to protect others, he has bonded with the honor spren Syl."
"Every single character that shows up here is perfectly written so that you understand their emotions, their motivations, what makes them tick."
"Sometimes people say yes for the wrong reason."
"It's not about money for them, it's about what's happening when these people are watching porn."
"The big change in motivations is that in the book, it was pretty clear that this was a blatant power grab by Team Green."
"Khrushchev’s motivations were not merely pride however. A believer in peaceful coexistence, he genuinely wanted to ease global tensions and saw the trip as a perfect opportunity to do just that."
"Jaws is about three guys, yeah? Shark is like secondary. All three completely different guys with three different motivations all connected through this thing."
"You say you're helping Sasuke to honor Obito's memory, but that's not what you really want."
"The Puritans who came were interested in both things. They were interested in getting ahead spiritually, or not being persecuted, and they were also interested in getting themselves to have a better economic future."
"Every character, no matter which side they're on, who they work for, or what they are, they all just want to be happy."
"This perspective invites us to look beyond surface interactions and understand the deeper motivations behind others' actions."
"Your actions show what your real motivations are."
"Everyone has reasonable motivations and intentions that just happen to be in conflict with one another."
"Probably the most central theme of the work is showing how small and petty many of our divisions and motivations are."
"She understands the psyche of a criminal and their motivations."
"Generally speaking, I think it's a mistake for any of us to suggest what somebody's motivations are."
"This being's motivations are often inscrutable and sometimes whimsical."
"A man is flesh and blood and can be controlled by many means: fear, affection, and greed."
"The underlying motives: Comfort, appeal, or a statement, the choice for an actress to appear braless on screen while seemingly straightforward is often layered with Myriad motivations."