
Social Mobility Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"Schools are not just engines of social mobility, they're also engines of social cohesion."
"Information took me out of the slum where I was born and into the big bright shining world."
"A person who starts poor doesn't have to remain that way."
"A highly competent person from a poor family has a lesser chance at life than an incompetent person from a rich family."
"The American dream is anyone can make it. The problem with a myth like that is, one, it ain't true; not anyone can make it, and two, it suggests that if you aren't a billionaire, it's somehow your fault."
"Education is in fact a ladder out of poverty."
"The American dream declares life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth."
"Nobility is aspirational to the Riojans. They believe anyone, through luck, chance, treachery, or patience, can become noble."
"Beauty benefits people. It allows you to move in the right social circles, which can have really important ramifications."
"The key to tackling inequality lies in reactivating social mobility but to do that, citizens' basic needs in terms of health and education must be catered for first."
"We don't want to live in a society where being not professionally educated and not worrying about every word that comes out of your mouth is effectively a barrier to economic and social advancement."
"Child that was aspiring to Black Excellence, if you had one or two college-educated parents and ran off to your college or agency to try to get the bag, I want to be clear, I'm not telling you not to get the bag. That is not what being a socialist is about."
"If you're born poor, it's very hard for you to get out of poverty."
"It's offering an opportunity to someone who would never have the chance."
"I am the greatest living example of inter-generational social mobility you're ever going to see, because I'm a freaking Ivy League professor."
"More than just about anything else, where you start has a massive impact on where you end up."
"The standardized test is the only test that allows you to be able to compete side by side with a wealthy and privileged kid and beat them."
"If you work hard, can you still get ahead? That basic bedrock principle of the United States, people still say yes."
"Every European social democracy absolutely destroys the United States on upward social mobility."
"The first step towards leaving poverty, getting to the middle class, is making sure you have a decent high school education, one where you can read, write, and compute at grade level."
"Didn't come from wealth whatsoever. However, she made it into the top inner circle of US."
"Our universities were not supposed to be about taking the top one percent and the wealthiest households and turning them into billionaires. We were supposed to be about taking good kids and giving them remarkable opportunities."
"We want a nation where the child of nobody can become somebody without knowing anybody."
"Every society has inequality, every society has hierarchies... but you have to have upward mobility and that's when you lose upward mobility, capitalism itself loses its credibility."
"Education is used to climb the social and economic ladder but is being steered toward majors that will make them low earners."
"We should have a system that's fair, that gives people their opportunity to shine and work themselves up the economic ladder."
"Social mobility is basically the ability for poor people to work hard, build up wealth, and improve their own quality of life."
"The surest way to narrow the wealth Gap is to earn a college degree."
"Everyone deserves a chance to climb that ladder."
"The answer to restoring families is not just telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps; you have to understand the psychology of the average person."
"What made America unique is that America had so much class mobility from the very beginning."
"If all these rules basically lock people, you know, lock the world into a stasis where the rich stay rich and other people can't climb the ladder, then there's no challenge to that economic power structure."
"The world is richer than it's ever been before. You have the opportunity, even if you're poor."
"We're gonna make sure we pull that ladder down and bring everybody up with us."
"The doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here."
"You are literally going to have your pick of the litter in b-class Hollywood."
"I want to see people come up. I want to see people do better."
"Vote Labour, but also...there is the possibility now of making sure that...those that come from poorer backgrounds get the chance of world-class education."
"We should be happy to see anybody make it out of their situation."
"It's no longer guaranteed that you're going to get into the best schools or get the best jobs or have Economic Security your whole life."
"If you find yourself in this class there's nothing to be ashamed about and in fact throughout this video I'm going to be sharing some Frameworks and tips on how to break through the different class barriers."
"Let's make a religion out of coming out of poverty."
"I want to see ninja nation see the poorest people rise up and become wealthy."
"Life's not fair, but if you have the opportunity to do well and get somewhere and better yourself, then you take it."
"Highly selective institutions really do have the ability to change the lives of low-income students."
"Let me educate my kids so they could have a chance to live a better life."
"Your attitude determines your altitude. If your attitude is bad, nobody ain't gonna want to take you to a different altitude."
"Support those trying to climb that ladder to get into the middle class to get there more easily. That's our mission, that's our goal, and frankly, that is my passion."
"The best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them."
"No matter what your background, no matter where you come from, their lives can be totally transformed and changed with just the right information."
"We came together because we believe that in America your success shouldn't be determined by the circumstances of your birth."
"We all hoping somebody go cuz that'll open the door for other people."
"Grammar schools and apprenticeships are crucial for social mobility."
"Upward Mobility is always operating on a Nuance for different people based off their position."
"This is the greatest time for people who have not done well to become well."
"Be a woman with some brains... be that woman that people in high places ask who is that where did she come from."
"Income tends to persist across generations instead of a more meritocratic approach."
"Low social mobility makes it harder for people from poorer backgrounds to climb the economic ladder."
"The dream in America is to make poor people rich."
"Don't deprive yourself of knowledge seriously it's everything it's what's gonna allow you to go and not be stuck here because these motherfuckers is gonna win."
"Money can get you access to more information, more networks, and more opportunities."
"Owning real estate is a great way for a pathway to profitability. Homeownership is the number one pathway for people to go from poverty to middle class."
"Fashion is a genuine form of class mobility."
"I grew up quite working class, and thankfully with, you know, as long as I maintained an A average, I enjoyed the benefit of a scholarship."
"In a free society, your amount of work, talent, and luck all play a role in life to determine where you will end up."
"Higher education became the highway to the middle class."
"It's not that you can't get rich, you just can't get fabulously uber wealthy... didn't we all get here grinding and all the [__] jobs?"
"Charlotte's upper mobility for people at the bottom is not all that mobile."
"Oh, we're going to go far. Oh, we're going to go far. We're going to be places we travel, we'll all see ya'll and be like, 'You couldn't afford that $500 for that limb length thing? Loser.'"
"Meritocracy, it's the belief that people should rise as high in the world as their talents deserve"
"The only way to free yourself from the hood baby is education, education, education!"
"There's now a greater likelihood of moving up into a higher income bracket."
"The benefits of centralization include cheaper promotion of tribesmen to Freeman."
"Rap music can be a genuinely viable route out of the streets for these young men born into these challenging situations."
"The slave took his name... from slavery to citizenship... quite unique."
"These marble tablets... list the freedmen and full citizens of the town... suggesting huge social mobility."
"It's going to really be a lifeline and it really is an opportunity for individuals to move beyond poverty."
"Utopia means high standard of living, high individual liberty, and high social mobility."
"Our country is one where it doesn't matter where you start it doesn't matter your family lineage"
"Women tend to be attracted to men who build things, who are upwardly mobile."
"Failure is an option. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough."
"Black Excellence has always been the allure because it's like, 'oh, I have a way out.'"
"I want, I know it's like to be really poor and not being able to afford, like, I used to get trainers off the market and stuff like that and I hated it."
"Eventually she got so good at it she rubbed elbows with the right people and built her way into owning her own casino, and basically a brothel behind the velvet ropes."
"Deprivation breeds desperation and for working-class kids throughout the world, football is viewed both as a joyous form of escapism from their everyday lives and as a ticket out of poverty for them and their families."
"My point is that the lack of a silver spoon has set you on a certain path, but you needn't stay on it. If you're prepared to adapt and learn, you can transform, you know, like in 'My Fair Lady'."
"Upward Mobility is possible but you're going to have to get creative now."
"After the Marian reforms, anyone could become a Roman soldier as long as they met physical and legal requirements."
"Nothing stopping the less meritorious from climbing the ranks but themselves it's only fair and natural that they remain on the bottom."
"We live in a state of society now, so it's hard. One of the easiest ways to get status is who you know, right? A lot of it's networking and who you know, and the right people, you can get some status, at least on them, to some degree."
"Music was an outlet and it gave me an opportunity to get out of the streets."
"That status is becoming hereditary according to studies published by Georgetown University, Pew Research, and Harvard Business Review."
"Brazil today is a flourishing democracy -- a place where people are free to speak their mind and choose their leaders; where a poor kid from Pernambuco can rise from the floors of a copper factory to the highest office in Brazil."
"A person is not obligated to live according to the class given to them; trying to do so through sheer willpower is impossible."
"An apprenticeship could give someone from a poor family the chance to get ahead in the hip industry of the 1300s."
"We've got to move from just protesting in the streets to business deals in the suites." - Roland Martin
"Even though obviously I have a certain ideology, you are self-made. Jay's nephew. He just boosted your position a lot."
"The same people you pass on the way up may be the same people you pass on the way back down."
"There was a surprising amount of social mobility to be achieved through warfare."
"Not everybody was born with a silver spoon over the resources but they still have the fortitude and the desire to change their lives."
"The laws are killing you all these laws stopping people from progressing and making money in and changing neighborhoods it's ridiculous."
"When you talk about getting that freedom, two things that give you options in this society are wealth and education."
"Ordinary working-class Britons could enjoy a holiday. It was a hugely exciting moment and a real moment of social mobility."
"I thought I'd die in a council house, but I did it for my children."
"Freedom means a poor person with an incredibly bright or interesting idea can rise to become a fabulously wealthy person."
"We will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity."
"America is the place where anything can happen. America is the place where anyone can rise."
"When you have an underclass that isn't able to get out of the underclass it drags the whole economy down."
"It's what you own and control that determines your future, your opportunities, and what you can get and where you can go."
"If you just work hard enough, you'll get to walk up the stairs."
"It is assumed that's absolutely correct the idea at one time certainly when I was a child at school the idea was to try and draw children up especially I come from despite how I speak I come from a very working-class background."
"In fact, inequality is a symbol that you can rise in the system."
"The fact that anybody can go from nothing to something here, like the opportunities that are afforded you, you know, I just think that's something truly special that not everywhere in the world has and it's worth protecting."
"After the main course was finished, it was so much fun to just move around the party."
"Chanel made the poor walk like millionaires."
"The system of apprenticeship offered a kind of proto-social mobility."
"Rags to riches... it's always the same script."
"Nobody wants to be from the hood. When you make it out, stay the hell out."
"Marriage? The limit is like two spoons; you can go from a bronze spoon to maybe a silver, maybe a gold spoon if you're really lucky."
"Cultural capital makes you stand out from the crowd and socially more mobile."
"Someone's going from rags to riches, from begging to lending."
"She rose up from a working-class background, using her wit, charm, and looks to gain a fortune and social status for herself and her family."
"I guess the Waltons are moving up in the world, sort of like the Jeffersons."
"She was in every sense of the word a crime boss."
"In the US and the UK, it takes five generations [for intergenerational mobility], whereas in Denmark, it takes two generations."
"Higher education... does still have this incredible effect on social mobility, especially for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds."
"Equal access to information, knowledge, and AI is going to be important for social mobility."
"Even a low-class can reach the rank of an elite warrior."
"There is more flexibility in terms of our ability to rise up out of our class... There's more flexibility in terms of what women can do. The change she has seen in her lifetime in terms of women's roles has been extraordinary."
"It's to give the bottom 90 a chance to be in the top ten."
"We are now living in a situation where inequalities are so high that it is actually reducing social mobility."
"In societies that are very unfair, the dream that if you work hard, you can rise, serves as a social glue."
"Housing stability and the ability for families not to spend so much money on rent... increase the possibility for upward mobility."
"You can't be around brokenness if you're trying to get to a certain type of lifestyle. Poverty is something you don't want to be in."
"You can't be so worried about moving up the social class that you neglect being unselfish and helping other people."
"Education was the great equalizer, not so much."
"If you come from a family where the first seven years is you're in the rich family, then you're gonna be rich."
"He lifted himself from the lesser rungs of Virginia society to its summit."
"Higher education does make a big difference if you attend these colleges in terms of your chances of reaching the upper tail of society."
"America makes it really easy for the common man to be somebody"
"Maybe we need to change the system... the incentives are very perverted, you know? Maybe we need to figure out how to give people better avenues for becoming a different member of a different class, you know what I mean?"
"These are things if you are not learning in your family home if you don't learn it at school you will never learn it and then that means that you all of these skills are what's going to make you socially mobile."
"About half of Americans have seen virtually stagnant incomes and a decline in social mobility."
"Hustle culture creates this catch 22 to ensnare workers, encouraging them to never stop grinding while keeping them at an arm's length from any meaningful social mobility that the promise of work should offer."
"Higher education inculcates the ideology of social mobility."
"If you want social mobility, which we all want, you should be on the left."
"...a society should be open to that kind of upward social mobility. We often call it the American dream."
"Chronic youth unemployment and broken ladders of social mobility are signs that capitalism isn’t working as it should."
"They've given people that would have never had the ability to become a celebrity, become a celebrity."
"The kids would no longer be exposed to the streets and they would be enrolled in better schools as well."
"... in 99% of neighborhoods in the United States black boys earn less in adulthood than white boys who grew up in families with comparable income 99%."
"I grew up in a working-class family and experienced a form of social mobility."
"You're not going to live in poverty although you grew up in poverty."
"The American Dream, which means different things to different generations and classes."
"I really believe in economic mobility."
"If you just force people to marry at random you would actually almost double the rates of social mobility in British Society."
"The worst part is if you're born to a certain cart, you're staying there the rest of your life."
"So if you're lucky enough to go to college and finish college, you're automatically in the top third of American society, period."
"We know it's a labor movement that built the middle class in America."
"It is not impossible for a farmer's kid to hope to become a knight."
"...where we see kids who grow up there end up having high rates of upward mobility."
"If there is a UK equivalent of the American dream, aren't I one small example of its manifestation?"
"Isn't my successful rags-to-halfway-riches mixed-race family further living proof of the very social mobility?"
"The education system in China is highly competitive and plays a crucial role in social mobility."
"Social Mobility is alive and well, new money."
"If we can create a country where children from class backgrounds like mine can punch through the glass ceiling, that's a fundamentally different Britain to the one we live in now."
"The benefits of the safety net are that more people are better educated, healthier, more secure, and upwardly mobile."
"Boxing promotes social mobility and inclusion, positive mental health and well-being, and economic growth."
"They're a vital social mobility generator and play a unique role in supporting mobility, inclusion, and regeneration in constituencies throughout the country."
"I wanted to understand why it was that there were so few kids coming from backgrounds like mine who were able to climb the socioeconomic ladder."
"Caste systems are closed stratification systems in which people can do little or nothing to change their social standing."
"This devastating line sums up the myth of social mobility for the poor."
"You can't tackle social mobility when there are such wide gaps between rich and poor."
"We believe in opportunity and upward mobility; that's what we're going to push for in an administration."
"A predictable source of income is one of the best ways you can enable someone to take that first step up out of their circumstances."
"I want something better. I want to be up with the cream, I want to mix with them, act like them, talk like them."
"An economy that builds the middle class and gives poor people an honorable way to work their way into it is a lot better than four more years of trickle-down."
"Education serves the distinctive and priceless function as the bright hope for the entry of the poor and oppressed into the mainstream of American society."
"Restoring upward mobility should be viewed as a national emergency."
"Upward mobility was possible; even a slave was not predestined to that social station for their entire life."
"The great middle class fear is that doing the wrong thing could make them slide down a peg on the old class scale, both financially and socially."
"Becoming one is seen by many as a means of social mobility, a la samurai or knights."
"Switching to a merit-based system will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families enter the middle class."
"Social mobility... if you are born into the lowest strata of income in Canada, you now have a much greater chance of moving up in one lifetime than you have in the United States."
"Where a boy from a working class home can become a High Court judge, thanks to a great state education."
"Where the average American is born and raised is an important predictor of what level of wealth and social mobility they'll attain in their lifetime."
"For the average poor black person in the hood, environment makes social mobility nearly impossible."
"Wisdom lifteth up the head of him that is of low degree, and maketh him to sit among great men."
"Hip-hop counterculture emerged into the mainstream, creating upward mobility for individual artists through their fame and wealth."
"Mobility is the number one predictor of getting out of poverty."
"Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university?"
"Education has lifted a lot of people that I know, including myself, out of situations that they might not want to be in."
"...the career is open to talents without distinction of birth or fortune..."
"Nobody should be looked down upon for trying to better their circumstances through hard work."
"For a lot of people, the war meant upward movement and new opportunities."
"The University of California system became an incredible engine of upward mobility for California."
"The idea of upward mobility is something that most people don't really experience."
"I never really expected that I would rise up into the middle class."
"Their emergence was a long and difficult process that created the black middle strata, a group seeking a better way of life."
"It's in the hope of every disadvantaged young person now able to go to university."