
Political Tension Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"I'm very excited by is since we've started having more of violence on campus with beginning with Berkeley and Middlebury, we're seeing a pervasive sense among people on the left that there really is this problem here that something has to be done."
"The president sitting in the Oval Office and considering bringing in active duty troops...you will have blood on the streets of Washington, D.C."
"The powder keg is there: the chemical mixture of an angry and outraged right wing and an angry and outraged left wing is sitting right before us."
"The air grows thick with tension as Turley's expert analysis unravels the layers of deceit, revealing a web of scandal that threatens to engulf the nation."
"Aren't we really much closer to hot Civil War than you guys have been talking about?"
"Can you smell the fear? I can smell it... you can smell it all the way across the street on CNN." - Observations on perceived panic over Trump indictment.
"All this came at a time when an Arab Cold War was brewing."
"Two maniacs with nuclear warheads bragging about who has the bigger button."
"This was like a lynch mob from people who have political inks and issues with people who have a little bit more conservative esque views."
"Trump was implicitly threatening the nation with violence."
"The Taiwanese understand all too well that the political, social, economic and democratic measures they have taken over the years on the island have created a great divide between it and mainland China."
"The practical effect of all this is gonna be that we're gonna have to hold our breath for the next 13 days."
"U.S. closer to Civil War than most would like to believe... new book says."
"There's a lot of ramifications for what could happen if this conflict actually continues."
"We're getting to dangerous levels of political conflict."
"We're seeing all this rhetoric, we're seeing YouTube videos, article after article talking about a coming civil war."
"President Zelensky said his next-door neighbor Russia is plotting a coup against him."
"We can't agree about what's actually happening, and amazingly we are about to hold a presidential election that it seems our democracy might not even survive."
"Quebec has threatened independence multiple times getting remarkably close."
"It wasn't Britain's kidnapper... she's an Iranian."
"Everyone's freaking out in the middle but you know they're not trying to say anything because it's the Oval Office."
"Trump actually seems so panicked about DeSantis."
"We need to make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"We should make sure this election is done right and thorough because people are ready to explode."
"This is again a show of desperation by the CCP."
"Joe Biden is white knuckling...White House insiders...saying nope we're not giving up power."
"What we've seen in recent weeks and recent months is concerning signs of an accumulation of forces on the border, plans to commit renewed aggression against Ukraine."
"Threatening to Supreme Court justices is dangerous."
"Regardless of who's right or wrong, both sides are pointing at each other saying 'arrest that person.' That's how you know we're getting dangerously close to a legitimate civil war."
"Will the upper chamber respect the will of the people in a nation known for its steady diet of coups, crackdowns, and turmoil?"
"England is about to become a hotbed of sedition and rebellion."
"We've reached a point where the compounding growth is putting immense pressure economically, socially, and politically."
"It seems as if God is allowing tensions to come to a head... using Donald Trump as a lightning rod to bring previously hidden political agendas to the surface."
"I will not breathe easily or sleep well until he is removed from office."
"The risk of war is real and it's a conversation we absolutely need to have."
"You got to be kidding me and that crazy you got I but the implications of that are so significant because Japanese government basically saying we're walking away is in essence an affirmation to China to go ahead and attack Taiwan."
"Remember the closer we get to the midterms the crazier the commie lefts will get."
"It is extremely alarming that the Russian president has resorted today to open nuclear blackmail. The world must take this threat very seriously."
"Taiwanese independence can only lead Taiwan to grave disaster."
"The signs are here, my friends, it's clear, it's all about a war on freedom of movement."
"This is the most dangerous moment I think since 1860 in terms of the future of the country."
"The underlying discontent in China is gaining momentum and the world is watching for the day it boils over."
"This is the most concerned I've ever been about the potential for nuclear escalation."
"Look, it's the existential threat... they've been at economic war with us for 20-25 years."
"Does that change the temperature for or increasing war rhetoric supporting Ukraine?"
"Our nation faces a growing security threat from the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to infiltrate and undermine the United States government."
"The days between November 3rd and at a minimum to inauguration day on January 20th could be the most challenging days our nation will ever face."
"Maybe civil war is too hyperbolic, but the country seems to be falling apart."
"These people are rejecting, they're so angry, they are on edge. These people want to do everything to bring down Trump."
"This defensive strike has taken out most of the air of India's arrogance and aggression."
"In the middle of escalating tensions between China and the U.S, a speech from five years ago is going viral."
"You've got Trump like... trying to go to war with Russia."
"I see a cultural civil war coming to the US and it has nothing to do with Tory or whatever that's a whole other battlefield."
"The United States is in the state of war undeclared total war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system."
"This is the Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse."
"The Trump era will be marked by potentially violent conflict over cultural issues."
"We've seen an increase in militancy on either side of the political spectrum."
"As long as that's the policy that the United States is going to follow then relations with China are going to continue to plummet."
"The tension in Killeen and grad could threaten to fuel demands for Moscow to leave its orbit altogether."
"Concern over Puritan policy grew, causing many noblemen to flock to Charles' side."
"Khrushchev wrote a threatening letter to the president."
"Mr. Putin is not done in Ukraine. His sights are bigger."
"The tension between Republicans talking about needing more jobs and opposing domestic spending is really being exploited."
"You cannot choose somebody where there are people in the crowd shouting, 'She's demonic, she's demonic, lock her up, she's the devil.'"
"We are hurtling toward another conflict that would be existential for the United States."
"A massive ordeal especially with what's going on in Washington."
"I think we're dangerously close to civil war in this country."
"November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at or November 7th if your guy loses bad things might happen but the country is not over."
"So far there's been no evidence to tie them together and to make real these sort of really outlandish accusations that republicans in Congress are making."
"If we escalate our tension with China and and I think that they're the ones escalating the tension with the Chinese spyberland flying over half of our United States so these are the questions we have to Grapple with."
"The danger of nuclear war has never been greater."
"The knives are very much out in the conservative party."
"The diary was a trap, and this is what I've truly understood of the expression: those who make peaceful protests impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
"Who is more dangerous than the rightful heir to the Iron Throne?"
"It's a very serious time, either side is not going to take this lying down."
"The Skirmish though brief and without casualties had unveiled the Stark reality of the situation the brinkmanship being played by both sides could easily spiral into a devastating conflict."
"Taiwan and the outside world shouldn't underestimate the CCP's desire to go to war with Taiwan."
"It's the enemy of Nigeria. You want to cause trouble in Nigeria. Do you understand the mode of operation? That's how they do."
"Definitely everybody's still beating the war drums."
"The G7 countries declared economic war on China during the summit, signing a joint declaration condemning China's economic practices."
"We have a lot going on: autonomous zones, states lining up against other states, calls for martial law."
"They're pushing things to the extent right now that they may not have the authority or ability to do it."
"They hate the fact that there might be other people in other political groups and other racial groups that feel the same way that they feel about their goals and their group."
"It's hard right now I mean you know we talk about division but there's a Vengeance that a lot of folks in the Republican Party leadership have for Democrats right now."
"How close are we from one of these incidents getting out of hand, igniting something much bigger?"
"I feel like this country is going to get ripped apart to be honest."
"Turmoil surfaces in Seattle City Council's push to reimagine public safety."
"The enemy has a vote, and Putin is pushing a confrontation with us."
"Schumann's escape became one of the iconic images of the Cold War."
"Do I think that he's gonna go to jail over this? No. Does it matter? Will it piss off the Republicans? I hope so."
"I'm concerned for the next 60 90 days all the way to the next two years I mean the country is a powder keg that's really what concerns me."
"There's a name we approach storm to the U.S Capitol we're about to see the rise of what I call White minority resistance."
"Could we be witnessing history rewritten with a communist nation sparking global paranoia?"
"The media programming is suggesting that they either have a huge event planned against Russia that will lead to mass casualties or they have something planned for the US."
"We stand less than 40 days away from a presidential election that promises to be the most divisive and polarized of our lifetime and perhaps of our history."
"The mob truly thought the Kennedy brothers had double-crossed them because Robert Kennedy as Attorney General was prosecuting organized crime like never before or since."
"It's stochastic terrorism... they egg on their base."
"Canada expelled Chinese Diplomat Zhao Wei over accusations of threatening a Canadian lawmaker and his family."
"Mark my words, this is not the end of the conflict."
"The threats of aggression on the border of Ukraine, yes, on its border, is provocative."
"Trump refusing to commit to a peaceful transition."
"Now comes at a time when the country is unbelievably divided I don't mean like we're going to have a civil war we're all gonna get out into the streets with our guns that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about politically divided."
"Our enemies fear us. Perhaps they are not fools. I think the next big war we're gonna have their war right now."
"That should make the White House nervous that others may follow."
"The aftermath of the 2020 election saw tensions between Trump's supporters and opponents reach New Heights culminating in the January 6 2021 attack on the U.S Capitol by a mob of trump supporters."
"Political and religious tension between Charles I’s court in London and the Presbyterians of Scotland was one of the primary factors which led to war breaking out in 1642."
"The Arabs want the Jews not to have a state."
"After five long years of bloodshed, the environment in Cyprus was so tense that it had spilled over into its two communities' respective mother countries, creating an unprecedented rift between Greece and Turkey."
"The floodgates of social change are open, and political powers are on edge."
"Violence and war... there's a time for all of these things, and right now we're in a time of great political conflict."
"The lead up to that vote was agonizingly tense."
"The Greeks who thought they really were free began to chafe under the demands from Rome for tribute."
"The tension between democracy and liberalism is an intrinsic crisis."
"The matter concerns the life and death of both of their nations."
"His bold initiatives couldn’t but alarm Khrushchev and the Party bureaucrats."
"Democracy in a politically fraught state."