
Narrative Structure Quotes

There are 486 quotes

"Goals can be accomplished and then your story is done. Motivations continue."
"For the most part, in a story that's developed with protagonists and antagonists, the antagonists are usually way more crucial to the overall story."
"Spectacular ending where multiple plot threads come together at once – this is what I'm in it for, this is why I love it."
"A story engine... keeps creating new stories and plot events because unlike movies, which are designed to end, shows go on for many seasons."
"What people want is a story that captures their imagination. The neural system that governs the imagination is a different system than the one that governs linguistic content. It's more archaic, emotional, instinctual, less attuned to the moment, and adapted to immediacy."
"They've built a world and then presented it in several different timelines...it is a time travel story."
"The great story by conflict you don't have to have an antagonist for conflict."
"Logic is the most fundamental and basic building block on top of which a story is built."
"A story, in a sense, is a chain of cause and effect."
"The hierarchy itself is what provides the narrative material to work with."
"There are rules to storytelling that need to be obeyed to ensure you're telling a worthwhile story."
"It's clear that they had no time to finish the story. Everything, all the elements they put in between the plot points, though clearly given, is so rushed and makes no sense."
"I love an ending that brings the story full circle."
"Conflict breeds drama; it gives life to our words. This is the simplified purpose of having an antagonist."
"Stories are made up of these three things: plot, character, and setting."
"Unlike the spirit of the hero, Zelda is more of a descendant than a reincarnation."
"In a weird way, the game with aliens and superpowers is almost like the most tightly narrative structure that we have."
"The name of the town that the Pirate King was executed in, Logtown, is known as the town of beginnings and ends."
"Events don't have to be in a strict chronological order; it's about the journey."
"The three-act structure is actually a function of how the human brain works."
"If you took her out, would there still be a movie?"
"One of the most unique aspects of Hunter Hunter is that it is a deconstruction of shonen."
"If MGS 5 had employed a narrative structure more akin to MGS 2's..."
"It’s the factors that play characters off of each other, it’s good motivations and characterizations, and putting all the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle to create something more dynamic than the sum of its parts."
"It's all about the hero's narrative. You have to give the hero an obstacle... but if he wants it, he can achieve it."
"The great equalizer was the story repeated across time and borders as each embarked on the same hero's journey."
"If lore is the ingredients, then a story is the dish, a portal into the universe."
"In movies like 'Die Hard,' every action has consequences that push the plot forward."
"There should be a rhyme and reason to every single beat of your character."
"This is how you get the Rocky Underdog Story: you have to be down and then come back at the end."
"Thirteen Reasons Why is constructed around a catch-22."
"The characters are the subjects, the characters are the subject that the plot is happening to."
"The foil Theory - harbinger's constellations set opposite the harbinger they have beef with."
"I really love the idea of a world stuck in a cycle being forced to stay the scene for longer than ever intended."
"It's a perfect number of plot lines for a full Iron Man trilogy."
"One big twist is followed by a whole series of smaller twists."
"Both are serialized multi-protagonist stories told on a sweeping scale."
"It's the classic hero's journey of the call to action, and that call to action literally happens right after you get off the train."
"If a subplot or character doesn't serve the premise, it does not get to be in the story."
"Efficiency in storytelling sets The Wire apart, with every subplot revealing itself as vital."
"Their bond develops primarily through gameplay, and the development of that bond underlies every aspect of this game."
"The pacing is weird then messy stuff just happens left and right."
"Build it up again, all the way to that precipice, and then you drop it again. That's the really quality pace."
"Try to identify all three conflicts: internal, interpersonal, and societal."
"Each of these levels, there is something that like ties them all, there's this string like a little parabola that's arcing and mapping."
"This film, which just moved forward a few years without any big fuss, became one of the rare examples of a film handling the structure of a multi-year story better than a book."
"Every wrestling storyline should aim for this sort of narrative development, these twists and turns, and the cool matches that you get either end of it."
"It didn't feel like an ending but more of a 'to be continued'."
"The Civil War story works best when there is no bad guy."
"The whole King theme and all that... just the whole idea... the way the story was structured... so damn well executed."
"Short stories are very much about unity and cohesion every element should be cohesive with the others."
"The key to financial advising was diversification. That way when things are good, you do okay, when things are bad, you do okay, but you never excel."
"A climax is earned when the rising action builds to a certain point in a well structured story."
"Story is not just plot. It also needs theme."
"By the end, your few hours of confusion are rewarded with answers as the pieces fall into place to reveal the bigger picture."
"It's so satisfying... when certain characters begin to intersect or storylines begin to kind of make their way back to certain places."
"I really love a good formulaic story... you know it's gonna end well."
"Cyberpunk 2077's narrative gameplay storytelling and immersion are just better in Night City."
"I thought it was gonna be more of a murder mystery, not so much a whodunit."
"To me, Dark Knight is a perfect film. Some people say it's too long. It's a perfect film."
"Chapter 11's gonna be big. Two character Focus chapters. Excited for that!"
"All of that at the time I had been alright with because this was not the final arc."
"So, I do think the beginning of this story could have been structured to get you to that point a little bit faster because the story is very short otherwise."
"The audience's question is no longer how is this going to end, it's how did we get here."
"It's a far cry from Cecil's quest to become a warrior of light for sure."
"It's a seesaw of heart-pounding heists followed by heart-wrenching deep and meaningful when."
"Honestly, I was loving the structure, the narrative quality, and the writing so much."
"The best reveals in a story are either incredibly surprising while also making complete sense."
"I suppose it isn't a post-credits scene if it doesn't give unnecessary information that no one needed or could have waited until the sequel to learn."
"Like everything in Control, it shows a maturity - after Quantum Break, which had lots to love but felt muzzled by its weird TV show-game hybrid structure, this is Remedy back on form, and taking a bit of a hammer to that form in the process."
"You gotta have a cohesive plan at the start in order to tell the best story possible."
"Design your life like a story. There is a structure that makes stories interesting and fulfilling."
"Most audiences are not going to be properly invested in the story okay and to be invested in the story you need stakes and stakes there needs to be implications cause and effects you feel this is going to happen unless something happens to stop it."
"The setups and payoffs in Catherine are incredible."
"Identify the essential elements of your story so you can use them to focus on what you are actually trying to say and if you disagree with Dan Harmon and his story circle Harmon replies prove me wrong."
"Impel Down is a hell of a sick arc. I mean, it also introduced us to the political structures. I mean, until now, we're used to the wacky stuff on islands, but this was actually man-made, you know?"
"There’s a chance at something that isn’t lassoed and hogtied by three acts."
"It makes you care about all of these characters, you know because they're all linked together right?"
"I hate that you trying to minimize it's like oh you're quibbling over these little story details the plot the structure that complete framework of the movie does not work."
"Motive is the seed from which your other story elements grow."
"The victories generally only come at the very end. If they come anywhere other than the very end, they're usually very short-lived and often overshadowed by the bigger problem that still demands resolution."
"It ends where it began, so it's full circle. I like that."
"The greater the conflict, the less visible the exposition."
"Story is a sequence of events experienced by a hero who is pursuing a very specific goal."
"A good summary presents information in the same order as the original if possible."
"At this point, the main character doesn't even necessarily have to need to solve the problem. The main character may be perfectly happy with this problem."
"It's a legitimately good mystery with clues twists and turns..."
"A third installment is supposed to be the final test, the final conclusion of all the accumulated power and story. You don't get to cheat and just have something save your entire trilogy in the very last installment. It doesn't work that way."
"Writing the scene to make it where Oberyn essentially wins the fight but gets blinded by his pursuit to find the truth about Elia Martell which results in his death is the perfect way to properly shock your audience."
"Heroes generally come from humble beginnings."
"The three acts: departure, initiation, and return."
"By the end of the first Iron Man, people pretty much understood that the vague overarching goal that isn't necessarily a storyline but feels enough like one that you're obligated to follow it was eventually shoving these guys into the Avengers."
"Every single scene... must count towards your ultimate goal for the story."
"The plot of Your Name is a little convoluted."
"The dead don't experience time in a linear way, and so neither do we as the viewers."
"Main character, main character, main character, side character, main character."
"An escalation does not have to be a twist, but it usually fills the same role as a twist."
"Some of the best stories are full of moments, not shots."
"The crux of the game is constants and variables."
"There is more vulnerability... that makes the moment so tense."
"They're winning the ball back so hungry to win it back."
"True / Canon endings only otherwise you just have a bunch of optional bad endings."
"Make your narrative outline as a board game."
"It wasn't really a theme, it was just a motif for Khan."
"Villains serve a major role... they themselves can be looked at as the great threat that the hero must overcome."
"It's pragmatic to speak English in Europe because it's a universally used language."
"There are very obviously clear tiers of strength that are established throughout the story that characters fall into."
"It's the Joseph Campbell hero's journey turned on its head."
"Act One: Where challenges emerge, but connections falter."
"This game might be long, oh okay, this is the end of the prologue."
"Season six tightened things up by comparison made more of an effort to tell structured stories with more narrative threads woven throughout."
"Our brains process reality in the same way: beginning, middle, and end."
"There are layers upon layers that make every loop unique."
"I realized that a good twist gives you pieces so that when you get to the end like it has a satisfying payoff that just didn't come out of nowhere."
"I just think that the way that film is architect the architecture of the film is just something really special and brilliant."
"Rather than a PvP free-for-all where the conflict has little meaningful context, we wanted to create a game of Thrones."
"It's storytelling and it's kind of best really, you have to have the finale featuring like the main character."
"Pale Fire is experimental in the way that it is a poem, an epic poem, but the poem isn't the story, the stories in the footnotes that are annotated by the man who wrote the poems friend who is insane."
"It's one of those stories that makes very little sense in the beginning until it all comes together at the end."
"There doesn't have to be a beginning middle and end all within 30 minutes or an hour."
"A story should have a deliberate framework of themes and it should never leave that framework. Everything serves the theme."
"I just gotta wonder maybe if they'd started in charge of the character arcs and then it maybe wouldn't have felt jarring perhaps."
"Like I always, always talk about on this channel, a satisfying story is a story where the characters transform as a result of their journey."
"Giorno has figured out who he is as a person and his dream becomes this framework that the other characters are pulled into."
"The subversion of expectations, the multiple points of view, and the payoffs."
"If you're setting up some tools in act one, they should pay off in act three."
"The remains of the day really taught me that non-genre fiction are not so much about the premise of the book like the premise of the book doesn't have to be interesting for the book to be interesting to read like it's more about the execution."
"Now, that's a hero's low point and the challenge they need to conquer in the final act."
"The tightest written story complete with plenty of emotion."
"If they had just told the story in real time instead of having a montage with the music."
"Not every film needs a concrete answer to every question it poses."
"That's what happens when you force towards an ending and you don't know how to write an ending."
"This movie's really messy but I still like that aspect of it."
"The last part of this arc manages to strike all the right emotional beats."
"Every character was so important and not overdone."
"It's like a story, there's twists, turns, character development..."
"One thing I've noticed with Ben 10 two-parters is usually only one part... for what's going to be important to the story."
"A certain amount of railroading is necessary in order to create a cohesive narrative."
"This movie is so sluggishly paced until the point where all this [ __ ] has to be shoved in immediately."
"No old men allowed, and many of their works from here on out would feature endings that would divide and frustrate those popcorn eaters who prefer formulaic traditionally structured conclusions."
"These Tales are far more self-contained than longer stories and equally do not suffer from a large number of the issues and concerns that typically affect products made by Toyotaro."
"Zoom out and look at things like story pacing and character development."
"This scene is timed very well because we have building character development and arcs."
"The film doesn't rush to reveal its hand, instead subtly building tension and mystery through its well-paced, non-linear narrative."
"For me, this is a very powerful and strong first chapter, it left quite the impression seeing how that is weaved into the second third fourth and so forth amount of chapters after it."
"Please ma'am, we're really scared and alone out here."
"It's like the classic hero's journey but you cut out all the middle stuff."
"All stories have a simple situation complication question answer framework."
"Every good story follows this rule... setup conflict resolution."
"The Darth Maul scene just goes nowhere, there was no resolution to it."
"True horror is the one in which I defined it now get into the meat of this Figueroa is separated into several arcs that feature of repeating time line with slightly different events happening in each one."
"Every story has a beginning, and this story begins where it ends."
"It's my view that those things do not really exist specifically because of how 40k is constructed."
"Dune is a series that totally subverts the typical ideas of how a story is told."
"The way that he's able to lay these chapters out with subtle but firm bridges between them is just freaky fan that it works."
"The show is intricate as this one and as brilliantly constructed as this, it's basically going to rewrite the book on story construction."
"The writing is just so tight and well thought out."
"This is how you do a time-travel plot and do it well."
"Every good story has rising and falling action. Okay, well, that was the falling action. What's the rising?"
"If your ending isn’t working, your set-up’s probably broken."
"It's a slow build, it's like a movie, you know?"
"Some stories ruin this by not giving you all the pieces and leaving people to fend for themselves, and others just give you the homemade jigsaw puzzle but that's not near as fun and doesn't leave much to the imagination."
"There's always a man, there's always a city, there's always a scientist, there's always a girl."
"It's endemic of the way that Game of Thrones is written that there is no Victor loss here."
"We really don’t need an 'official timeline' of games."
"This is the first one, like the game has a story. There's even set up for a sequel in the game which I really enjoyed."
"I think it's just the middle part of a trilogy, so it doesn't feel like a sequel like Terminator does."
"Memento isn't the most emotional thing to watch... it's an endlessly fascinating film to watch unfold."
"Unlike Infinity War, Endgame doesn't feel like it's in any rush."
"What if the villain is instrumental in our hero's creation and not just a byproduct of a random accident?"
"A time loop that makes the hero's origin instrumental to the story's climax."
"Going Under wraps up the story it wants to tell before overstaying its welcome."
"Make the journey to that finish line inherently hard enough."
"I never really disliked it that much. There was the completion of Casino Royale while also building up to something much bigger which I admit is an odd choice for a standalone movie but it works for me."
"It wouldn't make sense to focus only on Ellie for the whole season."
"All of these arc names I and anyone else bestow are retroactively created after being able to see the full story."
"One Piece is broken up into several sagas and arcs."
"The hero always has to reach a bit of self-actualization before crossing the final threshold."
"Part one ends with a pretty big cliffhanger."
"Everything we see in this opening tank is foreshadowing everything that happens later in the movie."
"The canons of narrative in any medium cannot be wholly different, and the failure of poor films is often precisely an exaggeration and the intrusion of unwarranted matter." — J.R.R. Tolkien
"Interwoven plot lines are the key to a fully realized tale, but this complex style of storytelling is typically confined to books, TV, and film. Kingdom Hearts is one of the rare exceptions."
"Linearity doesn't serve that type of world as well and again to reiterate linearity does not automatically make something bad in my estimation but I do think it's employed more successfully in some spots than others."
"Just as every book has a start and a finish, a series must have a beginning and an end."
"Everything pays off, every character has clear motivations."
"It's a perfect fit... I think Neil Druckmann is uniquely qualified... there's definitely an episodic nature to The Last of Us."
"It's kind of it's like a slow burn with a big climactic ending and that's what we wanted to kind of achieve with Hellboy..."
"As a result, they stand in stark contrast to the show's earlier seasons that focused on epic journeys, character development, and long throughlines."
"This is a story with an unusual beginning, so let's expect an unusual end."
"It's nice to have like a bittersweet ending."
"Mythopoesis is defined primarily by its structural evolution, not by its origins."
"Give them the dungeons, give them the puzzles, and give them the traditionally told story."
"That movie makes total sense if you work backwards."
"It's an interesting concept, I'll definitely say that much, and I can definitely say that it's very well written."
"Yeah, it has like five different endings but what the [ __ ] when you're this damn good you've earned every single one of them."
"Characters need an arc. They need a starting point and an end point in their journey."
"Despite this vast range of player freedom, New Vegas still manages to tell a complete and cohesive story—one that starts with a bang: you're shot in the head and dropped in a shallow grave in the outskirts of Vegas."
"Reservoir Dogs as a plot structure reference for a Doom movie."
"The characters are well placed so it all kind of works out."
"The entirety of the show is predicated on adopting filmmaking techniques from character studies, dramas, and horror films to tell a real-world story."