
America Quotes

There are 3215 quotes

"The most formative experiences... how much I appreciate a place like America where we have value for human life."
"Much as we love redemption, we do love redemption, this is America, we're all about redemption, certain F UPS, it's...it's an asterisk that's right next to you."
"Would you be happy over there, though, in America? You don't know before you try, do you?"
"Be grateful for what you have in America...it could be a lot worse."
"America has at least managed to maintain a certain sense of cultural optimism."
"America's acting like it's September 10th, and we better remember what September 12th felt like."
"If the constitutional republic and this beautiful experiment of America falls, there's nowhere else to go."
"This is America, it's capitalism, that's how it works."
"Much of life can be unfair, unjust, even tragic, but this is the country where if I'm clever enough, work hard enough, and just get lucky enough, I have a chance to dream big and make my dream a reality."
"For every example you have of a Founder talking about the Christian basis of America, you can find even sometimes the same Founders saying the opposite."
"Liberty shall break out across the land of America."
"Political violence has absolutely no place in America."
"America's comeback is building a future of American possibilities."
"America is on the rise, and we have the best economy in the world."
"Every decade, people in America are getting dumber and dumber."
"The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants."
"Diversity is what makes this great to live in American countries; that's what this country was made for."
"The entire human experience...has actually been a story of despots, authoritarian dictators subjugating people. What made America so special is that the democracy...was the rarity."
"The greatness of America is not that it's more enlightened than any other nation; it's that it has the ability to repair her faults."
"America is actually based on this idea that we have to take control over our own future."
"Discrimination still exists in America, and today's decision does not change that."
"America is a wonderful nation that is based on the greatest creed that has ever been written on parchment but that it has very often failed to live up to that."
"Reflecting on America's tumultuous history, the panel grapples with the complex legacy of immigration."
"What made America a great place for the whole world to invest was the stability, reliability, transparency, and impartiality of our legal system."
"When did America become this amazing place? I think it became an amazing place when it was one of the fiercest defenders of human rights."
"What will the new America look like when this all ends?"
"Investing in America in ways we haven't for decades: roads repaired, bridges rebuilt, improvements in ports, airports, and public transportation."
"America has been tested and we've come out stronger for it."
"Let's just try to go back to what made this country great, to a grand vision and not just little petty stuff."
"America has the best hand ever dealt of any country on this planet today, ever."
"I never heard anybody talk so positively about America before."
"We've done so much for the world that the world doesn't even know about."
"You have no greater ally... in the world when it comes to the relationship of the Albanian and the American."
"The love affair of our country with America is over 100 years old."
"If God is in charge, and America is getting more secular, then God's got some good purpose for that."
"America has stood as that shining city upon a hill that beckons the world over."
"Our politics are especially interesting... America has always represented this idea of freedom."
"Good societies are very rare, and America has been a good society."
"There's no challenge beyond the reach of a united America."
"Basically, the Intellectual Dark Web is just a bunch of people with a wide variety of political viewpoints who are willing to hash out conversations in decent fashion. Now, we used to just call this America, but that's not the reality anymore."
"America was always great if you think of America as an idea. If you think of America as a set of Americans, there were some who sucked and some who were great."
"It’s not red or blue; it’s red, white and blue, and he was talking about America in a very holistic way."
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
"The national identity of America should probably be somewhat coming around the core tenets of liberalism."
"America is at its best when we make that circle of belonging wider."
"America is set up for two people: entrepreneurs and investors."
"Black culture is America's greatest export; it is the world's greatest exporter."
"America is really a great place, yes it has its flaws and it does have ugly parts of its past, but I think we can move forward supporting each other better than tearing each other down."
"The entire history of the United States of America from the Declaration of Independence to today can fit neatly inside just what is considered the decline period of the Western Roman Empire."
"America was the best house in a bad neighborhood."
"We're on the cusp of another era of American innovation."
"Black people deserve to live because we are human, and black people deserve much more from America."
"America is a land of opportunity...but we need to work hard to make sure it is true."
"America, we don't just have a rendezvous with destiny; we take destiny's hand and we lead it."
"There are opportunities in America. I mean, I won't lie about that. Things we can attain in America in a small period of time probably will take somebody a lifetime in Jamaica to reach those same achievements."
"The number one way of upward mobility in America is through education."
"The story of America is trying to fulfill the promises of the Declaration of Independence over time, make those promises available to everybody."
"I believe we're at an inflection point in this country."
"This is America; we shouldn't have to set up a GoFundMe to help a little boy with cancer."
"The best of America lies ahead, but only when we rediscover our shared belief in the United States of America for our children's future."
"When America chooses the right path and pulls together, we can dream big dreams."
"You can't have a strong America unless there's one America."
"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America; there is the United States of America."
"America is the only nation in the world that can be defined by a single word: possibilities."
"The Super Constellation made its mark in civil aviation especially in America as it was the first passenger plane that could fly coast to coast non-stop."
"Put a human on America, you get a president."
"America welcomes immigrants. We want people to come here, despite where they came from or despite the circumstances that drove them to this country."
"America was also founded on God, was founded to fulfill His purpose."
"If you want to be an optimist about America today, stand on your head. My country looks so much better from the bottom up than from the top down."
"America still symbolizes freedom around the world."
"A quality education is the closest thing to magic in America."
"America's system is in and of itself cruel, racist, and vicious."
"We teach that the story of America, the story of the West, it's a story of tyranny and oppression when in reality the story of the West is this amazing story of overcoming those things."
"America is so creative...an unparalleled pool of stunning talent."
"May God bless you and your family and America."
"America is awesome, it does better and better every day... so long as we maintain the idea that the greatness of America is our ability to recognize our faults and fix them, not burn it all to the ground."
"The Space Shuttle will go down in history as one of the great flying machines that America has produced."
"America is the greatest nation on God's green earth."
"When the New York Times launched its 1619 project last year, it sought to reframe the country's history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative."
"If you want to understand the brutality of American capitalism you have to start on the plantation."
"America represents hope, America represents a nation that is a light to the world."
"All the elements that you need for a revitalized America are already here."
"The 2020 election is about whether America remains America."
"America, as a nation, is deeply intertwined with the ugly roots of racism embedded in the foundation of this country."
"America is the freest country in the world, just ask anyone who's never been outside of the country."
"We need now a new way of thinking about what it means to be old in America."
"The state of the world historically has been replete with evil and horror and brutality, and America, unlike other nations, has fought over time to wipe them away, at home and abroad."
"America is not only the least racist it has ever been; it is one of the least racist multiracial countries on the planet."
"America is not only the most prosperous country on the planet; its black citizens are among the most prosperous black citizens on the planet."
"We believe in an America where our past informs our future."
"I can't believe that this is 2023 and America is talking about censoring education. This is America, not a communist nation."
"America is beautiful, and it does take a mindset adjustment especially if you've lived in the cities for a really long time."
"America is [__] ugly, but it didn't have to be this way, and it doesn't have to be in the future."
"America got started by people who were escaping religious autocracy so they could have religious freedom."
"America always does the right thing once it's tried everything else first."
"America is an incredible place. It's the greatest place in the history of the world."
"The truth is that America is an incredible place full of opportunity."
"If we all do that, I do think that America can see a better day because I think we're in a dark moment right now."
"If I could wave a magic wand, there's actually three things that are most related to safety in America: housing, income, and access to necessary care."
"America's sense of its history is warped by what it wants to believe."
"For a lot of Americans, me included, what's happening right now in history, global history, American history, feels like an inflection point."
"The founding principles of the United States were universal, not racist."
"Hear me clearly, America is not a racist country."
"America has basically achieved equal opportunity in terms of race. We have chased away the Jim Crow bugaboo."
"What shocked me the most is that how growing up, I always believed that America was Pure Clean."
"There are literally two Americas. One America is beautiful for situation...overflowing with the milk of prosperity and the honey of opportunity."
"This other America has a daily ugliness about it that constantly transforms the ebullience of hope into the fatigue of despair."
"Racism is so American that when you challenge racism, it looks like you're challenging America."
"America is not a lie, but a disappointment. But a disappointment because it is a hope."
"America... is also itself a work in progress and founded on certain documents... subject to revision."
"It is very difficult to legally pass laws in this country [America] that affect religious freedom because of our constitution. We thank Allah for the constitution; it is a very beneficial document in that regard."
"In the past 40 years, America had a long dream about this faraway land... now we are waking up from that dream."
"America struggles to live up to its founding ideals and is gradually moving toward the fulfillment of those founding ideals."
"This right here, this is America's gun. It's the most popular handgun in America."
"I've never gone of a bear of America ever since. I always believed passionately in America's capacity for reinvention."
"It's about defense of America, it's about defense of our democracy, it's about defense of our freedoms."
"If America falls to an authoritarian government, it will be because the American people have said we accept this."
"Rather than decoupling, what's going to make America great in the future, and what made America great in the past, is being open to competition, welcoming people from around the world, no matter where you're from, who you are, you get treated equally and fairly in this market."
"America is unquestionably the world's cultural hegemon."
"There is strong evidence pointing to the fact that Columbus was probably not the first non-native American to set foot in the Americas."
"I think America's future is intertwined with Israel's future."
"We will save democracy. As hard as those times have been, I'm more optimistic about America today than I've been my whole life."
"America has done a very good job of saying well this is where we're at, so unfortunately this is where we're at: guns have one job - kill."
"Words have the power to destroy or heal. They can bring life or bring destruction."
"America as we know it will not survive where we are right now, but she can be revived through the power of the Spirit of God in the Church of God as we begin to intercede for this nation."
"My grandfather believed in the goodness of America because he believed that having faith in God, faith in himself, and faith in what the future could hold for his kids would unleash opportunities in ways that you cannot imagine."
"This is the hope that Americans have to set this right, this committee. And that hostility shows what we're up against."
"The reality is that they're just seeking everybody in class to be white and Christian. That's their dream, but America doesn't look like that."
"America has been the place where I've been able to be the architect of my own future."
"The beauty of America is it's a place where your destiny is constructed by you."
"This is truly uncharted territory for America."
"America was the system on which the image of a free and open society was built."
"To overcome these challenges – to restore the soul and to secure the future of America – requires more than words. It requires that most elusive of things in a democracy: Unity. Unity."
"We must shape a new mentality in America. Man's desires must overshadow his needs."
"What is America? A name, a man, a flag I see, a certain word: democracy. What is America to me? The house I live in, the street, the grocer, and the butcher, and the people that I meet."
"Farming in America could not exist without John Deere."
"The law that fulfills our moral obligation here in America: health care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few."
"Have you ever seen America as divisive as we are today? No, I think we're in a very divisive point in America's history."
"Gun violence in America is a seemingly intractable issue with a complex history and tragic real-life stakes."
"America's diversity is one of its greatest strengths, but it does come with some pretty serious historical baggage."
"America is the land of opportunity where an individual can determine the outcome of their lives, as opposed to their birth titles, like a nobleman or a duchess, being the deciding factor."
"America is like the world leader in some cases for a reason, and we kind of set the standard for what world policy should be like."
"He wrote most famously a book called 'Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America' about how America was literally racist in all of its iterations from the very beginning."
"If you're trying to tear down America from the root and expect the structure to stand, then you are sadly mistaken."
"We live in America, and in America, we have the freedom to express ourselves."
"Racism in America is possibly the biggest obstacle for the left."
"The very first enslaved Africans were brought here over 400 years ago. Since then, no part of America's story has been untouched by the legacy of slavery."
"America -- it can be inspiring and beautiful. It can also be dark and ugly. It's so many things... but it's ours. It's 'Our America.'"
"America was always an idea. How do you know? Because it wasn't always a territory."
"The greatest threat to America comes from an ascendant China."
"America's on the edge of an abyss, and our movement is the only force on earth that can save it."
"We need to reimagine how we are achieving public safety in America."
"These crises have ripped the blinders right off the systemic racism that exists in America."
"What makes America so attractive is capitalism."
"This is America, and this is what freedom looks like."
"Above all, I came here because of America's belief in human dignity."
"America is a failed social experiment." - Cornel West
"It is so important for the people of America and the West to begin to understand the cultures of the world."
"America is not a democracy, it is [__] 10 multinational corporations in a trench coat."
"Defending the rules-based international order... explicitly benefits America."
"To oppose the United States government is not the same as opposing America."
"It's a beautiful, late summer day, the final days of August in the heartland of America."
"I'm optimistic about the future of America. We can change this planet, we can change this country."
"The stones that your story has, and their story has, and everybody has, these stones make up America. They're not just black stones; they're white stones, and brown stones, and blue stones, and nasty dirty muddy stones. That's how we got here. Let's just tell the truth."
"This is a once-in-a-generation investment in America."
"That's America, not all this garbage and this division and yelling and screaming and hatred on all sides."
"America was on the threshold of a biological revolution."
"This country has always been considered a melting pot."
"Thinking about its merits less as a game and more as a cultural object, specifically a cultural object with something to say about America."
"America is often referred to as a melting pot, a place where many cultures meet and come together."
"America is on the move again, turning parallel into possibility, crisis to opportunity, setbacks into strength."
"America is a tremendous success story... the greatest success story in world history."
"In America you cannot pay for sex without breaking the law."
"We're gonna have pathways to prosperity for more Americans."
"America sucks and America's bad and America is this and uh get a little one of the benefits about having YouTube and access to different channels where you can kind of brainwash yourself out of the insanity stuff."
"Does America have a race problem? All the evidence says yes."
"America's an amazing place. What a rom-com this is."
"It is time to show the whole world that America is back bigger and better and stronger than ever before."
"It's one of the last free places, at least in America."
"Tick Tock is just America, it's as America as it gets."
"america's absolutely a racist country my angel america is absolutely a racist country."
"Democracy in America has never been more robust."
"America is truly the Ronaldo of regime change."
"Demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore."
"The future will really be determined by how America and Americans respond to the shifting world order." - John Huntsman Jr.
"I mean, you know, it's interesting the first that comes to mind is all the people who have said things like this isn't America, this isn't who we are."
"There is something beautiful about the America that considered importing them, an America so intent on facing down its problems and solving them."
"Neither camp will be capable of weaving a new purposeful narrative for America."
"Vietnam is essential to understanding American life today."
"The Black Tom Explosion... the first terrorist attack in America."
"I felt proud of Cosby... It made me proud of America."
"When fascism comes to America it will be holding a bible and carrying an American flag."
"So much of this is a moment to reflect on the state of mind of America and Virginia, and this mental health crisis."
"We are the only country in the world with significantly more guns than people."
"The true story in America is the fact that we are LED currently by a criminal cartel and maybe we always have it."
"America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before."
"The praying church represents the future of America."
"Americans are looking forward to the safe and rapid reopening of our country."
"Beneath the surface is a quite intriguing concept: the founding fathers intended America to be a new Atlantis, a beacon of light to the rest of the world."
"America really is the great country of reinvention."