
Hobbies Quotes

There are 8703 quotes

"If you're going to invest in something, right, if you're going to invest in your hobby, you got to have fun doing it."
"Regularly doing things that you love makes you more resilient to stress."
"Swap out some of your TV watching or social media scrolling time to something that actually fulfills you."
"Green thumb is like if you're good in the garden."
"Think of him as the one friend we all have who's never satisfied with just one hobby. Except, in Elon's case, his hobbies include revolutionizing industries and launching cars into space."
"It's like, I don't [__] know, I just want to play Metal Gear Solid and collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards."
"By living with less, all of a sudden, we had more time in our hands to do the things that we enjoy doing."
"I love video games 100%; like, that's I love that [__] a little bit more than fashion and rap."
"Do not be cynical about this hobby. I think its best days are ahead, even if we're not all playing literally the same game."
"Developing a hobby out of this...your whole life is going to start to transform in unimaginable ways."
"I used to go to clubs. I used to dance all night. And now there's nothing more fun than a debate on a Sunday night."
"When I get sad, I have to flip it fast and find something I like doing. For me, it's cooking lately."
"If I won the lottery... what would I do with my time? It would mostly be probably continuing to make educational YouTube videos because I just love teaching."
"Boxes actually have money. There's collectibility value, a lot of people love to put boxes on display."
"You're really investing yourself in your hobbies and what inspires your soul."
"A hobby that's become a preservation of something that could otherwise very easily get lost in time."
"We do arts and crafts and bake a lot. I'm like a big kid myself."
"I'm the cool dad. 'Yo, your parent won't play games and watch cartoons in other languages? Cool, you do you.' That's the plan."
"I love Pokémon, I love catching monsters and exploring and filling a Pokédex."
"This is groundbreaking. If you guys are unfamiliar with Integrity Toys, they are a company that makes collectible dolls for adults."
"I'm a movie buff... I watch movies, movies, movies, documentaries."
"Welcome to the hobby, you'll be spending a fortune on this stuff."
"I am very obsessed with a small number of things, and that is what I like."
"I hope you enjoyed watching and learning how to make these simple Christmas cookies, and I hope you guys give it a try this Christmas season."
"The ideal life would be one where you had a hobby that as a by-product made you money, you had a hobby that as a by-product kept you healthy, and you had a hobby that as a byproduct made you smarter and more creative."
"The dino lover in me is absolutely biased but come on, it's a transforming robot stegosaurus, one of the most iconic dinosaurs."
"This eclipse kick starts a new hobby of yours, a new passion that you haven't found before, a new creative outlet."
"Kyojuro loved sumo wrestling and sweet potatoes were his favorite food."
"Invest in things that spark your creativity, especially hobbies that you've wanted to pick up for a very long time."
"It’s all part of one last tribute to Scream’s iconic director, Wes Craven, who, in his spare time, was an avid birdwatcher."
"Let's play crystals. Crystals, crystals sound good. I like crystals."
"The benefits of me building a resume, working towards a career that I was very interested in, and being able to have the time to explore hobbies I was excited about... that always outweighed my kind of lackluster interest, semi-FOMO about that kind of stuff."
"I can't wait to collect these for myself, it's like Pokemon."
"I have been really into gravestone cleaning... I find it to be very relaxing and very rewarding."
"This practically infinite customizability is a huge part of what draws people into this hobby."
"Men's friendships are more often based around shared activities like sports or hobbies."
"Magic nerds like a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"Video gaming is such a great hobby; it is so undervalued in society."
"People who love airplanes really, really love airplanes. It's their number one passion in life."
"Our brains release dopamine when we partake in hobbies which make us happy."
"Hobbies provide us with something fun, interesting, or challenging to do in our free time and help give us a sense of purpose outside of work."
"Hobbies and interests can expand your skill set and boost your confidence."
"A hobby that benefits you in some way, whether it be physically, emotionally, financially, or mentally, is always considered more attractive."
"Having any hobby or interest is always going to be more attractive than a person who is interested in nothing."
"You should not be having a hobby or doing something just because you think it will attract the opposite sex; you should do things because you genuinely find interest and joy in them."
"Let me- Let me go to the gym, or uh do my makeup, or watch anime, or listen to f_ckn heavy metal. I don't know just let me do sh_t."
"Not all hobbies are built the same. Some hobbies are more attractive than others."
"People might have hobbies to learn some new skills like drawing, knitting, or even learning a new language."
"It's so good to motivate children to take up hobbies for themselves; that's how they can use their free time instead of just wandering around watching TV."
"Hobbies can help you relax and enjoy your free time, it can also be useful to take your mind off some of the problems that you might have."
"Buying books and reading books are two entirely different hobbies."
"I enjoy playing ping pong, tennis, try to stay active, soccer."
"You guys know I love retro gaming, and it's become a huge hobby of mine."
"Hobbies can really add a sense of fulfillment and purpose to your life."
"Hobbies just really give your lizard brain serotonin. It's like the childlike wonder and whimsy of just doing something with your hands or making something out of nothing."
"I love dungeons and dragons, I love fantasy, so we can talk fantasy if you want."
"Surround yourself with inspiration. This can be through following people on social media or talking with friends who like to bullet journal."
"I'm doing what I enjoy doing. It's like other men like to play golf, so they play golf every chance they can. See, you don't say to him, 'How come you're playing golf today? You played last week.' Well, it's the same with me."
"We like to go camping and on hikes and like to see really cool waterfalls."
"I took a vow of singlehood and would rather focus my time on my hobbies instead of dating and romance."
"It really helps in life to have something you enjoy to go to. It makes your life so much better."
"Summer is learning Spanish, Beth's picked up a new instrument, and both Rick and Morty have Supreme washboard abs."
"Every divorced billionaire is starting a rocket company, in the same way a divorced middle-aged man buys a Mazda Miata."
"I haven't had this much fun doing one of these in a really long time."
"I am a weather nerd. We have a small weather station at the back of our house. I just love it."
"Nourish yourself. If you love sweeping, sweep something. If you love painting your walls, paint your wall a crazy color."
"I think people should go to like yoga or do like rock climbing or do like try to meet people who are like trying to better themselves."
"Anyone can do anything... like, I mean, we love playing with plushies."
"Hey, there is a reason the kids who grew up with video games are still playing them now."
"I spent the entire time just reading, swimming, doing puzzles, and I finally watched Ted Lasso. So, this break has been great for me."
"Attention deficit is not a deficit when I'm working on my model railroad... I can hyper focus."
"My favorite box is the Drukhari Combat Patrol. Two big vehicles in one box is exciting."
"If you're excited to see what kind of cards we can pull, hopefully we can get lucky and find an elusive genuine autograph card."
"I've been getting into gardening a little bit lately, and when I say a little bit, I mean a lot. Look, I grew these radishes, and I picked them all out of the ground, and I was very proud."
"I love gardening, I love the vegan lifestyle, I love the Chinese martial arts."
"The most expensive card is twelve hundred dollars. It's the Ten Thousand Dragon, which is obviously what I'm hunting for right now. It's my Moby Dick."
"Escapism, nostalgia, video games, movies, music, books, poetry – whatever you use as a mental and emotional release, those are the things that you stay alive for."
"It's way easier and way cheaper to get into motorcycles than you might think."
"You don't have to master something; have something that you like, see yourself get better at it."
"Hugh seems quite serious and really cares a lot about Pokémon."
"Focus on your hobbies, focus on having fun, improve slowly every day, and in a couple of years, you'll be leaning more one direction and you'll know what to do then."
"And today is Monday, which means it's murder mystery and Makeup Monday."
"As someone who lives as a K-pop fan and a sports fan, I wholeheartedly agree that there really is no difference and grown men have no business judging girls for their interests."
"We're just normal people like them... We all have our little things that we like to do."
"This little dance wall, I love, and I really wish we had something like ballet shoes I could add or a proper bar."
"I love that fish tank. I stocked it fully with fish."
"Trying to find things that give you like a genuine source of joy, that give you like a deep sense of meaning that feel really good. For me, it was music."
"I always constantly tell people that I talk to or maybe some clients even, to always make sure you're practicing something like a hobby that gives you internal joy and happiness."
"He was a lifelong horse lover and ran a horse-saving organization. He also marketed a range of pasta sauces based on a recipe that his mother had given him."
"If you're thinking why I chosen these six boards, well they just happen to be six of my favorite boards from my collection."
"I'd rather spend my time learning about Leonard Nimoy or Fred Rogers or whoever made this adorable doggy blanket with a pup in a wheelchair on it."
"When people try to monetize their hobby, it stops being a hobby and becomes a job."
"This is my first time ever trying punch needling and it was so much fun."
"Greetings, I'm Shad, a historical weapons and armor enthusiast as well as a practitioner of historical swordsmanship, specifically medieval European swordsmanship."
"You should spend time searching for hobbies and stuff that you genuinely resonates with you, that you like dumping time into, that makes you feel good or happy."
"I legitimately have jank decks that I love. Do what you find fun, and everybody's fun is unique to them."
"I want to live. I want to take care of the chickens. I want to skate."
"I have painted figures, whatever the quality, it is infinitely better than grey plastic."
"If it makes you put your painted ministers on the table, then that's miracle enough for me."
"Be careful how much you invest...there's a fine line between using D&D as therapy and D&D as an outlet."
"I collect baseball cards, and you play baseball. Well, who was your favorite player growing up? Roberto Clemente for everybody."
"We all like a good clam, but also, if you got a thing going, like, put all that time into playing the piano or writing a book or something."
"I've been collecting, trading, and selling trading cards since I was 4 years old."
"My favorite board game...I really love Settlers of Catan."
"I always collect seashells like I have so many in my desk and room, so I made a mermaid seashell organizer."
"I always collect seashells; I have so many on my desk and room."
"The overall plan here is to get them both running and operating, and I'm going to keep one of them."
"Developing your passions and hobbies...gives you stability and reinforces your self value."
"You do not need to make a career out of all of your hobbies."
"Anything that has banners in it, I am a sucker for, so she's coming along."
"I'm a sucker for banners. Any model that's holding a flag, I'm all in."
"If there's one thing that can get the old man up from a nap, it's a chance to check out a classic car."
"Food is a hobby, and I love eating out at restaurants as an activity in itself."
"I love how Sino's serious, reliable but he's actually like a big dork that loves trading card games."
"Recently, I attempted to purchase the rarest Pokémon cards for the cheapest prices, and we had tons of insane cards such as the Gold Star Mew Secret Rare, Blastoise, and even a Base Set Charizard."
"As an off-roader, I have a Jeep Rubicon, and I do like hunting, and it has the magic: it's quiet."
"Cooking, it's also a hobby. Cleaning the fridge, it feels nice to throw things away."
"We've been searching for Pokémon cards all day and night. That is dedication."
"What I like about collecting watches, what I like about just watches as a hobby, as a collector, is the hunt."
"Think about your ratios. Think about what you can afford, and enjoy the watch. Because if you can't experience the watch, there's no point in owning it."
"Collecting things can be a hobby; some people collect stamps, and others collect unique rocks they find out in nature."
"That's like another hobby in itself, isn't it?"
"It's a luxury item, and uh, people spend more than that just on the tanks themselves sometimes."
"I always feel incredibly grateful because one of my biggest hobbies is home decor and decorating my space."
"I'm into Star Wars, Star Trek, video games, chess, Lord of the Rings, wrestling, Harry Potter... hell, I even like stuff with puppets in it."
"If you have kids and you don't want your kids to do drugs, introduce them to Warhammer. They'll never have enough money for drugs."
"Hobbies outside of filmmaking, like magic and drone racing, offer a creative outlet that's different from the work we do in front of the camera."
"When I was younger, I've always been interested in tabletop games because of how much it brought me and my friends together."
"I like Warhammer 40k because it's part of some of my other hobbies...model building, painting, it's relaxing."
"I think it's really good... there's something really cool about a little kid getting into gardening."
"So, something you're gonna quickly learn about me is that I love science fiction."
"We really just want to create a space that, much like The Escapist, that you can escape to, to discuss your favorite hobbies in a place that's fun, it's civil, it's respectful."
"Time to go back home and check on my crops. It's Tuesday night farming night."
"Lucy is a kind and friendly and extremely dark little starfish who enjoys strawberry ice cream and functional programming."
"The biggest shock will probably be that some players will realize they are also collectors."
"If you really like the fizzing, you're an aficionado."
"I've been really wanting this to come back because as much as I love playing individual uh holes of golf I love it even more."
"It's like this is my... you know, I love this."
"Last Stitch head, we got most of the collection so I'm pretty Happy!"
"Tara has been visiting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Shell Shock ride for over 15 years, using her annual pass to take weekly trips to the attraction."
"It's a nice little activity to do each and every day."
"I enjoy comedy but I'm trying to do other stuff too, like frozen yogurt or eyebrow threading."
"Obviously I would go to Bob plot to learn about the plot hounds."
"I love poker. Poker is one of the main games I played in college."
"For the fans out there that like to just collect and maybe not so much interested in playing, there's definitely some collector cards in there as well."
"I really enjoy tuning the engines more than some of the car trim and all that because I like figuring out the puzzles."
"It's just great to see someone geek out about their favorite things!"
"Sorry about that. It's okay, you know actually, I was wondering, maybe I could join your car club?"
"What makes me really happy is my family, my friends, my carpentry, my golf."
"When I'm playing good golf is when I feel most like myself."
"Thank you guys for supporting the things that I like no matter how silly they may be."
"Their love for fishing doesn't end with the square hook."
"Do what you love but keep something on the side."
"Having hobbies is attractive because it shows you're a well-rounded individual."
"Your hobby could potentially pay your bills."
"It's great to see what appears to be a resurgence in the hobby of model making."
"Buying a new guitar will trigger two months of creative activity."
"Sportster equals motorcycle and I think that's pretty cool."
"It's a fantastic time to build a new computer."
"The importance of hobbies is a big part of my day."
"The journalism thing came because when I was a kid my dad's a huge newspaper reader and huge Pacer fan."
"Being an equestrian isn't just about riding, it's also about the love of horses."
"If you have any sort of hobby, why not make yourself smile?"
"YouTube is something that I kind of do consider a hobby in relationship to my artwork. I think it's a great creative outlet for me."
"And so I decided I would learn to drink coffee and I did and I just sort of fell in love with it."
"Nobody ever does these except for elite clue scrolls."
"I started this for fun, there's no point in doing it if it's not fun."
"In 1983, I played my first role-playing game and my life was fundamentally changed."
"Building a computer today, getting back to my roots."
"I love streaming because it's still fun. I want to do it more than I get to."
"Dolls is one of the few things that makes me feel alive."
"Community is a hobby, okay? If you look at finding and building and nurturing and fostering communities as taking part in community as a hobby, I promise you will lead a much more fulfilling life."
"I'm just somebody that really likes boats and like showing people boats."
"Controlling hardware is cool and fun and you've got some gear you'd like to control with your mini midi keyboard."
"It's becoming a bigger thing and I'm definitely gonna keep doing it because I love doing this stuff."
"Find something you love and lose yourself in it."
"The hobby isn't just about doing runs, but about contributing to the collaborative vision."
"I hate it because it's one of the few measurements that as hobbies' we don't understand."
"It's time for you to throw yourself into hobbies that make you happy. It's time for you to throw yourself into friend groups that you haven't been a part of."
"Give yourself permission to enjoy your hobby, you've earned it."
"At her core, Goober Town Hobbies is a fun place for painting toys and absolutely..."
"Whatever it is, if you're going to jam out, if you're going to restore something, if you're going to be out in nature, take photos, dance, music, whatever, cook, enjoy it."
"Hobbies are things that you do that you enjoy, and if you enjoy asking the question are there non-human intelligences here, then that's interesting."
"This will really drill in the point that Dan loves catching critters."
"Hobbies are not designed to be investments, unless the return is enjoyment."
"Hopefully you've learned something new today about Colt copy revolvers because you know what it's actually a really cool field."
"Start a new hobby... it's a great way to break that pattern."
"It's so vast, you got to find what you enjoy."
"If I had to sum me and Dave's relationship down to, like, what's the foundation of our relationship, it's like gambling and watching Danny Boy KES, that's it."
"It's not just a hobby, Haley sells the bracelets as a fundraiser."
"What exactly is the harm in that? What is the problem with people playing video games? I don't understand."
"You don't have to go to the extent of just pissing away six dollars to try and ruin a hobby for them."
"Cycling was his passion and Robert was in his element."
"I saw probably a hundred more people that love doing Legos."
"They're Disney adults and by the way if you like collecting Funko Pops I think that's great I'm very happy for you it's not that doing any of these things is bad it's that doing all of these things."
"We all love comic books, that's what we want to do."
"So many people have been discovering or rediscovering video games during lockdown."
"The first one is a Kyle Hill favorite and I actually had no idea that this had become so darn expensive, you know it's the Locust God."
"His toys were his cars, his boat, his airplane."
"Staying active, finding hobbies, or passionate jobs can make a difference."