
Tidiness Quotes

There are 497 quotes

"Keeping stuff up off the floor and working to keep your flat surfaces tidy can make everything feel more manageable."
"I'm very much a 'place for everything and everything in its place' sort of person."
"Keeping a tidy space really helps clear your mind."
"I love how you move. I love that you're not messy. I love your level of confidence."
"She's tidy and cleans up unprompted and continues doing so."
"You deserve a beautiful home that's clean and clutter-free and stays tidy."
"I like things to be in the right place. Everything's in its right spot."
"Being consistent overall with picking up something when you're walking by it."
"It's so easy to put stuff away that it doesn't take a long time to tidy up."
"Do a quick 60-second tidy up of your home before guests arrive."
"Honestly it always looks really tidy... because there's a lot of hidden storage."
"Classy people and their homes they typically are very very tidy and they're very manicured."
"I always prefer to clean as I go as much as I can, even though I don't always feel like doing it. I always thank myself later when I do that."
"It's not just putting things down but taking the extra minute or two to put everything away."
"The biggest key to avoiding clutter is knowing where everything goes."
"You got to put your toys away when you're done playing with them. You can't leave them out."
"It's just cleaning your home, cleaning your bedroom, your living room, your full home."
"If you enjoyed this video please remember to like it, share it, and as always subscribe to the Art of Photography."
"Just respect for others: once you finish the bar, once you've finished whatever you're using, put your weights back."
"Seriously, this ferrule thing is absolutely class, I love it so much, it just makes things so much cleaner."
"I do some grade A organizing that Marie Kondo herself would be proud of."
"Decluttering, cleaning, organizing... it's very satisfying."
"Labels are really magic because it's subconsciously telling you how and where to put things away."
"I cannot tell you how freeing that feels to not have huge stacks of paperwork all around the house."
"Especially on days that I have a lot to do, if I don't make the bed, things just don't get done."
"I hope the fizz fam approve of this level of tidiness."
"It's just amazing how a few containers and bins can really make such a huge difference in keeping a space so much more organized."
"It makes me so happy seeing everything folded nicely and neatly and I even have some empty shelves left which is crazy."
"I'm finished with my food, wow, and I also washed my dishes."
"The put-down rule: You don't just put something down, you put it back where it belongs."
"Keep everything clean, like everything."
"I never clean and yet I have a house that's always clean and tidy. How is that possible? It's consistency."
"Making your sofa just makes your house look cleaner."
"Keep things neat, keep things very, very clean, everything organized."
"Let me show you how to zone and tidy a kitchen so that it stays organized for good."
"Everything has its place, no more rummaging around."
"I don't have any unused space in my drawers, you know what I mean?"
"Everything has a place and a place for everything."
"Do you know how it's not a mess? Pull that screen down and lay beside me."
"That needs to be folded back up but I'm going to leave that to one side."
"My home has always stayed organized when I have a place for everything."
"I clean my apartment probably seven times a week because it just... I throw things and it gets dusty and all the things."
"Having a home for everything in your house makes tidying so much easier."
"I'm just popping the cord and I'm just tucking the cord behind the curtains."
"You give off the vibe of a very responsible and tidy person. I love to see it."
"I have been so scatterbrained recently just because I'm not organized I'm so excited to finally finish my room so that I can just have all my stuff organized."
"No, it's smacking. I'm about to like vacuum this."
"Cleaning your room makes you feel so much better."
"Every single thing has a place and everything's labeled."
"I just want my space to feel really neat, really organized, tidy, and clean."
"I'm drying everything out in here."
"Oh, wonderful. I'm gonna have a good tidy up as well, get rid of all my rubbish, have a couple of Heinekens."
"That's looking so good in there. I have been wearing these black jeans a lot recently so I'm going to keep these. I love them."
"Everything is kept perfectly organized."
"I'm proud of myself. Now everything has a home."
"It's a remote control mop, cuz I know you like being tidy."
"...just 2 minutes, that's all it took... and I didn't just drop everything on the floor."
"Even picking up garbage and throwing it away is decluttering."
"Being 15 minutes from company ready." That at any given point, we could tidy up real quick and we could welcome people into our home.
"I want the kitchen to be the most functional space and have it always be tidy. When the sink is clean and the counters are wiped down, I just feel better about my whole life."
"The best advice that I can give to you when you are dealing with just wanting to get rid of stuff in your home is that everything should have a home."
"Organizing toilet paper would bring me such Joy."
"There's something special about when you get home from school and you can walk into your room and it's just clean."
"Incorporate a daily tidy. Put things back where they belong after you've used them."
"But there we go you're left with a beautiful two-sided design, and a clean back to your alpha."
"I can't stand anything in a mess."
"Make sure that every item has a place to belong... it's just going to make it so much easier for you to find the things you need."
"Use a bin or a basket for the things that just don't have a place in your space."
"I'm so happy that I actually took the time to deep clean my room."
"Everything has to have a home. If it has a home, even if things get a little bit untidy, then at the end of the day whenever you have a little tidy up, 'Oh right, yeah, I know that goes there.'"
"It's actually crazy how much room you have in a reasonably small room when you tidy this [ __ ]."
"Every time you go into your [room], put away five things cuz it will literally take you like a minute if that."
"I know it can be hard to commit and actually set a day to clean your room."
"It's like having a big house, you can have a bucket in the corner and a mop and it doesn't make the entire area look cluttered and busy."
"This really did change me from a messy person to a tidy person."
"So, I've got a little routine for myself where before I go to bed, I clear away all the bowls and cups on any surfaces, I put them all in the dishwasher, the dishwasher goes on, I tidy up all the cushions, I put the dog toys away."
"Every day is a little easier to find things, to put things away, the house doesn't get as messy, it's very addicting."
"You should be actively kind of sweeping out the clutter as you go."
"Flat surfaces are always going to collect stuff."
"Everything looks really quite nice and tidy."
"The shoe closet was organized at one point. What happened to it?"
"It's becoming so much more popular because people are caring more about what is left instead of just a tangled mess."
"Cables could definitely use some tidying up, but all in all, it's not bad."
"It feels very tidy and lovely and pleasant, and a lot of spaces in my house have changed in that way."
"Overall, the interior organization is very tidy, everything is tucked away where it needs to be."
"I just organized my bookshelf for the first time in a really long time."
"We all win! Look how tidy the room is!"
"Staying neat and tidy is worth a lot."
"Clean your house, it'll make you feel better."
"You look beautiful. Better than beautiful. But, um, don't put on any more eyeliner. Will you make your bed? I can't talk. The corners are your way. Well, my way is the only way unless you want your bed to be a big lumpy mess."
"I find it so satisfying to organize my fridge."
"It just changes your whole entire mood when your room... is clean."
"When your space is clean and tidy your mind just feels tidier"
"Honestly, my room always looks like this. I didn't clean it up right before this video."
"It's all squared up, it's straightened up, you know, I know it looks like Hammer dog boot here, but it will, it's a start is what it is."
"Life is better when everything has its place."
"The point is to just try and group like items together that way they have a home and it's easier for you to put things back in there."
"Decluttering doesn't always mean you're getting rid of everything, sometimes it just simply means that you're creating less clutter by making a home for everything in your house."
"Never leave a room empty-handed. It makes it feel so much less overwhelming at the end of the day when you do like a final little clean of the day and just helps things stay more organized."
"Just removing the old receipts... out of your purse."
"Our house never looks as neat or tidy as it does right now because we've tidied up and cleaned for so long this morning."
"I actually washed all of the dishes right away tonight... looks so nice."
"Make sure to clear out your closet too."
"I love a made bed. I love it. I make our beds almost every day just because I love the aesthetic of it"
"This is my top drawer. This is my jeans drawer and these are my skirts. I've literally done so well in this section it's unbelievable."
"I like that we've been keeping the house consistently clean and organized versus just letting everything kind of pile up."
"Nothing is ever really in order. My house looks tidy, but that is the most pulled together my life is."
"Before I start moving any furniture back I always like to vacuum real quickly as well just because his desk is there I can't really vacuum underneath it and it just freshens up the space before everything goes back to it I always just find that helpful."
"As you can see my junk drawer is back to its Old Glory and it's properly organized and labeled with all the various categories of items that I like having in the junk drawer."
"I'm trying to take the time lately to actually put the things away in that moment where they belong instead of just transferring them into another room."
"When my kids go to bed at night I also try to make sure that I'm not leaving my house in disarray as well."
"When the bed is made it just hits a little bit different."
"Miss Roomba could go right over here on our doll stand where all of her other little friends will join her later."
"I think I'm going to roll it just to make it a little bit cleaner."
"Cleaning is for certain what kind of tidying things."
"I personally like the open, clean feeling when nothing's out."
"We're gonna organize the refrigerator and make this look all normal and put together."
"If it can be put away, we will put it away."
"I'm not a tidy artist. I'm not a tidy person. I am always everything is in chaos."
"Magnetic trays are always good... put everything in the magnetic tray that way everything's in one place."
"I'm not joking. I have a weird obsession with organization."
"It's fun to have a clean space, isn't it?"
"I'm gonna try to stay organized so we're gonna move this cardboard out of the way."
"Copic marker on my desk, eh, I'll clean it."
"Okay, it may not look it, but my room is so much tidier. Love that for me."
"Keep every single thing in your apartment organized."
"I think it's just a little bit better this way, a lot less mess, that's for sure."
"My room is Flawless right now and I am very happy that I woke up to that."
"The whole house is clean and organized."
"I was ashamed of OCD because I actually thought, am I a bit crazy? I can't help it. It's who I am. I like tidy things, and it's the way I live."
"If I ever have a lady friend over in the future, I'll definitely feel, you know, better because my room's more tidy. I'm definitely going to help out a lot more now. It's easier to maintain."
"It's a fun one for the rest of today to have dirty Sandy feet, huh? Right, right, I know, that's the worst. I'm actually, I thought from now I was like, 'Emma, you're being dramatic,' but I really appreciate you saying that Dustin."
"My house does not look like this all the time."
"The neater it is at this stage, the easier it is to make it neat in the end, yes, that makes sense."
"When in doubt, tidy whitey it out."
"Every single day of the week, you want to spend 10 minutes tidying up. It helps to keep clutter in check and promotes an environment where I can relax and rest after a day's work."
"So it's just about making sure that all of the things you own have a place that they belong so you can easily put them away."
"Say goodbye to tangled cables and embrace cable management with the Lever Gear Cable Kit."
"My drawers usually stay pretty organized but I just want to take everything out and reorganize everything because the OCD in me just wants to do that."
"Order for me is very important. I need to see my things. I don't wear what I don't see."
"I changed all of my hangers to the same hanger... it will just feel so good to have these hangers."
"Storage, storage, storage. It is so important. It's all okay having a beautiful home but if you don't have space to put stuff away it's always going to get untidy, it's going to get cluttered, so storage."
"And then I just kind of wipe it off any excess."
"Listen guys, it is 12:30 midnight and look at the state of my room."
"All of these scenarios we need to know how to clean up that data and make it tidy."
"Good time to clean the mirrors too."
"Everything has a place, everything has a home. That way when you're done using it, it always goes back to the same spot."
"I can have all of this stuff here and it's nicely tucked out of the way."
"It's easy to put things away and be very organized if they have a home."
"Tidy house, tidy mind or something like that. Yeah, yeah. And I believe in that after having a wife. Although I do like a tidy house too."
"So, yeah, as long as it's out of sight, right?"
"You know this actually belongs right here, right."
"My closet's organization is so out of whack there's so many clothes everywhere clutter even the last one I colorcoded everything and for the most part I've been sticking to that so pat on the back."
"It feels a little more tidy, it feels a lot less cluttered. 10 out of 10."
"I just need to tidy up this mess."
"There's just something about having a tidy home that just makes you feel, well, it makes me feel more relaxed because otherwise, I think like if the house feels chaotic, it always puts me on edge a bit."
"If you want your children to replace things, then you want them to know exactly where to put it."
"Having a home for everything in your home makes all the difference."
"It's fantastic, kept things nice and tidy."
"I'm excited about that declutter."
"Very important to get this first board in tidally because all the rest will follow it."
"So go ahead and just clear all this out."
"I'm gonna tidy up, do a bit like just clear out all of the stuff that doesn't need to be in here and do my bed sheets."
"I simply put my house in order, placed everything back where it should be, and closed the lid."
"Anyway, I just finished vacuuming up the room. It's looking pretty good in here."
"I kind of just basically cleaned up my home, y'all I really did."
"I'm slowly coming out of the aesthetics, just doing what I can to clean it, declutter it, and organize it."
"She's so fussy, everything all neatly done up in tissue paper."
"I really just wanted to organize them in a nice way."
"Keeping a tidy house requires you to just kind of always be picking up throughout the day. If you walk into a room and there's a couple of things that you could put away, just always keeping that mindset throughout the day can help to keep the house under control."
"I swear there's nothing better than a nice and tidy looking closet that took me maybe 10 minutes"
"Pick something up out of the box and ask yourself, 'Where would I look for this first in this house?'"
"We've given it a really really good vacuum and clean."
"It affords you the opportunity to organize all your stuff in a very organized manner."
"If you're working with thread that's the same color as what your towel is, you're not going to see it and it's not going to look messy."
"It's very clean. You rarely see any litter by the side of the road, like you do in other countries."
"So the competition really is who's got the tidiest top two or three drawers."
"Self-care is not only taking care of yourself but also taking care of your room."
"I'm not refusing to add the wires because I want this to stay tidy is because I don't have the wires in hand."
"It's going to be so nice to have everything in its place and be super organized."
"So don't underestimate the power of looking in your closet and everything looking beautiful organized with all of the same hangers."
"...it's nice to look around my house and see the effects of what just a couple of minutes or a little bit of extra effort can do to just straighten things up."
"They keep your shoes off of the floor, while at the same time, you can organize the pairs together."
"Organize and minimize your closet."
"...it makes me feel super organized."
"When it comes to organizing I think just having something to organize into is literally it's not half the battle but it's like 20."
"I like to add a couple of bins just so that I can stay organized."
"Clutter attracts clutter and one of the easiest sources of clutter is just having shoes everywhere."
"It was making my OCD just... I feel like the whole house be cluttered when that space has everything over there like I just I couldn't do it."
"...put all your pins in One Direction keep it nice and neat and laying flat."
"Whenever you make the bed it just makes the room look 10 times cleaner no matter what it's the biggest change you can make to a room that takes them the least amount of effort."
"Everything in your home should have a home within your home."
"...and I really think an organized and tidy home brings a sense of peace to our spirit."
"Always put your things away when you're done."
"Clutter begins when things don't have a place."
"It's always a good time when the kitchen is clean."
"It felt good to have it all nice and tidy."
"Out of sight, out of mind. That's why I really wanted to get the closets organized."
"Making beds can very much create a sense of calm in your home."
"Be a good neighbor, put your barbecue grill up, put the lawn patio furniture up, put your garbage cans in the garage."