
Clutter Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"Clutter makes us feel stressed, it makes us feel anxious."
"Clutter increases stress hormones. It's very hard for us to feel at ease and settled in a space that is cluttered up and messy."
"The problem is we have so much stuff that's actually getting in the way of living a meaningful life."
"Physical clutter is just a physical manifestation of what's going on inside us."
"A cluttered space can equate to a cluttered mind."
"Anyone's kitchen drawers are always full of kitchen gadgets that no one has an idea of what they are."
"The thing about no jumper dude, I realized as I was getting out of my 2008 Mercury Sable with trash coming up to the rim of the back seat in just my whack-ass outfit."
"It's much easier to see everyone else's clutter than it is to see our own."
"It's like Christmas every day, I got packages all up here and they all in my way."
"I felt the need to Eddie okay we're done does this feel good do you feel less stressed yeah loads and loads of clothes here yet his contacts his contact solution."
"Excess clutter affects our productivity and, most importantly, our mental health."
"Your clutter is really telling you where your organization is lacking."
"Clutter goes beyond physical space - there's mental clutter, emotional clutter, relationship clutter, and time clutter."
"I just put a little bit more clutter here just trying to show that they use this area a little bit more."
"It was like a twister had ripped through the local library and deposited all the pages it tore out into my apartment."
"Overbuying can lead to clutter and unnecessary expenses; know when enough is enough."
"I'll bring it right back. You stay right here like a tough guy. Oh my god, you have a lot of coffee cups, buddy!"
"Clutter can be a physical manifestation of mental health issues."
"All of my mom's things were in a giant pile in the middle of the living room."
"The bag is pretty much just full of trash... except a little silver key in the bottom though."
"Clutter is never just about the physical stuff."
"If you can't find something to wear in your closet, it's probably because you have too much clothing."
"My closet, a.k.a the trash hole, is a deep dark abyss where everything in my apartment goes to die."
"If your desk is just a dumping ground for papers, and wrappers, and old receipts, and everything you just want to forget about, the more it will feel like a place you want to avoid."
"I'm just kidding about that. Um, so, I'm trying to find my, I've got a couple of pictures I wanted to see if you knew. I have way too much stuff here."
"Bursting cupboards and piles of paper stacked around the house may seem harmless enough, but research shows this organization could have a cumulative effect on our brains."
"It looks like she is a hoarder, she is my messy child."
"It was said that his house was full of things, everything from antiques and collectibles to downright garbage."
"When my space is cluttered, my mind feels cluttered."
"Hopefully this gives you a little motivation to clean your room maybe clean out your own closet as well but trust me it feels so good in the end my closets have been so cluttered for so long and I'm just very happy that I got through all that."
"It's amazing the stuff you accumulate that you don't even realize you have until you pull everything out and go through it."
"When our homes are cluttered it makes us feel unsafe unsafe."
"Feel bad if your bathroom is a mess, a lot of times when we're living in the chaos and in the clutter we don't really realize how dysfunctional it becomes."
"I feel extremely stressed and overwhelmed when there is clutter or things are messy around my house."
"Too much stuff, too much clutter around you, it feels chaotic, and it feels better to just let it go."
"I'm always right on the tip of full, you know what I mean? Like, sometimes I have a little bit of breathing room, but before I know it, every drawer is pretty full."
"The clutter is winning the war, and I'm drowning over here, and it's not worth it. The crap from Walmart's not worth it, and I'm ready to stand up for myself and make a change."
"It's the clutter, it's the stuff everywhere that makes a house feel messy."
"Clutter attracts clutter, so the more stuff you have on your counter, the more likely you are to put things on the counter."
"We're going to be 80 years old and have 10 cupboards filled with novelty mugs if we don't let go of the old."
"Your clutter affects your physical health as well, absolutely does."
"Drawer dividers, especially these clear ones, are a must-have. They keep your drawers neat and organized and catch your clutter."
"I want to enjoy my home and not lay in clutter and mess. It zaps you, it does zap you healthwise being tired all the time."
"What do I use in my kitchen? What do I need? Do I need extra pots actually no I only can use up to four pots at one time so why would I have six pots right?"
"All those little things add up to this heightened sense of frantic, you know not being able to feel like there's any organization or structure in your life."
"That chaos came from like you said visual clutter but then also packing extra things in your brain that just don't need to be there."
"Clutter becomes overwhelming, chipping away at your well-being."
"There's a cost to clutter, a huge emotional cost, and there's even a cost physically."
"If you feel overwhelmed by their toys, they feel overwhelmed by it too."
"Clutter is like Kryptonite for messy people."
"We want to hear the stories, we just don't want all the junk."
"Clutter's a magnet, and even good clutter is a magnet."
"We're not gaining any money back, but what we are doing is cluttering up our closets."
"All those sliding sticks, you know, they're just everywhere."
"They might have had a closet uh you know a shelf in a closet that was like full of weird crap but they did not have the copious amounts of garages attics storage units extra places outside of their own homes full of stuff like we often do today."
"Learning your Clutterbug style has been such a game changer for me and has really restored my confidence."
"Don't you just wish there was a way to remove the clutter and get to the really good stuff?"
"Clutter equals stress, so when we are in a cluttered environment, we are releasing the stress hormone cortisol."
"Clutter is costing us not in the form of money but in the form of our mental health."
"Trust me your mental health is going to improve when you can just clear the Clutter."
"Rethinking Traditions... if they are creating extra clutter that is frustrating for you."
"Well, I mean like most of it, I probably wear like 30 to 35 percent of what is in my closet. All of that is clothes stuffed and stuffed in like I can't even open the drawers barely."
"I have so much stuff compacted in a tight space and it's about to explode."
"Cluttered space, cluttered area, cluttered mind."
"Maybe it's an understanding that the environment that you've been in may be cluttered to the point where it's almost causing you injury."
"Flat surfaces are always going to collect stuff."
"Utilize hidden storage spaces to reduce visual clutter."
"Consider the clutter in your home as an external manifestation of the clutter within your mind and heart."
"The removal of clutter transcends the physical act, it is a spiritual practice."
"...clutter is not solely a physical manifestation but it's also a product of our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions."
"It's not going to feel cluttered, is basically the best way to put it."
"Research has shown that people who have a lot of clutter around them tend to have more difficulty concentrating."
"Affectively, hoarding and clutter can both increase and decrease anxiety."
"If my space is cluttered, my mind is cluttered."
"Protein powder is the number one thing that clutters up people's homes."
"These Fab food diets just end up cluttering the kitchen with expensive clutter."
"Clutter equals stress. Stress is going to end up giving you a mental roadblock in those mental roadblocks completely destroy your motivation to keep going."
"Emotional clutter isn't about scarcity; it's about abundance healthfully expressed. Hoarding is super-abundance dysfunctionally expressed."
"The number one thing you can do to reduce the clutter in your home and to reduce your headache about how to get rid of your clutter is not to accumulate clutter in the first place."
"You won't have to decide how to get rid of clutter if you don't have any clutter to start with."
"The best way to declutter is preventative. Just prevent the clutter from collecting in the first place."
"If you have more than one junk drawer, then you probably have too many things."
"If you frequently buy things that you forgot you had, you probably have too much stuff."
"If you wish there were more surfaces to put things on, you probably have too much stuff."
"If you frequently lose things, you probably have too much stuff."
"If clutter has been linked to stress and anxiety in your space, you probably have too much stuff."
"There's too many magazines too many books but it's just the way life is and I think it makes a good little cozy room that you feel comfortable in or at least we do."
"'This is heaven,' she said. 'This is what it feels like when you are in heaven. Can you imagine what it will be like when we are in heaven forever and all of the clutter that fills our lives is gone?'"
"If you find that you're spending way too much time cleaning, you probably have too much stuff."
"It's something that you must continually monitor and keep up over time to be successful and to not have the clutter build up."
"Your mind is cluttered in your life you got to start removing things."
"Clutter blocks the flow of positive energy around you."
"Clutter increases cognitive overload and can reduce our working memory, meaning we forget what we're doing while we're doing it."
"But if you dread guests coming over because you know your home is a mess that might be a sign you own too much stuff."
"If you open your closet and you can't find a single empty hanger that could be a sign you own too much stuff."
"When you own too much stuff it naturally creates clutter and in clutter we tend to lose things."
"If you're thinking more money will solve your clutter problem you're mistaken and likely have too much stuff."
"Clutter just clutters your mind. It makes you anxious."
"You don't just want to keep everything that's nice because then you just drown in a sea of nice things."
"Britain is brimming with hoarders in these boxes."
"Having too many open windows in life can slow you down and create chaos."
"This is just appliances and crap live here and it's pretty much always a wreck."
"Monster boxes sure they're fine I mean not something I'm going to buy again because it's all accessories and to be honest accessories are what I'm always trying to get rid of because they take up so much room."
"My point is, since I don't have that junk room anymore, guess what's happened to my own room where I live? It's bad."
"I think we have too many things around. See, five things. Do you maybe mean clutter?"
"Storage, storage, storage. It is so important. It's all okay having a beautiful home but if you don't have space to put stuff away it's always going to get untidy, it's going to get cluttered, so storage."
"I feel like our apartment is turning into a storage room little by little."
"How do you battle the clutter that comes with kids?"
"...this here is my corner cupboard...I kind of keep a mess of a whole bunch of stuff in here."
"Clutter is debris in the road. It is not a destination."
"There are people up and down the country living in appalling conditions amongst piles of clutter that they can't bear to part with."
"Let's cut through all the Clutter and find the gems."
"It actually really helps with the visual clutter and overwhelm to have a streamlined palette around you."
"...you're kind of like a digital hoarder right it's like that person whose garage you know you can't even open the garage door because all the stuff that they've been hoarding will just you know pile out and collapse like an avalanche on you."
"...a lot of those websites and shows and personalities and social media influencers are telling us that clutter can actually contribute to our overall mood, that it can possibly even affect our mental and emotional well-being."
"I think minimalists are extremely careful about what comes into their home because they don't want it full of clutter. It's not about the stuff. It's about curating a functional and peaceful home to live in."
"You are a hoarder yourself and we're not gonna hoard anymore I'm sorry it's going it's going today well about to get rid of it someone's got to touch it again yeah you from there I'm not touching that I listen to my meeting."
"Your brain is gonna feel like it's messy and associate with that."
"The container concept is key to success in managing clutter."
"And just like I said the customer brought this in with bags filled with screws cables and I do not know what."
"So if you're dealing with a space in your house that, let's just say, is overpopulated with things remember it didn't happen in a day."
"You should see my storage space, it's a joke."
"Who cares if the back of your car is messy? I mean, there's science experiments in the back of my car now."
"It's been proven that people are less productive in a cluttered environment."
"You know clutter is actually stealing from you. It's stealing your energy, your space, your money, and your happiness."
"Flat surfaces accumulate clutter, it is amazing what can accumulate."
"Hopefully, with all these new storage systems in place, we can avoid the garage becoming that cluttered mess."
"Our digital lives are often very messy and cluttered."
"Clutter attracts clutter and one of the easiest sources of clutter is just having shoes everywhere."
"Any specific suggestions on conquering paper clutter?"
"If something adds value today, it might become clutter tomorrow."
"Clutter begins when things don't have a place."
"If you have a busy household, you don't have to have a kitchen that's full of clutter."
"Your mind has a problem because you have stored every single thing that ever bothered you inside of it."
"I don't even have any blah I don't even have anywhere to put these."
"I mean, look at all this stuff. All these decorations are still out. Stuff from our costumes, there's polaroid pictures just everywhere."
"Hoarding is not a messy desk or a messy kitchen."
"When I tell you I don't even know what I packed to go home, I have a lot of [ __ ] with me for no reason."
"He's like I've got no room for my clothes, the food cupboards are filled with dolls, we haven't eaten in weeks because the fridge is taken up by dolls."
"Clutter blocks the flow of prosperity."
"This is like a hoarder's house, and yeah, it's filled with stuff."
"The clutter makes me feel really frustrated."
"When everything's important, nothing's important. It's all just clutter."
"The vehicle was littered with garbage, clothing, and papers."
"It makes for a layout that's just too cluttered."
"Our house is crowded immediately at the entry with a TV still in the box that needs to be installed."
"For me, it's not even just the fact that the doors are open, it's the fact that all of this stuff is still in the home, bro."
"Clutter isn't a personal failure, it's personal information."
"Clutter circles around our disconnect from ourselves."
"We have permission to reject societal norms about clutter."
"What if we looked at clutter the way a professional organizer does?"
"Clutter is not going to make your bedroom cozy."
"A cluttered bedroom with clothes everywhere is not a cozy space to be in."
"It's progress. The clutter, it's just stuff that has to be done, and so then it piles up and then it adds other stuff to it."
"All this junk was stuck in there."
"Everything's too much in my house right now."
"I don't need this right now but I could and what if I did and I should have this now and then it becomes clutter."
"We've got paint in mum's workroom, we've got stuff in mum's shed, stuff in the summer house, stuff in the utility room... Well, her stuff has taken over the house basically."
"Mega live Imaging apart... you don't have all that cluttering stuff."
"I feel like I should be on the show 'Hoarders', I don't understand. Like I feel like maybe what I need is to get a storage unit."
"The peace that we need is buried under all the clutter that we have."
"There is something that you guys need to let go of, with the cluttering, and I feel that this blessing that's coming into your life is going to help you let go of something."
"Clutter and ADHD go hand in hand."
"I had a like a massive Clara all my [ __ ] like so many clothes bags accessories like you name it it was in that puffer."
"There's things that I don't need that I have that are just sitting here and I've never touched it since I bought it."
"It's one of those moments where I just regret pulling all this stuff out because now it feels like a massive bomb exploded."
"That is what I have going on in this cabinet."
"There's way more options for organization and having your workspace just never feel cluttered is really nice."
"Drawers are where things go to die. This set of drawers is just a total graveyard of forgotten ideas, purchased materials, and unfortunately split static grass bags. That [__] is everywhere."
"Look at this, a lot of cables, a lot of stuff."
"Honestly, waking up to this hits. I have so many things everywhere."
"How many of you guys got a kitchen table the 99% of time it's covered in stuff that's not supposed to be on the kitchen table."
"Just try and keep the things that you use and you need inside your car and nothing more."
"I got this junk drawer here. It's probably going to stay a junk drawer but an organized junk drawer if you know what I mean."
"Everything in my house, even though it looks so cluttered, is very meaningful. It's all meaningful to me."
"You could rationalize every single piece of garbage in your house and that is not meant to be rude but you really really can and that is where the sickness of hoarding and keeping clutter in your home really can get you."
"The last thing we want to do is re-clutter our lives with new possessions, new burdens, new obligations."
"The family were slaves to the dining room table dumping ground."
"Every year during the holidays my wife and I find ourselves in yet another gigantic pile of unwanted and junky gifts taking up space in our small home."
"Less cluttered in real life means less clutter in your mind."
"Before you check out, scan your cart and see if there's any unnecessary items or things that you don't really need. You know, kind of those impulse purchases that end up being clutter in your home."
"There's too much stuff there, bro."
"I love this. We need to think of a solution for all the wires because obviously they're all just dangling down everywhere."
"Raise your hand if you have a hoard of t-shirts that you never plan to wear again."
"Cluttered rooms, tables, and desks invite more clutter to gravitate to it."
"Clutter is what makes our houses look dirty clutter is what makes us feel bad and when we get the clutter off the flat surfaces we will be just fine."
"You know that you're still over your clutter threshold. Clutter threshold, for those of you who are new, is the point at which you personally have more stuff in your house than you personally can easily keep under control."
"Clothing is clutter. Useful stuff can totally be clutter."
"Start with the container concept... then bring in clutter threshold."
"... my house was a disaster because of all my babies okay and all my I don't know what I want I don't know what I'm gonna want in the future all that I mean that was me that's why my house was such a disaster so for me in the decluttering I have to give it a real home."
"The container concept is the thing that a lot of people like me who struggle with clutter didn't know we didn't know."
"A lot of stuff but doesn't feel overwhelming, doesn't feel too messy."
"Human nature, if there's clutter everywhere, it affects our mindset, how we work."
"What's the point of a junk drawer if you're just gonna organize it and clean it?"
"I had a lot of external clutter, but I didn't know I had a lot of social clutter, relationship clutter, career clutter, psychological clutter, emotional clutter, spiritual clutter, calendar clutter, obligation clutter."
"I see this as unmanageable clutter and more akin to a dumping ground and a safety net for past decisions."
"Being surrounded by clutter increases our cortisol levels; essentially, clutter is bad for our health."
"Clutter is a procrastinated decision and it is in the way of getting organized."
"How do we fill our lives with the appropriate amount of space so it's not cluttered, whether it's mental clutter, physical clutter, visual clutter, emotional clutter."
"The more clutter you have, the more stressed you are."