
Value Of Life Quotes

There are 443 quotes

"The most formative experiences... how much I appreciate a place like America where we have value for human life."
"Solitude is for me a fount of healing which makes my life worth living."
"Communities really band together in times of tragedy... It just shows you how valuable life is and how everybody just gets together; they love all being together."
"A Palestinian baby has the same value as an Israeli baby."
"Every life in this broken, shattered world matters to God."
"James Sandin learns that a stranger’s life is just as valuable as his family’s."
"Life has value, and your life has value too."
"The world is a fine place and worth fighting for."
"The conscious experience is literally the thing that we value. It's how we determine when a person is dead, for instance, when the conscious experience is gone and it's not going to come back."
"You don't have to put them on a human's life on the same level as an animal's life to objectively believe there's something that's wrong."
"I still feel like black women's lives don't matter as much as other people's lives."
"So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
"Human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."
"Death creates urgency, it defines what danger is, it makes us cherish the present moment."
"As I live, says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked."
"A social assumption might follow, or be subtly reinforced, that it's better to be dead than to live with a disability."
"Consciousness is the ability to feel things like pain or pleasure, love or hate, and it's far more valuable than intelligence alone."
"Human life is precious, and every decision we are making is with that in mind."
"There is no dollar figure on human life in this country, and there never should be."
"There's a huge loss there that it's even hard to quantify with a dollar amount when it comes to the loss of a human life."
"If you believe that every life has equal value, it’s revolting to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not."
"Money has literally zero benefit when you are dead."
"It's only possible and sensible to continue this conversation if we agree that life has value and that its value is inherent."
"We should create a society in which human life is valued and...individuals should have the liberty to choose some of their actions."
"Any man who valued life over pride was worthy of his service."
"Grief presupposes having loved, presupposes the judgment that this person's specific, bounded existence was valuable, was something that should have been, even in its inevitably imperfect and vulnerable form."
"The most valuable piece of real estate in the world is the cemetery, because there you will find buried symphonies that were unfinished, works that were undone, cures that were undiscovered."
"Those eight people had families... even if it was just one, who are we to invalidate that person's life?"
"Existence is infinitely preferable to non-existence."
"Above all, human life is the most important."
"Even if we can save one life, it would be worth it."
"Death is cheap and your health is expensive."
"He rescued them from a mockery of existence."
"If you're really unlucky and you die, it was probably worth it in the fight."
"How are we here right now in society that they don't value a life?"
"I am the byproduct of a rape. My mother was 11 years old when I was conceived. My father was 21. I was not just a lump of cells, as you can see. I'm still not just a lump of cells. My life has value."
"Human life is priceless; killing off half a population is never a solution."
"Protect your kids. Protect yourself. Understand how valuable you are and understand how valuable kids are. And protect those kids even if they're not yours."
"A life without risk is a life not worth living."
"Situations like this prove that the most valuable unexpected discoveries are not artifacts... but living human beings."
"Sierra's life was worth far more than the 20 years she was able to live. She inspired people she did not know."
"I stand behind life because I know that every life is a gift from God, life is sacred, life is beautiful." - Pro-life advocate in Poland
"No one is expendable, no life is worth losing to add one more point to the Dow."
"I think too many people have lost sight of the value of each life. It is a sad situation when someone can callously take the life of another human being."
"The deaths should have a purpose, goal, a meaning, and even the smallest death like has some value."
"There is never a real or true reason that somebody's life should be taken by someone else. Never."
"Unfortunately, as evidenced by Six Flags' negligence, those lives weren't worth the cost of a fire alarm."
"You clearly have zero understanding of the pain that kind of loss can cause, the irreplaceable value of life. A single life is as important as the entire universe."
"There are too many children is like saying there are too many flowers."
"We have to reaffirm the innate sacred value of every individual human life."
"No property is worth more than a human life."
"A puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and the world."
"The life we have is precious because it's the only one we get, so treat it with respect."
"This is treating human lives as if they are worth nothing."
"The human race is so precious, it must survive."
"Don't worry about your life... Look at the birds, they don't reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not more valuable?"
"These children are not disposable, they're so valuable, they're so precious, they're so important."
"I think our children's lives matter. I think babies' lives matter."
"Our children are more valuable than anything."
"The list is an absolute good. The list is life."
"Life teaches us in the most unfortunate ways that life is finite, it's not guaranteed and it is precious."
"All life is valuable. All life is valuable the moment of conception is value."
"We have a whole crucifix we can point to that tells us why our lives matter and why we're loved."
"The idea that circumstances are better when you kill an unborn human being because the unborn human being is gonna be born into a bad situation bad situations can be made better death cannot."
"Life is cheap in a way that is familiar from the developing world."
"Saving one innocent life is like saving the life of all humanity."
"Life can never be safe and if it's safe it's not worth living. It really isn't."
"Seconds matter and then you can't buy it. Rich folks, you can't buy it. Intellectual folks, is it PhD won't help. It all you beautiful fine people, you're so gorgeous, gorgeous people die."
"The only motive is he was worth more dead than he was alive."
"A human life is more valuable than property."
"Does a life have value for its own sake or is that life more or less valuable depending on what it believes?"
"A strong wall is worth nothing without the fullness of the lives it protects."
"Hunt believes that each and every life counts."
"Memories and people are so much more valuable than anything else."
"Life being precious as it is, human life in particular."
"No public figure is worth losing a life or taking somebody else's."
"Life is precious, every life has the same amount of value intrinsically."
"Everybody's worth saving, everybody's worth putting energy into, everybody is worth looking at."
"One person is worth it all to save one more person from going to hell."
"Life has inherent value regardless of the circumstances of conception, regardless of the location of a particular life, regardless of the gestational age of a particular child."
"It's hard to imagine what you would do in that situation but because it's just one second right generally, you know, a vehicle is not worth a life."
"Every life has meaning and is worth protecting."
"We believe human life is precious. It should be saved and preserved."
"Freedom is free, the best things in life are free."
"All of the money in the world, all of the likes in the world it means what if your soul ain't right, absolutely nothing."
"Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world."
"Understanding the value of life inside the womb is critical and important to understanding how to treat life outside the womb. It starts with the mindset while the baby is in the womb."
"No amount of money, no exploration endeavor is worth losing people's lives."
"No one gets to decide that a child's life isn't worth living because of the circumstances that it's born into. Every child's life is worth saving."
"Consider the ravens, they do not sow or reap... how much more valuable you are than birds."
"The lives of Mortals are really precious in this world."
"Preserving life sounds like a really good thing, right?"
"Your life is far more important than any amount of money."
"Adam Sandler's Clique gave us almost the exact same thematic message about value of life and did it a hundred thousand times better than this movie did."
"I believe in a culture of life where everybody counts."
"What is the worth of a single mortal's life? A riddle Paladin."
"Life is precious and it's worthy of protection."
"By teaching people that death is going to happen, it emphasizes the value of life."
"There's no such thing as a human being who doesn't deserve to live."
"It was perhaps the only thing worth knowing."
"Responsible each life we create, even if it began millions of years ago, is precious and valuable, truly valuable."
"No Nigerian blood is worth the ambition of one man."
"Nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian."
"Life, whether short or long, is an opportunity to align with God's purposes and to treasure our days in accordance with his will."
"In the Christian worldview, it is absolutely wrong to kill yourself... because you fundamentally do [have value, meaning, and purpose]."
"Every life is precious, I don't care what color you are."
"Islam prohibits killing of innocent human beings. Human life is precious."
"Islam tells us you kill one person unjustly, it's as if you've killed all mankind."
"There's no value you can put on a human life, especially when it's somebody that you love."
"Ordinary people are exposed to extraordinary circumstances, maybe it is that period of great sacrifice or the fear that you might not live to see another day, that reminds us of what is most precious."
"Handle your business, your life is priceless."
"Once you take a life, life itself becomes meaningless."
"Every life matters, every culture matters, every life has value."
"Life goes too fast, man, and if you don't enjoy it, what's it worth?"
"Aim of all life is that God in Christ be displayed as infinitely valuable."
"Everything is important, either that or nothing is. I prefer the former."
"We are coming here even if we're tired, even if we're afraid, because we know that lives matter."
"Life is preferable to death. That's why death is the escalation, it's not a punishment."
"Our lives are just as valuable as their lives on the other side of the tracks."
"What we do know is that he placed no value on human life and saw his existence as one big experiment."
"Republicans care very much about babies actually."
"What is wrong is all life not being valued. The lives of grass, of humans, of animals, of flowers are all valuable."
"Life is a precious gift from God and if we don't respect that what do we respect."
"It's kind of funny how a terminator really got to understand the value of human life."
"We just can't start throwing away lives in the name of causes."
"If my life is not valuable, why should I value yours?"
"Human life is the highest economic value, beyond price."
"What value does the child who is killed have? Right, what value... I mean, what value are you assigning there?"
"It's like that's what makes life worth fucking living."
"They consider the lives of Chinese inmates to be more disposable."
"Life is disposable and we are doing ourselves a huge, huge disservice if we begin to decide whose life is worthy."
"Every life that is lost is important. The remains a priority for this Police Department."
"Tribalism... Those lives are super precious. Jewish, Christian, American, Israeli... Muslim lives worthless? Kill their babies? Don't care at all?" - Highlighting the absurdity of valuing some lives over others.
"When you kill a human being, you kill everything that human being could have contributed."
"The value of life in the US seems to be minimal compared to civilized Nations, and this is happening time and time again."
"No human life is more important than another human life."
"Life is precious to this man, every life, and everyone's life."
"Human life is more precious to me now because every day that gun reminds me of how much I care about my life and the people I love and that I have the power to defend everything I care about should the need arise."
"If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our citizens."
"The child in the womb has no intrinsic value apart from the value that the mother chooses to impose upon."
"It's just not worth losing your life over, no matter how amazing it is."
"Having something to lose is what makes life worth living."
"And of course any war is a tragedy regardless of which side it is and that's my concern as well I care about life period"
"I don't think I fear death anymore. I actually value existence intrinsically."
"No one deserves to have their life taken this way."
"If you have no respect for life, you have no respect for freedom."
"Sadly, there has been a change in the common mentality and we are more led to think that life is a good at our complete disposal."
"I'd rather you be alive than not alive, you know? Don't be scared."
"The measure of a man’s life is not the things he possess, but the number of things he is able to use rightly."
"The lives of black people who have died following contact with police are worth more than any statue."
"One life is worth more than all the guns in America." - Sara Chadwick
"Your life is worth more than all the money in the world."
"No human life should ever be taken, but this just hit home in a very short period of time, this was just hard, fast, and just devastating."
"Money doesn't mean anything if someone's life is on the line."
"The Catholic tradition is firmly committed to the inherent dignity and value of all persons."
"The presence of human life means that this has worth... the life is deserving of the same protections as a five-year-old child would receive."
"His life was invaluable and no amount of money or no decision by a jury could ever bring him back."
"We are not going to triage and say, 'Well, these were old people, these were vulnerable people, they had to die sometime soon anyway.'"
"Every life is of value, black women's lives count."
"I can't imagine someone looking at someone so beautiful and kind and still thinking that she should take her life from her."
"I value life now where before I hated it."
"If we're killing each other, it's like we don't value our own lives as much."
"The uncommitted life isn't worth living."
"A life is a life. What better reason do you need to not kill them?"
"If you kill a person, what makes your life more important than the one that you've removed?"
"Even when the stigma is so hard, push past it because the lives are worth it."
"Life is sacred and minimizing loss should be the number one priority."
"It's better to live for a relatively short time and have a painless death than not to have lived at all."
"We live a very humble existence. That robbery taught us both something very important: You can have all the money in the world, all the fancy cars and jewelry, but nothing is worth losing your life over."
"There's something in us that says life is precious I want to hold it."
"What it does do, getting that close to death and then coming back from it, is it gives you an immensely increased sense of the value of every day of life."
"The true value of life is to realize that exactly who you are in your purest authentic form is what you're always meant to be. That you are precisely what you've been looking for."
"The unexamined life is not worth living, according to Plato."
"...that's just the nature of Captain America he believes that every life is worth saving."
"You will see exactly what life is worth when all the rest has gone."
"No amount of money is worth your life, fam."
"Jesus saw it as precious, therefore life was cared for."
"Nothing is worth this, nothing is worth your life ending any degree like Rebecca Costa’s did."
"Either all life is precious, or none of it is."
"Suicide is not the objective. You are not to be slain merely as sacrifices for the nation."
"In Judaism, there's a saying: 'He who saves One Life Saves the World.'"
"The unreflective life is not worth living."
"Life means a lot more now than it ever has."
"All life is precious. Parents killing their kids is just late action."
"...our belief that human life is valuable enough to live through suffering is what defines it as being so."
"The worst thing that a person can do to you is still not worth killing them."
"Their lives are not a mistake, their lives might be hard, they might be poor, they might be with parents who did not expect them and do not want them, that doesn't mean that they don't deserve to live."
"Those who do not appreciate life do not deserve life."
"There's something innately valuable about life what exactly it is they remain forever elusive."
"It was worth it because it saved the country… Potentially saved hundreds of thousands of lives. What’s that worth?"
"According to the Miami Herald, if there's a burglar in your house, remember, there's nothing as valuable as your life."
"The loss of life is bad, every life is precious."
"If I save one young man from ending up in a premature grave due to gun violence and crime it will all have been worthwhile."
"The loss of a life is not worth it, right? No way, no how, right? We have to find something better to do than kill ourselves."
"It showed how valuable life was but how easy it could be taken in a multitude of different ways."
"I don't know what you think you got in that store that's worth your life."
"Ultimately, the life of a man is of no greater importance to the universe than the life of an oyster."
"One Eldar life is like 10 human lives, 20 human lives."
"Just imagine a universe where nobody feels unwelcome, where every life is cherished, where everybody knows that they belong, that they're loved."
"Your life wasn't worth two hoots last night. It is fortunate you learned something."