
Mental Discipline Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Motivation is the ability to hold a thought steady in your mind for a prolonged period of time."
"The ultimate benefit of doing meditation is to get this drunk crazy monkey in line, get it under control."
"If you want to predict any event in your future by thought alone, then you have to become thought alone."
"If you can learn to just control your mind, you're gonna control your reality."
"Think only what you want to happen and never let yourself get mentally lazy and sluggish."
"A powerful mind comes from keeping it still."
"This might sound like a ridiculous lie, but monks can actually raise their body temperature with just the power of their mind."
"So you say, mind, be still. I'm putting my spirit in charge."
"You need to discipline your mind, you need to master your mind."
"Your threshold for pain and tolerance comes from mental discipline, mental strength, mental resilience, but also practice."
"Religion offers an organizing framework, a sense of community, and teaches discipline of the mind."
"When it comes to your mind, you gotta control your mind."
"Just try to count the next 10 breaths without getting distracted...your attention was being buffeted on all sides by discursive thought."
"You don't destroy your mind, you tame your mind and you put your mind in its place."
"These are times when a few people who discipline their minds and their thoughts can make a tremendous difference upon your planet."
"By controlling our thoughts, we govern our actions. By governing our actions, we mold our life and circumstances."
"You can control a mad elephant, you can walk in water and live in fire. But control of the mind is better and more difficult."
"Learning all of this stuff helped me largely change the inner dialogue, and as that got better, my discipline slowly got better too."
"Replace chattering thoughts with the mantra."
"Control your mind or your mind will control you."
"Guard your mind by casting down imaginations and every high thing."
"Train your mind so that it does what you want it to do."
"The most powerful thing you could do is control your own mind."
"When you start controlling how and when your mind thinks a particular way that's when your mind starts to get purified."
"Champions understand what gives them the advantage; they discipline and condition their minds to do the impossible."
"Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are not the way they are."
"Every day stand guard at the door of your mind."
"LeBron James has an unbelievable mental discipline."
"Civilized the Mind makes Savage the body." - Mike Rasheed King
"God has not given you a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a disciplined mind."
"You must become a good custodian over your thought life."
"Inspiration is the result of definite treatment when we have brought our own consciousness to the point of its highest attainment."
"Eliminate distractions to cultivate deep attention and focus."
"Control your life by controlling your thoughts."
"Don't let emotions dictate decisions; operate from the higher mind."
"The secret is just not having stupid thoughts."
"See thoughts become things see thought patterns is the only access that the enemy got to God's people if you think it he know what you're trying to do he know how to control you."
"Master your own mind and thoughts; turn chaos into structure."
"It's almost... it's that mind-muscle connection / discipline."
"Learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think."
"Dedicated staff members and Sea Org members rise above the reactive mind."
"The art of negative visualization rooted in stoic wisdom offers an anchor of rationality."
"Every thought that you don't take captive will take you captive."
"Try at all times to keep your thoughts pure and on target."
"It comes down to that mindset to be able to turn it off and turn it on."
"Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to believe it."
"Casting down imaginations... take every thought captive."
"The great secret is a controlled and well-sustained attention, firmly and repeatedly focused on the objects to be accomplished."
"Your mind is a muscle, and you control what goes into your brain."
"Your mind should stay calm under all circumstances. That's the ultimate prize in life."
"Your mind is your God, it shouldn't deceive you."
"Conscious control of thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement."
"Choose your thoughts according to God's word."
"The discipline of clear thinking is the most important because the way you think determines the quality of your decisions."
"Let the mind control you, never the emotion."
"Faith hygiene: replacing any thought that comes into my head with the Word of God."
"When you've got a fight coming up, don't mentally drift off."
"Make discipline in your thoughts a daily practice."
"Mastering the mind and transforming your life."
"Every thought must be taken captive and made obedient to Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:5
"The power of thought and the control of thought are of great importance."
"No great degree of spiritual attainment is possible without thought control."
"Thought control is really a fixation of the attention upon a given object and keeping it there."
"You become mindful by watching your own mind."
"It requires an insane amount of poise and self control and self awareness to actually keep those intrusive thoughts out of your head."
"A daily renewal of your mind is what's needed to help you disregard the enemy."
"The greatest care must be exercised as to the thought or emotion which the man permits within himself."
"Place all your attention on the present moment and practice not giving in to that chattering voice in your head."
"Mastery of the mind is a slow but rewarding process."
"Every thought that we control and direct towards the word of God spills into our subconscious mind."
"Hanuman represents the pure control of the monkey mind."
"You cannot think positive and negative thoughts at the same time."
"Stand guard continually at the door of your mind and let in no thoughts or feelings that you do not want to out manifest."
"If something comes in your head and it doesn't go against the word of God, you bring it into subjection to the word."
"Don't permit yourself the indulgence of negativity."
"The ability to focus can make or break your success in life."
"I think meditation is a really useful skill because it teaches patience."
"We have to reiterate that you are the master of your universe and it is about basically mastering the mind."
"If you truly look at and write down... you connect to it... I am writing the word to... Would you say these things to your best friend?" - Shaolin
"Keep those thoughts aligned, keep those thoughts positive."
"Tell your brain what you want, take responsibility for the words and pictures you use."
"Mental and emotional control, the self-control of thoughts, feelings, and words is something very necessary and urgent in today's world."
"A few reading disciplines and a few disciplines of mind and a few disciplines of activity can make all the difference in the world."
"Practicing mental discipline allows us to free ourselves from destructive thoughts and negative approaches."
"The first time I timed it, it took me 50 minutes to get to the point where I'd gone through all those thoughts and pulled myself back. And then later, it was 10 minutes."
"Lesson number two: tame the mind monkey."
"I think the greatest deal that a poker player can have is a combination of discipline and the ability to recall things that happened in the past."
"Running is so much about your mental discipline as well as your physical discipline to just keep going."
"Martial arts at its core is as much about the mind as it is about the body."
"The active mind is difficult to tame, flighty and wandering where it wills. Taming it is essential, leading to the joy of well-being."
"Your mind has to be guarded, your mind has to be like a really, really strict nightclub, you know what I'm saying? With a dress code when it comes to your thoughts."
"Taming the mind is something to be learned by these sages like Bhagwan. Don't listen to it, it will show you all sorts of things."
"A Christian's thought life must be like that spider - quiet, strong, simple, and dangerous to the Demonic realm."
"Mental discipline is a word that Vic used earlier. It's important to practice that mental discipline, be the master of your fate right through your mindset, facts."
"Mental discipline is important to practice, be the master of your fate right through your mindset."
"To discipline the mind is the true breakthrough."
"Mindfulness cultivates faith, effort, steadiness of mind, and wisdom."
"Learning how to use your mind properly the way it was intended to be used is the purpose here."
"The mind is a tool, so use it when it's appropriate for your work, for your activities, and so forth."
"There is a great deal of difference between idle thinking and constructive thinking."
"The constant awareness of who we are is really all we need to overcome the mind."
"Once the mind is determined in the practice of sila and samadhi, firmly established, you'll be able to investigate and reflect on that which is wholesome and unwholesome."
"The car is your strategy, the fuel is your trading plan, and the driver is your mind."
"He can only devour you if you fail to maintain your thought life."
"Mindfulness is described as a sentry which is posted at the gates of a city, a walled city."
"The mind is master of the senses; the breath is master of the mind."
"The purpose of the Jhanas is to create a mind that is concentrated, clear, sharp, bright, malleable, wieldy, and given to imperturbability."
"Meditation is a must to do this work... you have to learn how to control the mind chatter."
"The choice is always to stop following the mind out of the investigation and to return into the willingness, the deeper willingness, to discover what is really true."
"I have to try to stay in the present, that's another big thing."
"To develop a mind that dwells nowhere is to be present now."
"Take authority over the voice in your head."
"When there is Sati to look closely at the mind, there is wisdom."
"Once you can control your mind, then you control self, and once you can get a hold of self, then you can love nature."
"Showed composure and really good discipline of the mind."
"The power of nothingness is more focused than the dark Hado, allowing Ryu complete control over his mind and body."
"It is necessary to reject thoughts that continually infringe upon your mind from your present environment and to carefully select each thought that you generate."
"Through doing this, you control your mind and it doesn't control you."
"Once you can train your mind to tolerate boredom, you no longer fall into the pull of these things."
"I command my mind to function like a perfect orchestra, and God is the conductor."
"The Bible regulates my mind, the Bible controls my thoughts."
"Meditation will help you to develop insight, discipline, and equanimity."
"One of the crucial attributes of intelligence is the ability to control one's attention."
"The first requirement is a controlled imagination."
"It strengthens the directed attention needed to self-regulate."
"We really have to think within this world of pictures in the very way we have learned to think in the ordinary physical world."
"It's very difficult not to let it bother you, very difficult to put that kind of thing to the back of your mind."
"Self-control consists of an organized thought direction."
"Mental toughness is more about learning what not to think about."
"A true martial artist fights with not only his body but his mind."
"Discipline and focus provide swift thought channels, yet narrow."
"You have to take control of your thoughts and form correct habits of thought, words, and actions."
"Mindfulness that there is a mind is simply established in him to the extent necessary for bare knowledge and repeated mindfulness."
"The mind was much harder to train than the body."
"Creating a habit of thinking more and putting more into your prep."
"Internal purification has to do with what you do with your thoughts, how you pray to engage sacred thoughts."
"You visualize it until you walk it, until you talk it, you manifest it, you force your mind."
"Muay Thai is a martial art that challenges both the mind and body."
"It's not about the ability to constantly hold your attention on your breathing, it's about how many times can you bring it back when it wanders off."
"But God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound, well-balanced, disciplined mind."
"If you want to eradicate something from your life, all you have to do is stop thinking about it, pass it by with indifference, and it will disappear."
"Mental discipline is very important for all things in life."
"As a thorn that is used for taking out a thorn should be thrown aside, so a good thought that is useful for driving out an evil thought should also be given up."
"Right effort and right mindfulness work together in close cooperation to eliminate the unwholesome states and to develop and perfect the wholesome states."
"Take every thought captive, we control what resonates in our mind."
"Taking every thought captive... we have that power."
"If you don't train this brain, it'll use you instead of you using it."
"...we're still learning how to put the mind on the leash and not allow it to be our dictator."
"Control the mind, remember you're practicing willpower more than anything."
"Maintaining self-respect, identifying with eternal truth rather than with the temporary machinations of the mind."
"He's got all the natural talent to succeed in rallying; he just needs to apply himself mentally."
"I can't overemphasize how important it is to have a thought system because without it, the mind tends to run wild."
"Learn how to visualize, learn how to control your mind and learn how to focus."
"The greatest performers are mentally disciplined such that they're not thinking about the past or the future, they're just thinking about what needs to get done right now."
"Remember, it's a practice, something we do over and over to stay in tune with our mind."
"Consistency is the key. Understanding consistency is in the mind."
"We are to cast down all these thoughts and bring it into the obedience of Jesus Christ."
"You are becoming the master of your own destiny because you're learning to master your own mind."
"The aim of Kendo is not merely to defeat your opponent; it's also a way to train your mind."
"It's perfectly normal for the mind to want to pull you away, so when it does, forgive it and just come back to your breath."
"You are not in charge of every thought that goes through your head, but you are in charge of the ones you meditate on."
"When you notice you're lost in thought, get excited because when you notice it and you come back, you just built muscle."
"It's a matter of deciding to guard your mind and shove information that honors the life that you want to have."
"I can learn to put a full stop to wasteful thoughts."
"Meditation can drastically increase your hyper focus ability."
"Once I understood the skill of mental management, it was simply a matter of practicing it until I changed my desire."
"This is what mind training and yoga is about: you learn to build rightly, you learn to think rightly, you learn to direct your emotions to a particular level so that they are useful to you."
"The path of Kolinahr still harnesses great mental powers but applies them inward to the individual's mind and emotions rather than using them to control others."
"Concentration means everything, not just physically concentrating tension in your muscles but mentally concentrating on technique, preparation, nutrition, and very importantly on staying motivated."
"The renewed mind has a gatekeeper at that door."
"You need to control your mind, and that sometimes is not that easy."
"The Mastery of Mind over mind is the only conquest worth having."
"Immediately I want you to hear mentally respond and not emotionally react."
"It's difficult to distance yourself from that thought that is generated in your mind; it takes training."
"You have spiritual weapons that allow you to bring every thought into captivity and under obedience to Christ."
"Fight. Take every thought and make it obedient to Christ."
"Concentration and contemplation are two sides of the same coin."
"There's no wasted effort, there's no wasted movement, there's no wasted mental effort."
"The more you are able to focus while chanting, withdraw the mind from wandering here and there."
"Prayer, some people call it meditation, some people call it deep thinking, you keep your mind on track, keep focused."
"It's really a mind thing, and it's also a practice."
"The cultivation of mindfulness of moment to moment non-judgmental awareness is really about the hardest work in the world for human beings."
"The practice of right mindfulness is the master key for knowing the mind, the perfect tool for shaping the mind."
"You're really focused, you're not allowing any negative thoughts, any plaguing thoughts, obsessive thoughts to distract you from what you need to do."
"Meditation is not just something you just do; it's a skill set."
"Saturn in Pisces is trying to help us manage our unruly mind, add structure to our abstract space."
"Now is the time to start guarding your thoughts and making sure your thoughts are positive."
"Your mind is a weapon, and you got to begin to use it and pick that weapon up and control it."
"This is where you're kind of having to be more disciplined about your thoughts, you're having to create a structure in your life so that you can start getting your power back."