
Organization Quotes

There are 23799 quotes

"Keeping stuff up off the floor and working to keep your flat surfaces tidy can make everything feel more manageable."
"Focus on organization, your health, and also developing your life purpose and talents."
"Self-care for me is doing my laundry on Sundays and actually folding it and putting it away so that during the week I have clothes to wear and I know where to find them."
"I love concealing remote controls; I don't like to see them sitting out all over the house."
"I had no idea that getting rid of stuff would teach me all of this. I just thought it would be nice to be able to open a closet and not have things fall on me."
"We don't agonize, we organize... the antidote to that is to organize, is to get involved."
"No matter how much I tried to organize every single piece that was overwhelming, sometimes you're just working with too many pieces."
"These challenges are actually blessings disguised as challenges and they're teaching you to be more organized, more stable, more consistent."
"Organized hustle is business; unorganized hustle is just hustle."
"Activism is straight voltage, and organizing is directed energy."
"Clear your mind. Writing things down making lists could help clear your mind too."
"We need structure, we need deadlines, we need a little bit of a framework to operate within."
"The people who love peace need to learn to organize themselves as well as those who love war."
"To clean up your room means to accept that it's actually necessary for you to take that little bit of chaos that's in front of you and cast it into habitable order."
"Life's messy, clean it up, organize it, and put it into a bento box."
"Clarity is what is one of the five steps of David Allen's approach called 'Getting Things Done.'"
"Prayer...can be seen as a way of just trying to organize yourself."
"This could all be propaganda too, but you know what? I want to at least believe that we can win if we organize."
"Organization, intentionality, and discipline are marks of a spirit-filled life."
"We have more programs than I can possibly remember."
"The phrase 'power to the people' is not just a cool slogan; it is a reminder of what is possible when black folks get organized."
"I'm the most disorganized person in the world, and I'm sure that a lot of people can identify with that."
"If you want to defeat capitalism, we are going to need a party that will organize working people to fight for the demands that we want and to win socialism."
"The future log is essentially a spread where you can track any upcoming appointments that you have in the future."
"Reminders get some updates, and within reminders, if you're using it for a grocery list, it will automatically sort those items into categories."
"OneTab is really cool for just quickly cleaning up all of your tabs but still keeping track of what you had open."
"So basically what you're going to do is take a bunch of crappy unorganized data and you are going to organize it in such a way that not only does it make sense, but you can make business decisions based on it."
"NASA was such an exciting organization back in the day."
"Politics is only information plus organization. That's all it is."
"We're serious about understanding and codifying our culture."
"You're going to be doing a lot of cleaning and organizing your home, which is going to be very good for your mental health."
"I'm very organized and I like to make sure everything's done the night before as much as possible."
"You're not powerless; you have to find ways to get the word out and you have to find ways to organize."
"It's not for me to say how every single system should be implemented... one of the great things about anarchism in my mind is the fact that it's much more flexible in the way that we can organize systems than the top-down hierarchy."
"Being a little bit stringent with my to-do list, my tasks, and my priorities has allowed me to do so much more."
"Finding a home for every piece of homeless clutter in our home changes everything...it's been life-changing."
"The theology of the Salvation Army comes from Methodism. And while many know the Salvation Army for its thrift shops, youth groups, and shelters, the Salvation Army has churches located throughout the world in over 100 countries."
"Hello, and welcome to the Great Book Purge of 2024. Basically, my shelves are overflowing. This is my home library. I love it with my whole heart."
"Making money has nothing to do with working hard, it's nothing to do with effort or struggle, it's mostly a matter of being balanced and organized."
"Clean. To the point. Organized. Simple, yet impactful."
"And I do think that it's the case that a lot of times the most effective way to communicate to the organization a level of commitment to something is to go say it externally, because now people know that you're serious."
"When you fold things and place them after each other like this, that actually gives you full visibility of what you have."
"It's not only what a woman wears that makes her well-dressed and look classy, but it's also how she organizes her own clothing."
"Everything's got a place, and there's a place for everything."
"Marie Kondo's most popular books...have sold over 14 million copies."
"Being in an organized and tidy environment is just better for your mental health."
"Being organized can have a dramatically beneficial effect on your life."
"Organize your writing into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion."
"Thank you to the Turning Point U.K. team that put on all these amazing events this week."
"One of the biggest challenges, once you get into digital photography, is organizing all your pictures because you'll end up with thousands of pictures and it can be really hard to find your pictures."
"Neatness with wiring and with cabling really counts a lot."
"Implementing reset routines... it's kind of just like cleaning your room, but you're cleaning your mind and probably your room."
"Digital declutter is like Marie Kondo for your phone."
"Before you buy new furniture, you need to clean the house."
"I'm very much a 'place for everything and everything in its place' sort of person."
"Cleaning and tidying speeds up exponentially when things have a home."
"The experiences he had there taught him much about the value of organization and calm, competent leadership."
"The task system that we're going to build here uses a master tasks database and this is very useful because once you have a master tasks database, you can create linked database views to show yourself what you want to see."
"Forcing functions...have our done functions to clear things from areas automatically, which is very nice."
"Keep an important things list in order of priority."
"To be a true MasterChef, you need to be able to work fast and with precision, but above all, you must be organized."
"Declutter closets and swap out seasonal clothing... It's the perfect time for me to declutter my closet and reorganize things."
"Keeping a tidy space really helps clear your mind."
"As your application grows in complexity, that's when you need to start thinking about how to best keep things together in a way that's logical."
"The people were organizing the relief and the work, the aids, and this helped people to sense the power of solidarity."
"The Akatsuki, one of the most famous organizations in the entirety of anime. You know them, you love them, but do you know what they stand for?"
"Establish a council for your micro community."
"A system working perfectly is where everything is in its right place, performing its designed function."
"Order again is indispensable; for by it we wish to be understood that there should be a place for everything and everything in its place."
"One of the most effective keys to organization is routine consistency."
"I did everything they told me to do, food trucks, porta-potties, lights, special guests."
"You need to create time and space to be organized every day."
"Decluttering your wallet... it's a simple task to instill an organized brain."
"Meal planning... it completely removes the 'what's for dinner?' problem."
"I've got special gifts in bringing order to chaos, and I enjoy it."
"Always good, you can see down there on those wires, there's little labels on each wire. I labeled those when we built the boat. I kept a note in my documents of which each wire goes to, and everything. That is an absolute lifesaver."
"Stay organized... make it as simple as possible for yourself."
"When you move into town, you have fewer kids because they're no longer free labor, they're more of a luxury good."
"In a world that is alienated from Jehovah and that is controlled by a spirit bent on making Jehovah's people unfit for sacred service, we want to admonish you to continue to keep your path clean before Jehovah and his organization."
"The idea is that you have plenty of space to keep enough of these things that you need for your different loadouts."
"If we were organized, those children would have never been outside... It takes a village to raise a child."
"You have to challenge the establishment. That's the whole point of this organization."
"It's time for people of good will to stand up. We need people to become more organized and more active."
"We're gonna clean out any leftovers and just take care of business on Sundays."
"Meal planning and meal prepping at the beginning of the week has been a game changer for me."
"I'm still working on filling in the...well, let me just take you through it kind of like a mini-tour first."
"I'm the kind of person who likes to keep my to-do lists and look back on them."
"This is amazing. I will totally keep all my clothes organized and everything, I promise."
"Namespaces help you organize your programs and also provide assistance in avoiding name clashes, especially in very large projects."
"Our whole mission, everything we do, goes back to that."
"Your images need to be kept safe... your images have to be stored in a way that isn't cumbersome... your images have to be accessible."
"Without metadata, our workflow is sure to feel chaotic."
"The more organized things become, the cooler and the better and the more effective it will be."
"I misplaced some of our RAM and SSDs, also our CPU, but I think we can find all the pieces."
"People who love peace need to learn to organize themselves as well as those who love war."
"The whole bullet journal method was designed to help me cope with my ADD, for very quick thinking, people with very little patience."
"It's just so immensely organizational and inspiring while also being really relaxing."
"Journaling is such a wonderful hobby; it's meant to keep you organized and inspired but it's also just very fun and relaxing."
"Bullet journaling is a system of planning, scheduling, or organizing your life at its very core."
"With leadership like this, it's really no wonder that the Dark Brotherhood is a thriving community of feared assassins."
"The task at hand for the Nigerian people is to begin to organize, to politically articulate our own hopes and aspirations."
"Whenever you are decluttering, think again to yourself: Is this item worth the time that it's going to take me to clean and the effort that it's going to take me to organize it, and also, is it worth the space that it takes up in my house?"
"It's amazing how much longer things will stay organized when every individual item just has their own space."
"A cluttered space can equate to a cluttered mind."
"By breaking your decluttering into just small little tasks that you do every single day, it makes it way more attainable."
"Let your space work for you and not against you."
"Flat surfaces... tend to become the most cluttered and when we have clean flat surfaces it's one of the things can make our house feel so much cleaner and so much more spacious."
"The more carefully you organize your ideas, the more opportunity you'll have, the more academic success you can have, the more professional success you'll have."
"Everything in there is really it's quite curated already."
"You can feel overwhelmed when our things are organized just because you have too many things. So even if everything looks beautiful and everything is nice and organized, if you have too much of something, it can still feel very, very overwhelming."
"Marie Kondo's method emphasized the importance of doing this once and doing it right."
"Decluttering and organizing is an ongoing thing...it's not like you do it once and it stays that way."
"What matters is that you know yourself and you know what's working and what isn't and why, so you can create a system that stays tidy all the time."
"Organization is all about having a home that feels like it isn't a daily burden to pick up, to tidy, all of that stuff. So it feels effortless to put your things away because it's working with how your brain naturally works."
"When you pack a house, you should always write on the side of the box just generally what's inside and then on the top and the side of the box what room it goes to in a different colored marker."
"ADHD and visual organizers need really simple solutions. We need a drawer that when we're done with the toothpaste, we just drop and glop the back into the drawer so it's simple to put away but it's simple to find."
"People, you don't have to buy stuff to get organized. The first step is decluttering."
"If you want to actually pressure the Democratic Party to do the right thing, you're going to need to organize."
"Once I get started, I get in like this mode, especially once I start seeing the things going through and organizing and seeing how much I'm getting rid of and what items I want to keep. I get excited and motivated to keep going."
"It's wonderful to see everything in its place."
"Weapons alone don't win wars; there needs to be a structure of the army, an organization, to win battles. Weapons are just a bonus."
"You need to have three things: motivation, determination, and organization."
"But if you choose to all be one class, each organization also comes with a few titles, which are unique, special abilities."
"A reduction in what's called the hierarchical organization of the brain."
"The satisfaction of a freshly cleaned and organized space is unparalleled; it's like hitting the reset button on your environment."
"I always collect seashells like I have so many in my desk and room, so I made a mermaid seashell organizer."
"If you do not create order for your life, you will decline into chaos."
"I love to make lists, I love to check off things from the list, and I've even been known to put things on the list I've already done for the sheer joy of checking them off."
"If you don't have voting blocs, how do you have power?"
"By introducing system into all your transactions, doing one thing at a time, always meeting appointments with punctuality, you find leisure for pastime and recreation."
"When the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized, they are better able to resist tyranny."
"Data structures...there's ways to organize and manage data effectively so that you can perform specific operations efficiently."
"I get lucky, you know. I'm a disorganized person and being disorganized has a bad reputation in society."
"Try to dedicate rooms and areas to the things you're doing. It makes for a better experience if you actually invest a little bit into the world."
"The Roman Empire, at the dawn of the first century, was one of the most formidable forces on the face of the Earth, thanks to their vast armies, superior organization, and groundbreaking approaches to engineering."
"My desk is either a disaster or it's immaculate."
"I have totally conquered this in my home, and I'm confident that with three easy steps and a couple of Post-it notes, you can do it too."
"It's such a kindness to our brain...when you go to sit down with your to-do bin, it's all to-dos. There's no sorting; there's not as much thinking."
"By Monday morning, everything is going to have a spot, and it's going to feel so good."
"My brain feels so organized and fresh, just on top of everything. It's a nice mindset to be in."
"Mental exhaustion is very real and it impacts so many people, but what can help diminish that exhaustion is structure and organization."
"We try and keep things very clean and organized throughout the house."
"It's really satisfying to tidy up a cluttered, messed up area and make it look nicer."
"I took the weekend and set it all up for like a workspace, and it looks great."
"One of my biggest and first pieces of advice when it comes to organizing is don't overwhelm yourself. Take it slow, one step at a time, one area at a time."
"Thank you to organisations like A Better ABK and A Better Ubisoft for organising and showing the potential power for organization. That's what this industry has needed more than anything else, is an organized workforce, a unionized dare I say it workforce."
"Organization is very important in a paper because it helps the reader follow the writer's train of thought."
"I'm constantly writing down what I have to do because if I don't write it down I will forget it."
"Clear distinctly different ideas for each paragraph relating to why online test prep is better than classroom based test prep."
"Hope you guys are enjoying it so far, pretty happy to have my sorting system in place."
"Print out your chart every single day."
"Doing this sort of stuff will dramatically help you keep your project organized."
"Write everything down, treat it like your jokes bro."
"Even if your dog only knows five things write them down."
"Color code and organize your folders easily."
"Voting is a waste of time until you organize."
"Nurses have a huge workload, but they must be able to handle it by being organized in their work."
"Organized people know the power of simplicity."
"Putting things where they belong in your home or at work not only keeps your life organized but it also keeps your brain organized."
"In the world of highly organized individuals, time is treated as a valuable commodity."
"The taxes the word we get tactics from the organization the discipline of these barbarians doesn't look very Barbarian to me."
"Take that little bit of time upfront to catalog everything and categorize everything."
"You can actually create headings within a project."
"As much as possible, keep your inbox tidy, you're going to respect it more."
"This is a small bad moon warband, what I like to think of as an orc pyramid scheme."
"There's a time and place for using checklist templates."
"Organized campaigns are vital for campaign success."
"The first step to staying on top of things throughout the entire semester is to make sure that your task management system... is a perfect representation of everything you need to do."
"My Day aims to address the challenge of an overwhelming task list by clearing it daily."
"Organize lists into groups, like YouTube content or personal tasks, for easy management."
"I made a chart for this in case anybody wasn't aware of this."
"A cleaner tidier workspace is actually going to help us focus."
"Improving task management with sticky notes."
"Meal prepping is the best thing...Tupperware containers for the whole week."
"Splitting subjects into knowledge trees helps remember categories."
"Anytime I read, watch, or listen to anything that resonates with me, I drop it into the resonance calendar."
"I even made a spreadsheet to organize all of this."
"Collect case notes into logical paragraphs to tell a cohesive story."
"The Epsilon program is rooted in lies at best, but at worst... it's a full-blown multifaceted criminal organization."
"Labeling and keeping things organized is so important to your workflow."
"We just have to go do the work to do it and it's a lot of organizing and a lot of strategizing and a lot of persuading and motivating at the same time."
"Decluttering your closet... go into the year with only the clothes specifically that you love and enjoy."
"I will have everything broken down into categories in the description box for you."
"Ratio separates your apps into category drawers that you can fully customize."
"We don't have the luxury of despair. We don't agonize, we organize."
"The main politics of punk was anarchism and that real anarchists still exist and we need to organize to create the world we deserve."
"Small is beautiful because they have an innate understanding that a small group of people... gets top-heavy."
"Your daily to-do list is now going to be your holy grail of the entire day."
"The internet allows people to organize independently of large organizations."
"Decluttered environment makes for a decluttered mind."
"The key is though with the technology here is being able to utilize the plasma and when it becomes self-organized into a coherent system that's when it's called a plasmoid."
"Efficiency is about organization and workflow."
"Imagine walking into your front entry door... clean, clutter-free, and welcoming."
"They are excellent cleaners, meticulous about how they organize their life."
"It never felt chaotic in the sense that it wasn't planned thoroughly."
"So convenient, I have them stacked in my fridge."
"Playoffs update: an authentic playoff bracket screen to see who's in, who's won, and who's up next."
"I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, always scan that section. I call these random areas and essentially it's like if you have a catch-all drawer in your house."
"You can tell a principal woman by how her life is organized."
"Just check how she has organized her space, that's a principled woman."