
Social Harmony Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"All of the different groups have to make sacrifices in order for us all to get on."
"We have to come to a place in our country where it's okay to agree to disagree."
"Educating your children well and civility... societies that row in the same direction with a common mission work better."
"Respect toward others... is the best antidote to racism, discrimination, mistreatment of others."
"The more together people there are, the better things are going to go for everyone."
"People can probably get along with people with a surprising amount of political disagreement."
"Virtue makes everyone feel so safe. You don't have to be afraid, you don't have to be on your guard. It's a beautiful gift which we can give."
"Incorporating trans people as much as we can, as long as we're all respecting each other, is a pretty simple process to figure out the appropriate way to make everybody happy."
"I'd make people not hate each other because of their religion, because of their nationality, because of any stupid reason."
"Venus is the planet of ease and love, and I'm hoping for more love in the hearts of people."
"Hate is a really difficult thing; we mustn't hate people."
"We will always be happier and enjoy life more when we learn to accept each other."
"His dream is to make coexistence, equality, and friendship between humans and fish-man possible."
"Everybody on earth benefits from us all getting along."
"Democracy depends upon social harmony, depends on trust, depends on respect for the other person."
"Sharia is a how-to manual. It's a guidance. It's a set of rules that God has given so humanity can live in peace, harmony, and justice with each other."
"How can that possibly work if you're going to bring people together and they're going to be and they're going to exist together in harmony they have to be playing a game that everyone plays that everyone knows the rules for."
"America is a very broad, diverse country. We need to find ways to live together and find accommodation on issues that are very contentious."
"Anger leads to hate, and when you're being told that you should hate other people because they're different to you, it accomplishes nothing."
"If you actually want a civil America where we can have conversations with each other, you're going to need to accept that there will be different points of view."
"I love a convenient friend group. Everyone's on the same page, everybody likes each other."
"Let's look at what we have in common, rather than obsessing over our differences."
"We just need to coexist amongst each other and live peacefully."
"In a perfect world, I wish people could treat each other nicer."
"Surround yourself with those in the same frequency."
"From an outside perspective, I have never ever seen so many different races and ethnicities and backgrounds getting together as much as they do and getting along as well as they do here."
"Let's work together, live together, listen to others, and if there are differences, okay, there are differences too. So we can tolerate those."
"If all people in general stop judging and live their life for who they are, it makes it better for everyone."
"We must all get together... but we've got to keep balance."
"I like not agreeing with people but still getting along."
"The most important thing that we can all do... is that we learn to listen to one another."
"It's fine to disagree, not everyone's gonna get on in this world."
"If you're tolerant, it means you're able to accept what other people say or do even if you don't agree with them."
"Life's a lot better when you accept everybody."
"We can treat each other with dignity and respect, and we can join forces and stop the shouting and lower the temperature."
"Now let's give each other a chance. It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again."
"Why can't we get along and find our common ground?"
"We're allowed to have different opinions and we can all still be friends."
"Absolutely no progress was made, but social harmony has been restored at least for a time."
"I like seeing an event where people are smiling and laughing and having a good time together and not spewing hate."
"I hope everybody enjoyed this video... I hope everyone to just respect love each other and acknowledge each other's pain and hurt."
"We condemn violence and hatred in all forms."
"Violence is bad and we don't want any of it."
"There's a lost virtue in the modern day - getting along with those we disagree with."
"Two people can be friends with different thoughts, different beliefs."
"Just accept yourself and accept others; that helps increase your peace."
"We shall embrace harmony and get rid of fascism."
"Women naturally being submissive, everyone gets along better."
"Mixed kids will be the peacemakers of the world. Y'all watch and see."
"We're individuals because we think different, we operate different, we're not the same, and it doesn't mean that we have to be against each other."
"You like coffee, I like tea. I don't hate you because you [__] like coffee. Shouldn't hate me because I like tea."
"I just wish we could live in a world where everybody gets along, but unfortunately it's not that."
"The world needs to find more commonality with each other rather than what's different."
"Values don't have to match but can live in harmony."
"I just want everybody to be happy at this point in time."
"Honestly, I'm really a vibe. Everybody I be around knows I don't be getting into it with nobody."
"It's the belief in social harmony and social good, caring for each other and caring for the poor."
"The reminder to share and be generous to create that goodwill and harmony."
"Respect seniors... it's the combination of both... finding the balance."
"Mutual tolerance and respect leading to internal cohesion was the only option."
"Bad girl also known as Charlotte Birkin was the second-ranked assassin in the UAE until her encounter with Travis touchdown in No More Heroes."
"It's best when we adjust our beliefs in accordance with the evidence because if we make wild leaps, we run into massive problems when it comes to social cohesion and ethical reasoning."
"What if everyone just got along and agreed to disagree?"
"We have so much more in common than we don't."
"You always want to be polite because we all want goodwill."
"Be careful, do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it's possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."
"We can all get along even though we don't agree."
"Making peace with social world and believing in self."
"Wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along?"
"We're supposed to celebrate our variations, our differences."
"Let's love each other. I know that sounds crazy and it's idealistic, but kumbaya, right? I get it."
"All of us get along better if we behave nicely to one another. It all comes out best for the rest of us."
"Unity is what is needed now. We're not going to agree about everything, but there are some common things that we need."
"You shouldn't be bigoted against people even if you disagree with their beliefs."
"People agreeing instead of disagreeing, what a novel concept."
"If everybody followed it, the world would be paradise."
"You don't want people to be fighting and not being in Harmony."
"Everybody should get along. If everybody just respects each other, the world would be a perfect place."
"Wow, it's even more beautiful than I imagined."
"Can't we all get along? And I think the answer is, I retain the faith, I preserve the hope. We can all get along."
"It projects a vision of optimism particularly with the current events, in which there is no racism, no sexism, and an appreciation of the qualities we need to be reminded of."
"May our words cause love, unity, and courtesy among each other."
"Being inclusive is a form of kindness; everyone can practice kindness and inclusion."
"When you're working on yourself and I'm working on myself... we're going to be okay with everybody."
"It's important to adjust your behavior to avoid falling into conflict with the world around you."
"As long as we're here sharing space... it's far better for us to work cooperatively."
"Different people see the world differently, and that's okay."
"The Kumbh Mela is an open invitation to the world to witness social harmony prevalent in Hinduism."
"We are all brothers and sisters, and no one is superior, no one is inferior."
"We need to come together, unite, put our differences aside, and compromise."
"Let's stop kicking each other's ass, okay? Because god knows we're dealing with enough. Stay healthy."
"All you have to do is respect everyone's individual truth... respect people's individuality."
"Bloodgood was a progressive monster that just wanted to create an environment where normies and monsters could congregate and make peace."
"People just get on, so it's actually very multicultural and even multi-religious despite the fact it's in an Islamic country but it just works because people agree on those things."
"The world has benefited from all Jews, Muslims, Christians, and other people."
"It's our time to show the beauty of what we are and we should mention the good about others as well as the negative."
"Everybody should be getting along and enjoying."
"We can disagree with them in public or in private and still get along."
"Spread love, the world is a better place for love."
"You're allowed to like what you like as long as you're not trying to make other people feel bad for being what you don't like."
"No matter what race, creed or color, we're all under the one sky."
"We're living in a new world...we have to live with others and we have to operate on the basis of mutual respect."
"You can only be happy when there is harmony between peoples and you seek to promote this."
"Enjoy the differences and respect each other."
"Unity and love can bring us all together if we all just understood the bigger picture."
"I think it's more important now than ever that everyone kind of learns to get along."
"Divisiveness doesn't work. Being kind, being compassionate, being open to conversations, trying to understand other people's perspectives and points of view, this is what's important."
"My focus has never been on the battlefield successes and failures but really to look and understand how this conflict came about and what is likely to resolve it in the long run to lead to what I call social harmony."
"Let's stop hating each other, let's stop division."
"Respect for who they are gives them respect for who you are."
"You need leadership that is going to actually promote harmony and not divisiveness."
"Peace amongst yourselves. Feed the poor amongst you. Uphold the ties of kinship. Pray at night while others sleep."
"We need to stop being nasty over non-essential issues."
"When we all start being pleasant, when we're being nice, when we truly love one another, this changes everything."
"Disrespecting each other is just not okay. We should all be loving on each other and that's that."
"Why can't we all just get along? Let there be peace."
"The goal for all of us should be that one day things will be done neither because of nor in spite of any of the differences between us."
"We can all find that middle ground and get along with each other."
"The best we can do is respect each other and our individualities, even if it's difficult sometimes."
"We're sailing a friendship... The 'S.S. Get Along'."
"Why can't we all get along? And you know I try to talk to you guys a lot about the situations with manhood and law."
"Be nice to each other because this is all we've got. Bye."
"Confucianism has an emphasis more on the social aspects, working within a society in a successful way, playing your role."
"Countries like Japan, New Zealand, and Ireland do very well with low social hostilities and government restrictions."
"What we're fighting against is divisiveness, we're fighting against seeing everybody else as other instead of self."
"Don't talk about politics and religion at the dinner table. People's friendships could avoid a lot of issues if they just avoided that."
"Without justice, there will be no universal fraternity, there will never be social friendship, there will never be caring for our common home."
"Be kind to one another, no matter your differences. We are all human beings and we must learn to get along."
"This is everything in the world should be, with people in the room, friendly."
"In a democracy, we need much more love of the good, hope for the future, and a determination to confront the corrosive forces of hatred, disgust, and rage."
"I don't like to ruffle any feathers I'm more of a peacekeeper instead of causing a lot of drama."
"Food is the one thing in prison everybody gets along with."
"Our goal is social harmony, our goal is social order, and how do you do that? ... ritual and etiquette and being kind to one another, virtue, ethics. That's what's going to make for a stable and harmonious society."
"Getting along with everybody is the top thing."
"Courtesy, kindness, justice, and love are the keynotes by which we may come into harmony with practically anybody."
"We shouldn't have to hate each other."
"We won't tolerate anti-Muslim hatred in any form."
"More compassionate mind, heart, whole atmosphere become more positive, more friendly."
"Be the peace you want to live with ourselves, with others, and also with the planet."
"We need to only spread love and positivity."
"We have a lot more in common than we do differences."
"As a social animal, the inner warmth, respect others' right and sense of concern of others' wellbeing, once we have genuine sense of concern of others' wellbeing, then no room of violence."
"Just everybody needs to be nice to each other."
"You're way more agreeable just generally speaking."
"We need a deeper respect for each other, and it begins with talking to each other and not about each other."
"Justice is about peace. If there is justice, there will be peace."
"I have a dream, a dream where everyone is kind to each other regardless of race, religion, color, skin, sexual identity, and orientation."
"It's about having a litmus test of equity and social harmony."
"Merry moments put you at peace with other people."
"The alternative to unity is conflict."
"We still have to live amongst one another and be humans to each other."
"If you can just respect what other people have going on, I'm cool with it."
"We need to learn to love one another, quit the bullying and hate."
"Harmony between men and women, and races, as well as in other orders of the political universe."
"Oh my dear fellow beings, why should we longer cherish any social acerbities, or know the slightest ill-humor or envy! Come; let us squeeze hands all round; nay, let us all squeeze ourselves into each other."
"We have to learn to do is accept and embrace each other."
"Respect we should respect one another and that way we can all live together."
"It must be bipartisan; if it's not bipartisan, we're going to kill each other."
"Despite everyone on my neighborhood living on large isolated plots of land, kids played hockey in the streets, crime was minimal to non-existent, and everybody knew everyone else."
"Respect each other, respect your people around you, and have self-respect."
"There is no other system of life that has the ability to bring together the black and the white."
"Wouldn't the world be much better if everybody was just a little bit nicer?"
"I kind of want to get to a point where everyone stops hating each other."
"We need to be able to be friends with each other across religious and racial divides."
"Respect people from all walks of life."
"Please show everyone respect and love."
"We really need to give up some of our prejudice if we want to get along together."
"Libra has figured out a way to get along with everybody."
"I have such a respect for everyone's culture."
"Morality seems to be concerned with fair play and harmony between individuals."
"He was described as a gentle, kind man who was the type of person who could get along with just about anybody."
"Please be kind, please be respectful of one another."
"Let's work on coming together instead of driving each other apart."
"Peace is not merely the absence of conflict; it is a social condition defined by mutual respect and the acknowledgment of our shared humanity."
"We should all treat each other with respect and kindness, even if we disagree about certain issues."
"We got to figure out a way to all get along, have respect for each other, and not be divisive."
"Do not exalt yourselves above others, but consider all as your equals."
"Just be nice to people. Be nice to others around you."
"Let's just be positive and be nice to one another."
"Not only is Malaysia a melting pot of ethnic cultures, but it is also a blend of many different customs, cuisines, and religions, all coexisting peacefully together."
"I'm a firm believer that a lot of problems in this world can be solved if we began to get along with one another."
"If people are able to set aside their differences and get along, we will become more powerful than they can possibly imagine."
"Yeah, I hope that everyone gets along well tonight."
"The world would be a happier place, people get along better and be healthier."
"Just be nice and smile, everyone be friends, include everyone."
"Everybody has a different personality, you know. I try to get along with everybody."
"Be nice, just be nice, nobody's better than anybody."
"We have a factory; don't search out and look for them outside. You are capable of being happy provided you have a harmonious living with the people around you."
"All of us are human beings, eye to eye we ain't seen, sometimes we gotta come together."
"Tolerant of each other in their convivencia, a practical coexistence."
"I think we should all just be nice to each other."
"There's this kind of respect, respecting coexistence."
"Respect others and just be kind to each other."
"We're all one people, that's one thing about tarasa that I learned a long time ago."
"There's no point in fighting among each other or among other communities. There's a need to rush a building civilization."
"We can have our differences, but we need to learn to love and respect each other."
"I would so much rather people get along."
"Tough is being able to merge even if someone doesn't agree with you and your beliefs."
"I ride with everybody, I'm cool with everybody."
"I don't like doing anything which upsets other people."