
Routine Quotes

There are 12275 quotes

"As the sun sets and the world turns quiet, a powerful secret lies hidden in a simple nighttime routine that could transform your health journey."
"Take your MEDS: meditation, exercise, diet, sleep."
"You must get back into a first 30 minute morning routine in which you connect with your ambitions."
"You feel trapped; every day feels like you're on a treadmill."
"Stay dedicated, create a routine or create a schedule for yourself."
"Routine has been increasingly helpful in this whole healing journey. If you create structure and know the things that you're going to do as soon as you wake up, it just creates a bit of a safe space for you."
"Rather than deliberate living, most people simply accepted that life was a series of waking up, working, going to bed, and repeating."
"I love my reset days. I'll usually do like a weekly reset on Sundays just to kind of get back into my routine, do all the things I've put off during the week, and then also prepare for a new week ahead."
"I love that I get to be a part of your morning routine."
"There's a lot of autopilot once the season starts; it's just grind, grind, grind."
"Your self-care practice is really important, something that you do daily."
"Let the daily practice do its work on you just in a simple form, and then when you're done, you can pray, write your intentions for the day, read spiritual literature, list things that you're grateful for, do push-ups, whatever it is that's part of your positive routine."
"You're going to be redoing your schedule and routine, and your health is definitely going to be improving."
"A morning routine sets the tone for the day. The more positive the first hour, the more powerful the rest of the day."
"Develop a sleep schedule... creating a routine will set up your body to work like literal clockwork."
"Morning routine: first things first, I make a cup of coffee."
"Routine develops resilience. Predictability creates stability."
"Curate a routine for yourself that you enjoy and that you're excited to do when you wake up."
"People wake up in the morning and are pissed off because they didn't get enough sleep, and they drive to work in a car that they hate. They get to work, they hate their [__] job... What are you doing with your life?"
"Day after day would roll into week after week, into month after month, and without the intention of who I actually wanted to be and how I wanted to live my life, it just felt like there were a lot of days that all kind of meshed into one."
"Sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need."
"Every morning, I come out onto the balcony, and I say hi to my people. But every morning there is no one!"
"Routine and structure give you the creative freedom to experiment and take risks."
"This routine is going to be perfect for those of you who are beginners who really want to gain more flexibility."
"You want your trade to be boring, monotonous, mundane, and routine."
"Read your desire or plan over as many times in the day as possible and always just before retiring, because on going to sleep immediately after contemplating the picture in your own mind, a full impression is left upon the human consciousness."
"Each night, before he would go to bed, he would open up the window over the Vatican and bless the world goodnight."
"Creating an environment that's conducive to sleep sends your brain and body signals that the day is over and the night and our sleep routine is beginning."
"The routine is what turns your goals into reality."
"This is a moment of time where you can learn how to stick to a routine."
"Mental health doesn't ultimately come from some enlightened state that you experience within your being; it comes from your relationships to other people and honestly your daily routine."
"I didn't have my mojo. I realized there were things I did in my normal life that gave me mental fitness, and because I wasn't doing those, I was suffering mental ill health."
"Everything is about routine. Wealth is born from systems, routines, strategies implemented over and over and over again."
"My favorite time of day is holding my son in my arms after I've done my morning routine... It's the most magical part of my day."
"Doing it once a week will keep your house nice and clean and save a lot of work for you."
"Creating a routine is the key to having an efficient home and a cleaner home."
"The daily grind usually refers to your workday, it's really more a lesson about our daily routines."
"One of my favorite automations in my smart home is what's called my morning mode routine. Basically, this kicks off a bunch of things I only like to happen once when my bed sensor first detects me getting out of bed in the morning."
"If you don't have a good routine, a healthy routine, it's going to be very hard for you to be truly happy."
"Everyone's so different, but I don't think it matters how different people are, if they have a good little routine, they got. I think that just can only benefit you."
"You see how healthy Joe Rogan is at his age, and it's like, but that's routine, discipline."
"Sleep is the foundation of our mental and physical health. You must have a consistent nighttime routine to function at your best."
"The most important aspect of any routine is that we make it achievable so that we're not setting ourselves up for failure."
"Building a routine and making it a routine, and if you can't, having someone else who's also motivated—that's the key."
"Time to shake off the rust and get into a routine that keeps you on track day after day."
"Get yourself on a regular schedule of watering, weeding, fertilizing, inspecting all the things you got to do in your garden."
"One of the most effective keys to organization is routine consistency."
"The bottom line is that when you are pooping at the right frequency, you feel well, you feel satisfied after a bowel movement, you feel like you are in a rhythm."
"Haruki Murakami is a prolific author with a really strict writing routine. For his writing routine, he gets up at about 4 a.m. every day during the times when he's drafting a novel."
"Routine: wake up, drink coffee, tell jokes. It's like Groundhog Day but with more laughter."
"I made sure I did the very basic self-care morning routine."
"And today is Monday, which means it's murder mystery and Makeup Monday."
"If you want to master the morning, you have to learn to master the nighttime routine."
"Regular meditation daily; you must meditate."
"I'm gonna have lunch with them every day in the cafeteria."
"The goal of any skincare routine is to give you the essential building blocks to make sure your skin is functioning healthily and at its best."
"I personally love putting on my eye creams in the morning and at night. I think they are just so effective for just treating the under-eye area."
"Having a bedtime routine for yourself gives your brain a minute to shut down and relax and get calm for a bit."
"We're gonna clean out any leftovers and just take care of business on Sundays."
"I can't believe you're still sleeping. I've already been to work at the veterinary clinic and everything."
"I'm really looking forward to having a routine and a schedule again, getting my life back on track."
"Change your morning routine, give the first hour of the day to yourself, and you will see your life completely change."
"It's really convenient and has become something that I look forward to."
"Sometimes we need a little bit of encouragement and a little bit of a push into our daily spiritual routines."
"Once systems are refined, they become automatic, routine, and normal to you."
"You can start your day that way too, or you can maybe pick one time during the middle of the day where you want to do this flow and increase your energy, increase your flexibility."
"A routine like this is always nice to have... your set go-to products that are really reliable, easy to work with, you know, things that kind of do all the work for you."
"Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition."
"Being more disciplined and sticking to a routine more, you'll start seeing results."
"But when you probably figure out how to use or incorporate it into your skincare routine, it can completely brighten, lighten and protect your entire face and skin from premature signs of aging."
"It's Wednesday, it's sacred gaming hours now."
"Decompressing on a teeter inversion table for a few minutes a day is a great addition to your daily routine to maintain a healthy back and joints."
"Our brain loves routine... we evolved to want to get in a routine because in the past that used to keep us safe."
"Time to go back home and check on my crops. It's Tuesday night farming night."
"Extraordinary accomplishments come from doing ordinary things for extraordinary periods of time."
"Just do it all manually on an evening before you go to bed."
"Mars in Virgo: Major emphasis on daily routine, cleanliness, diet, and aesthetics of surroundings."
"I would wake up early and I would get on my knees. I would have the scriptures before me, and I would ask God for wisdom, for clarity, for protection, for provision."
"It's a very important time to make yourself a cup of tea."
"Quarantine sleep schedule: gaming till 4 a.m., waking up at 9."
"So when I go out for my walk, come back, and probably by the end of the day."
"He's sort of a disciplined guy who follows a routine."
"The Fox from this video had been feeding this fox regularly at the same spot for over a year."
"Swamishri never once compromised and never went to sleep before 11:30 PM."
"I really need to start using some like gradually turning moisturizer on my face cuz it just fades so quickly from my face."
"We are no different than a German Shepherd... we need purpose, we need routine."
"Saitama started a daily training schedule which consisted of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats along with running 10 kilometers every single day."
"Your nighttime routine is when you repair your skin, and your morning routine is when you protect your skin."
"A normal day... revolves around... eating and training... it gives you structure, purpose..."
"Just because someone has good skin does not mean they have an amazing skincare routine."
"Creating a daily routine, a morning routine, a wellness practice, has been one of the most important things I have done for my life."
"I believe in like the 4 step skincare routine to my core."
"Different ingredients within a three-step routine that are going to help your discoloration."
"Having a regular wake-up time seems to correlate pretty highly with the ability to fall asleep consistently."
"There's no change without a change of routine."
"When your life consists of basically going to work, coming home, and having very little else to do, then certainly families having new children all the time can be pretty easy to happen."
"Your morning and your nighttime routine work as a team...I preach sunscreen to you guys."
"Having a consistent routine is also highly beneficial for sleep quality and quantity."
"If you can change your lunch and dinner to improve health, why not do it?"
"Jennifer wakes up on the morning of January 24th to get ready for work as she usually did."
"It's our feeding time now. What's for lunch today, Mr. Lion?"
"We will get up, we will go to work tomorrow."
"Something about movement, something about travel pulls us out of the routines that numb us."
"Each morning I'd like to go for a walk for 10 to 15 minutes to get outside and really appreciate my surroundings."
"If you're going to work tomorrow because that's what you did yesterday, you're not going to be as good tomorrow as you were yesterday."
"I get to work, I get to return emails, I get to do meetings."
"Scientifically, it takes 66 days to form a new habit."
"It's like going through a car wash, unmistakably de-icing spray."
"Passionate with their sports teams... Sunday at 1:00 o'clock everyone's in front of the TV waiting for the Eagles."
"Consistency is key: make interacting with Jupiter part of your routine."
"Spray it, scrub it, shine it, clean it, wash it, rinse it, gloss it, sheen it."
"I'm just gonna like when I do this before training it kinda like picks my energy up, you know?"
"You know, you had your staples that you always went to."
"This routine went on for five years until Moses suddenly stopped showing up."
"Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier."
"Repetitive behavior is the key to mind control. Think of a hamster on a hamster wheel. They are constantly working their routine."
"You see another guard sort of patrolling across quite slowly."
"If you have a good process and a good routine, good things tend to happen."
"Success is doing the same things day in and day out, and then continuing to do them even once you find success."
"We know the drill now at our hotel: we grab our helmets, our body armor, we troop down to the car park in the basement."
"Getting dressed each day ripples into other habits that promote self-care and productivity."
"You want to make money, you gotta have a routine."
"Reduce external disturbances. Your nightly routine should be a personal sanctuary."
"Meal planning: the heart of our family routine."
"Daily routines are all of the things that you do on a regular basis. Pretty much every day of your life."
"At a certain point in the day, you're going to take a break or you're going to take a coffee break."
"Assign tasks, create a steady schedule, and stay accountable."
"Morning prayer becomes a sanctuary of peace amidst the storms of life."
"Choose a place and schedule a time daily to have quiet time."
"Every morning she's sending me a good morning text."
"It's a new year, but I guess that means it's not a new me because I'm doing the exact same thing."
"Adjusting the baseline: find happiness in everyday tasks."
"God's in control he always has been and so we make sure that we have a verse of the day every single show."
"Communication is key. Sit down Tuesdays, nine o'clock, every week. We have a meeting."
"If you're doing 10 minutes every day that is just for you, it will make a huge difference to your mental health."
"Find the routine that works for you, but it must be a routine."
"It's like you're actually just going into some office and just having to like talk to people and shit."
"The thing that makes everything better, it's cold, the simultaneous sip."
"It wasn't just that it was was actually attitude to you know after games how you pretty much start your prep for the following week if you're playing week after week um things like that you know that takes a while but it starts to become the norm."
"I stopped showering right when I got up, because I didn't really have anywhere to be."
"Honestly, I'm not too scared about waking them up with my voice. I think they are used to these kinds of things, you know. This is just another day as a vocalist, you know."
"Hydrate early, you will drink more water if you wake up earlier and start drinking water right away."
"Every morning or every night my mum will iron my dad a shirt and she will put it on his door for him in the morning."
"You keep doing what you've always done, you'll get the same sh*t."
"Life in suburbia is an underrated adventure, even with the very predictable daily routine."
"Change is always scary. We appreciate a routine of some kind. We like when things are predictable in a way."
"After two months of no grocery shopping, we decided today is the day."
"This whole shrinkage routine that we go through at the start of most games looks pretty painful."
"Alright thanks everyone... we'll see you next week, bye."
"My husband and I watch GMM every night after work, married eight years."
"Hello Kevin has become a part of my routine... it makes me smile every time."
"Establishing a planning routine was a game changer for me."
"Does this look fun? This looks sensory, he's just gonna do that for hours every day."
"Battle passes: making the game part of your daily routine, turning it into a habit."
"It really kind of locks in that foundation and concealer."
"Over time if you do this give me just five days, you do this five days in a row... you will experience massive transformation."
"You will eventually settle into a new routine, a new way of life."
"There's a few staple meals that I have in my regular weekly rotation like these asian meatballs I'd eat these every night no complaints."
"You wake up the next day and you just keep doing what you've been doing."
"A no big deal attitude towards waking up, doing a quick movement session, feeling really good and feeling those endorphins afterwards."
"Sometimes skincare can seem a little bit like a chore or a little bit laborious but I think one of the amazing things about skincare is that it is a moment of self-care."
"You can do it throughout the day, and you're going to get much better results."
"The secret of success is found in your daily routine."
"You've got to do the same schedule and then just fill in the gaps."
"Consistency and routine are what you need in business as well."
"That was so easy to make, I'm making this every day after school from now on."
"Once you start double cleansing, seriously it changes your life."
"Find an accountability partner...and just get started. Before you know it, you'll be back into a routine."
"Giving yourself a bedtime is important. It really provides you a framework for getting enough sleep."
"By the time third period rolled around, burn period is beginning now. Today will be another dungeon outing."
"Upgrading beauty routines, glowing up from the inside out."
"An ESDJ family member will make sure that you're up on time, you're eating right, and just going about life in a good and well-structured way."
"Finding a routine that you enjoy but also pushes you is key. It's all about sustainability and pushing yourself."
"If you're listening to me in your car and you're just driving, you know, you're just applying the gas and then the brake, because that's standard, then there's something in this message for you."
"People don't realize how important this is. You wake up not right to the phone. You wake up, get your thoughts, get ready for the day, go outside, ground, and then start actually."
"My life is just an endless cycle of moving my laundry pile."
"Even when he's tired, it's just muscle memory."
"I need routines, and I found that I am happiest, I'm productive when I'm in a [ __ ] routine."
"I wake up, the kids come to the bed, we watch cartoons, I excuse myself, I make a brown, and then before I can [ __ ] think about it, I put on the workout clothes."
"The very first thing you do is tune the guitar every time you pick it up."
"Pre-workout is like incognito mode when you live alone: you might think it's necessary, but it's not, it's just a habit."
"It's always a ton of fun to talk movie with movies with you guys every single morning."
"It's kind of my go-to nootropic um stack that I use on a pretty regular basis."
"I am once again going to ask Jackie to read the news."
"Creating a routine for your studying helps your brain feel ready to learn at your usual allocated time."
"That's the exact time you gotta keep going to the gym... Just having that routine of keeping going will pull you out of your funk."
"Do you know why they go to bed every night? Because we keep the heat on."
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get the results you've always got."
"Day 40, I cleared yet another one of these towers, and when I got home, it was flooring time."
"Why be scared about something I'm doing every single day day in and day out it's just a part of the process."
"It's time to treat bedtime like an appointment in the calendar."
"Develop a workday shutdown ritual to prepare for the next day and improve sleep."
"Whether you're going to use these products or you have products at home, it's really about having a consistent routine."
"This is a part of my routine that I would repurchase tomorrow because I have seen results."
"Sunscreen... number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."
"Daniel was a real believer and he had an amazing habit where he would pray three times a day."
"It's just part of my routine, it's just like brushing your teeth."
"He just got used to my daily routine and he wanted to be a part of it."
"I hope he gets back on land in time for his weekly poker game."
"Craft a routine. You could do more if you have a great routine."